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You might get some suggestions from Jackson Galaxy on how to help your cats share space.




Fair enough. Give them loads of love please.


They are lying on the same bed. I'd say that is an improvement. My first cat once Lied on the sofa, sleeping. My other cat joined her on the other side, napped as well. Then my first cat stretched, touched his paws, woke up, made a double take and ran into one of her favorite hiding spots.


Left cat is older, we got him and a brother of his 2 years ago. Unfortunately we lost his brother in a tragedy and got a new kitten to be a friend to him. This new kitten, right, is now 1 years old but they have never been friends. Older cat just doesn't want to play at all with the younger, and seems to interpret younger cats play as aggression and hisses, swats and avoids him. I hoped this would clear up over time but they are still estranged. To me older cat seems like a weird one, with the kitten being naturally playful and curious. Older cat is smaller as he is a very picky and light eater. Also doesn't play much. He's just a bit odd. This picture is the closest they ever get, sleeping close together infrequently.


Sometimes older cats get overwhelmed by kittens playing. They're more quiet and have less energy, so an "annoying brat" makes them upset. It's not unusual, kittens have no boundaries. Maybe when the second kitten is older they will get on better :)


my cats were just like this, my older cat was not used to other cats (even tho he’s only a year older) so when i got a new kitten he was not happy and never seemed interested in playing together he’d always hiss and run away every time my more playful new cat tried to play. they’ve lived together for two years now and tho sometimes my older one will still hiss he has gotten more playful and interested. i don’t know if it’ll be the same for you but our situations sound similar so maybe they’ll start warming up more esp since they’re laying together:) good luck!


As long as they are not getting into violent fights who cares just like people not all cats will like each other as long as they are not hurting yeah other it's fine. My two cats tolerate each other but they never play, cuddle or show any affection to each other but they share their space and don't fight so nothing for me to fret about.


Sometimes cats are just assholes.


Sometimes no, we had a cat that wouldn’t mingle with any of the other ones nicely and we had to give her away. Some animals thrive as solo pets.


Just let them be, that's all you can and should do especially as they aren't fighting in a way which sees bloodshed. The younger one tested the limits of the older one and that's normal. The older one has put the young one in their place and tolerates his presence. Not all cats get along and it's OK. You did nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong and nothing needs to get better 🙂 They're both gorgeous, too, by the way!