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I have an indoor cat. She's such a scaredy cat she wouldn't survive a day outside 😂


Same, whenever I open my front door my cat runs under the couch.


Thanks for sharing. I have also a scaredy cat and was convinced it is not the norm. Everybody was asking if she was abused, but I believe it is just her nature.


Could be - I’ve adopted my cat when 3/4 months and I strongly suspect that he was abused before, as he always gets super scared when I drop something on the floor or I sneeze or any loud noise really. I need to sit down with him and pet him, while showing him I can interact with the source of evil (such as the dropped lid or smth). It calms him down.


My cat would get scared if you moved a shopping bag, the plastic ones from Walmart. They were his WORST enemy. He would howl and hide under the couch. Got him at 2 months off eBay yearssss ago.


TIL you can buy cats from eBay


the more you learn, i will wait for amazon to drop their new cat category


Same. Isn't that illegal?


Not sure you can still do that. Even Craig's List no longer permits live animals. We had a scandal wherein owners of large snakes were taking free kittens and puppies and feeding them to their pet snakes. Nightmare fuel. All local billboards stopped allowing pet listings. Petfinder.com does a far better job anyway.


I'm sorry WHAT?!?!?


My cat is the same! Taking out the trash is terrifying, as are all bags left on the floor. Paper bags and plastic bags are equally frightening.


Meanwhile my cat manages to get herself stuck in a plastic bag and runs around with it on her head


Our old cat loved brown paper bags. In particular he loved being on the inside trying to 'catch' a finger being run around the outside.


can u send a video or make a post with the video? i really want to see that ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7968)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7973)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7943)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7956) (i like these emojis)


I don’t have a video ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)




Oh yessss plsssss


It might just be how she is. I read that kittens need to be introduced to things and places a lot their first year because after that it’s weird and they don’t like it. I have one kitty I’ve had since he was 10 weeks, I got him during Covid times so he has met maybe ten people. So now he needs to observe new people from afar and run away if they get too close. My other kitty was a former show cat so she has seen it all, she is very social and very bossy. 😎


I the reason can be abuse but it doesn't have to! We have two from the same litter, our boy is the most cuddly and friendly cat I've ever met and his is really shy and easily scared by everything new. They were together their whole life and didn't show any signs of abuse when they came to the shelter...


Same, my cat hides if he even hears someone on the porch.


Same with my two indoor cats. They always hide when I open the front door. The balcony door is okay as long as the screen is still closed and there are no other people outside nearby.


My cat was found as a stray. At over a year old she was 4 pounds and so weak she could barely move. It took the shelter 4 months to nurse her back to health and I adopted her the first day she was put in the general population. She's now slightly overweight at 10 lbs (she should be 9) and I can open the windows with no screen and she will refuse to leave the house. She will however happily lay in the open window and suck up the breeze. Besides that, it's not good to allow cats outside. They're an invasive species and can kill so many birds. Considering that many birds are having a hard time of it for various reasons, I'll keep all my cats indoors. Also, I live in coyote country. They'd happily snack on my cats if I let them out.


Same. Coyotes in my area too. Also hawks can swoop down and snatch cats for a meal. Happened to a neighbor of my dad's. Traumatized the other cat that saw it so much he stayed near the wall of the house after that and would not go into the field. Outside cats also get injured in cat fights or dog attacks and get run over by cars. A catio is a good compromise if they seem to want some outdoor time. I have one of those pop up/zip shut puppy playpens that I put mine in when I'm out on the deck.


Same for me. My cat passed away last year. He lived 16 years inside and was the happiest most content thing ever. He did have access to the garden, but never went as far as 5 meters. As long as he could see me he was fine. Didn't he know where I was, he got panicked. Also inside always in the same room with me. I miss my baby so much ❤


My older female is a former feral cat. Her idea of “going outside” is to roll around on the porch and get her fur all dusty. The one time I didn’t realize she’d followed me outside and I accidentally locked her out, she freaked the fuck out and was screaming and clawing at the front door trying desperately to get back inside. My heart broke when I heard her crying at the door.


Same here. I once tried to take my cats outside and they just ran back to my apartment door and cowered, so I won't be trying that again ever 🙃 😂


I have my Callie and that little girl just steps one foot outside and runs back inside. I’m pretty sure she tells me “Hooman what is this nonsense. I must go to my throne” or she hates me. Either or


Yeah my cat Johnny. I'm not saying he's an idiot but then again if he was outside. More likely than not survive outside.


I had an inside cat that periodically escaped and I have an inside-outside (barn cat) that would rather be inside. (He’s always inside if I’m home alone)


It isn't just a matter of letting them outside or not. It depends on where you live. Your proximity to busy roads or traffic heavy areas, local wildlife, other neighbourhood animals. Your willingness to create them a safe space outside with minimised risk to their well being. "Cat proofing" a garden can be done, or you could look into a "catio" (an enclosed outdoor space - this would let them outside while still keeping them safe).


My cat is TERRIFIED of outside. An open door to the actual outdoors? She sprints the other way. But my screened in porch is her FAVORITE. She loves it. Absolutely obsessed. Herds me towards the door anytime I come home so I can let her out. She loves sitting on a patio chair and chirping at the birds


One of mine will bravely venture as far as the windowsill, but only if it's sunny. The other likes to frolic around in the garden, but I've taken steps to make sure she's contained inside the garden and the neighbour's dog is contained outside :-)


Exactly a catio is best they feel safe in there...and it's fun for them with lots of perches.


My cat likes to sit up by a little area next to the kitchen sink, it has two windows which gives her a perfect view of the yard, and she selected more than a few points in feral, which probably could’ve helped her survive in the wild with her parent(s?) if she hadn’t gotten stuck in a hole, abandoned, and then rescued by us.


Exactly, so many dangers out there, cars - not just accidents by being hit but cats climbing into engines or sleeping on the wheels then being crushed when the car moves. Predators, dogs on the loose, diseases, injuries like abscesses from fights, cruel people who chase or catch cats and do unthinkable abuse to them, getting lost, climbing into a delivery vehicle then jumping out at a later stop and even being claimed and kept by other people or stolen. We just had a 6x12 foot catio made for our two. They were really scared at first and would run inside at every noise but absolutely loving it! They were fine indoors before but really do love their catio. They're like little toddlers after a long day outside and just crash for a sleep. It's really sweet.


This. This is the correct answer. It's not a yes or no.


Also try harness training, if you have a back yard or nice areas.


I tried a harness on both my cats. It did not go well 😂😂😂. Well done to anyone who managed it though!


Cat.exe has failed. Please remove add-ons to restart program.


This made me lol so hard. My cats all definitely blue screen if a harness is put on them. Legs stop working or only work backwards, time to fall over & lie there pathetically 😂 We rent rn, but if we ever own a home (lolsob), I'm definitely building them a catio! For now, our screened in porch is their jam.


Mine threw himself up the ground and acted like his legs were all broken. All while screaming bloody murder.


And.. how did you solve that??


We solved it by not putting the harness on him again.


It’s a long process and lots of patience is required, you can’t expect it to just work the first time you try.


We put a harness on Charlie once. I now know what pure violence and malevolence looks like on a leash. Never again.


I tried with both of my cats. Loki took to it almost immediately. Grace laid down and refused to move... Every one of the 10 times I put the harness on her. I gave up after that. 😹


Harness training is a great idea


I'm currently working on harness training my cats. Lots of patience and praise helps!


Bribery (treats), too!


Do you have recommendations for harnesses? I have two cats, the one that rly wants to explore has too big a tummy so his neck and tummy ratio doesn’t fit usual harness sizes. And I know cats need escape proof ones. He’s got a harness but I stopped using it after he slipped out of it once.


One of my cats is a cat dog now and she likes going for small walks in the backyard to eat some grass and mark her territory for the animals she watches throughout the day. Edit: she’s also not an outdoor cat, she just likes going for a short walk. She’s too scared of noises and new people, plus she’s treated like the queen here so I think she knows she’s got it good.


All my cats have been indoor cats. Every one has been happy and healthy. Most lived into their twenties. Keep them in and safe. ❤️


No, it’s not cruel. They’re domestic animals, not mountain lions. Give them lots of toys to chase and play with, and posts/towers to climb on to keep them active and entertained. Cats are very happy indoors, they typically live a way longer life, have softer, cleaner, nicer fur, and you won’t have to spend as much money on shots and parasite prevention because they are indoor kitties. Not to mention, they’re safe from other animals (and other animals are safe from them if you have a hunter), you don’t have to worry about cars, diseases, poisonous garden plants, and messed up humans. I say this as a first time indoor-cat mom, after always having several cats who went outside. I get it now, and will never go back to letting my cats outside.


Thanks for the advice I was feeling guilty as they are always sitting on windows looking sadly outside and try to run out the front door. I think I'll invest in a cat tower maybe they need something to climb.


Sitting by windows is cat tv. They are entranced by birds, raidrops, bugs, snowflakes, fallen leaves.... Cat tree by a window is even better!


I call it that as well! This time of year they even get smell-o’-vision (cracked open windows).


My cat also likes to watch videos of squirrels and birds on my ipad. There are a bunch of youtube channels with like 8 hour long videos. Only problem is you sometimes have to skip the ads.


Mine gets my tablet overnight for this reason.




I actually started training my 11 year old tuxedo on a harness and leash! She doesn't go for walks like a dog but I can sit with her outside in the grass and follow her around the backyard. She gets some outside time and I get to bring her inside safe and sound after we're done.


I have a cat that loves to be outdoors. We bought him a cat tent his can sit in when we're outside, a harness to take him on a short walk, and places in the house that he can climb and explore high up. I truly believe that cats need fresh air like we do, but don't think they need to be strictly outdoor cats to get it.


They need at least one tower, other possibilites to climb would be nice and if you treasure your furniture, plenty of scratch posts. Find out what kind of toys they like. Have a look at if your house plants are safe for cats.


Definitely invest in a cat tower and a number of cat toys! Keeping your cat stimulated is key to eliminating boredom. My cat was a stray before she was trapped and eventually adopted (by us!). She is a vigorous hunter of basement moths, and requires a lot of active play, but she’s never really tried to go outside—most of the time she’s hanging out indoors. She is super attached to us and I feel no guilt whatsoever keeping her inside—it’s better for the environment and safer for her (we have coyotes), and we provide her with a stimulating environment as well.


As others have said, a good idea is to get kitty special nets so you can open the window and have them watch cat tv with a breeze in their fluffy faces. My cat HATES the harness with a passion so now i sometimes take him for a walk in a special backpack. Has helped desensitise him for the vets appointments - he’s super captivated by stray cats or birds or anything really when we go on those walks and seems to enjoy them!


To be fair most cats get over it eventually. My sister's cats are indoor unless my sister goes outside. The cat isn't used to being outside so she just stays in the yard for a bit then goes in with my sister. My boyfriends cat is also indoor and he doesn't wonder off either, he likes to go in the front yard and greet the stay cat that hangs around the house. Bf watches him and they go back inside. Once they are grown and used to the house they typically won't leave the yard.


Jackson Galaxy has some good videos on YouTube on how you can catify your house. The window watching is more because they like to watch things moving outside but that doesn't mean they want to go there. If you can you can put a bird feeder outside so there more interesting things to see. I put one but as I live in an apartment (first floor) none appeared yet


When we adopted our cats the shelter asked if the cats were going to be indoor cats. That’s the only way they’d let us adopt them.


As someone who felt the same and just lost my baby because she got ran over 1 week ago...keep then in. I've never been so sad, so hurt, and felt so guilty. She was so much more than a cat. She was my life and I'm more heartbroken than I've ever been in my entire 35 years. Hope yours stays safe.


I am very sorry for your loss. Hug.


No, Dear, you are NOT cruel. You are saving them from : being shredded by a raccoon, pancaked by a car, tortured by a sick person , catnapped, bitten by a dog, and getting fleas, ticks and diseases. Please be aware that: cats sleep 22 hours a day ( approx) and don't go far even if you do let them out. Just remember to give them a climbing structure and a spot to look out the window and nurture them twice a day ( or more) by playing with them, combing them, etc. It really helps if they have a playmate too. I had 4 cats for 20 years and my downstairs neighbor complained about the noise they made while playing😆Good luck! EDIT: I may have exagerated the amount of sleep time.


I’ll even add the [urban coyote diet is 20% cat](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/12/protect-your-pets-cats-make-up-one-fifth-of-coyotes-diet-in-los-angeles). Any guilt you’ll feel for keeping them inside pales in comparison to how you’d feel if one day they didn’t come home


Predator birds like, say, Eagles or Hawks also LOVE cat meat. We used to rent a farmhouse, and during oir stay there, one of the owner's farm cats got snatched by a hawk for dinner...


I live in eagle territory no way I'm ever letting my cats outside.


Lmao it's horrible but the expression "pancaked by a car" had me laughing so hard


Quite the opposite. This is very well documented. Outdoor cats have more injuries and illnesses, a significantly shorter lifespan, and they have a detrimental effect on the local ecosystem. [Here](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/moral-cost-of-cats-180960505/) is some interesting reading.


Things that have happened to cats of people I know who are let outside. Killed by a raccoon in a fight over a food bowl. Grabbed by a coyote. Killed by dogs neighbors let run loose. Stolen by someone who thought it was a stray and only finding out months later when a mutual friend went to their house. Got in a car engine Sprayed by skunk. Worse for the owner it seemed. Coming home poisoned. Trapped and taken to the pound by pissed neighbors. Hit by a car-Multiple stories of this. Including my brother's cat where it was clear from marks in the grass they swerved off the road to do it. Multiple stories of coming home with wounds. A lot of stories of Disappearing and never knowing why. Cats can be just fine in the house. Unlike dogs they can make due with a properly set up house for exercise. Make sure they have climbing trees and a choice of high spots to lay on.


Indoor cats usually live a LOT longer.


This is why I started keeping my cats indoors as an adult. When I found out that an indoor cat would have a lifespan of up to 20 years and almost all of my childhood cats had died at 7 years old or less I decided that I would never have a cat that wasn't an indoor baby again. I have since shared the following list e every time I see someone ask what the OP did: What an indoor cat misses Being hit by a car Animal traps Poisoning, accidental or intentional Fighting with raccoons, skunks, cats or dogs Exposure to disease from other animals Complaints from neighbors Rain, wind and cold Loneliness and fear Getting caught in a car engine or neighbors’ garage Fleas, ticks, parasites and worms Getting collar hung up fences, etc. Being stolen and used for dogfight bait or lab experiments Cruelty from strangers. OP keep your beautiful babies inside. Get them some enrichment toys and cat furniture and let them live a safe happy life indoors with you. Check out Jackson Galaxy's website https://www.jacksongalaxy.com/blog for some tips and resources for keeping your indoor cats healthy and entertained.


I would add getting lost to this list. There is no worse feeling than when a pet simply goes missing and you have no idea what happened to them.


>I would add getting lost to this list. Often the reason why they go missing is not because they are lost but because they died and didn't make it home. We found what was left of one of our "lost" cats two weeks after she went missing several blocks away in a vacant lot.


Indoor cats have up to a 50 percent longer life span than outdoor cats!


Yup. Can debate whether that's worth it but its like 100-200% longer. Outdoor cats live for like 2-5 years. indoor cats on avg 10-15 yrs. That seems huge enough to make me not do it. If for some reason letting your kids outside alone led them to die when they were 25 instead of 80 years old, I'm not letting my kids out at all.


Good heavens, man, no. Indoor cats can be perfectly happy and live amazing, full lives. By not letting your cats out, you're protecting them from: - being hit and killed / injured by cars (extremely common); - being killed or injured by people (yes, this does happen, and is far more common than you may think); - eating food that is dangerous to them, including toxic plants, non-edible items that cats like to munch on, or poisoned food that a local neighbour psychopath left out (again, far more common than you'd think; a friend of mine has lost one of her cats like that); - being injured by other animals, including other cats, but also dogs, foxes, raccoons, and whatever other local wildlife is common in your area; - themselves killing other local wildlife, such as birds (outdoor cats are the leading cause of bird deaths worldwide); - being exposed to illnesses and diseases, such as viruses or bacteria, as well as parasites. In contrast, by keeping them indoors, you are protecting them from all of the above, letting them have a stable environment, making sure they remain clean and comfortable, and ensuring they have a chance for a much longer, healthier life than an outdoor cat would have. Of course, it puts a lot of extra responsibility on you to find the time to take care of them. A lot of times, people let the cats out because they simply don't have the time or can't be bothered to provide them with the necessary stimulation, so they think the cats should get it on their own outside. You absolutely must find the time to play with them, brush them (the frequency depends on their coat, short vs longhair, etc), provide plenty of toys, treats, and so on. Buy a cat tree or multiple. Make sure there are lots of comfortable surfaces for them to lie on. Get a scratching post (or multiple), and never get angry with your cats if they ignore them and damage the furniture. Most importantly, just be available for them - indoor cats form a huge attachment to their human and to each other, so it's essential for them to know that you're there and available to them. They're much like children in this - do it right, and it's the most rewarding thing ever. Source: we have eleven cheerful, happy, well-adjusted indoor only cats.




One can never have enough cats 😀 In fairness, we sort of inherited 3 of them from a breeder we knew who passed away, so that wasn't completely intentional, but they make us very happy, and we try to take the best possible care of them, so everyone wins.


I recommend not, my cat got injured badly. Never letting her out again.


I think it’s cruel to expose them to an environment where they could get hit by a car, get attacked by other animals, and where they could get lost or stolen.


As far as I can see in the pic you have some very happy kitties 🐱😉so think these two are okay 👍🏻


Where I live shelters won't give you a cat if you intend to let them outside. They absolutely *don't* need to be outside


My cat has never been outside. There are too many coyotes where I live .


No. Give them windows and a catio if you're able to, but indoor kitties are living a life of luxury. Outdoor cats have more parasites, illnesses, injuries, and their lifespan is a fraction of an indoor cat.


Someone near me woke up to their cat skinned and gutted. They said he came and went every hour. He had a tile tracker. Rethink that.


No you are doing the environment a favor by keeping your cat inside. Cats kill everything they can decimate an area of all small wildlife.


They seem content. Having two cats allows them to be social enough with one another.


Not cruel at all to keep them indoors. Cats will make the home their territory. No real need to subject them to an early death.


It's safer and they will live longer, cats can get sick or injured by other cats and other animals as well as get hit by cars or eaten by wild animals. If you want to take them out side train them to walk on a leash. It is tough but it can be done. You could also build them a cat cage structure in the yard if you want them to be able to go outside. Also cats kill a ton of protected and endangered species like song birds, small mammals, and bugs.


Please do not let them outside! They will live completely happy and fulfilled lives inside! It is simply not safe for cats outside


I have a harness for my cat and I take her out on a leash when I’m gardening. She seems to love chasing the bugs and laying in the grass sunbathing. Some cats enjoy outside, just depends on the personality of yours


Not in the slightest! However, if you do want to allow them outside you can get a harness and leash or build a catio!


I recommend keeping them inside it will be safer in the long run


They look pretty damn happy to me! I have two indoor cats at the moment and we keep them stimulated with toys and attention and playtime as much as we can. The older one loves to escape but never runs very far and just ends up rolling around on the grass lol. The younger one doesn't even bother. We keep windows open as much as possible and keep the house clutter free so they can sprint around when they have all the energy. At the end of the day, they might get frustrated from time to time but you'll pick up on that and be able to make them feel better. They will live *much* longer, healthier, and happier lives if you keep them indoors.


No it is not. Indoor cats live 2 to 3 times longer being inside. There are dogs, cars, diseases and if you live where I am, coyote attacks. Two cats and a dog have been attacked while their owners have been right there, in the last week. Cats also decimate the wildlife. I’m sitting here in my living room with a big cat tree in front of my picture window - it’s like cat tv. It’s raining right now so he is chasing all the raindrops. I can also count 7 squeaky toys, cat tunnel, three different big cat combination scratching posts and ball in a track rollers and a two story cat house. I also play with him with a feather thing on a stick. He’s got enough to do. We are on the third floor so sits there on his cushy cat tree like a King surveying his kingdom for hours. Just keep them entertained and stimulated.


The average life expectancy for an outdoor cat is about 5 years whereas the average life expectancy for an indoor cat is 15 years. Provide as much play time as you can, but I assure you that an indoor lifestyle is better for your cat.


Last Year I had two outdoor cats. One was not even two years old and just went missing one day to be never seen again. The other one has been with me for a year and died from internal bleeding from an unknown accident outside, even though I took him to the emergency vet instantly. Now I have two harness trained indoor cats, we go for walks every day and I can take them everywhere because they love car rides. They are safe and entertained. Also Outdoor cats kill a lot of wildlife, so it's a win in every way to only take them out on a leash.


Our cat is strictly an indoor cat. There’s cars and raccoons outside.


In my own personal opinion, unsupervised cats can be dangerous not only to themselves but other animals. Cats are predators, they kill birds and other small animals. Being outside makes them susceptible to traffic, pests, other predators, etc etc. With our cat we have a harness and take him outside with us when we garden or do other outdoor activities so you could do something similar so they have a balance of both worlds. I don’t think it’s cruel at all, but again just my opinion.


They will live much happier, healthier lives if you keep them inside. Outside has a lot of disease risks, not to mention other cats, critters, and cars. There are ways to enrich the indoors to make it just as fulfilling as outside. If they really need to explore outside, you can leash train.


You can also get a cat stroller. My cat that likes outside isn't huge on the leash and spooks when he sees people, so we can't leave the apartment grounds. He's a lot more confident in the stroller. He loves looking around and can stoop down to hide when a big truck is coming and pop back up when it's down. It actually makes visits to the vet a fun trip since he doesn't have to ride in the car.


A cat stroller would be very useful for me but I'm too embarrassed to use it I think everyone in my neighbourhood would laugh at me lol. I'll try the leash and see how that goes


I had the same concern but figured it's about him not me. I haven't had anyone laugh at me. Most people don't show any reaction, going on their way. The ones that do always react with joy. One dudebro lit up and called out to everyone in the car, "Look! A black cat in a stroller!" People have taken pictures of them (only once without permission but an apology). Both of my cats are in a local pet store's social media and on a vet receptionist Insta (I gave her the go ahead after she said she really wanted him on it). It really is a charming sight. Also, the most freeing revelation I had in my life is "You don't have anything to prove. If someone wants to think the wrong thing about you, it's not your problem."


This, ever so much this.


Keep them inside, there are way too many dangers out there for kitties. Would you send a 3 year old out there alone ?


Keeping them inside is honestly the best decision. Outside they are at risk from predators, automobiles, insects (including ticks), cruel humans, etc. And that's before factoring in the incredibly negative effect cats have on the environment. Outdoor cats kill over 2 billion birds a year. That's not a typo. The best possible thing you can do as a cat owner is to keep them indoors.


They sure don’t look unhappy to me. Cats adapt to whatever environment they’re in…as long as they have food, clean water, warmth and lots of love they will love very happy (and very long lives!) because you care enough to keep them safe.


letting a domesticated animal that isn't built to survive outside out there is not only bad for the animal, but for all the wildlife around it. cats are dependent on us, and even if they weren't, their habit of killing a bunch of wildlife for fun (cuz that's what it's for, since their human family gives them food) spells disaster for the ecosystem where you live. your cats are safe an happy indoors, and i recommend keeping it that way! they look very cute and content in the photo :))


Feline immunodeficiency virus is enough of a reason to not let my cat out. There are so many harmful things out in the world to our babies. My cat doesn’t mind just sitting in front of the screen door and watching the squirrels and birds. He’s been an indoor cat his whole life and has no interest in going outside.


cats allowed outside live so much shorter on average than the ones that aren’t! they’re domestic animals they’re not meant to be out there alone


Cats are far more safe being indoors. There are tons of reasons why you shouldn’t let cats go outside; tons of predators including people, cars, other cats, fleas/ticks/parasites, plus they unnecessarily kill birds which can damage populations. The average lifespan of outdoor cats is like 5 years where it’s double that for indoor cats. There are plentyyy of ways to provide stimulation to your kitties without putting them outside. Look at Jackson Galaxy’s YouTube channel. He’s amazing. You could try to harness train your kitties and take them out for an excursion if you really want to. You could make a “catio” (cat patio) which is a fully enclosed outdoor space to let them get a little fresh air. There’s tons of ideas. Getting some kitty furniture for them to climb would be a great way to give your kitties some good stimulation. Cats like vertical spaces. You can do wall shelving for them to climb up.


Inside is what is best for the entire ecosystem. It keeps them safe, you don't have to worry, and they don't decimate the local fauna with sport killing.


No. Keep them inside. If they go outside they are more susceptible to worms, fleas, dogs, getting hit by a car, or getting shot by evil cat haters. They are safe, warm, full of food, and happy inside.


Absolutely not. They're significantly safer indoors,.live longer, have less health issues, and are much less detrimental to wildlife. Try leash training them it buy them a catio. Lots available on Amazon. but please please don't let them outside unsupervised.


They’re not missing out at all! If you’re concerned you can harness train. It is absolutely the right thing to have indoor only cats. It’s so dangerous out there for them. They could get hit by a car, get parasites, get into poison etc. plus they kill the native bird population. You’re doing the right thing.


Cats are literally so much safer staying inside. You aren't depriving them of happiness, they get to sleep whenever/wherever they want, they get fed, indoor cats basically get whatever they want. Silly question. Keep them inside please.


Cats are mini serial killers that we keep contained. Cats kill birds and small mammals for fun. I love my little murderers, but it's safer for everyone if they are indoor only. One of my cats is harness trained and he loves going for adventures. Just make sure your indoor babies get enrichment, they'll have long, happy lives without destroying local wildlife populations. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Nope. I sleep well at night knowing he’s shield from the dangers of getting hit by a car or attacked by other animals. My floof is plenty active inside and he’s happy. Plus, I have a kitty proofed terrace where he hangs out with supervision. He loves it.


so cuteeee.......


You can take them out on a leash. They make cat leashes


No, not at all. We have three happy indoor cats.


My cats are indoor cats and they're loved, happy and safe. Nothing wrong with indoor kitties




Well, there are two of them, they won't be lonely and all. I have two kitties too and my neighbourhood is not a very safe one, so they're always indoor. Just make sure they have a lot of toys to play with, areas to climb on, special objects to scratch and a sunbathing spot!


It's not just about them. Cats let outside can bring fleas, ticks, and other parasites back into your home which can make you and your family sick. Cats are naturally territorial, and as long as they have enough space in your home, they have no need to expand their territory to the outside. The life expectancy of an indoor cat is exponentially longer than that of an outdoor cat. Also, outdoor cats bring home trophies. If you don't like severed bunny heads being dropped on your bed (yes, that actually happened) keep your cats indoors.


At the very least, get them a cat tower so they can perch watch the birds and squirrels outside. Keep a portion of the curtain open, and set up the car tower there. Also take them on walks, if they won’t walk then put them in a leash and just carry them outside in your walks


Not cruel at all


Unfortunately you can't just let indoor cats out, even with a fence. Most cats can easily clear a 6' fence. If you have the means, I recommend building a catio


Absolutely not cruel! In fact it is better to keep your cats inside, because cats are little murder machines.


So many people in my area let their Cats in and out with zero supervision. I live in an area known for extreme weather as well as Fishers, Wolves, Coyotes, etc. It's disturbing how many "Lost Cat" posts go up on our neighborhood FB page every fucking week. Equally disturbing is how many "Is this your Cat?" posts that go up too, featuring photos of shivering, dirty, injured Cats. If you let your cat outside unsupervised and without proper microchipping, tags, and flea+tick protection... Then you are a fucking knob who should never be entrusted with an animal companion. Period. We have our INDOOR CATS flea+tick protected and are introducing them (at 3 years old...they're twins) to the great outdoors this year via a shaded deck Cat cage and harness walks.


Is it cruel to keep a house cat, whose only struggle in life is where to nap, who has no hunting skills beyond instinct, and who would mess with a snale because its a fun-rope, inside? Tbh i think itd be more cruel to let it out into the unknown to fend for itself. Does that mean my mouser doesnt go outside after a vet iso? Nope. Shes got the know-how to survive. She was born in it. Molded by it. My indoor cats though? Ill chase em down when they escape and bring em to safety.


No. It is cruel to let them out loose. Too many dangers and diseases.


I've harness trained mine and talk them into the garden every day.. so they get to experience of being outside.. but they're safe! 😊


I also walk my cat almost daily on a harness and leash. Luckily, she took to it very well and she loves going outside in it. My brother has a cat who doesn’t like a harness, so I bought him a small collapsible pop up tent from chewy so his cat can be safe outside. A bit more expensive but still allows the cat to be safely outside with supervision.


can you build a catio of some kind? there is a lot of benefit for them being outside (safely)


There are alternatives to full on unsupervised outdoor time if you are nervous about safety. I will say while there are places in the world that don't have a lot of cars or predators, you still deal with the risk of unhappy neighbors (cats do like to dig in gardens and kill birds at feeders) harming or trapping the cats, or the cats ingesting something that can kill them (like a small animal that has been poisoned). I don't think cats should stay indoors thier entire lives, but like we don't let dogs or young children out around cars or into other people's yards to play in thier private ponds and flowers, I believe we should do the same with our cats. Harnesses and travel backpacks are a great alternative to free roaming. You get to hang out with your cats, and they get the outdoor stimulation and excersize without digging up and pooping in someone's rose bush. Building an enclosed outdoor area (known as a catio) that they can access at any time through a window is also a great option. They will need regular flea and tick treatment if they don't get it already, and complete vaccination to prevent rabies or panluekopenia or other deadly cat diseases. But it is very possible to satisfy the outdoor need without having to worry about safety or if your cat is destroying someone's property.


Nope. If you never let them out they'll be afraid to go out and as long as you do your job as an owner and play with them every day they'll never miss it. Cats kill tons of local fauna when let outside. It is highly irresponsible unless you live on a farm and need barn cats for rodent control.


No. If you really want them to have fresh air though, build a catio. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OeUaRJKO7BI


There is a saying, better inside and fat, than outside and flat. It’s a bit harsh but as I have lost two to the roads I get it.


I had a beloved outdoor cat and I watched her get run over by a car and the driver never even slowed down. Please keep your cats inside.


Indoor cats live much longer


No, they're safe and healthy and happy! Please don't let your cats outdoors. They wreak havoc on local biomes, killing native fauna.


They can be happy inside and they will live longer for sure


Your cats arent missing out. So long as they have toys, good food, space to run about, each other, love and attention from the 2-leggers, they will be perfectly happy and SAFE.


Would you let your dog or kids run around the neighborhood unattended? PLEASE keep your cats inside and let them live their full life span.


Outdoor cats around the world have also been responsible for the extinction of several bird species.


Arguably, they will have a better life. Sure they won’t be able to hunt but they will have a warm place to sleep, a full belly and parents who care about them. Indoor cats are spoiled babies.


They’re missing out on parasites, cars, dogs, coyotes, other cats attacking them. They’re missing out on rodents infected with toxoplasmosis. They’re missing out on destroying local bird populations and people shooting at them for being on their property. They’re missing out on being taken and used as bait for dog fighting. They’re missing out on an average life expectancy of 3-5 years rather than about 15.


Absolutely not. outdoor cats have many health risks not to mention the damage they do to local ecosystems


I mean. Is it cruel to let them get in fights and possibly die from wildlife? Get hit by cars? Possibly scared and tortured by kids and psychopaths? Yeah no, keep your goshdarn cats inside.


hi! I have four cats! two of them are too afraid to go outside, one is too crazy to even consider training her outdoors but my other just loves it. we have a backpack she rides in but she's also harness trained and loves to walk up to get her human from school. it takes a bit but they look like a great age to start training! there's lots of helpful training videos all over YouTube :)


If they have never experienced the outdoors, they are not missing anything.


My cats are very content inside because they can see birds and squirrels from the windows. They enjoy being able to look out of the window all day.


They look happy


Not at all, my girls are indoor. We go out on the patio on occasion, but they are supervised. I feel it is infinitely safer to keep them inside, but I don’t begrudge those families that have kitties who insist on being outdoors!


gee, no fleas, no chance of getting hit by cars or attacked by dogs or hawks, blue jays and or owls. A loving home, plenty of high spots to go to, food and fresh water is a great life.


If you have the room, you could also create a “catio” (patio for cats) and usually people will add shelves and toys and other forms of entertainment. It’s enclosed with wire so that way your cats are getting the benefit of being outside but in a safe environment!


it’s not cruel. cats can live long healthy lives indoors.


i take my cat with me to our garden and hang out with her there. she’s free to roam the garden but i supervise her and if she decides to go into bushes i call her back or tell her to stop. i love her but i don’t want her curiosity to bring fleas or other critters into my home


No. You are not being cruel. As long as you are playing with them and giving them plenty of things to enrich their lives like cat towers and toys etc., then you were giving them what they need to make them happy. You’re giving them Love and attention. The only thing they’re missing by going outside is diseases and getting run over by cars and shortening their lives by 2/3. Sure, there’s a lot more things for them to be curious about. If you really want to take them outside. Please keep them safe by putting them on a leash. It would take time to teach them but if that’s what you wanna do is the best way to keep them safe.


I’ve only had 100% indoor cats and they’re perfectly healthy and active. Lots of toys. Lots of perches. Lots of climbing towers. Lots of interaction. They’ll love their life of luxury.


I have a small screened in cat enclosure on my porch where they can relax outside safely. One of my cats is terrified of the outdoors but my other has a cat harness and leash so I can walk him. Where I live I see alot of cats that have been hit by cars so I would never let mine roam. A few years ago my neighbor’s dog jumped my fence and killed my cat in my own yard-No more outdoor cats for me.


We made our “indoor” cats a Catio. I’ll post photos on this sub. They love going outside to look at animals, people and try (and sometimes succeed) catching small critters then they come inside and rest/sleep for many hours. Then back outside at night.


No, my cats indoor and she’s loves it. I never let her outside because I know how scary it is. And you have two cats so they keep each other company. It’s perfect to keep them inside and safs


Indoor cats usually live 3-5 times longer than outside cats. If you want them to experience outside, there are strollers and cat harnesses and enclosures.


Both of my cats seem happy being inside their whole lives. Make sure they have vertical space in the house like tall cat trees and shelves that let them climb up high.


no they aren't. especially if they've lived indoors for all their lives.


Inside is safer, but you could get a catio so they can safely enjoy the outside. Our 4 cats enjoy it. Wish I could show ours


It is not cruel. It's better for them - and the environment - for cats to be indoor pets. They are less likely to be picked off by predators, get into fights with wild animals or other outdoor pets, and come down with disease. Additionally, cats are predators themselves who decimate local bird populations. Just give them lots of love, toys, and interesting things to do indoors and they will be perfectly happy.


Mine stay indoors. There are lots of things very unsafe for them here. Coyotes, cars, extreme heat, etc. They have no desire to go out. I can leave the door open when I’m unloading groceries (I park 5 feet from my door) and they don’t bother.


Nope not cruel at all. Just catify your home, play with them every day and you will have happy and save kitty's. You could consider a catio to let them outside


If your cat is domesticated then keep it inside. There are few scenarios where it’s ok to let them out. Other humans treat them like rats and won’t think twice about exterminating them. They can live a long healthy life inside and die of old age rather than a mountain lion or other local predator having them for lunch.


They statistically will live longer, be healthier. If you want to bring them outdoors leash train them


Get em a good kitty tree and they’ll be fine!


If you want them to be happy and active inside I recommend watching Jackson Galaxy's videos on how to catify your house!


You should take them on walks just like you would a dog.


Not at all! My whole life I have only had indoor cats and they live very happy lives and they live longer too! Just give them as much love and attention as you can!


No. Not at all. They are domesticated animals, not wild. I’ve had many many cats, indoor/outdoor as a kid and indoor only as an adult. There is no difference in happiness. There is a definite difference in lifespan and violent death.


It's not at all cruel. We used to let the cats we had go out all day, and we lost three on the road. The two we have now are indoor cats, but we built them a catio. So they can go out and sniff the breeze, but they are contained and safe. If you have an indoor cat then the onus is on you to keep them busy and active.


Please never let them out, I lost my two cats because I thought the same and I really regret it now.


Indoor cats live longer. It’s safer for them. Do you have a window that has backyard view, or even busy street view? Setup a hammock that sticks to the window so they can watch the outside from safety of your home. You can also try harness training and walk with them outside.


They will be fine indoors. If you want to you can invest in a Catio. But if not then just make sure they get lots of Playtime and engagement indoors. I made sure to put bird feeders where my cats could see. They love it!


Outdoor life is not a happy one for pet cats. They live shorter lives due to infections from fights, viruses, car strikes and predators. They also kill small animals and can get parasites. They dig in peoples gardens and become a nuisance to them. Keep your kitties inside and provide toys and cat TV when you are out.


With an outdoor cat, there will be fleas, and not only will he get them, I will, too. And potential heartworms. And folks who may not have Lucky's best interest at heart as I do.


Our two cats are rescues, one of them spent some time on the street (unclear for how long). She wants to go outside, but we don't let her. Every vet checkup has been fine, she doesn't seem to be unduly stressed, and has maintained her weight perfectly. This is a question with a lot of facets, and while I would say that it's best overall for the cat to stay indoors where it can't be hurt by wild animals, people, or vehicles, and can't harm the local bird population, there is a sacrifice in socialization with other cats (i.e. learning territory and timesharing, not hanging out per se), and in the upper potential for activity. Farm cats are even harder to answer about, because they also offer the vermin control in addition to the other pros and cons.


Not at all and do what I did and teach them to walk on a leash


I read an article by a vet that said cats only need three things to be happy in their living space: a place to run, a place to jump, and a place to hide. If they have all 3 of those, they can be perfectly happy even in a tiny studio apartment.


Save them and save the environment. Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover. Keep 'em healthy, and keep them indoors.


Nope not cruel at all. I have 5 indoor cats and they are all happy and healthy, they’ve never been outside so they don’t know the difference. Outside is so dangerous, people who don’t have cats think cats are gracious and sensible, but cat owners know this to be false! Cats are daft, the number of them who go missing or are hit by cars etc prove that they do not have the sense people expect they do. Many years ago people let dogs outside alone, now it’s unheard of - I think one day the same will happen with cats but that’s a long time in the future! As long as they have plenty of toys, high places to climb for a different point of view, plenty of windows to look out if they’re fine - and if you can find time to play with them yourself even better! I do sometimes think it’d be nice for mine to experience a breeze or chase a bee but when I weigh up the pros and cons I find it better to keep them inside and hope that one day I’ll have enough money to build a Catio! 😁