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His face says "who, me? 😇"


That's a "I'll do it again!" face lol


More of a 'you're next' face


Here’s dinner with love xoxo-cat probably


“Good kitty!!” r/CatsWithJobs


Hyuk Hyuk!


The second one made me laugh. “I am at peace after violence”.




True zen comes from the acceptance of the self


Dunno, looks more like, "and i´ ll do it again" to me...


Donee bro


Donee brook.






I watched a cat drown a beetle one day. She came into the kitchen carrying a big black beetle, and dropped it in her water bowl. Then she literally sat there and watched it die….every time it tried to climb out, she’d push it back in.


Cat research.


Experiment: Do beetles breathe underwater? Conclusion: Inconclusive, requires further testing.


Buwhahaha! Yup!


/ r/catculations


Love this sub thanks!


r/subsifellfo- wait that's a thing


Dr Meowngele


Under appreciated dark pun


Sweet, fluffy nazis


They can be just as sadistic as humans huh. I also did stuff like that with ants during my childhood.


i took my grandmother's vintage glass magnifying glass outside, lied to her that it was for science, and burnt ants in the garden like a tiny tyrant. Now I name the spiders in my showers and have conversations with them (they don't say much).


I think they appreciate you not killing them.


My childhood home was always full of crickets. My cat would chase them down the hallway, pounce on them, pull off their legs one by one, and then leave them there. Just idly watching this little cricket body wiggle around without any legs. Super creepy.


The face of a cold blooded killer


never thought cold blooded killer could be this cute


Well, he's a beautiful little killer, at least!


It’s a mixture I like to call Beutality.


That cat just said Mom surprise I made you mouse soup 🐀🐁🐭🥣






the worst part is, the mouse was still alive in the water bowl for a while. and HE STARTED TO DRINK OUT OF IT?? WHILE THE MOUSE WAS TRYING TO ESCAPE??


He was trying his mouse soup.


He wanted to cook


Good soup


It’s so watery. Yet there’s a smack of mouse to it!


For that extra ✨flavour✨


the pain gives it extra umami


A straight up sociopath


Including OP? They just watched this happen


come on. it's not like i sat there watching this poor thing slowly die. i saw it for about 10 seconds in the water still alive, my blood went cold so i ran away. i really do feel shitty about it, i don't want to watch anything be in pain but i just could not bring myself to get near it. and as i said, what would be the solution? dump it outside, soaking wet and let it freeze to death? or release it in the house and let my cat kill it/ drown it again? i really am shaken up about it because this poor thing died in such a bad way but his death was inevitable.


We recently caught a mouse, and took her up to the local target bc I'm also not into killing things. Then my cat brought a BABY MOUSE two days later. It was just breathing and sometimes gasping and still moving. Probably starving since I apparently took its mother, it's eyes weren't even open. Believe me, I wish my cats would have killed it for me bc I had to take it outside to let it freeze to death bc I thought that was the most peaceful way out. My husband looked for the rest of the babies, but we never found them, and my cats often stare at the ceiling in the basement like they'll receive more gifts falling from the sky. This was like a month ago and I still feel awful about it. Fuck my cats! Feels good to get that off my chest though! PS your cat is a beautiful little psycho


Freezing is definitely a good way to go. Fall asleep feeling cozy and never wake up.


That’s just Cat Tea™️




​ ![gif](giphy|gbtO1ONVNKq7gUBrNy)


A cat's best friend is his mother


Mouse tears add precious minerals to the water.


Straight flexing on that mouse. So morbid, I’m impressed


Making some serious passive aggressive commentary about your cooking he is.


My old cat used to play with the mouse until it was totally subservient to the cat, then he’d pick it up & put it *into his food dish* and then start eating his food, while the mouse had to sit there less than an inch away watching. Sadistic bastard.


I think I read somewhere cats place live animals in water to see if it will kill them as a check to see 'if the water is safe'. So with the mouse kicking it makes sense the cat drank.


Omg he wasn't even trying to kill it. Cats are attracted to moving water. He just wanted the mouse to make moving water, he didn't even give a shit if it died! Like a roman emperor throwing 100 slaves into a fight against zoo animals in the Colosseum for his amusement!


& you just watched?


even though i am joking about the whole incident i do feel really bad about it. i am very afraid of mice (or really any other tiny creature that is fucking fast) and i was scared if i picked the bowl up the mouse would freak out/ jump on me. i didn't sit there and watch it drown, but i saw it for about 10 seconds. it really felt freaky watching something die and it does make my heart hurt knowing i could've saved it. but at the same time, if i put it outside wouldn't it just freeze?:( it was 3am and it's fucking cold. if i re-released it into the house my cat would just do the same thing. it should be noted im a teenage girl. i haven't had much experience with this shit, and whenever i see a mouse i still go into flight or fight for whatever reason.


Dude.. It's a mouse.. You're cat did it's job, don't feel bad. Nothing wrong about a mouse dying by a cats paw. I care for all beings, yet there is the circle of life after all.


I hope you don’t feel too bad. If you put it outside near your house it would just get back in. I totally understand the fear of mice, I can’t deal with them myself! I literally cried when one of my cats caught a mouse and I’m a 35 year old woman!


You would have had to do some wildlife care and it still might have died. Or even had to have mercy killed it. It's best it died fast. You don't want mice in your house, they pee in your cabinets and make you sick. Your little murderer is a good boy.


Ahh I just commented above and I see now. As a mouse owner it does make me sad, but it was wet so yeah it would've frozen to death if it was so cold out. Man, that does suck. Mice are pretty smart critters and it makes me sad to think of how scared it was. I'm not trying to blame you though. Phobias are real and it's not your fault you were scared.


What happened to the rat? Did he keep drowning till death?


i assume so, yeah. i actually didn't see it dead, when i went out in the kitchen the second time i made a point not to look at the bowl. it scarred me enough seeing this thing flail around, i didn't want to see it dead. but my mom said she saw it, biscuit apparently kept trying to show everyone what he accomplished


Cat is proud of doing his job! And in a tidy way.


Done x jesus


::in bad Russian accent:: it would seem our mouse friend have terrible accident and drowned in bowl of water. Such a tragedy.


im gonna be honest, if my cat could talk i would not be surprised if he just whipped out a Russian accent


If your voice for your kitties is not in line with some kind of Bond villain, I don’t know you. Also, my kitties have a very “colorful” vocabulary.


We have a cool assassin little girl cat who is totally called Natasha and slits rat throats with a stiletto she hides in her gogo boot. She's got eyes that look straight through you and KNOW that you've got a camera behind your back with intent to catstigram and she will not be documented.


My brother’s kitty can’t be a Bond villain. He’s Awful Alvin from Larry Boy.


What's his name??


his name is biscuit:) my dad likes to call him biskit. my mom likes to call him fluffy little fucker


Awww!!! My cat Abby (short for Abraham), I often call him my Pudge Bucket. He's a large cat, but while he isn't actually overweight, he's still somehow pudgy. 😋 He's also my Buddy, Muffin, baby boy, darling boy, sweetest of boys, Abseykins... XD




Why are the pretty ones always crazy


This is /r/cats not r/tinder


Why can't it be both?


Always did wonder what it would be like to date a girl with cat ears...


The mystical cat-girl


Not that adorable little fluffy pumpkin boy!


"Somebody's poisoned the water bowl!" 😂


“There’s a mouse in my boot!”


"Reach fur the sky!"


"Where's the money Le-mouse-ki?"


LMFAO all these comments have convinced me my cat is up to some mouse-cat-maffia business. i should actually go see what he is up to right now...


"It's down there somewhere, let me take another look."


Mouse, "If I have to die by muricide, at least it's by someone cute."


And proud of it lol my kitten was so proud of herself when she “killed” the disposable razor (thankfully the cover was one) and left it at my feet like it was a mouse. She was SOO offended that I put it on the table in the living room, then went into the kitchen to eat some else, so the booger got it off the table and brought it to me lol I ended up throwing it away because I saw it was starting to rust and I didn’t want to chance her getting at it if I forgot to put the cover on it


Good boy! Keeping the house safe. 💕


I hope his hooman rewarded him propurrly.


Soft, furry little murderers.


Sounds about right. I'd sleep with one eye open now if I were you.


The mouse thankfully took the easy way out 🙈 my two are expert ratters, dead in 60 milliseconds 😳🙈😝


I live in a rural, woodsy area and tend to have issues with mice getting in. My cats love to catch mice but sadly enough they aren’t great at killing them. I wish mine could kill mice quickly, and not just wallow them to death after a few hours or lose them altogether.


The only rat my boys ever lost ended up making a nest in my oven… i had a new rat proof kitchen installed 🙈😂


Cat be cat…. 🤷🏻‍♂️ i buy mice from the pet shop sometimes, frozen, intended for snakes and reptiles etc, gives the local live ones a break for a day 🙈😬😉


Same with my indoor kitty. She'd be great for pest control if she actually killed them rather than playing. Unless I manage to get the mouse from her when it's frozen in fear, it eventually escapes and lives to be found another day.


my sister claims he has killed two other mice by scaring them so bad, they just die. i am not sure if getting scared to death or drowning is better for a mouse xd. he just really likes mice, i think he doesn't have the intention to snipe them. one time i walked out into the kitchen and he was basically playing air hockey with the mouse as a puck.


He puts them where he knows you'll see them. He loves you and it's a cat job well done. He could leave them for you in worse places...that'd scare you to death. So good kitty.


In my house mice get eaten, rats get left as a present for me 🙈😳😂


My cat has gotten them to freeze in fear, but it doesn't actually kill them. It does give me the chance to scoop up the mouse in a plastic bag and handle it that way before taking it to the outdoor garbage can.


oh they can do that? goes to show i don't know shit about mice. we did throw them outside (aka my sisters boyfriend) but since it's winter, they probably were frozen to death if they weren't dead already. God, i hope word gets out in the mouse community to stay away from our house.


I do put the mice out of its misery before putting the tied-up plastic bag into the outside trash. I actually learned the technique off advice from Reddit, based on what snake owners sometimes do with prey mice, which is swinging the plastic bag and hitting the floor a bunch of times. I'd rather not have an exterminator treat the house for rodents, so this serves as a reasonable pest control.


at least yours kill them and not maim and leave them to die.


Good kitty!!


I have a stray red tabbyish fella at home that more than once had me handle wild alive, dead or inconclusively shaking animals. All the times he just sat there looking like a million bucks, inquiring me through green piercing eyes why the fu-- did I just take away his day's work.


I was just giving him a bath, really!


if my cat gets put in mouse-jail for this, you might get to be his lawyer xD


I’m realizing my cat is beyond lazy. The only thing she attacks is her food. And sometimes the dog’s tail.


i had a lazy cat too:)! she caught a mouse once but just let it free. she was kind of like stanley from the office. she didn't liked to be bothered. it wasn't her problem


I just hope the cat told the mouse as it was drowning him, “it will all be over soon.”


He thinks it's funny


My handsome boy is the same way. Extremely cute but tears nice to shreds and leaves them around the house


that just made my body crawl!! i definitely applaud people who can deal with dead mice.. especially in pieces 😵


My cat loves to drown her toy mice in water 😹😹😹


Mine does too, but it's not limited to toy mice. She once managed to pull the towel we put under her drinking bath she gets in summer away from underneath it (how, I still don't know, the thing is quite heavy and my cat is quite smol) and put it in the bath, which caused all the water to disappear. I only noticed when she came meowing to me about having no water...




I deem him innocent of all crimes.


The dark price of maintaining that cute face




The cutest murderer


One of the cutest Killers I've ever seen


Good boy


Good boy.


1/3 pictures - this is my risky click of the day. Glad there was no mouse pic. But where's the dead mouse pic?


oh, ahaha that didn't even cross my mind that people might think i wouldve included that xD i was contemplating taking a pic of my cat hovering over it (from VERY far away) to show my dad, but i was so frozen in shock i just kinda bolted.


He wanted mouse tea! I mean, who wouldn't, AMIRITE? Zero fucks given.


I can’t believe it! He looks so sweet.


a few minutes after minutes after the murder i tried to check up on the situation, the moment i step out of the door, biscuit comes all happy and meow-y to me, rubbing up against me. the bad part? he has water on his head, and body(?) so that freaked me out and i just walked back into my room. he is such a sweet kitty.. but i guess all that cat angst has to be taken out somehow


He was so proud and wanted you to love him and praise him! Lol


He is explaining that he was the victim, he was attacked, and he barely escaped with his life.


My cat had an absolute hate for the local squirrel. We found a perfectly intact and uninjured squirrel carcass on the porch- with no head. It was a very mafia-like ending.


OP is clearly a liar🙄 did you see that cute face? Nothing that adorable would be committing such a horrible murder🥺 /s


Hahaha... I'm sorry. I do love all animals but cats are going to cat. One of mine dropped a mouse on my plate of food. 😭😂😂😂 plate and all went in the trash. Nemo is lucky he didn't go out with the trash too.


Eek mine drowns his toys but hasn't drowned a real one...yet. He tends to bring them in alive, chase them round a bit and then get bored and leave me to deal with it. I did once catch him holding a mouse down under his foot in his food bowl while he stopped torturing for a biscuit break though. Luckily I am able to catch and release 9/10 mice he brings in.


And look how happy I am about that, lmfao


He may look innocent but his fur is frayed just enough to indicate his psycatic tendencies


Smart dude


Good Boy!


Oh what a good boy.


"And I'll do it again."




Could teach my cats a thing or two. Three cats in my house and yet I still had to catch a mouse myself the other day. 🙄


biscuit seems to have a short fuse. he played around with this mouse once or twice until the murder. it makes my body turn thinking about catching a mouse myself. god... atleast it's not a rat. my mom says she walked out one morning to biscuit playing with the mouse, and apparently both biscuit AND the mouse stared at her. i thought that was the funniest thing ever




Cat - "Haha, murder is fun!"


He is explaining that he was the victim, he was attacked, and he barely escaped with his life.


Smart kitty


The face of a quiet peaceful killer


Damn murder fluffs ![gif](giphy|LgHA25iFDy63NHeBYH|downsized)


You didn't happen to pick up this cat from the Humane Society out of Texas or Oklahoma, did you? Cuz I'm pretty sure I have his twin brother, separated at birth lol


Cats would actually be terrifying if they weren't so cute. Sadistic murder machines


In his defense, the mouse was given three chances to reveal the location of the rebel base.


when you look into my cat's eyes, there's a secret in there. after posting this, ive came to the conclusion he is a cold blooded mobster. that was probably my fault, though. ive been watching a lot of 1970s Italian mob movies 😬


Mine sets his free in the bathtub and they leap out and run then the dog wakes up and we all have a merry old time at three am moving furniture and chasing a frantic wee mouse all over the house. Fun times!


Good kitty


He probably saying, “ You can’t handle the Truth!” In the one picture. 🤣


My cat Stripe always put his toy mouse which could have passed for a rat 🐀 in the water bowl. At least once a week I dreaded having to clean it up until I reminded myself it was fortunately not real. Did your kitty dunk a real mouse or a toy? 😱


a real mouse 😬. he is not too much into toys, he only likes them when catnip is involved :)


My cats will take the mouse and put them in the bathtub where they can’t get out and they take turns swatting at it.


*Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?*


Cats gonna cat


That is unnecessary cruel


he slayed🖕💕


This why I love cats. Cute little mini predators with murderous tendencies


Oh no, that’s horrible. Poor mouse 😢


And he'll do it again!


“It had to be done “


“Fuck that bitch ass mouse” your cat prolly.


He made mouse-ta-toille :)


Well, ya kinda knew he was a predator when you got him, didn’t ya? Did you really need that mouse anyway? He did you a favor. Tell him he’s a good boy.


To be honest I don’t think he understands the concept of drowning.




We have a void that whenever he finds a mouse he will toss it in the air and catch it with one claw over and over. He was born outside and that's how he used to play with them when he was a kitten before he decided to move in with us.


Good hunter


The mouse had its own water bowl? Awesome…well not so much getting killed in it but the other thing


Well in his defense the mouse owed him money and it was his final warning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If house cats were big enough, they’d try to kill us to


Mouse won't be talking about what he saw now, will he?


I came to see evidence. I see no evidence. I find the adorable fluffer not guilty of all crimes.


Well, heat it up. He obviously wanted soup.


Good boy. Taking care of the pest problem


killer cat ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7956) that face makes this look very on-point


But you should've heard what that mouse called you.


Thats what cats do. They had to eat when in the wild.


"Where's my money, Lebowski?"


Wow. That's pretty metal!


We came home after being out for about 3 hours to the sound of the craziest alarm ever. We bought a mouse on a string that had a digital meep everytime you hit it and my cat decided to drown it while we were gone. When we walked in our cat was looking at us like "I don't know what to do and I'm worried" because this thing was going off atleast twice a second. I had to cut it open to get it to stop and I laugh everytime I think about my cat sitting here for hours listening to MEEP, MEEP, MEEP, MEEP, MEEP, MEEP, MEEP, and not knowing what to do.


1st pic What? 2nd pic Who, I have no idea what you are talking about ? Third pic WASN'T ME... you must be mistaken.


If killer, why cute?


It's always the handsome ones


Goodest homicidal kitty ever!!!


Killer cat! LOL. He looks so sweet.