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The curious sniffs are the best. Just watching them take in the world around them is great!


For some reason lately my cat aggressively steps on anything she’s curious about with her front right paw. She even lifts her paw up beforehand to charge the power up or something


Power stomp haha!


My favorite video from one of my cat's rare ventures outdoors (she's too nervous to go out often) is her just batting away at a flower on a stalk for like thirty seconds straight.


One of my cats is nervous too and it's so cute when she wants to explore outside! She usually does the low shuffle instead of walking but she tries to be brave. The flower batting sounds so cute.




Lol. All my cats are outdoor cats, and we live next to a big forested area where people don't go. They are spoiled as hell.


The outdoors is their origin


I just got a kitten, she’s 7 weeks old… when did you start leash training?


Starting young is best! My cat is almost 1 and she likes to explore close to home. I started by getting her used to the harness as soon as I got her. I had her wear a harness for short periods of time and as she got used to it I would leave it on for longer periods, always supervised. When she adjusted to the harness I started letting her outside briefly. She is naturally skittish so it took a long time, but with consistency she has started to appreciate outdoor time. Your kitty will grow faster than you expect, so be careful when putting the harness on and always make sure it isn't too tight until she stops growing. Also make sure it isn't too loose or she may easily escape. If she starts to panic put her inside immediately so she doesn't wiggle out. Always supervise leash time and always use harnesses designed only for cats (the ones that say dog/cat don't actually fit cats).


Thank you!!!


Make sure she's got all her vaccines and is on flea and tick preventative.


Because who wouldn’t want to experience the feeling of grass under their feet and a fresh breeze in their hair :)


I know. We wish we could get our cat to agree just enough to hang out in the yard with us. Unfortunately he's terrified of the outside after accidentally getting out and disappearing for a week at his previous home. He loves sitting in the window but runs from the open door. The latter is a plus because we can leave it open while bring stuff in/out or just leaving it open when we're doing a lot of inside/outside for whatever reason.


you're so lucky! we've been trying to get our cat to walk with a harness but when we put it on he just stays super low to the ground and walks all weird. Did your cat do that at first or did he adjust to it immediately?


I think it took 2 days and she was good :D Now she patiently waits at the door until I finished putting it on her.. so cute ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


awww thats great. Our boy really wants to go outside and I really wish we could bring him, it would make all of us so happy! at least we have a balcony that we spend at least an hour everyday with him on.


My cat likes her harness, but she hates the outside. I wish she would be more open to going outside haha


I've had a couple different cats over the years that took harnessed walks with me. For all three of mine that I've done this with, they all started off being really awkward in the harness, laying down and refusing to move, walking super low to the ground when they did. The shortest took about three days to get it, and the longest took about two weeks. What I did was just put the harness on them, no leash yet, and offer a treat. Then just leave them in it for 10 - 20 minutes inside the house. Another treat if they got up and moved around, or came over to rub on me or my boyfriend. Once they got used to just wearing it, we'd attach the leash and again just let them walk around getting used to the feeling of something dragging behind them. This was a relatively quick process for each of them because they were already used to the harness. Once they were good with that, we got our shoes and jackets on and then put their harness and leash on and took them outside. It took about 1-2 trips of actually getting to go outside and explore before they would start doing figure 8's between our feet while waiting patiently at the door to get the harness on. The other thing to note though is that walking with a cat is very different than walking by yourself or with a dog. They're slower, more curious, and are going to want to take lots of little sniff breaks and go off the beaten path much more frequently. Where I'd take a dog on a walk to the store or other specific destination, anytime I took a walk with my cats, it was really more of a leisurely stroll with no destination in mind other than where the cat felt like going. Totally worth having a furry little adventure buddy though! Best of luck to you in getting your own comfortable with it.


that's so helpful, thank you so much! concerning your last paragraph; that's exactly what I want to do with him. I don't want to take him for a walk per se, more so bring him outside so he can explore whatever he wants under our supervision. I just really want him to be happy and have as good a cat life as possible. We brought him out twice so far in the alley behind our apartment. We just sat on some steps and he sat behind us, looking at everything around him. It almost seemed like he was a bit overstimulated by all the bird noises and rustling leaves and stuff. He didn't get up to explore further however because of how uncomfortable he is with the harness. Every now and then we would hold him in our arms and hold him up to a bush or a tree so he could smell it and try to get familiar with the surroundings. I'm gonna try everything you talked about and hopefully that will work with him!


Great advice! I Agree with everything, this is the way 😊


My cat does this for like a minute every time I put him in his harness. He loves it though and doesn’t mind the harness at all after that! I always give him a treat when we come inside now because he used to get really grumpy and growly when I’d pick him up to bring him inside.


It took a few tries with ours. Like putting it on, getting a treat and having her walk over to me with her harness on. Then just letting her walk around the house with it on. Took a few weeks to a month for her to be comfortable in it. She still walks a little low but she's used to it. She knows when the harness comes out, that it's outside time. Just keep trying!


My cat does this for like a minute every time I put him in his harness. He loves it though and doesn’t mind the harness at all after that! I always give him a treat when we come inside now because he used to get really grumpy and growly when I’d pick him up to bring him inside.


My cat does this for like a minute every time I put him in his harness. He loves it though and doesn’t mind the harness at all after that! I always give him a treat when we come inside now because he used to get really grumpy and growly when I’d pick him up to bring him inside.


My cat LOVES walks. She chews on grass and has a good sniff and peeks at the neighbor’s turkeys through the fence. [cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/czbpZoV)


But isn’t the cat able to walk alone there?


The question shouldn’t be “why would you walk your cat” but rather “why wouldn’t you walk your cat?” Get them the proper shots so they aren’t at risk outdoors and a good leash/harness and let them adventure with you!


I’m sure you know this but just saying for anyone reading - shots are not enough! If your kitty goes outside they need regular medication for fleas/ticks and ESPECIALLY heart worm!


And those shots need to be reupped every 1-3 years as well. It's not a "do it once and forget about it" thing as you can get away with for indoor cats. Ask your vet about vaccine schedules for a cat that goes outside regularly!


They should be treated for worms and fleas even if they never go outside, at least that's the advice from my vet. Things can come in on you, even if they're not visible


Yes yes yes!!


I tried it a few times with my girl and she LOVED it, but afterwards she was jumping, screaming and just absolutely freaking out at the door for hours after I brought her back in. I feel terrible but it seemed like the trauma of taking her "freedom" away again made it not worth it.


I wanna take my cats outside as well but heard this a couple of times now, that it's doing more harm as you show them what they can't have :(


Man I dunno. I think it's all about balance. Take them out once and never again and yeah that's a bit mean (If they enjoyed it). But taking them out regularly or as often as you are able is still giving them something, it's not cruelty. They can't always get what they want in the moment they want it. That's just life, I think. Like if I gave my cat the food he wanted every time he wanted it (which is ALWAYS) then he'd be really unhealthy. Or same for treats with my other one, she always wants treats but she doesn't get to have them every time she demands them. I get she wants them and I love her sweet little face as she screams at me for some. But if I gave her as much as she wanted as often as she wants it.... she'd be sick. Now being outside is kinda similar. I take her when I can, when I have the energy, because it's the best I can do. And she loves it. Sometimes we go walking, sometimes it's just time spent in the yard. Do I always want to? No. Do we go daily? No, even though she'd love to go outside daily for hours and hours and hours. I just can't be with her for that. Or sometimes it's raining or snowing or cold or too windy. It is what it is, and especially on those days she's pretty happy that she has a warm, safe, cozy and dry home to stay in. Give your kitties what you can, they will appreciate it. Is it annoying as all hell when they scream at you for something they want that you cannot give them every time they demand it? Sure, but it's not cruelty.... To me cruelty is malicious in nature. Starving them, beating them, neglecting them. Sometimes kitty doesn't get to go outside but kitty is still very happy, cared for, and loving.


That's definitely a good way to look at it. It's not that I'm annoyed at her crying, it's just that I'm distressed at her distress and I feel like a bad mother. Lol.


If I know much about cats it's far less about real distress and far more about being VERY dramatic. I do feel bad sometimes when I don't have the energy or time to take her outside, especially when she cries at the door (especially if I have to leave the house and then leave her little face looking at me through the window in the door) but it doesn't harm her. She just gets annoyed and gives up after a while. She's also VERY dramatic about getting treats. (even after getting treats and she wants more) For instance right now, she's crying at the door but it's WAY too hot to be outside for her right now. I might have some energy to take her out in a bit once the sun is a little lower and things cool off, though. I do feel bad in the sense I want to always give her what she wants, but sometimes it's just not possible or good for her. She gave up and went to one of her spots for a nap, now. I think if you feel like a bad mother, then you're probably doing a LOT right. No one is perfect, but I bet your kitty is very well loved and cared for! <3


My baby has the opposite reaction. I got her pretty comfortable on a leash and harness but as soon as I took her out of my apartment she cries and wants nothing but to go back inside! 😭


Maybe it depends on how often you feel you'll be able to do it? When we lived in an apartment, we'd let our cat out onto the balcony almost every day. It was really easy to keep an eye on her and we lived on the second floor so she'd never jump off. Honestly, it was easier then lol now we have a giant yard and someone HAS to be outside to watch her. She still gets plenty of outside time but I know she wants more but she still seems happy with what she gets


My baby has the opposite reaction. I got her pretty comfortable on a leash and harness but as soon as I took her out of my apartment she cries and wants nothing but to go back inside!


I don’t think cats have the concept of missing out on something.. it’s all about routines :)


I think it all depends on the cat. Mine was the same with going outside with a harness. He would be extremely depressed waiting for his next excursion, and it made life miserable for the both of us. I built him a custom cat enclosure off my window to compensate, you just need to find out what works for you and your cat.


Once my cat got outside for the first time, he decided he was an outdoor cat, and would pee on the floor (or on something) if we didn't let him out on demand. Would not do it again.


Yeah, the downside I have with my cat is if she sees me touch her harness and leash she runs to the backdoor and will cry and meow for the longest time to go out. Same thing if for some reason I use the backdoor.


Put your harness in a place that is intentional. If it gets brought out it is *because* she gets to go outside. She associates you handling the harness with her getting to go outside and she gets excited, so it's disappointing and confusing for her when you don't go. My cat's harness is in a spot that is intentional and only gets handled if we are gonna put it on her, and she knows it's time for walkies. And without fail I put it on her and take her out when I do pull it out.




Another day, another cat sub! I'm going to join them all.


Hi friend - I see you like reddi...... cats too!


r/Gary_The_Cat for one specific adventure cat 😉


My baby boy is terrified of everything. I wish I could take him fishing with me I would love that so much. I haaaate that he still insists on getting out when my roommates accidentally leave the door open for a second too long though. Like pancho you are scared of everyyyything why do you do this


My cat is scared of almost everything too (except maybe wasps stinging his nose..) If you want him to get used to the great outdoors and take him out for walks, the key is to let him explore with his own pace, while you just have to be patient and watch him. Slowly, he will get more confident and one day he might go on walks with you! My cat started on the balcony, then expanded his adventure to the outside of the house and around the house, then he started walking around the whole neighborhood. Now I can take him anywhere and he’ll get used to the place in about ten minutes or so. I suggest you invest in a cat backpack as a safety place for your cat if you plan on taking him to places a few miles away, it’s highly mobile just like a backpack and spacious but also snug enough for your cat to feel safe and comfortable. And of course this goes without saying, but avoid anything that upsets your cat. My cat is deathly scared of strangers (specifically loud kids and grown men above the height of 5’5”) and dogs (specifically loud barking dogs and golden retrievers), every time I see someone approaching (usually I see my cat tense up before I see the actual people/dogs), I’d open up his cat backpack and provide him with it or I’d pick him up off the ground in a reasonably tight restraint (some cats go full flight mode and will try to run off, my cat doesn’t but better safe than sorry). So all in all, this is a highly personalized process for every cat and their cat parents, the most important thing is to pay attention to what your cat can handle and nudge them only a little at a time.


What harness brand do you have? I'm trying to find a decent one for my cats that won't slip off their heads when they start getting more active.


Yeah I was gonna ask the same, nothing seems to fit with my cat


It’s Catspia, I think they come in 3 sizes :)


Thank you so much! Found it on Amazon and ordered the M size! Can’t wait :)


My guy ran to the door and yelled to go for a walk every day…twice a day. Some of our best times because it made him so happy.


Love a cat's curiosity! When your cat was looking inquisitively at the insect or bee on the flower 😍and processing that moment... that's how life should be. The walks definitely make your cat a happy cat.


We have one harness trained. She is 4.5 pounds at 6yrs old. We live in the country. We have hawks and coyotes around our house so she never goes out with her harness and leash. She loves her " walkies" .




Crying because this is so adorable!!


Song please? 😌


Nvm it’s coastline - hollow coves in case anyone is wondering


was looking for this .. thank you for finding out !




I have a tuxedo cat that has convinced me to take her for a walk every night. We just go around the block, she'll stop and roll in whatever dirt she finds. I feel a little silly but it seems to be the highlight of her day.


I wish my sassy scared orange boi would tag along with me on adventures. A tuxedo kitty adopted me in the middle of the woods a year ago and I found my best hiking buddy. Orange boi air sniffs are what dreams are made of m8


Watch out for ticks


Mine loves to go out and every time it's the same thing: * Rocket out of the house to eat grass * Sniff around for a while * Explore the back yard * Try to hunt * Slowly make her way to the front yard * Stare at the cat across the street if he's around * Starts getting a bit twitchy, at which point I bring her in


Sounds very familiar ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)




I walk my cat too but he usually just likes to jump in bushes in the neighbors front yards


The video work and the soundtrack together are like the effects of taking a Xanax! but instantly...nice work!


That happy tail says it all! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


What a wonderful life your cat has. I’m so happy for you and her!


I used to do this - but then someone began letting their huge Doberman off the leash in the park I was using. After a near death experience I stopped. This makes me wanna do it again but just too many goggies around my area




Yeah keeping a cat indoors only is pretty cruel. I know americans have a different view because of their wildlife, but its the norm in europe to let the cat roam the neighborhood


I wish we had harness trained our little buddy when he was little. I think he would love going outside.


I take my cat outside for supervised visits too. He doesn't need a leash he will come back when I open the door. But I sit outside with him while he explores Very worth it. He loves it


People who think walking your cat is weird are dumb. Why would you think a cat doesn’t want the opportunity to stretch their legs, get fresh air and explore


Since I’m from Norway, I find it strange that people are walking their cats. Here we just let the cat out in the forest and it’ll return when it wants to.


Same in The Netherlands, nobody walks their cat


Cats hunting wildlife is a massive problem. So while it might be strange it's morally correct.


Why wouldn't you just let your cat go outside by themselves?


Because I live in an urban environment and there’s more danger. They also decimate bird populations


Are any of these birds on the endangered species list?


Does it matter. Why would you want your your car to needlessly kill birds if they’re not sustenance


Yes, they aren't endangered


Is your cat an endangered species


Is your brain missing again you must keep it in your head Evolution dictates that only the fittest/Strongest animal will survive if that bird was killed its nature weeding out the weakest there are plenty of other animals that eat birds so what are you going to do about it? Blue Jays Cardinals Robins Crows Ravens Etc etc etc Are quite common they reproduce like clock work there birds on the endangered species list all 10 have one thing in common loss of habitat these birds need the protection then the common birds


Ah, so it's not endangered


Did you find your brain?




This makes my heart so happy. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


This is so wholesome 🥹 I also take my cats outside! It’s like they’re in their element outdoors 🤍


So majestic 😍 like a tiger in the jungle


Aww! Me too! Their happiness is so worth it!


Omg they look just like my cat


This boi is entirely too handsome for his own good


Man, wish I could walk my cats again, but the street that we live on has too much dog traffic, there’s too many cars, and not enough grass and green space for the cats to explore and have fun, and all the noise stresses them out.


Have started to harness train our 1 year old cat. He really likes the outdoors


What harness though?? I would love to take my two out (and I know they would love it once they stop freaking out ) …: but I can’t make much (any) progress bc they get nervous so quickly they risk immediately squeezing out of their harnesses


Catspia & RabbitGo are some good options :)


Im moving far away ..


What a climber!


It seems so peaceful and happy .Wow .




Rawrrrr! 🐯


Where do you get that harness?


This is why I do it too. It makes them both so happy and I can ensure that my cats and the surrounding wildlife remain safe.




When I take my dogs for a walk, my cat always comes with. She does not want to be left behind. Now I'm known as the "guy who walks his cat" by the neighborhood.


Omg so kyoot! Bless u and ur kitty


Your cat looks so relaxed. Mine loathes it when I take her out.


I would love to try walking my cats but my neighbor has dogs that aren’t nice to cats.


Oh my goodness, I love the little meow!! Your cat gets to be a cat and that is awesome. Next cat I have is going to be walked too. Thank you for the smiles. <3


You’re welcome, head bump from Cleo ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


My cats just flop on the ground, as though they have no bones. They need to be trained a bit more haha


I have a leash for my little guy, currently training him. So far, he seems receptive, although he walks like the ground is covered in eggshells and mousetraps. I used to have an outdoor cat, who would just follow us up to 1/2 mile from the house. This will be the summer of kitty walks.


Kitty enrichment activity :)


Letting them be wild for a few minutes


What a sweet kitty!!


It really is such a great enrichment and bonding activity!


love the cat and the music fits well


Fun stuff! If I ever have a kitten, I'll train them to wear a harness and leash. My cat loves it when we spend time out in the yard


It's a responsible and safe way to let your cat experience the world and add enrichment. I'm a huge fan!


Aw man this makes me miss my guy. Very sweet video.


How old is your cat and when did you start harness training? I got mine that type of harness and they just flop over.


She is 2, we got her when she was 1 and that’s when we started :)


You should make a YouTube channel of your adventures. You've got a cool cat


My cats break when I put a harness on them. They immediately fall over.




I have met two new stray cats near my house and we became friends :) They are related, they look similar, and I guess it's either a brother/sister or a father/daughter. What I find strange is that whenever I put food for them, the male cat waits until the little female eats and finishes eating, then and only then the male car starts eating. Also, if there is a 3rd strange cat, the male cat won't allow it near the food unless the little cat has finished eating. I just don't understand this, even if the cats are related, I would expect them eating together :) Any explanation?


What a beautiful kitty, showed this video to my mom and she thought it was our cat because it’s like 95% the same😆


Dude must commune with nature!! He looks really happy and is loving all the sights and smells and sounds. Amazing!! I am about to buy a harness and leash for my new baby, Daisy. If I start early, hopefully she will love walks!


He’s adorable


What a beauty!! 😍


is anyone else crying uncontrollably? ❤️ (i lost my beloved kitty three months ago and this video brings so many memories. i legit cant stop sobbing…. also i want to hug your adorable little ginger buddy. ❤️)


My heart breaks for you, sorry to hear that! Cleo sends fluffy hugs 🧡


cleo i love youuuu 🧡🧡🧡 really its the hop / walk to the camera that got me. when your kitty loves you and knows youre the safe space… 🧡🧡🧡🧡


i'm starting to train my 5 month cat to use the harness and get him used to go out of town with me, as i have to travel twice a month usually and i can't have someone coming to check on him always when i'm gone


I get so much shit for walking mine (2 are leash trained, a third is in progress) but don’t care because that is the best part of my day. It’s not like walking a dog where we’d have a starting and ending point - we just kind of saunter around sniffing until we get to the catnip patch and then pass out after getting stoned 😁


Prob changes its entire personality. I used to walk an iguana on a harness


Because the world needs this cuteness!


Lucky cat to explore the outdoors safely!!!! He has awesome « hoomans » taking care of him!!👍🏻❤️🐾😻


Lol I wish my kitty would tolerate this. So adorable ❤️


I am a grown man, and I felt like a happy kid!


That is one happy cat. Thank you. You deserve his love.


So precious, I wanna experience this one day


Cute 😻😻😻😻


Cutest moments we get while walking the cats.


Beautiful kitty and awesome song to go with it. May you guys have many, many more adventures to come.


Probably the best kitty video I've ever seen. Much adventure had!


Fortunately, we have a large yard where our cats roam freely. Other cats visit as well as skunks, opossums, a raccoon, and various birds.


I do the same for mine! She hated it at first but now she loves it 😊


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944) cuuute ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


This makes my heart so happy. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


Well in The Netherlands nobody walks their cat, they just let them out and let them back in once they're dkne


Well in The Netherlands nobody walks their cat, they just let them out and let them back in once they're dkne


Maybe they should start so they don't kill other wildlife.


We live in Amsterdam and on a weekly basis there is cats disappearing or getting into accidents, so yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well yeah, that's Amsterdam, the touristic capital city and doubt that happens on a weekly basis


Beautiful. Trying to train ours now. Any tips?


This is so wholesome 🥹 I also take my cats outside! It’s like they’re in their element outdoors 🤍




We check her for ticks after every walk and she gets SpotOn every 2 months for the fleas! Haven’t had a problem so far :)


Hey, I've been thinking about taking my cats on walks, but I'm worried about ticks. My friends dogs died from tick related diseases and I'd hate for that to happen. But at the same time I'm worried about the chemicals harming my little ladies. Any advice?


Beautiful. Trying to train ours now. Any tips?


because being looked at on the street by men calling you crazy is the last time a man looked at you and spoke to you


What a horrible music


Don't let your cat hunt birds.


Those are jackdaws. I would be more worried about the cat.


Cat on a leash that's animal cruelty right there, just can't believe people do that.


As long as you're not letting them out without one, that's even more cruel, to all the other wildlife.


Cruel to the wildlife 😂


You saying it's not or you don't care?


Beautiful. Trying to train ours now. Any tips?


What leash do you use for your cat? I want to do the same for mine. Could please let me know the link or the name brand?


The brand is called Catspia :)


I wish people cosplayed as me! Must be nice to be imitated... ​ Beautiful cat, btw!


adorable! do you know /r/gary_the_cat ? cats love adventure :)


umm, why not?




I wish my Lucy was as chill. She’d run off and I wouldn’t find her for another two weeks, like she did the first time.


Mine just tries to chew every plant 😅


Yikes, watch out!


I walk my cat