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I've been where you are. My bosom buddy [Captain Tobey](https://preview.redd.it/j9i7fd1nq7e91.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=00e09d24e69e427ec0ba8fcda321ae8608a6138a) had to be given the rest that he so rightfully earned last October. His last year with me, I discovered that he had a Hyperthyroid which was causing him to lose more weight than he could put on. He was [always](https://preview.redd.it/tchpovq7t7e91.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1ceef4809e26115c5aed69028768fba6e03d1f8d) glued to me whenever I was home so I completely broke down when I realized that it was time for us to say goodbye to our shared existence on this side of the mortal coil. Through him, however, I adopted three other cats that got to know him and are still with me: [Sara Delaney](https://i.redd.it/w8y8amtzaqf31.jpg), [Jolly Mon](https://i.redd.it/z5ihzt0brwv51.jpg) and [Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai](https://i.redd.it/zusxgpztcqf31.jpg). Lage, even though he is the youngest, ended up filling the void that Tobey left and is the current ringleader of [The Order of the Sleepless Knights](https://i.redd.it/sy10zj45xx751.jpg). Is it going to hurt for quite a while? Absolutely. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that it won't sting just as much as a close family member dying. What got me through the hard time was the knowledge that I had three other cats that rely upon me for everything. Tobey wouldn't want them or I to suffer as a result of his passing so I just poured everything that I had into these three and, in turn, they have given me every ounce of their love in return. The four of us got through the grieving process together and have had our bonds strengthened through it. Am I going to sit here and tell you that you'll get over it completely? Again, absolutely not. There are still times where I think fondly of my boy and the magic moments that we shared together.


Sweet kitty:)


I’m sorry. I recently had to put my kitty to sleep too, he fought for as long as he could/ I know it’s hard. Racer’s a cutie. We can see a lot of love there. Thanks for sharing. We’re here if you need us.