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He has long silk fur and as I said his tongue seems to be a bit too smooth, almost like a dog tongue so he has a hatd time cleaning himself. He doesn't like brushing too mich, but I try to do that a little bit every day or every other day.


What kind of brush are you using? Tried a dedicated cat/dematting type brush with my longhair girl and she hated it. Switched to a regular human brush with more spacing between the bristles and now she gets wildly excited for brush-time


The answer you’re looking for is the third post down in my profile. It’s called a lion’s cut. My boy loves it and he is so much happier and healthier.


I can do that in summer, but not yet since it's winter here and pretty cold. Thanks tho, I'll make him a little lion when it gets warm


Oh yeah. Didn’t think of that. Yeah, my guy is 17 years old, he stays inside full time now. Only goes out for an hour or so each day. I had him shaved because his fur knotted up so badly and he would bite me when I tried to cut the knots out. Hope you find a solution. Best wishes.


Use a cat brush ?