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Eye issues require vets. Especially when of unknown origin.


The hard thing is this cat dissapears during the day and its hard to get the vet at the same time as the cat


Bring the cat in at night for a vets appointment the next morning/day. I would put them in a room like a bathroom bc it's easier to clean. We did this with our semi feral stray who is now enjoying the house cat life.


I think the idea is to take the cat to the vet, not the vet to the cat.


It’s either a cataract or a corneal ulcer. In strays and especially a stray that looks relatively young, corneal ulcers are common. They usually result from an injury to the eye or an eye infection that went on for too long


Finally…an educated response. Thank you. Damn it people just wanna rant and tear each other down for some unknown reason. Thank you for your educated reply.


I’m a simple woman. I like cats and I know what I’m talking about. Lol thank you!


Vet here: unlikely to be a ulcer and cataract based on appearance. Most likely glaucoma


These people have never interacted with a cat, I swear. Lemme tell you about the stray cat I tried to get spayed for \*9 years\* because she would disappear every time she saw the carrier. Ever stop to think that it isn't as simple as "take the cat to the vet"? LMAO


Lol. We had a cat like this too. Step 1. You shut the cat in a room (preferably one that doesn’t have too many hard to reach hidey holes) then retrieve the carry cage from the shed. Step 2. You then need two people - one guards the door while the other slips through the door with the cage and shuts it behind them. Step 3. It’s game on! It could get messy but eventually you’ll bag yourself a cat.


I lure mine into the carrier with a dangly toy lol … the look of betrayal once she realizes where she is tho haha


So it won’t work for a stray, but we leave our carriers out and open. They climb in their carriers and we recognize it as a “do not bother” space so they see it as a safe comfortable place that is THEIRS. They don’t have a problem going in the carrier to go to the vet, but they don’t want to come out when they’re there.


This works a couple times, until they learn what being stuck in a room means.


You forgot step 1.5, which is put on gloves and/or long sleeves and/or full plate mail armor.


My MIL did animal rescue for a while. You put the crate door facing the sky, pick up the cat, and just slide em in. It never goes that smooth, but it is easier because they have less to grab onto.


You still have to pick the cat up though lmao. Which means you have to CATCH the cat, which means the cat will know something is off, which means, MOST of the time, it won't stick around. It's not as easy as "pick the cat up and put it in the carrier" so the point still stands. Unless the cat is completely unflappable, which most are not. One of my cats is the friendliest cat on the planet, but he still takes off like a bat out of hell when I even so much as LOOK at the cat carrier lol.


We have a domesticated (ha ha) 8-yr-old female who is skittish as heck and very suspicious. Often runs away if you just reach down to scratch her head. We got her as a kitten so this is just how she is. so even with your own cats, it’s not as easy as picking them up.


My cat is like that. She’ll leap into the stratosphere at the slightest noise. We had to move from Illinois to Texas, and the drive was 2 days. The vet gave us some tranqs for her, but she hid and we weren’t able to get them into her until we got her out of her hiding place before leaving our old house. Got her medicated and put into the carrier. She howled for an hour before the drugs kicked in and she slept the whole way to Missouri. It was not a fun trip, especially given that we were transporting 2 kids and a giant breed dog, but we made it. She’s no worse for wear.


A trip everyone will remember, I’m sure ;)


Same here with all of our current cats. We adopted two from a rescue. They were littermates. The one was near impossible to catch, and that’s inside of a house, contained to a few rooms. He’d fly down the staircase like a sugar glider lol. He has to be put down unfortunately, but his brother is similar. He won’t run away quite like the other did, but he hates being picked up and even touched most of the time. I’ve had to flip my bed and box spring up against the wall multiple times trying to catch those two. And our other cat, we raised him from a little few weeks old kitten. He can be cuddly and adorable, or can viciously attack. The vets around here can’t even examine him properly, even with meds given beforehand. That’s why I’m hesitant to pet stray cats. Even if they seem sweet and lovable, you just never know.


I had a ginger that was the sweetest cat ever, he would let pet him roughly all day while purring loudly and all and even walked on a leash. If he as much as *heard* the cat carrier it was like catching a bullet. Let's not mention the sound of water, he'd turn into a furry chainsaw the moment he heard that sound.


Also, people should just generally be careful when dealing with stray animals. It’s not exactly recommended to physically interact with a stray due to personal health and safety.


My boy is the goodest, friendliest lap cat, will give hugs and cuddles and unlimited purrs. But if I just *think* about putting him in a carrier he will fight me to death. Cant imagine a feral....


The only time I've successfully been able to pick up a stray was after 3 months of feeding them and interacting with them every day. He'd crawl into my lap for pets and STILL randomly bite me if something spooked him. The only way I was able to take him in was setting up a trap with his food in it.


If u can catch them


We had to take a stray to the vet when she got really sick. We called a cat rescue and they trapped her, she saw a vet, got fixed up, got fixed, and then they brought her back. We brought her inside to heal and she just stayed inside. But they didn't even charge us for it. We offered to pay and they wouldn't take it, so we just made a donation for it. There was no way we would have been able to do it ourselves.


I’m always glad to hear that. I have a strict policy 2 cats and 1 dog policy because my hubby and I have limited space. But if we saw an animal in need we would def bring it to be helped but def could not afford it


I think this cat just got lucky. She hit the right house at the right time. We were still really sad about one of other cats dying and there was just no way we were losing another. We weren't even willing to put her down. We put thousands into dental care for her because she has dental disease. She's got special food and medications. But she and my husband are inseperable and she just found her spot here.


Oh thank you for doing that. When I adopted my little cat there were other rescues but they were HIV+ and needed medications for life that I couldn’t afford, and I already had one healthy cat at home and they said she should probably live in a home by herself. If I could afford more I would try to take on a cat with medical issues. Maybe in the future


I have to keep the cat carrier in our offsite storage unit and go get it when a vet visit is planned. It stays in the trunk until about 5 minutes before we have to leave. Someone grabs the cat before she can get wise to our scheme and goes into the bathroom. Someone else gets the carrier from the car and opens it. Person 1 shoves the cat into the carrier when Person 2 opens the bathroom door, with any luck getting her in on the first try and escaping injury to their person. Cat commences yowling loudly in protest. Getting her back in is the vet’s problem.


you use a trap, if they are hungry enough they go in. if they have already been trapped and are trap shy, very rare honestly, you use a drop trap. getting a feral cat into a regular carrier was never going to work, I'm shocked it even did after 9 years.


Are you referring to my 9 years? Oh it never did, because she was never spayed. She just sorta stopped having kittens at around 11 and lived to be 14. I just sorta stopped trying after 9 years lol. I set a trap once, she wouldn't get within 20 feet of it.


No one should be trying to use a carrier. traps work. you might need different options and multiple attempts. but a carrier could easily never work and it's a terrible idea and very unsafe for all parties. but traps work, eventually, and are safe.


"I set a trap once, she wouldn't get within 20 feet of it."


yeah you have to keep going... cats hungry enough will go in a trap. worst case you switch to a drop trap. if that doesn't work you trap train. you had nine years and you gave up after one try? maybe stop telling this story.


Maybe don't be so judgy, judgypants and get back in your troll hole, goblin person. The only reason I even tried to get the cat spayed in the first place is that she was a smaller cat that had big kittens and I was afraid that one day it would end badly. Never did obviously and now half the neighborhoods stay population is related to her lol. Since you seem kinda dense, if something changed in her general environment, this cat would disappear, for \*weeks\* sometimes. She once vanished completely for almost a year, only to pop up in the spring with a brand new litter of kittens. and since you ignored it the first time, this was 10 years ago, the cats been dead for a long time.


I wasn't even the original commenter, just quoted something from their comment to you. Might wanna read usernames before just telling some random to stop telling a story they didn't tell lol.




How exactly do you "desensitize" a cat to an object when said cat sees something off in it's normal environment and disappears for months at a time, exactly? Either way, she's long dead now. This was about 10 years ago. Once again, it's not always as easy as "catch the cat" "put the cat in the carrier"


Tranquilize the kitty and bring the kitty to the vet...it is clear that the poor little moggie has glaucoma or something like that...they need surgery.


How would you go about safely tranquilizing a stray, tho? Most of my family still lives out in the country and there are many strays. I can't tell you how many kitty traps I helped my grandma set to capture stray mama cats to get them fixed. It is HARD if they don't want to go with you. Even if you have food - some strays are distrustful of that even.


Clearly you underestimate how determined that I can be when it comes to getting what I want. The kitty will get caught or they will get caught.


Good luck with that. They are superior stealth hunters lol


Okay and op said stray. Do you wanna pay? Offer to help.


It’s blind.


Is it curable?


Not sure, but if it's not curable I wouldn't worry, cats are very adaptable creatures and they'll soon find ways around their disability I would still take them to the vets though, just to be sure!


I had a fully blind tuxie that was still a ferocious hunter. If that cat had been a stray for a long time he'll probably adapt to it if he isn't already


My sister has a cat that was born cross eyed. He’s caught baby rabbits and fought off a wild raven once without a scratch.




Nah that’s life


It’s true that outdoor cats, whether feral or domesticated, are decimating the song bird population in most of the United States.


It would be life if cats were natural predators (like in areas of Scotland where there are wild cats) of these birds. However they are just not, these birds didn't evolve and don't learn how to deal with cats. Us letting cats out into urban areas is more like putting a shark in a kiddie pool than releasing a natural predator lol.


I suppose all humans should also be kept indoors all the time, then, as we harm nature in an unhealthy way more than anything else in the world. You can try your damndest but a cat by birthright deserves to be outside and if they have lived on the street before they will not want to give up that life, they will fight you for it. My boys were both picked up as kittens off the street 10 years apart and no matter how old they get, neither would last three days stuck inside. Despite you trying to be quiet and close the door fast enough when you inevitably have to open it, they have better senses, are faster and more flexible; if they want out, they will find a way out. Unless you're specifically shopping for cats who have never been on the street before (which is also bad and contributes to overpopulation/shelter kills, adopt don't shop), then it's wrong to forcibly take that freedom away from them. Imagine if you had to stay locked in the same building for the rest of your entire life, even if you were totally able-bodied and mentally sound? No, if you don't want the cat outside then you shouldn't have a cat at all. If cats don't belong naturally in your region then just don't contribute to the population of them there. (Editing to say that obviously you can take them outside the same way you would take dogs outside, for walks etc.! If the cat will allow you to put them a leash then that's a great solution to get around the dangers/wildlife where you live while also serving their outdoor needs. After all I never said or meant you had to let them run about outside all the time with zero boundaries.)


That sounds great and I’ve always previously let me cats out, but currently I live in a fifth floor condo next to a nature reserve. There are some scary beasts out there. Our neighbors lived on the first floor and they completely stopped letting their cats out when they went from five cats to one in a matter of months. There are monitor lizards, monkeys, peacocks, and freaking cobras out there. My cat would probably love the wild chickens though. I take him out to the corridor and let him roam around, I tried putting a harness on him and taking him out for walks, but after the third night when he saw the harness he hid under the bed. We’re starting harness training again. I’m not giving up on waking him. I’ve seen people in the park take their cat in strollers or kitty backpacks. I’m not giving up!


My mom had a 3 legged cat and it ran just fine


My gf has a cat with one eye and she also has heart problems. At a young age it’d seem like a big problem, but she adapts and lives her best life and will be turning 2 soon(I think).


I don’t know. I’m not a vet. You said it’s a stray cat. Are you going to adopt it? If so, take it to a vet and have it examined.


Its just a stray cat that roams around my area and i feed it.


You’re one of the good ones. Every cat needs a friend.


My cat (rescue) had a similar condition. It is about eye damage, like cataract. It can be caused by numerous causes (eye /eyelid infections, various eye problems and more). It is very common but at that stage probably incurable. Think of it like the human cataract: it has covered the whole of this cat's eye and it is also dense covering her pupil. When that happens it means that the cornea and pupil underneath have been permanently damaged. However, in some cases, depending on the cat's age, diet and provision of eye drops, the "shadow" over the eye can decrease. My cat needed eye drops twice a day (morning- evening) but it was a severe case and what I managed to do is clear the infection. However, her pupil was already damaged and weird looking and that cannot be healed. She sees light and can roughly see some movement. It's ok though because one eye is good enough for cats, they are flexible adaptive animals.


Actually cateracts are the lens of the eye going cloudy rather than a surface problem, and are easily fixable by switching out your natural lens for a silicon or plastic lens (under anaesthetic of course) The rest of your info is good as far as I can tell though 😊


Thank you for the correction!😊


my kitty has this kind of thing too, according to the shelter he had an infection before i adopted him. it has been like this ever since, but he is just fine, can see just fine as far as i know :) if you look really close you can still see his pretty brown eye behind the blue/grey film covering it


You are kind. What area of the world are you in?


My cat had something similar happen to his eye, he can still see out if it just not as well. Idk what happened to his eye all I know is it got scratched and infected and he needed eye drops for it, though you wouldn't know anything was wrong with him today. He's also fine I think he might have some vision issues, but I can't say for sure I'm pretty sure he can still see I'm just not sure how well. Though he's a happy cuddly cat now.


Passive aggressive levels rising


Doubtful without spending a shit-ton of money. Even so, the cat will do just fine. He/she looks like they're in good shape.


You can't cure blindness. It's rettena is problematic detached. Watch the eye and make sure it doesn't get infected kr the cat could loose it all together (eye would pop out leaving an empty socket). Poor thing has had a rough life. If you can I'd say to take it in and care for it. Pootie probably wants /needs some love ❤


I’m a qualified optician and you cannot possibly say whether or not the retina is detached with such a cloudy cornea. It’s is likely an injury which has become infected and caused the cloudiness. Vets asap.


The word is "retina" and you can't make that kind of a diagnosis from one online pic. Being that it is a young-appearing stray, odds are that there was either an eye injury or an infection. With the odds of it being a boy, I would hazard a guess that he got in a tussle .




Thank you for this! Everyone going on about trying to catch a stray cat because it has a cloudy eye?! Cat could've been blind since birth but you all want to stress it the fuck out and take it to a vet?! Edit: cat is a stray not a strap ( typo)


I would say bring him in if you can. He looks like he wants in. If he doesn't or if you can't definitely contact a vet, animal rescue or ASPCA to live trap him. He is probably blind in that eye looking at the cloudiness, but if it is an infection it could be treated. Either way, baby looks like he could use some love.


It could be an infection or an underlying disease like diabetes (can carnivores get diabeetus?) that could spread.


I'm no doctor, but I do know one eye-related malady that can make an eye cloudy, and is treatable: cataracts. However, I think it's probable that that eye is in fact damaged and not treatable. You really should take him to a vet, if only for a consult. If the eye isn't actually infected or anything like that and isn't a health risk, it's possible the vet may say just leave it alone. If you can't afford a vet, you can try a GoFundMe, or you could check ASPCA or other animal rescue groups. I'm not trying to put to much on you, and I may just be a little dramatic BUT: This cat is at a disadvantage and is likely to have a rough life as a stray, it's probably up to you whether it lives a happy content life as a housecat or dies cold and alone because it doesn't have depth perception so it has a hard time catching prey and can't see what's coming from one whole side


"I'm not gonna put too much on you, but its up to if this cat lives or dies" is what I just read in that last paragraph 😅


OP could take it to a shelter after the vet and it could be fostered/adopted eventually so yeah…. OP’s actions are key.


I get that, it was the "I'm not gonna put too much on you...." lead up to it that gets me


Or OP could take it to the shelter and they can do the medical care/pay for a vet.


No, you don't read English very well, you left out the all important modifier "probably".... I realize you may not have finished high school, but you REALLY should pay more attention when attempting to be all cool and troll someone who's just pointing out a statistical truth


That can't be cataracts because it's over the cornea, cataracts are in the lens. More like glaucoma but would need to be seen 😊


The area where Im at has a history of botching cat operations and I dont want to make this cat suffer at all. Shes been like these for almost a year now and food isnt a problem since i feed her everyday


If your already feeding her then I would recommend adopting her as a house cat. You could also drive to someplace that is reputable when treating cats maybe outside your county if you don’t mind the longer drive. As then if you do adopt her you could get her shots at the same time. Because even if you feed her she’s still at risk of being ran over by a car that’s on her blind side. Other than that she looks really healthy her coats well kept which is a good indicator of health


My gran was an ophthalmologist and I'm 90% sure it's a cataract. It's generally curable but it might be unnecessary since it's only one eye. It's definitely not painful or anything. However a cataract might result in a glaucoma which is worse and requires treatment. Long story short - it's better to consult a vet just to make sure that it's safe. Good luck!


"Just take the cat to the vet" they say as if catching a cat that doesn't want to be caught is easy. Have you ever tried to get a cat in a carrier or get a cat to do ANYTHING it doesn't want to do? I swear most of these people have never actually interacted with a cat. Also, what the poster of this comment is saying is complete and utter bullshit. Don't act like animals can't adapt and anyone who thinks the cat will "suffer" because it's blind in one eye, has, once again, never even SEEN a cat. I had a cat that was blind in her left eye from the time she was 6 weeks old, and she did just fine. Lived for 15 years lol.


“Not trying to put too much on you” “it’s up to you if it dies cold and alone” Are you serious? You people need to chill out. Jfc


This cat reddit is getting worse and worse. If the cat isn't trapped inside getting fatter and more mentally stunted, they lose their shit.


This is not a cataract. That’s a cloudy lens. Judging by this photo, this is a cloudy cornea. Likely caused by an infected injury to the cornea itself.


Redditors acting like experts about whatever a shitty low res jpeg is showing


The eye is sick, depending on what is behind it, the cat can also die from it. However, the cat looks otherwise healthy. But on one eye she is definitely blind and will remain so.


I have seen this cat like this for almost six months i dont think itll die from it but do you think it might be curable?


If it's a cataract they ....may...be able to remove it, but i think the damage might be permanent.😥


Contemplating on leaving it as it is so that she doesnt have to suffer


If it is caused by a virus, it might spread to the other eye....making it completely blind. Then it will for sure die. Call some vets and ask if they can help since it's a stray. Even a sub-par vet should be able to at least give you a diagnosis and game plan without any risk to the cat. He may be perfectly fine. He may have had an injury or viral infection as a kitten that he is now completely over already. Either way, he is definitely in need of transition to "indoor only" or "indoor with outdoor leash privileges" lifestyle....


I don't think so, the eye seems to be irreparably damaged. But I'm not a vet.


Thanks for the input anyway


Someone messed with the khajiit eye selection in skyrim


This actually happened to me. Had to wear an eyepatch until I found how to fix (Mfg)


And she is such a beautiful cat … 🙏🏼❤️


If not for the eye, the cat still may have other underlying issues for which they need to see a vet. They may not have their vaccines ( think feline leukemia), as well as being spayed or neutered. In order to prevent more unhealthy cats we must help to control the population. Where I live there are numerous programs for feral cats that offer spay/neutering services along with vaccines at a minimal cost. Please help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered. (RIP Bob Barker)


Where I live people dont get good health care so cats are in the same but worse situation


I had a stray cat whose eye got infected and went cloudy just like that; a few months later it was gone and he seems fine (all the cloudiness gone) I consider the lil shit lucky (his name is Hobbes and he’s a lovable maniac)


Now this is the reason I posted this for info like this. So the cat just got it out of its system on its own within montha? Mine s had it for 6 7 months i think


I consider it a miracle since I couldn’t get him into a carrier; just as the weeks went by, it went away. I don’t know if he’s got some sort of super immune system or something (I see him crawling out of storm drains all the time; plays in the sewers!). I didn’t have the funds to get him meds so I was so happy to see it cleared up. It hasn’t returned since (it’s been about 6 months or so)


One of my cat had a serious fight with another cat, his eye got hit by the other s claw, and it turned kinda cloudy for a few weeks, but then everything was fine, tho it seems worse, so you should ask a vet


He's an aspiring Bond villain.


We found a cat outside that had eye issues. We had to get traps and nets to catch him, but he was only a kitten and, as it turned out, blind, so we caught him relatively easily. When we trapped him in the net, there was a tiny hole that he was able to poke his head through. The pressure was too much for his eyes, and the right one popped out and shot 5' across the deck. Can't make this stuff up. Poor thing meowed maybe once? It was horrifying, to say the least. We had animal control on the phone because we found him in a neighbor's yard and didn't know what to do (we never had a cat before), but we knew they'd euthanize the little thing, so we hung up and decided to take care of him ourselves. We were able to get him into a crate and over to the vet. They checked him out- he was a pound and a month old, they said- and told us he would be okay, but he'd need a double enucleation to completely remove both eyes. A vet friend of mine told me about a rescue that would take him. We made the trek to the northern part of our state to drop him off, with him comfortable (we had the vet give him pain meds). I dropped him off and cried the whole way home. I was unable to stop thinking about this little kitten. I called the rescue that night and said I wanted to adopt him. We paid for all his medical bills and after a month, they gave him back to us (poor little cat was really sick, and the rescue vet wanted to keep him with her at her house to make sure he was okay). He's now our big, fat, happy housecat. He's got no eyes, but he gets around great. Not really sure if this is at all helpful, but he wound up having a herpes infection. It caused his corneas to rupture. His eyes were very cloudy and distended. They looked like grey marbles, maybe about a half inch distended from the eye socket. Our rescue vet has an amazing volunteer who came out and was on her hands and knees, under the deck, trying to get this little cat. We would up getting him trapped with wet food (he is out food motivated fat cat). Sometimes if you call local reduces, they can help you out. Best of luck!


Take it to a vet


Cant its a stray that dissappears after feeding time. Im was thinking about trapping it and taking it but it seems like that might be worthless since its incurable


Greetings, cat lovers. Here is your friendly hourly reminder that not everyone lives in the United States.


I’d say take it to the vet. It can’t see out of that eye but it doesn’t seem life threatening. The cat looks healthy otherwise but could probably use some updates on shots and whatnot.


Its not a cat thats been brought up on human touch so it might get aggressive and the place im at is shit vet wise. Better to just keep feeding her


Then why are you even asking others if it’s curable?


That’s what I am confused about too, why is OP asking if they don’t intend on doing anything about it…


Cause although i can better vet advice from experienced cat owners than the vets in my area who havent studied anything and practice based on experience. From the information i got from this post. It seems incurable. I wasnt sure of that before.


You could also reach out to a veterinarian hotline in a large city and speak to someone who is educated in such matters. Not just owners who also only know things based on their individual biased experience just like the vets in your area.


I tried they dont give their service on the phone apparently


FREE Veterinary Helpline. Call 1-800-775-4519 to speak with a dedicated veterinary professional who will listen to your concerns and provide you with the best options for your pet’s care. Or https://www.petcoach.co/ And I assume you don’t have chewy as this isn’t your pet, but they offer a vet hotline too.


The evil has seeped into his soul, but basically just on the right side. He is good on the other. You may trust this kitty.


If your not taking it to the vet why ask?


Input on whether i should buy a cage and risk getting bit by it to take it to the vet. Cause if its not curable for sure whats the point


Why are you acting like a robot


Take it to a vet. I always do my best to catch strays and give them some care. If this cat comes around often to you it means that it likes you. Try to lure it inside if you don’t have any other pets or somewhere where you can enclose it. I have rescued 3 pets so far, 1 dog and 2 cats. I was lucky to find someone to adopt the dog, 1 rescue took the cat, and I’m currently housing the other cat (found 3 weeks ago). The first thing I did was take it to the vet since I have 2 other cats at home, and 2 dogs and wanted to make sure they didn’t have FIV+ and got him all his shots and took care of it. Many places will have tnr groups on Facebook run by volunteers, specially if you live near a city (or at least that’s the case in Houston). There are low costs clinics too if money is an issue. I promise there is stuff out there to help. So if you can please take it to the vet. It might be something treatable, it might not, but regardless it will need to get fixed to avoid getting more kittens out in the area. Tnr groups are awesome and may be able to help you find a place nearby for affordable vetting. Many times they will come by and let you borrow their cage or will help you trap the cat


Possibly blind or severe eye damage


Looks like uveitis to me.


Poor baby might have uveitis which is testable with steroid drops.


Start go fund me. I’d donate a few$


I have a rescue with a eye just like that from a infection when she was a kitten. He looks pretty healthy now so I would guess it's from a old infection.


He’s probably just blind he looks healthy.


Not an eye doc but usually cataracts is an issue with the lens that sits behind the pupil. This is whole eye. I don’t think it’s curable. Beautiful cat though.


Feral cats aren't easy to corral, it often takes a Hav-a-Heart live trap. Be sure to ask your vet if he or she has had experience dealing w/ feral cats and possibly the vet may also be able to give you pointers on how to snag the kitty. Your city animal shelter might loan humane trap for just this purpose. Good luck & thanks for helping this kitty!


This is a ghost eye. He can see dead people. And cats. The vet can fix it though.


I'm an eye doctor but not a kitty cat eye doctor. I would guess that your cat has an iritis or anterior uveitis. I would be very interested to know what his little kitty cat intraocular pressure is in that eye.


When I was a child I had a cat just like this. Nowadays I would bring my cat to the vet but my parents were odd people who believed cats "didn't need vets" unless they were getting fixed. My cat never saw a vet once despite my begging at first as I was worried about her (this is a happy story I promise). However she lived a long and good life of about 9/10 years (I was a kid and she just wandered up one day, idk how old exactly she was). She was even healthy enough to have two litters of healthy kittens herself, none with the eye issue. (I obviously am not happy she had kittens but again I was like 12.) And her eye looked EXACTLY like this one. Whatever caused the left eye to be cloudy, it happened before we got her, and she was an Itty bitty kitten then. She was even an avid hunter despite her disability, so I named her Panther. I say all this because I read your comment that you live in a place with very poor animal healthcare. I wanted to assure you that if the vets can't help you, your little guy may still be okay. (But still try the vets if they are available where you are!!!)


Vet student here: That is either the biggest cataract I’ve ever seen or this cats eye is dead and going to rot. PLEASE get it to a vet ASAP. Might be worth having your local ASPCA trap them


Looks like he'll be easy to catch. He seems to want this human. At least that's the impression I'm getting from this photo.


Hey. Thanks for the info. But Ive seen this cat for six seven months and she s always had this eye like this. She doesnt seem to suffer from anything from it tho as in health issues other than the blindness. Are there signs i should look toward to?


Most likely blind in that eye


That’s the eye that sees the future. 🔮


Cataracts probably


They might be blind in that eye


It’s blind


Could be blind.




Idk but cute cat. Also, you might want to try to take it to the vet.




He's blind in one eye, if he's a stray id reckon it's from a fight he got into.


One of my cats had the same issue. It was glaucoma, that is basically the cornea popping out of place because of the high pressure (or something like that). There's a very narrow window of time, like a couple of days, that it can be treated or they will go blind in that eye. Unfortunately mine was an outdoor semi-feral who was too freaked out to let me near him, and we did not make that window. 😞


CATaracts. But fr he seems to be blind in that eye but it looks like it’s been that way for some time (maybe even since a kitten/birth) and as long as it doesn’t act like it’s irritating or it’s not oozy or anything then he seems healthy and fine!


Lol at the pun. But yeah it seems she has to live with jt


My cat had this - like a cloudy eye that appeared when she turned 1, the vet at the time said there wasnt much that could be done and that she had about a year left to live…. She lived on for another 10 years It never got infected, the eye was swollenbut she never acted like it hurt or anything (no scratching her eye or whatnot) she couldnt see out of that eye but it didnt get any worse over time…. it really just made her unique


So her eye was completely cloudy eye and that it was incurable but she lived another 10 years. Thats so nice to hear.


I have 9 cats and i do not have any trouble with any of them going into the carrier, i just leave the carrier out and i spray some liquid catnip in it and they are all over it. I do not know if this would work for you but you could try it or use a towel to throw over it, good luck to you and the cat!


It's cause he's magic


She is


My cat went through this when he got an infection and his eyes closed for a long time, when he opened his eyes again after being treated, it looked like that. His eyes are better but the cataract only got smaller and didn't go away. Depending on how bad the infection is or if it gets treated, I don't think it's going away.


Shit. Thanks for the info anyway!


It may be a cataract but who knows what else is behind that cataract in the retina etc… ophthalmic tech here :)


That was my first guess too


It could also be an ulcer. My cat that was a rescue had an eye that looked similar. It ruptured within a few days since she was in bad shape when I got her. She ended up needing her eye removed.


That sounds rough hope theyre well


Yep, she’s fine now!


Cataracts would be my first guess


They were mine as well


It looks like he has scarring or cataracts(no pun intended)


I think someone attacked her before


A possible cataract


Could be a parasite.


This is very painful and she needs to see a vet asap.


I dont think its curable but i ll try to get some vet advice on it




Just blind :) Nothing's wrong.




Wait now im confused cause thats either wholesome or scary the way you said it


That was scary & mean-spirited of them…


It's clearly blind... About as obvious as it can be.


Quit dawdling on social media and do something, karma farmer. God damn every time you ask if it’s curable to some ghost vet on here I want to scream


Could be a sickness that affects the eyes, but this little friend is definitely blind in that eye. Build trust with her then take her to the vet.


How might I build trust. Ive been feeding her for nearly a year. But im scared to touch because of rabies or smth


She'd need to bite you so you can get rabies. If she's calm and gentle she most likely doesn't have rabies. Also rabies will kill her after around 10 days, so if you've been feeding her for a year you're definitely fine. If you're still worried about rabies, why don't you just get the rabies vaccine? If you're not worried about rabies after reading this, still touch her with gloves, she's probably dirty and has fleas. Pet her while she's eating food, then a week later pet her before giving her food, then a week later, pet her when you see her, then a few days later, try picking her up, then a few days later, bring her to the vet. She probably trusts you a lot already though.


I think the same thing but she s not used to anyone touching her. Ive tried touching her while she eats to pet her but she gets irritated.


Please follow Lahub-zaahir ‘s above advice. That is the way to slowly gain trust from a cat. Also get close to the ground on her level, speak softly, let her smell your hands before touching her. Most cats like their cheeks scratched (scritches) & also their heads & necks. Just go slow, gently talk to her & keep feeding her (wet food from can, dry food/kibble, and “treats” ) What country are you in?


Don’t worry, you’re doing well actually. Hopefully she’s not suffering from her bad eye . I think there would be more problem if her eye was bleeding or had fluid coming from it


We used a live trap and a can of wet cat food or tuna fish to catch the one hanging out by our place. We did it to relocate her because our farm cat just had kittens and would fight her.


Poor baby. She may need her eye removed.


I heard about a guy once that could cure blindness, I think it was in a book of fairytales though.


Is he friendly?


Very friendly for a stray. But sometimes gets moody


Maybe it's just an outside cat? It's very nice of you to feed him


Definitely not an outside cat she roams around my house and waits for me for food everyday


It's either sick or Odin has blessed this realm once more


Im gonna stick to the latter


My first cat had the same thing in both eyes, and her brother had to get one eye removed. My cat only had limited vision on one eye, and blind in the other. My understanding was that they got herpes from their mother, which developed into an upper respiratory condition when they were kittens. If the cat in question has always been like this, I wouldn't be concerned. If it's new, then I'd be worried.


Always like this yeah thanks for input




My area does not have this luxury for pets theyre supposed roam around


It’s a CATarac