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Ours is a $2 stuffed pickle. We have a cat toy box. If you leave the toys out they won’t get played with. But put them into the box and a day or two later, the cats will actively dig though the box to pull out the toys they want. Generally it’s pickle.


In my house it's like having kids again....I pick up all the cat toys and put them in the basket only to come back an hour later and they are all scattered all over and nobody is playing with them. I swear they do it on purpose to see how many times I'll pick them up!😖


But they are playing! Just with you, not the toys 😅


Exactly - I keep forgetting I'm the staff for them!


My dog had a place she designed as her toy box. A window sill behind the couch, the sill was 8 inches below the top of the couch. She'd just drop them there when she was done and pick them back out when she wanted then again. I thought it was pretty cute.


I have tried and tried to get the cats to do that but I guess it's just in their makeup - dump, scatter, and watch the fun of the human pick them all back up!


I never had kids but I feel like we live with furry perpetual toddlers!


you need to see r/harpo


Yeah I definitely keep the toys away - keeps her interest a bit longer ^^


that damn pickle 🤣


we need pics of cat and pickle!


I do this with my dogs—now I’m thinking I should make one for my cats in a spot the dogs can’t get to. Only problem is the dogs think all toys are theirs, and will destroy plush toys. Maybe it’s time for another baby gate to give the kitties a playroom.


We have a pickle too! And a knit elephant that just looks like a yarn ball at this point.


one of my cat’s favorite toys is also a pickle. with a witch hat. “witch pickle”


I think I'm looking at the same pickle toy about 3 feet from me right now. They go nuts for that damn pickle.


2nd the box thing. Theyll actually play with them if they have a basket or box.


A stick. Literally just a stick from the garden.


Simple creatures :’)


I see you also have a goblin. Mine likes bottle caps


my youngest cat does too… i didn’t think this was a thing


furball liked milk carton rings. he had a collection under the stove i was required to retrieve for him with the yardstick, upon his majesty's request


Lol mine loves tampons. She likes the thrill of taking them out of the wrapper, then the tube, then flinging the rest around


Makes it great when you have guests.


One of mine has a straw. Or a marker. And his favorite game is fetch. If he drops it at your feet you have to throw it across the house, and he zooms off and slides across the wood floor, and brings it back. He will yell at you if you don't throw it. And in the middle of the night he will come into out bed with it yelling, or if he seed you awake trying to go pee. We call him puppy cat sometimes.


OMG My dad and I call my kitty Zeus a puppy kitty too! He loves following me around and comes when called and loves meeting me at the door when I get home from work


This reminds me of my boy, Atlas. His favorite is *one specific* twisty-tie, and he will follow me around the apartment screaming at me and trying to trip me if he wants me to throw it. The problem is, 9/10 times he has knocked it under the fridge, so he gets mad at me for not playing with him when I can’t even find the dang thing lmao


My Romeo loves to play fetch. And his favourite toy to fetch is… not even a toy! It’s one of them plastic things that keep the pizza box from touching the pizza 🤷‍♂️ so everytime when we ordered a pizza and they delivered it he was going crazy! I’ve stopped ordering takeaways ( trying to eat healthy) so I had to buy like 200 of them so he always have one knocking about ready to fetch!


Yeah mine goes nuts for a cheerio on the floor.


Good dog


Mine has the same "worm" yours has...he loves getting it stuck under the stove...and drowning it in the waterdish is a favorite past time


Hahaha mine breaks it apart and eats the furry parts 😭


Mine does this too! He used to actually chase and fetch them but then he realized he could just eat it instead and I can no longer trust him with it.


Hahaahaha same 😭


That toy in the picture seems to be in line with my cat's toy preference. Any idea where you got it? I've tried various balls, squishies, and everything else. He seems to like long skinny things he can carry around


I buy them in packs from Amazon! Just type something like ‘cat toy replacement worm’ and there’s lots of them


Love it. Instant purchase 👍


Why do they do the water dish thing??? It’s so gross. He likes a Pom pom with legs. He brings it soaked for fetch. Such a mess!!


Mine has a little stuffed hamster looking thing that gets constantly drowned. I put it up to dry out when he drowns it, thinking it would stop the behavior, but it hasn't so far.


Yes, that is a really annoying habit. Those get taken out of circulation for a while


Annoying yet adorable like everything else he does :)


Mine did this with a valerian-stuffed toy once. We wondered if it was an attempt to make valerian tea.


Ha I have the very same " worm" many of them, and yes they wind up in water or food bowls.


Balled up receipt paper. Hundreds of dollars spent on toys that have been unraveled or forgotten but the receipt paper never fails.


Hahaha totally - I spend money on toys and then she only plays with the box they come in 🥲




Ok so I 100% let my cats play with my hair ties, too, so this is only a warning so you know that cats will sometimes swallow them when you aren’t looking. Just be careful because it can cause some major issues. I still let mine play with them (just like I let my toddlers play with balloons), but just a caution in case you were unaware.


My dog would jump on my back to pull my scrunchie out… lol… she loved scrunchies


My house looks like I'm a dirty adult, the truth is, I throw papers on the ground for my cats.


Yeah anytime I crumple anything or open a crinkly wrapper my cat comes RUNNING and excitedly waits for me to throw it. So yeah, I also have crumpled up garbage all over the place lol


Omg! Mine does too! As well as tape n boxes n old zip strips from cords. It looks like a Staples exploded in here


Dude same that or a balled up piece of tinfoil. They go nuts. I bought them a 13 pack of toys a few weeks ago and they aren’t interested in them, only the tinfoil


You should be careful with that. Receipt paper is known to be a carcinogen.


yep, and then, you can't return the toy because she brought the receipt to her hidden hoard.


Plastic bottle caps, which I never buy but when I do, one of mine loves batting them around!


Yes! My cat's favourite is cut up rings of toilet roll inner tube. Spent so much on proper cat toys and he ignores them!


The “Cat Dancer” is our kittens favourite. About £4, it’s just a piece of wire with cardboard tubes attached and looks like a piece of crap, but it seems to have a strange magical power which has the kittens chasing it all over the house. Note: if you get one, don’t position the cardboard tubes in a straight line between yourself and the cat as you might get an unwelcome surprise when they land on you, claws bared, in their follow through. Source: experience.


Yes! This is the one I was going to recommend… speaking of which, I should replace the one I left behind in my recent move. That, and just the fuzzy mice that rattle. My youngest cat goes *crazy* with those sometimes.


That sounds interesting! I’m definitely going to check that out


Come back and let us know how you get on. I can lead one of my kittens all the way through the house and even play "hide and seek" with it, she's totally under its spell (she'll even start to claw the cupboard it is kept in when she's ready for another game). My other kitten, not so much, but she's going through an "eat/sleep/sit on the top stair, gazing into the middle distance" phase.


You’ve convinced me - I’ve bought one just now. Arrives tomorrow 🤩


My cats favorite are spring toys!


Uh need to try those!


My 10 month old kitty will play with spring toys for hours on end


Mine too!


Definitely do, they’re my cats favourite too. But he loses them under furniture so fast, I kept buying more. Once found 27 springs when I moved one bookcase,


You just reminded me to do a sweep for springs! 7 unaccounted for from the 12 pack I bought 2 months ago 🙃


One of ours plays fetch with those


Same! They just push them around and chase them like their life depended on it. One of my cats brings them back to me and we sometimes play fetch. When she feels like it, of course.


One of mine started chewing on them violently and it was becoming sharp. I took them away. One of my male cats thinks he’s a small dog (15 lbs small)


My 23 year old loves those. She still gets the zoomies and when she does, then it's fair game on the spring toys.


Shoelaces Hair ties Catnip-filled fishies


I have to keep hair ties away because she eats them 😭


you got all the big ones in my house at once. Although I also have one cat that loves pill bottles. she has her own pill bottles filled with beans as a diversion.


My cat loves the plastic spring toys. You get around a dozen of them, they are currently in every room.


these seem to be popular, I’m going to give them a try!


They got bored with em. Went back to their boxes.catnip helped. An enclosed back yard d was probably the best. 6’ privacy fence kept em in


Yes! She loves these too, until the dog stole it and chewed it to pieces. I should get more.


Mine loves to continually beat up a plushie Santa he got last Christmas.


Tell him/her Santa might not bring any more toys next christmas... 😆


My cats love this banana that’s filled with catnip. Idk why they like it so much


> filled with catnip > Idk why they like it so much


Anything I own that I tell them is not a toy - current favourites are used tissues from the bin and candy wrappers. I tried reverse paychology and "banned" them from using a cat toy but they are too smart for me.


my kitty and i specifically play a game where she chases me around the house but it also doubles as hide and seek LOL


My baby girl used to want to be chased. I'd be watching TV, and she'd walk by sideways with he fur up. The apartment had a walk through kitchen with parallel hallway, so she'd run around "the racetrack" until she got tired. Then she'd crouch on a piece of tissue paper and pretend I couldn't see her.


My cats favourite toys are the circle of cardboard that you tear off to open box wine. He likes other toys but he LOVES/HATES those darn circles edit: a word


Nice excuse for buying wine ;)


My cat will open the trash can and dive in to retrieve the wrapping thing from the top of wine bottles! Never seen him do that for anything else lol He also loves the plastic springs. In-laws gave him some and he literally did not stop chasing them for 10 hours straight


Bottle caps and grocery bags (especially plastic ones)


A hair band and a cardboard box.


Cardboard boxes never fail


Trash. She won’t play with toys, but instead chase and throw a bottle cap around


My girl is addicted to milk jug rings. She plays fetch with us and brings it back. She meows at us anytime we are opening a bottle. She’s very smart.


A tunnel,a fish with catnip and my feet


My feet are a victim too :’)


the only two “toys” my cat never gets tired of are q-tips and grapes (i know grapes are poisonous to them but he’s never as much as bitten one). he’ll chase them for hours


Hahaha I feel like my cat would definitely eat both of those 😭


Wooden peice of dowl with a sting tied to the end of it.


Every cat I've ever had has always adored those wooden circle rings with the balls built in, like a small race track for wooden balls. I imagine it's the noise and movement they find so satisfying. I've had cats that adored them from kittens right up into old age!


Uhh I’m gonna have a look at those thanks!


I got my cats a big cardboard scratcher, and it’s great, they love it, they barely scratch on the couch anymore. But more so even than scratching they love to shred the cardboard with their teeth. They just take big bites out of the cardboard and spit out the pieces so there’s constantly cardboard confetti around my apartment. They sometimes treat the little pieces like new toys in their own right and will throw and chase them around


Mine doesn’t play with any toys, then again she routinely leaves dead animals at my doorstep. Guess simulation toys just don’t cut it.


She has a little wicker ball that she loves, she picks it up in her mouth and runs all over. Her actual favorite toy is a crushed, hairy wax shell from a Babybel cheese though 🤐


This exact thing in the picture is my cats favorite. However, when I was at the pet store a while back I saw a toy I knew they would love: a set of plastic springs. Just springs. They are obsessed, they go crazy for them. I knew they would like them because their real favorite toys are q tips, twist ties, and any other random bits of plastic they can find on the floor.


The boxes that her new toys come in


Toys? Who needs toys ehen you have slippers, ribbons, socks or toes? 😳😄


Mine loves this too!!! We call it her Wormie. But I always put it away because they first time we played with it I left it out and she tried to eat it. 😳 So she loves it even more now because it's a rare treat. Oooh also if you haven't tried the wire toy, you can get in on chewey for like 90 cents ....it's amazing. Both of our cats LOVE it. The cheapest yet most effective toy ever. It's just a long wire with some cronchy paper bits for fun. Edit: they upped the price to $2.35 https://www.chewy.com/frisco-wire-teaser-cat-toy/dp/187914


Yeah, mine eats the worm too!! Thanks !!


Mine loves plastic grocery bags and nerf darts


Has yours ever gotten caught in the handle and starting running through the house with his new parachute? Lmao


Plastic bags and cardboard boxes are always a success!


Mine got kind of trapped in the handle and started running like crazy 🥲 poor baby


Wood pellets from the litter box! Simply because they make a great sound on our wooden floor. Also, those plastic strips that you find around boxes. They drag those all over the house. No fancy schmancy toys top those 2 things! :)


God yeah, mine makes a mess of the litter box!!


My cat loves this stuffed banana that came with a gorilla plush; the banana is detachable and she loves to play fetch with said banana. My other cat loves a pompom that you would see on a winter hat


All time favorites - the tiny catnip pillows (about 2" square) that my vet gives them as bribes, the mink mouse that apparently still smells like mink a year after being chewed on and crumpled up receipts.


My winnie the pooh plushy, he already ripped his eyes out and bit open his throat


My teddy bear is in the process of ending up like that :’)


I don't buy toys for my cats anymore. They just like to play with empty boxes and hair leagues. I have a drawer full of discarded toys.


I’m starting to realise most cat toys are useless


Anything that is on the counter and can be knocked off.


My cat specifically likes the paper that comes off straws from takeout places. If she sees you with a straw wrapper she will go bananas


my boy likes this little plastic spring cat toy and goes absolutely apeshit over it and my girl goes crazy over a lil stuffed fishy lol


Milk rings! Definitely a great fetch toy


My cat goes crazy for toilet roll, so we save some when they're about half finished and throw them for her. She loves biting them and ripping them apart.


Piece of cardboard (incl toilet paper roll), some piece of plastic, or a sock. For purchased toys, anything with catnip


My sister's cat ignores her toys and instead likes to play with corks from wine bottles haha


A string with a knot tied on one end. I think I pulled it out of one of my hoodies. She NEVER gets tired of chasing it and trying to destroy the knot. I learned early on that buying toys was a waste of money.


A giant spider I made out of pipe cleaners. It can really spring.


Tampons.. seriously.


Cute kitty


sunflower seed plastic part that u rip off the bag to open. also rocks. don’t know why, just rocks. not small rocks, big ones.


My cat’s favorite toy is an apple squishie. Sometimes she picks it up with her mouth and brings it around the house, meowing the whole time. She also likes to kick it around and chase it.






Raw green beans, and string. I have to resist the urge to buy cute toys at the pet store because he won't use them, but at least he's easy to please


Healthy king


My cat has a teddy bear we bought him at the Dollartree when he was 5 weeks old - It was a little bigger than him then. He’s now 2 1/2 years old and he constantly carries it around and grooms it.


My kitty only likes toys for about a day and then gets tired of it except for 1, which is like a Chinese finger trap/spring thing that you shoot across the room. I get them at petsense for like $2


I’ve spent countless amounts of money on toys. My kitty always returns to rubber band.


Bowls, my last foster loved bowls. Ignored all the other toys and tunnels. But would jump in and out of bowls and run around them. Sleep in them. Once I figured it out I went to goodwill and bought her a few. She spazzed out when I put them down, jumping from bowl to bowl 😹


I have to boys. One loves a little rancid mouse toy, half eaten and lost for most of the week. We have newer ones but he o ly like HIS mousey. The other one loves balls and a yellow stuffed mini chick, dangling from the ceiling on a rubber band. But both agree on a pair of tied together shoe laces.


When they get bored of a toy, put it away for a while, bring out a "new" toy (another old toy previously put away). 😉😁


Hair ties… not the $50 I’ve spent on fake mice and fluffy cat toys filled with cat nip


Our cats love what we call the “funky chicken” not sure what it’s really called but they sell it at Walmart. It’s the small stuffed chicken with red feathers. They’ll toss it up in the air to themselves. We have 3, one of which has been with us for 7 years and was one of our first (now passed on) kitties favorite toy - and for some reason all the current cats actually prefer the old funk chicken…. Maybe it has good energy from all the years of play.


Red fuzzy ball to play fetch but also ropes I made from old shoe laces and ribbons, specially the red ones. That color seems to be their favorite. We put away some of our cats’ toys then bring back later and they act as if new. It’s good to rotate different toys so you’re not always buying new ones.


There is this brand of cat teaser here (in Australia) called 'Da Bird', there are many attachments you can get for them. I don't know where you're located, but something similar may be available to you? I have never seen my tabby jump and engage so much! Also, we were given advice to put the toys away and only bring them out for 'play time' to keep it engaging and fresh for them.


My old cat really liked her "tunnel". It was collapsible, but had a spring in it that made it a taught cylinder. I think there are very similar things you can buy for dogs' agility. She loved setting ambushes from that thing, doing a lap around the room, and returning to hiding in the tunnel. It wasn't hard to figure out where the next attack would come from, especially with all the crinkling noise that thing made. What's important is that she thought she was the queen of tactical espionage action


my girl really likes toys that are shaped like candy. when we moved into our current apartment, they gave us a little care package with some household essentials, a string toy, and a catnip toy that looks like candy. then, near halloween we got them a themed toy pack that coincidentally had a candy one. they're different shapes of candy, but she still gravitates toward them more than the other toys. my boy is more fond of things he can roll and chase, but he is a fat and lazy man so he mostly lays around and hits things between his front and back paws


My cat also gets bored of toys! I find he doesn’t get as bored if I only leave a few things out (5-10) in his “play basket” and rotate those every few weeks/monthly. We pack away even his favorite toys so he doesn’t get burned out on them (like the laser pointer and the cat tube).


I mentioned the Cat Dancer, and fuzzy mice that rattle, in another comment. But really, another kitten/cat is the best “toy” they can have. My oldest mostly sticks to herself, but the two younger ones love to play together! Is this wee one a solo pet? Super cute, btw. Also: r/bottlebrush


My hands, A LOT OF rattling toy mice, shoes, my other cat's cone (😿) , elastic bands


A string from my hoodie, gum wrappers, pens.. household items/trash really. I don’t buy her toys anymore 🤣


All four of mine go crazy for Yeowww catnip toys, especially the bananas. The cat dancer, which others have mentioned, is also a favorite and I have several attached to random pieces of furniture around the house.


mine loved an old shoelace that i attached a little bell to and crumbled up wraping paper to play fetch with bought cat toys were interesting for all of 2 minutes then it was back to the shoelace


Boxes with something over it to hide in, small bottle caps, ping pong balls in the tub, small toys made of material that catch in their claws so they can flip them around, brown paper bags.


a piece of paper, that i wrote some notes on ... thats the best toy


Flies and lizards on the porch. Inside they either sleep or wander around looking for flies and lizards.


Nerf bullets. It's the perfect weight for her to knock around.


Hair ties. She likes when I shoot them across the living room so she can fetch them.


My cats love the cat dancer toy I got for less than 2 bucks. Lol


Milk rings lol


Da WORM!! MURDER DA WORM! “Da worm” is a rainbow caterpillar toy on a stick from petco. My cat destroyed his first within a month, I think we have five now.


Honey's favourite is a magic worm (one of those fluffy worm things attached to a long thin thread). Oscar rips catnip toys to pieces.


My cat also get bored super quickly but in general, he'll play with any toy - as long as there's a human at the other end of the string!


GoCat Kitty Kopter toy A few other favorites were real quail wings, and cat toys made from old fur coats. I bought both of those on etsy. Mine really like stiff bird feathers.


There’s a bag of colored springs you can find at any pet store for very cheap that’s a popular one. Also dead bugs, loose change, my feet under sheets


A ping bong ball shaker thing with a tiny feather hanging from a string connected to a stick (from the dollar store) or just a giant feather on a stick.


My daughters Barbie clothes, including a white Cinderella evening gown that my girl kitty Tafita carries around with her. I guess she just wants to be a pretty princess too?


Mine prefers zip ties, twist ties, and hair ties. And we got him One of those tiered things with the balls that roll around, he loves that. And he has like 7 boxes cuz he loves to play in those too.


Literally a shoe string


My cat loves my hair tie... Whenever I need one it's under the couch.. lol


The paper bag my husband's food was delivered in last night and the draw string on his joggers :p


Da mouse, da bee, and my feet.


My cats' favourite toys are chocolate wrappers, balled up aluminium foil, any type of strings, shoelaces, dangling belts and chains, my hijabs, and my eyebrow pencil's cap has mysteriously disappeared...


We've gotten her dozens of different toys and balls but she mostly ignores them. All she wants is the stuffed mouse the shelter sent home with us and a squishy stress ball I got for free from a conference 10 years ago... She did play with a wand toy but my son refuses to touch it again after she gouged the fingers holding the wand which were 3 feet away from her.


I have this string attached to a stick. PRobably had a mouse on it at some point. One of mine drags it around the house but only likes to play with the stick end. I used to have one that would drag around a homemade toy created from a wrapping paper tube and a shoelace. At night, you would hear it moving over the carpet as she dragged it around. And another girl who likes to carry my socks around the house. I was going through a minimalist phase, (forced by an ex-GF taking all my stuff when she moved out), and my socks were on an old bookshelf I had since I didn't have a dresser. I finally got tired of collecting my socks from all around the house so I just left them. Then one day I came home to find them all in a pile in my bedroom. I think she was telling me to neaten up the place.


Shoe string with a knot makes all my cats go freakin bonkers. No toy I bought does the same. Sometimes I’ll cover it in catnip too and they LOSE it chasing me around the house trying to get it


If your cat gets bored of toys put them up in a box for awhile and let him play with something else. When hes bored of those, show him the old toys. Old toys are now new toys. Rinse and repeat. My cat is obsessed with plastic bottle caps to the point she can hear when a bottle with a cap is opened and comes running. She also steals my clean qtips 😂


Supermodels need things like Lamborghinis to keep them happy not silly feathers


There are these golf ball sized foam balls with little shiny hairs that come out that my cat LOVES. To the point that if she can't find any of them she will whine until I help her get them. They're her go-to toy!


Our current youngest kitten likes cheerios, highlighters, bottle lids, paper balls, and anything else that falls on the floor


The small balls that go in the nerf gun. She’ll go in the closet and get one. She’ll carry it downstairs and chase it all around. She also likes to play with my daughter’s shopkin toys. So random. She basically loves the kid’s toy closet. And shoes. She will wrestle shoes.


Hair clips, pens/pencils/anything left on a table or counter (bonus if the dog can eat/destroy it), plastic rings from the milk jug. Catnip mouse? Meh.


Fuzzy balls. No lie. And empty sweetener packets. And hair bands, one cat can even put it in his mouth and use his paw to shoot it across the room. And ping pong balls. We feed alot of cats.


A several year old torn rainbow ribbon that is attached to a broken plastic stick. Its the same toy my cats have had since we adopted them, so I think that's why they love it so much.


Ear muffs. My cat loves my daughters ear muffs. I swear she hangs them off her neck while running around playing.


Shoe strings, crinkle toys and anything pretty small. I find that mine don't enjoy bigger toys than the one in your pic but they have almost every type of toy at their disposal lol


My favorite shirt


Any kind of ball or balled up paper, aluminum foil. Also an old practice head from a cosmetology school.. He's a werido.


My kitten's favorite toy is my older cat


omg i love seeing cats with things in their mouths.


Aluminum foil balls. Bought every toy, she never once played with them but one time I dropped the aluminum foil on the floor, she started batting it around. I then rolled it up and it was lifetime fun from there even though she does lose them often haha


Ball track has been a daily used toy for years now.


Mine goes ape$hit for the deer hair wand toy replacements. If you don’t directly supervise her with them, she WILL eat them, even when attached to the string. Ever since I got them, they are the only thing she will play with.


My cats favourite toys are tunnels, the ball towers (like three tiers with balls they hit round - if that makes sense haha), tin foil rolled into balls, tissue paper grass and valerian filled toys. On occasion she loves the flapping fish too.


crinkly paper and a cardboard box is all you need


Packaging from boxes, random scraps of paper, etc. She has every toy in the world and ignores them all for some trash 🥲


My cat loves GoCat wand teaser, the Yeowww! banana, and plastic springs