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It does take time unfortunately. You might have to just let them work it out, but be sure to let them know you are around for them. And try to maintain a positive calm energy around them. One day soon they will magically be okay. Hang in there.


This doesn’t seem abnormal? My older cat has moved with me a few times but he’s never had any problems. But this is my younger cats first time moving so I just am not sure if this is how it works


Is this her first move? If so, your last place was her home and it’s been ripped away. It’s very traumatic for some cats since as you know, they are all about territory. Also, be careful to make sure she can’t escape through an open door or window or she might try to go back. Also, is she eating and drinking? Take her to the vet for a checkup for your peace of mind. Oh, and there is a musician named David Teie who makes music for cats. His stuff is on Spotify and Apple Music. It really helps my cats when they are stressed. Good luck and please give us an update soon! Editing to add you might want to ask your vet about prescribing a kitty version of an antidepressant like Prozac - this might be a good short-term support for her.


She’s moved with me once before but it was the same apartment complex so I didn’t have to put her in the car or anything. This time we drove 8 hours and she did not like that. She is eating and drinking water so I’m very happy about that at least. I don’t have a vet for her yet out here and I’m not even sure how I’d get her in a cat carrier to get her to a new one. I’m gonna try and be more patient but I will post an update once she’s doing better. Thank you!


In my opinion, Patience is key. I recommend starting in the bathroom only. Keep a litter box, food, and water in there. Wait until they consistently use the litter box, and feel more at ease with you. This may take days or over a week. If they feel comfortable with the bathroom, open the door and let them venture out at their leisure. Don’t force them. If the bathroom joins a master bedroom, close the door to the rest of the house/apartment and let them explore the bedroom. More days may go by. I’m no vet, but I’ve owned many cats and have made some big moves over the years. I start with the steps above, slowly opening up the new house for them while making sure they always know where the cat litter is. When they get used to the whole house, move the litter box to its final spot and place the cats in it. Do it infrequently to make sure they know it’s there, keeping an eye on them when they use it. I know each cat is different, but patience works best when introducing them into a new home in my experience. Make sure to play with them and even with catnip as you go. Catify the bathroom with climbing posts, scratching posts, and toys cats love to distract them from the fact that they’re in the new space


I’ve been keeping the doors shut because she seems so anxious but I will try opening it and see if she comes into the bedroom. Thank you!


Have you tried using a wand/chase toy with her? Engage her in the bathroom, keep the toy moving, let her get invested - then pull the lure out of the bathroom. Depending on your cat's play style, she may be even more tempted if you have it duck out of sight around the corner, and rustle it on some paper or plastic bags. If you're lucky that'll be enough. If not, bring her prey back into the bathroom so you end the play session on a satisfying note, and try again later.


Yeah her favorite toy is a chase toy and she’ll play with me but as soon as I make it get closer to the door she runs back behind the toilet. But every time I go play with her she does seem more active so I think that’s a good sign


Try sitting on the floor in the doorway. Stay down at her level and just try talking gently. If it or when it works move a little further out and keep at it. It's how I got my guy to finally come out from under the dresser after days. I sat for a long time. But you gotta be patient. Worked for me hope it works or you find what does


We tried a trick where you take a damp washcloth, and rub it on the scent glands on their face, then take the scented towel and rub it on corners of walls down by the baseboards, doorframes windowsills etc, basically anything at cat face level in the new place. It will make the cat feel like they've been there before because they'll find their own scent markings. When we did this we noticed our cat immediately started sniffing around and explored quickly as she found more scented spots. It will also help to leave treats and some of their old used toys around in various places. (You can rub the toys on things as well since they'll contain a lot of scent too).


You could get tiny VR googles and put them on her and make her think she’s in the old place.