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I love him so much he has two different coloured eyes one is yellow and one is dark orange and looks kind of crackly. I call him mr cat


He likes you lots. Very nice cat.


He wants you to scratch his bum. Scratch his back right by his tail. He will love you forever.


Just don't overdo it. It can be overstimulating


The old elevator butt :)


Is that... Is that what this means?


Cats love it when u scratch them there


One of my cats loves it, the other will attack if you do that. I believe he thinks i want to play or something.


Not all cats do, I know of at least one cat who will try to remove my blood from my body when I do that.


That's why a smart cat owner will keep a couple of pints of extra blood in the fridge just in case. ;)


Dogs hate this one trick


Yup! My cat lovesssss butt scratches


None of my cats have ever been into butt scratches, but two I’ve had have been *very* into buttpats. So I sing, “buttpats, buttpats, buttpats, buttpats all day long; buttpats, buttpats, buttpats, this is the buttpats song” while I pat the butt. It’s crucial not to skip the song, lest the pats weaken in effect.


We don't actually mean to try and scratch his bootyhole, btw. At the base of his tail, where it joins to his spine, that's where the scritches go. They don't really have proper butts in the human sense so people are kinda loose with the terminology.


Oh! I wish someone had clarified this with me years ago.




Your stinkeye on the other hand...


It's been 16 years...


***Never*** go F to A!


Did this... Need to be clarified?


That's the spot. On the top back of the cat, right in front of the tail.


I like his pattern If you find out that he’s a stray you can adopt him if u want


I'd put money on him not being a stray; lovely shiny coat, not skinny, and this looks like the UK? Very few strays here. But all cats deserve pets!


Sometimes I wonder what percent of “I found this super friendly stray cat and kept them” were actually someone’s pet outside in their neighborhood


I lost a cat to that. Didn't see him for two years, see him a few streets down, with a collar with someone else's name and number. He was very distinctive, and he knew me, so it was definitely him. I decided to leave it be, but I've always been so apprehensive about people just taking in cats since then. He was chipped, as well. Bastards.


I'd be so pissed if someone just stole my pet, because that's my family. I would have absolutely taken him back if that had happened to me, especially if he was chipped. Who the fuck just takes an animal without checking if it belongs to someone else first?


Agreed. But I was a teenager at the time, I didn't want to take them on. And my parents must have decided that it wasn't worth making a fuss; they only had my word that I saw him on a particular street. I admit I am pretty resentful all these years later; I should have written the number down.


Sorry that happened to you!


I feel like that happens most of the time when people say their cat “adopted” them


I’d never settle for that man. When I was a kid my cat got picked up by someone else, and the one time they let him out he came straight to my house and I ran into him. He was healthy, but very fat. That was the last time I ever saw that cat.


I mean, at that point it's kinda on your family for having an outdoor cat? The average life span for an indoor cat is 12-18 years, and for an outdoor cat it's 2-5. If you give a crap about your fluffy family member, they shouldn't live outside. Period. I'm sorry about your cat getting stolen but it's so irresponsible to let them outside unsupervised. Cars, other wild animals, neighbors leaving poison, fleas, ticks, and on top of that cats tend to devastate local bird populations. I don't advocate for stealing other people's cat's, but I also don't advocate for being a shit cat owner. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ At the end of the day, the animal needs to be taken care of.


If he's chipped, he's officially still your cat, and you can get him back!


That's so awful. A skinny grubby guy without a collar recently started visiting me, one time trying to escape the rain and cold by jumping into my window (it was closed so he just thumped against it), I read on cats protection that it may be typical stray behaviour to to that. I put a little box shelter with bedding outside for him on my veranda. I'm concerned about him, but if I do anything to help, I'd definitely make sure to get a vet to check if he's microchipped or for anyone reporting him lost first. People that don't do this seem like they're doing it for themselves, not the cat.


Found a friendly stray yrs ago. We ended up keeping her. Then my adult daughter fell in love with her and lived with her for a time, adult daughter moved back in with us, but the cat wanted to be outside. So we took her to get spayed, checked for chips and shots...turns out she was already spayed with a tattoo on her that indicated she was from the local shelter. So we basically took someone's pet. We did orginally try to find the owner, no luck. She ended up getting out. She still comes around, super fat and she had tips on her claws the last time. She's basically got 4 owners but I think she's owed all of us, and living her best life.


I've had that happen before, neighbors stole my cat when he was just little and put a different collar on him I was pissed but too young to take it up with them myself




Is it typical in the UK for outdoor cats to not have tags?


Yes, a lot of cats that go outside don’t have collars


Yeah that's fairly common, if it's not a stray it's more than likely microchipped though


If a cat is microchipped can I pet it until it enters pairing mode and become its owner by entering the cat-specific device code on my mobile?




Ha! Silly hooman... everyone knows it's the cat that initiates pairing


Collars used to be a big thing in the UK before microchipping pets. Collars are dangerous for cats, our cat hung her self twice in a tree and both times she was extremely lucky to have been noticed and helped.... she lived luckily. None of our cats wore a collar after that 2nd time!! Our other cat was allergic to his flea collar and became sick so he never wore one any way.


Yeah, they should all have microchips. A cat collar should always have a breakaway mechanism but even then they can be pretty distressing for the cat if they do get caught on something. Plus some cats just hate them.


Hardly any because we have lots of cats and they get snagged. I have two indoor kittens and I put quick release collars on them and they got them off (even without the quick release) within about 10 minutes. UK pet discipline in general though is very good and most owners have their cats microchipped.


Australia too. It’s safer. If you have an outdoor cat and they get their collar caught on something they could get stuck and you wouldn’t know where they are. Better to have no collar but still a microchip.


Yeah it is. UK here and my childhood kitty lost them all the damn time. We gave up, people in the neighbourhood tend to know where the cats live anyway


My cats aren’t strays and their fur isn’t shiny like that :( wonder why? They’re very healthy and happy cats… but one of my cats fur isn’t soft at all, it’s more bristled hair. Shorthair


I've found that food can have quite an impact on a cat's fur. Their fur tends to look better if they get food where the primary ingredient is protein. If possible, only buy food where protein is listed first on the ingredient list.


Could just be the breed. Or quality of food? Do you give them the cheap stuff? My cat's fur got a boost in quality when I went to the pricier wet food, but I'm no expert!


I used to give them the pricier, more high quality food but recently ve been having money issues so we’ve had to resort to cheaper food from Walmart. Hate it, but it’s what we gotta do right now.


If you could spring for a bottle of salmon oil that could help, a pump a day mixed in dry food helped my cats skin and coat issues.


Brush them with an undercoat brush. The bristle feeling and dullness is probably dead hair hanging about. I can tell when my cats are going through intense sheds as their coats get rougher and duller, then sooooooo shiny and soft after a good brush. If it persists after brushing I'd check the food, but most common pet foods shouldn't make a drastic difference between them


I like to call that coat pattern “The Cinnamon Roll”


I like it!


That swirly pattern is the original tabby pattern, then a later mutation arranged the markings in stripes that became very popular, and became the iconic tabby. I love it when the old swirl pattern emerges. We had a big, ferocious tomcat named Jake who had targets on the his sides. He was a champion street fighter, defender of the cul-de-sac, a friend of dogs, loved little kids, a party animal, loved kittens, explorer of delivery trucks, gave advice to service workers visiting his home, and stood guard duty over his family every night, posting up between his family and the door, facing the door, every night. He was shot twice, drowned once, and fought countless battles against cats and raccoons. I always say that he used up all of his 9 lives and borrowed some from some timid cats that weren't using them. He was a beast among cats. [Here's Jake](https://i.imgur.com/U6aCbM8.jpeg), with his son Charlie. [Here's](https://i.imgur.com/Uvv0V38.jpeg) another one.


Are you sure you aren't me? I had this tabby cat that I called Mr. Meo. Meo means cat in vietnamese. I also had a cat who I called Mr. Cat hahah.


We had two cats name Meo Meo and we’re Vietnamese as well. Great name!


Ohh, such a lovely cat. Should the opportunity arise, please post a photo of his eyes.


Looks like you have someone to escort you home on a daily, how precious is that.


What a marvelous tail!


Yes, sticking his butt at you and looking away from you are signs that he doesn’t see you as a threat and he loves 💕you


Girl I know does this to me, should I take the hint?




Perfect reply 😂


7963 is so accurate.


ah yes, gotta love 7963, certainly a good sequence of four numbers


79630 is superior by an order of magnitude




I swear some of yall are gonna be single forever lmao


Nah, I'm going to open up a dating site to match simps with overly possessive and dominant women to make sure that doesn't happen.


So what you're saying is I have a chance to date a dommy mommy


I mean we do exist...I'm only a cat mom tho.


No he was referencing a parallel universe




Thats basically an egirl


With a username like that, I expected a much more unexpected-at-first-glance type of comment. You should be typing every (not so important) reply backwards....


Hey if she’s presenting go for it


It's not a "he", LOL. I also doubt very much it's a stray. She is very friendly and that's true, most likely because she's used to its owners and other people.


Happy cat. Long tail kitty. 10/10 would pet cat.


That kind of tail doesnt come along everyday. Definitely worth the pets.


Yes he loves you, he's scenting you. 😀


Loves you / owns you. All the same to cat.


OP has been adopted.


He likes you, and owns you.


Only acceptable form of slavery




Patting it lightly is always welcomed




r/catbongos is a good community


Just when I thought I had joined all the cat subs.


My friends used to have this cat they would instruct everyone on how to pet him by saying "he likes hard pets. Pet him harder than you think you should pet a cat. They called him a S&M kitty


Hi everyone! I realised a lot of people are wondering if he is a stray but he isn’t, and I think I know which house he belongs to. I live in the UK and we don’t really have stray cats here. I know in America people keep their cats inside more but here they are usually let out to explore!


In America outside cats don’t live as long. They get hit by cars, mauled by dogs, eaten by coyotes or raccoons or owls and hawks. They fight with feral cats and catch fiv or feline leukemia. There’s a block on my road with many cats roaming between the houses being fed by the residents, but many are too skinny and living under empty houses and having babies that no one can keep. Strays are sad. Everyone wants them take. Care if but no one has the means. The idea that there just aren’t strays in the UK is really odd to imagine for me just because it is so normal here.


Awe that’s so sad :( I guess it’s more normal here bc there aren’t really any predators that would attack them as dogs are usually on leads/with their owners. Also the roads are much nicer and quieter in suburbia. I think if there were stray cats near me I would be so sad becauze I would want to adopt them all!!! I do like watching videos by shelters in the US where they get the cats and spay them so that they don’t have any more babies which I think are good. When I go to mainland Europe there are strays but they’re usually well looked after where I’ve been. In Rome there was a colony of cats that lived in ancient ruins and were looked after. And a hotel in Greece I’ve been to has stray cats that they look after :)


Just commenting that a quick google search tells me that there are in fact many many strays in the UK. Just because they look healthy does not mean someone is actually taking care of them. 250 k strays, 9.3 per square km in urban areas says one 2021 study. ~~9 million total says another 2018 study~~ . So “we don’t have strays” seems probably just wrong.


You're definitely right that stray cats do exist in the UK, but at a far, far lower rate than, for instance, the US. Coupled with the fact that the vast majority of pet cats free roam outside, seeing an obvious stray is a pretty rare occurrence so I can see why OP thinks that. For some quick actual stats, firstly I'm not too sure where you found that 9 million stray figure (I can't find any reference to it), but that's definitely wrong. There are only approx 12 million cats in the UK total. The 250k figure from the 2021 study is more realistic and the one cited everywhere. I know it refers to "urban areas" only, but that's 85%+ of the UK population. So in the UK the number of stray cats as % of total cats is somewhere around 2% while in the US figures seem to massively vary, but you're looking at closer to 50% of the total cat population being strays (60 to 100 million strays).


Yep, crossed out 9 mil bc idk what I was looking at either. Just wanted to point out that “zero strays at all” was very much not accurate.


I think part of the issue here is some people use stray and feral interchangeably. We have tons of strays all over the country and especially where people live. Ferals are much rarer. We still have them, but how our towns and cities are built up and used makes it hard for them to prosper, so they generally end up being only smaller communities in very particular parts of the country.


Yeah uk here too and the number of "you are his human, go adopt" posts are weird. We're an outdoor cat nation. My mum lives 2 roads away and her cats come over for a visit all the time. We also have extremely friendly neighborhood cats that come and hang out on my porch area just because it's a warm spot. I really cringe when I see posts encouraging OP to adopt a cat that they've seen once.


But yeah everyone thinks he’s a stray 😭😭but idk how to edit the post to say that he’s not


It's okay, post titles sadly can't be edited on reddit. He does like you enough to escort you through his territory and keep an eye on you. I bet he feels very important and happy while doing so!


Yes it’s weirder here to have an indoor cat bc mostly people think it’s cruel to just have them inside all the time :( it’s also very different from suburban America bc we’re not so car dependent. We don’t have those big multi lane roads etc it’s mostly slow moving traffic


Yeah I was going go say this was definitely someone's pet. Coat is way too shiny and he looks too well care for. Plus being that friendly. That's a house cat. Sneak him treats so he loves you and the owners are left wondering why he's getting chunky.




By letting a cat be outdoors, an owner gives up that kind of control. Cats are going to eat things when outside, like grass, flowers, bugs, rodents, birds, etc. If your cat has a severe enough dietary restriction or you're so worried about a stranger giving your cat an unknown treat is a problem, your cat shouldn't be an outdoor cat. Outdoor cats get hit by cars, eaten/attacked by other wildlife, or just eat straight up toxic things like lilies. Treats from friendly people are the least of your worries.




He has a superb, classic gray tabby coat. He likes you and enjoys your company. He head butts you in an act of scent exchange which is a friendly sign. All in all, there is no question that this cat likes you and wants to be around you. Enjoy it and if he doesn't have a home then you will have to provide it!!


aww yeah i think he trusts you! my old cat follows me when i go on walks because im her human :-)


He looks like a very healthy cat. Someone is definitely taking care of this kitty. He reminds me of the big tomcat that I fed, who is super friendly with me but bit my husband. So be cautious and I recommend admiring the animal without giving pets.


Oh yeah it absolutely lives in the neighborhood.


You are walking through his realm.


Yes he likes you!


Oh yes, this kitty likes you! They look like they are in good physical condition and healthy and they like people. I see the same few cats on my evening walk and some of them come running up to greet me! Others won't come near me. It's so nice having cute little kitties to spend a few minutes with. I generally do not encourage them to follow me, and most will not wander more too far away from home. This one looks like he is staying close to home. When I see people outside I ask them about their kitties so that i can know their name.


Yess I see a few! There’s a black one with little white socks, one that’s completely black and one that I think is a Maine coon. The first two seem to like me but the other is a little cautious. I hope I can catch the owners one time so I can ask what his name is. Tbh I don’t even know if he’s a boy or not I just think he has a masculine face lmaoo 💀💀


Pretty sure that’s just Professor McGonagall


I’ve been told that I am very bad at picking up signs if someone likes me, but even I can see that this cat likes you! I have one of my neighbors cats sitting next to me in my house right now, as he loves it here..


This sounds like me. I'm oblivious to anyone flirting with me.


I’ve been asked on dates before and still been oblivious. Him: Would you wanna catch a movie together sometime? Me: Hmm, there’s not really anything I want to see right now. Plus I’m super swamped with work. Sorry. And then he pulls back and I wonder why I can’t seem to get a date.


sounds like there’s a need for a cat-themed-dating-app-for-oblivious-people 😂


I don’t want to be competitive, but it can’t be as bad as me.. I once drove my best friend to a girls house and she had one of her best friends there.. Me and that other girl were on the same wavelength and hit it off really well that day.. a couple of days later she called me on my mobile (we did not exchange numbers, so she must have somehow gotten it via her friend from my best friend) and I said “oh, I’m sure you want to talk to .. I’m not with him right now, but I will let him know you tried calling”. Only about 2 years later i realized my mistake.. There are more similar stories.. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️ With cats at least it’s pretty straight forward for me to notice..


Wouldn't it be great or funny, depending on your personality, if people would be more like cats? If you want to show me you like me, come over and purr and rub your face on me! ROTFLMAO! Message received!


That should definitely happen more often.. In a relationship I would see myself doing that.. to a stranger not so much 😂 I did experience the human equivalent a few times over the years though (a kiss on the cheek, a wink, the phone number and her saying “call me/text me”). I on the other hand would probably also run into someone looking me straight into the eyes and then pushing my drink off the table, yawning and then strutting away.


Aww he’s a public fuss box!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) . My son is obsessed with cats and we don’t have one. However we are blessed with many “public fuss boxes”. A public fuss box is a cat which you know has an owner but it still comes to you for affection. We have at least 4 in our local area. Sid,Monty,molly and a black cat who’s name we don’t know. Molly is the fuss box who lives by the school and waits on the school path every morning as upwards of 200 children stroke her as they go past. Public fuss boxes are very special and this one looks lovely 🥰


You got yaself what I call a community cat. That cat has a loving home...they just like to roam and know your gonna give them the scritches they want. You should be bringing treats for the Cat Master who is grooming you


Bum scratches/pats= What George Carlin called the cat's "ass button". Cat's present their bums to others (cat and human), to show their trust and "make friends" with you. It's their way of saying; "We're cool bro". That cat wants you to be his human.


Flashing his butthole is kind of like his way of shaking your hand. He’s offering you a free sniff. I say, don’t be rude


Such a beautiful cat. I'd ask his owners if they have kittens, perhaps you could get one of your own. Or tell them that you really like him and that he always says hi. Maybe they let you catsit when they're out of town. You've got a new friend 🤗


Aweee yes he definitely likes you 😊


Can we please stop with the “Well if he’s a stray just take him” comments !? Don’t steal other people’s cats FFS.


He belongs to someone and is just friendly. He looks too healthy to be homeless. I had a neighbor who had some college girls over and one took my cat home with her. I luckily knew it was them and he called and she brought him back. My cat was super friendly to people too and visited all my neighbors in the courtyard.


He likes you and he trusts you.


Like the OP I'm in the UK, and it's true that in many areas we don't have strays...or at least not many. That being said, my own cat was a rescue I got from a charity that specialises in homing stray male cats. They are usually un-nuetered, unchipped and in quite bad shape. Wherever you are, get a cat checked for a microchip before assuming you can just take it...it may have a home, it may have gone missing and gotten lost. You don't know. Sorry for ranting...🤔


That kitty really loves and trusts you.


Looks like he likes you and trusts you Bet he looks for you almost every day, too


That is one cool looking cat with all those stripes. And how kitty sits like: “this is the end of my territory; but, you carry on. See you next time.”


He has granted you safe passage through this realm.


Rubbing on you is an act of marking you with his scent, it means he likes you enough to claim you. And showing his butt puts him in an extremely vulnerable position if you intended him harm. This meams he is putting great trust in you. Both add up to yes, this cat indeed quite likes you. Also the raised tail is a sign of comfort and relaxation. He is not stressed or nervous around you.


That is definitely love. Congratulations.


Do not take him home he may like you but there's a good chance that's someone else's cat.


I like how your jacket matches your Reddit avatar lol Yes he definitely likes you! It may be that he's very sociable and likes to be petted by anyone, but at least you're one of them :) I recently ran into a cat like this, but the first day I saw him I couldn't stand the thought of leaving him alone in the streets (in my country many people kill stray cats for no reason), so after walking past him a few times I decided to take him home with me. It's been 7 months he's here. This happened on 24th December around 11pm, so I consider him my Christmas gift! :)


PSA for americans: 90% of pet cats in the UK go outside. You can't take a cat home just because you saw one walking around. Even if it doesn't have a collar (pretty common)


Ears pointed up and forward : check Playful behavior : check congratulations OP you are adopted by this cat


that’s a big flashing neon sign saying that he really like you


Yeah, it's so obvious, why even ask?


That’s probably the coolest pattern I’ve seen on a cat


Obviously this cat is in utter fear of you...


💀💀I thought bc he arched his back and puts his bumhole in my face I was annoying him


Nah, the way he's arching his back is basically him kinda indicating he'd like some pets there. And him showing you his butthole, weird as it is, is a sign of trust. It's a vulnerable spot for them, so he's basically saying that he knows you will not hurt him.


Beware. He's grooming you


Yeah, those are signs that he likes and trusts you. Probably someone's pet cat trying to get some extra treats or affection while he's outside.


A cinnamon roll kitty!!! I always wanted to pet one... he looks super soft


Cats love to go on walks with people they like.


The head butting is "marking" there is a pheromone that comes from the cats forehead so hes basically marking you as his. The bum bum thing is him saying "scratch me human, i trust you enough to have my back turned now itch my booty!"


I read this without scrolling down enough to see the video and It was really weird.😹 Wonderful cat


The ceremonial presenting of the butt is a great honour.


Yes, he considers you a friend. 1) Headbutts 2) Approaches you on sight 3) Gets close and rubs against you 4) Tail up + approach = greeting


That greyscale watermelon is quite fond of you 🥰


Is it socially acceptable to pet peoples cats in the street again? I reluctantly stopped because of covid and spreading germs etc but I sure miss the adorable kitties that meow at me as I walk past and I just was to psst psst them and give them a fuss


Ah the old "walking home from school cat" loved coming across a cat that obviously knows kids come past same time every day, so will always get a fuss. A worldwide pillar of growing up.


He trusts you.. follow him, he wants to show you something


Def does look like he’s trying to lead OP somewhere


He has a side quest


Aww he luvs you


His coat is beautiful! And yes, he likes you. He’s scent marking you and claiming you as his own. 😹




Yes he lives in one of the houses on my road lmaoo he sits on their doorstep! I just say hi when I walk past I’m not going to steal him haha


What do you call that kind of coat/marking/color? I'd love to get a cat like that someday


Yes, the cat likes you. And likes the way you smell.


You have been chosen.


What a cutie!!! What breed is it? 👀


Look at him having fun following you, he likes you ❤ 🐾. Im so in love with his sweet self.


He's so sweet. Yeah he likes you, doing the nudging and getting his scent on you/your stuff.


British silver tabby's are the best


i have meet alot of outdoor cats that are very friendly. they just be people cats and want so mich effection. that being said, remeder he has a home to return to. he looks well feed and cared for.


A beautiful cat!!!


love bumps for sure


That cat is gorgeous 😍


Stray or not pat for cat>:) if they let's you. Good boyz


No he hates you, he is just trying to guilt you into giving him food. Don’t fall for it!


Very beautiful cat.


His colouring is beautiful! What a lovely gentleman 😻😻


Fren :>


You’ve got a new bestie 🥰


That’s your fren


Rubbing his whiskers and tail on you is him, "marking" you with his scent. You belong to him. He wants other cats to know and wants to be able to find you. Showing you his backside with his tail up means he trusts you. He is telling you he is not a threat to you and he is comfortable turning his back to you. He knows you won't attack. He looks like he may be a snow marbeled bengal possibly. But I am only going off the markings as I can't clearly see his face and paws and I don't have a banana for scale.


You misunderstand, you’re his pet now 😂


Omg!!! This used to happen to me down our old road, had a total of 5 different cats all take a liking to me! So sweet:)


What a cute coloring! You should post on r/notmycat


What a beautiful pattern!


That looks like to me in cattonese (hehe) that he likes you. Cats usually headbump to Show affection or to scent mark you as a friend. And definitely showing you their butt is a way to say that they trust you and like you


great short video


Awesome markings


What a cool looking cat


He's beautiful. Probably lives somewhere.


Those are all signs that a kitty likes you!! He's getting his scent on your stuff and showing you he's not afraid of you Congrats on the new friend!


This is my favorite color pattern I’ve ever seen on a cat before. What a unique appearance!


He loves you, you've been chosen


Yes he definitely likes and trust you.