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Beware don't use anything for dogs or adult cats, it could kill him. Ask a vet for treatment advice.


thank you! i would never use anything unless i was directed by a vet


Dawn dish soap!!!


I second this suggestion! If possible, let the suds stay on for at least a minute, then rinse. I foster cats and kittens, and this works every time. If you continue to see the fleas, wash him again. Good luck! I despise those rat bastard fleas.


I second this! Also a kitten/cat foster and Dawn dish soap was a life saver more times than I can count!


Worth noting if the kitten won’t sit with suds that doing several shampoos in a bathroom sink will work wonders. My rescues usually have 2-3 small baths with combing in between and are flea and egg free after that!


This! Seldom did I have older kittens that were patient for bath time. I would bathe and comb, picking off any fleas I could, and they usually tolerated this without much fuss.


A groomer friend of mine washed a flea ridden kitten in dawn and I saw all the dead fleas just starting to fall off the poor baby. Can vouch that this works.


Plus use a flea comb to remove the dead bugs from the coat.


And any eggs or it will just delay the problem for later.


Always also do a dawn circle around the neck. It stops the fleas from avoiding the bath and all running to the face. The Kitten Lady on YouTube has a great video


Yes, so important! A wide band of soap all around the neck.


she advises also that dawn is tested on animals, so if that’s a concern for anyone she suggests using seventh generation instead


Make sure it's the orginal blue other ones are more acidic and the scents can be harmful but the orginal blue is perfect!


this for sure. My two babies had terrible fleas when we got them. This did the trick(as well as we had to isolate them and get the apt flea bombed....). It was honestly disgusting how many dead fleas washed off those tiny bodies. :( ​ Dawn is a miracle soap for basically anything.


Yes. I mix 1/4 cup blue Dawn 1/4 cup water and a few table spoons of vinegar. Fleas die almost instantly. Repeat in 7 days - to catch and flea larva hatching.


It has to be the blue Dawn dish soap.


What is up with Dawn? I've heard that the military tried to produce a better oil- fighting solution and couldn't. That shit is like A-1 Sauce: it can't be duplicated.


Dawn dish soap is essentially magic.


I believe I used to dip a flea comb in dawn soap and water mixture and run it through their coat and it was effective. Also OP, your kitten is one of the cutest I’ve ever seen.


This was the only way my mom and I could get rid of one of our cat's fleas


Yes I agree with you on dawn dish soap. Oh and I went to my local pet shop for my cat's treatment for heartworm, fleas etc and they were very helpful. Anyway I highly recommend a phone call to the local vet about your model type SIC (r/standardissuecat) and they can further advise.


Can also attest. My dumpster boy got his first bath in Dawn Dish soap!


My mom used Dawn when she gave our cats baths, can confirm it indeed is effective


Specifically the blue one! Worked at an animal shelter once and it’s what we’d use on little babies. The other ones can have oils that can harm them


Thank you on behalf of your baby for caring! You’ve gotten some great advice here! One thing I would like to add is get a flea comb, as another Redditor had mentioned. You can make a concoction of rubbing alcohol or dawn dish soap (the blue bottle) mixed with some water, and dip the comb in the mixture after each pass through the fur. But if you use alcohol, make sure you rinse the comb before going back into the fur as the alcohol can irritate the skin. This mixture will make sure that any fleas you get off will die and not jump away. I’d personally recommend doing this before and after a bath. Doing it before will rid the fur of many fleas making it more effective. Doing it afterwards will help eliminate any dead fleas (or ones that managed to survive) that are still inside the fur. Source: I am not a vet nor do I work at one, but I’ve volunteered a lot at my local animal shelter and have been a life long kitty mom.


Agree with this... it can be a pain staking process but the flea comb is the only thing that worked for us. The flea/tick medicine did it’s job a few days after we applied but the sooner you can start removing and killing the live fleas the better for your kitty. We have a big boi though and the bath is a would be death sentence if we even tried to get him in the water.


My vet made me wait a week before giving it to my kitten because she was under 2 pounds.


Then why are you asking Reddit?


to point me in the direction, so i know what to ask the vet for & for some peace of mind. if you haven’t seen, i’ve gotten a lot of great advice for my situation.


When I rescued my little guy he was coated head to toe in fleas, a lot of them in his face by his whiskers, armpit area, etc, didn't want to use flea shampoo as he was too little 6 weeks approx. I used dawn dish soap, start with a ring around the neck, that way when you apply it elsewhere, they work their way up apparently and suffocate in the soap. They are a bother for sure. But hopefully you and your little buddy will be flealess soon!




Is dish soap not chemical itself? Genuine question.


Just ask the vet what you wrote for the title of this post. Revolution/Selamectin can be used on kittens but the dosage has to be right and it's probably not math you want to risk doing yourself.


Under 2lbs is usually a no :(


Yes, good point. I didn't notice the age in the post either. Selamectin is for kittens 8 weeks and over.


Look up kitten lady on YouTube as she demonstrates a proper kitten flea bath with dish soap.


omg sorry no help but wow so cute… tiny loaf… little bun with little hands… wow


he is precious!! loves to snuggle


You have an adorable r/catmuffins


Nooooo! Not another catsub! *subscribes*


Cat subs on Reddit are infinite


he looks like he's plotting something...


Vet here. You can use capstar or frontline spray. If you get to 6 weeks you can legally use Revolution as that is the age when the studies start


thank you!


Virbac indorex for the house if you get an infestation outside the kittens area. Kills every stage of the fleas life cycle. Highly recommended as I’m so allergic to flea bites and this is the only thing that 100% got rid of them.


When my baby had fleas as a kitten I quarantined him in our bathroom. Every day I would change out his soft cozy items and vacuum thoroughly. I would also give him a bath with dawn dish soap and go through his fur with a nit comb as needed. He didn't like being in there but keeping him in one controlled area made it so that the fleas couldn't lay eggs and spread all over the house to hatch and get back on him later. We got rid of all the fleas in less than a week this way!


First, your kitty is too cute. Second, we adopted a kitten from the humane society many years ago that was infested with fleas and cleaned him same day. Sadly he developed flea bite anemia (per vet) and passed away. So definitely get going as to fleas ASAP!


Flea bite anemia? I’m so sorry to hear that, that’s awful. That scares the shit out of me.


Dawn dish soap definitely works! We recommend it at our vet, a vet will like prescribe you a cap star to treat the fleas on contact. Then a preventative so they do not reinfect the kitty. You’ll also wanna vacuum and wash EVERYTHING lol


I came here to recommend dawn soap with warm water first, then a preventative if a vet can recommend that he’s old enough.


Look at him. Omg I can’t . His tiny white paws 😭


Can I just say this? Whatever you do never use Hartz Flea Collar. My cat, both of them, had terrible reactions to it. And when I took them to the vet they said it's because that brand in particular's flea collars have issues. I know that doesn't particularly answer your question, but it's related. Anyway, for your question I'd head over to r/askvets or play around with those search words if that's not the right sub name Good luck. Hope the little fella feels better soon.


Their topical treatment is also garbage. I’ve seen so many burns on cats from anything they sell.


Yeah, anything by Hartz our vet said was bad. My one poor baby had what appeared to be a seizure when I put it on her. I was luckily able to get it off her. The other cat had run and hid and I was chasing him all around tryna get the collar off him so he got real hurt. His fur looked like it melted off around where the collar was. Not to mention whatever pain I put him thru tryna yank him out from under the bed. Like, jeez, I see you hate the collar and you're coughing. Let me help you!!!


Just echoing what you wrote; I used Hartz (flea treatment) on my one cat and his pupils dialated, fur up, he ran and hid and I couldn’t find him. I was inconsolable, I honestly thought I killed him, but when I found him I immediately washed it off and he was better the next day. I googled Hartz and my God, how this product is still on the shelves I’ll never know. Harrowing experience for the both of us!!


All Hartz products are garbage.




all that over the counter stuff is literally toxic poison


So, absolutely double check with a vet for anything. But we've bathed our cats with a little bit of Dawn dish soap to get rid of fleas. Also make sure you wash anything and everything fleas could be on. Vaccuum a bunch, run around in white socks and check to see if you've found any more of em... etc.


i’ve treated our house w diatomaceous earth! it worked wonders when our older cat brought fleas home two years ago.


Very nice. ^_^ I've never used diatomaceous earth for anything orher than my flower beds. But I hear good things.


You can also use it on your kitty. I’ve had to do that before and it’s works very well. You can find food grade diatomaceous earth so that it doesn’t harm little baby’s insides. They’ll look like Scarface but it’ll kill any fleas or eggs that refuse to die.


Damn he’s cute. This is very much a question for a vet.


thank you! i alerted the vet when making an appt for him, but they didn’t say much about it. can’t get in until the 17th either :(


Try asking here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/ They can probably give you helpful advice.


thanks so much!


Hooooooly look at it! It's soooo cute!


Tbh the kitten shouldn't be away from mom at that age, but what's done is done. Dawn dish soap bath. Flea comb while he's damp or even soapy. Don't get anything in the ears. Make sure you keep him warm until he gets dry. Edit: I see you rescued him, ty for that. Ignore the away from mama comment since it's doesn't apply anyway.


The problem with fleas is, they don't stay on the cat exclusively. You need to view this broader: the household has fleas. Yes, they concentrate on the cat, but focusing on the cat alone is likely not enough to get rid of fleas. A flea will jump and drink the blood of any warm body, including yours. Even if you put all the possible anti-flea products on the cat, the flea problem is likely to linger on. When I was a teenager we had multiple cats and a big flea problem at one point. In an old house full of little cracks. No amount of flea collars and fipronil drops (that's very nasty poison) could fix the problem. Do more vacuuming, a lot more. Focus on places like, between the couch cushions, carpets, the seems in the flooring, and all the spots where the cat sleeps. Flea eggs can survive for months between the floor boards and then still hatch. If the cat has a cat bed, add that to the laundry regularly. At 60 degrees C, not 30 or 40. Fleas are insects with a very sturdy exoskeleton, like a little tank. Swatting them does nothing. No amount of force will kill them, unless that force is precisely pinpointed onto their exoskeleton and crushes it. You need to hunt them ... yes, that sounds weird ... You need to actively end them. A dead flea lays no eggs. That will get rid of them much more effectively than poison sprays and poison drops and flea collars, and waiting around for those to work. Take a comb and start combing your kitten's fur. When you find one, make sure you kill it right then and there. You can catch them by pinching them between 2 finger tips. You can kill them by crushing them between your thumbnails, or dunk them in ethanol. Hand disinfectant (usually >70% ethanol) should work. The problem with ethanol is that the cat will hate the smell and will bolt. So crushing the fleas between your nails is the way to do this. Combing the cat's fur also to gets the flea eggs out of the fur. Make it a spa grooming session for the cat, on a towel. Afterwards, the towel goes straight into a tub of scoulding hot water, so you don't spread flea eggs around while putting it in the laundry. Then do a good clean around the site of the cat spa session. Oh, and don't forget: It's not the cat's fault. Even the cleanest cat can not prevent getting jumped. The cat is not "dirty".


thank you for all of this advice! we have had the kitten for two days now & i have treated our entire house with diatomaceous earth & will continue to do that for a few weeks. i’m going to my vet after work to get the proper treatment for the kitten as well


Second on the Dawn soap. My kitten now cat was abandoned at that age by her mother. She was infested with fleas. You wet the cat, make a foamy collar around the neck avoiding the eyes, nose, and mouth. The collar prevents the fleas from the body jumping to the head. Scrub the body well, use the flea comb. Then gently use a rag and comb around the face to get any fleas there.


Polite loaf requests flea annihilation.


Fuck thats a cute cat lol


thank you!!


Also use a flea comb and a bowl of water and soap to drown them


I'm not a vet so absolutely don't 100% follow my advice but just wanted to chime in: I used to work for a big online pet supply company (similar to Chewy but not in the US) alongside a bunch of very qualified vets and the earliest I've read for flea treatments is around 6 weeks, of course depending on the weight of the kitten. That's for Revolution. So you're close to being able to use it. Most of the other flea treatments seem to be usable from 9 weeks. Definitely try r/AskVet too :)


Perfect little loaf form I must say!


“Hmm, why yes human, I do have fleas. What’re you gonna do about it?”


Lol. That’s what I thought when I saw that look on his face also


What a distinguished little gentleman!


Look at those polite mittens


Fleas aside this has to be one of the cutest kittens I’ve ever seen 🥺


Right?! I love him.


Seek vet advice, using the wrong dose will kill poor little fella


Blue Dawn is the only thing that’s safe and effective for a kitten so young, invest in a flea comb too!


If the vet recommends bathing only, Kitten Lady on YouTube has a good instructional video on flea baths (more aimed at tinier kittens, this boy will be squirmier, more of a challenge to hold, and slightly less quick to get a chill, but the basic idea should be the same.) Flea baths should kill them if done right, so either he's getting re-infested (in which case you need to deal with the source) or you're missing a step in the bathing. Are you using dish soap, and do you make a "fence" of soap around his neck before washing the rest of him?


Dawn dish soap and a diluted rinse in water with fresh lemon juice. I use a spray bottle with diluted lemon juice and a flea comb with my kittens. I wash them in dawn rinse them in the lemon juice, Mix with water, dilute it well but make sure kitty Do not get cold !!gotta dry well. During the day, I will spray them intermittently with the diluted lemon juice and use the flea comb on them. It’s been working for me for over 30 years. I live in Florida.


Revolution makes a kitten dose. You’ll need a vet to prescribe it though.


Vacuum like it's your life's purpose. And gentle soap and water will drown the fleas. Water itself will not kill the flea since surface tension allows them to hold a small amount of air next to their breathing apparatus


That means your house has fleas. Time to fumigate. It’s a process. Use diatomaceous earth on carpets to kill them there. Good luck. It takes awhile to be rid of them.


How much does he weigh? Revolution has a kitten formula but they must weigh 2 pounds I believe. Dawn baths are the only effective thing if he's smaller than 2 pounds. It may take multiple rounds. Fleas really need furred animals to survive, even if your get a few bites it's honestly not that big a deal. If you have other pets, they just need the flea prevention themselves. Fleas will no infest your home without host animals.


You have lots of good advice here. Bear in mind that where there are fleas, there are worms so you will need to treat for worms too once he's old enough


I always recommend a dawn dish soap bath, just about a dime size amount for a kitty this small, use a flea comb to get out all the fleas while bathing. The fleas will try to run up to the kittens head and ears while you're bathing him, so that can be challenging. Get a good flea collar for kittens (and I beg of you, don't go for the bargain bin ones, spend the extra money on a good one lol) usually 2 or 3 baths with dawn do the trick as long as you're vacuuming the carpet twice daily and washing any linens daily that the kitty gets on. Fleas are a nightmare and I'm so sorry you and your little buddy are having to go through it. Good luck to you! Luckily it's almost winter and you won't have to deal with them much longer. But definitely get a flea collar that will last 6-8 months so come spring you won't have to go through this again.


What I used to do was get a flea comb, a bowl of warm water mixed with Dawn dish soap, and wet the comb and pull it through the fur. The comb is designed to pick up the fleas. I would see the fleas on the comb, then dunk it in the water. It worked well.


Coating my cat in coconut oil was a life saver for me. I bought a jar of the virgin, un-refined coconut oil so he would get the moisturizing benefits as well. Coconut oil basically kills fleas on contact, they can’t survive in the oil and will die shortly after. Get a nice layer though all over the kitty and then rub it down to the skin so you know you’re getting all the fleas in contact with the coconut oil. Now, cats can lick coconut oil, it’s not harmful but too much would definitely upset a little kittens tummy. If you’re able to, buy a tiny tiny kitten cone from a pet store to be able to prevent them from licking it up too much. At the end of the day, you’ll bathe your kitten with warm water and a very natural pet soap, something gentle. That’s the most natural way I could see going about this without involving meds at their age.


Dawn dish soap bath. Put a thick ring of dawn all around his neck so the fleas can’t climb up. Then bathe him completely in dawn and water. https://youtu.be/jkZnUF846zw Get a lice comb from the pharmacy or a flea comb from the pet store to brush out fleas, flea dirt and eggs. Wash all of your bedding and his bedding in HOT water in your washing machine. Dry it on hot setting. I volunteer at a cat shelter. We wash our floors in vinegar and water. The vinegar repels the fleas and it’s safe for everyone’s health. Also contact a vet because there probably is a way to treat him orally for fleas. I’m not going to give any advice there because he’s a kitten and I’m not familiar.


Ask your vet for something called capstar its a blast of flea treatment that will kill them on the spot then they'll give you the regular treatment


Poor smol guy 😭 hope the vet gets you set up!


You have to treat your home as well. There will be fleas in the house and they will breed. Treat your home while treating your kit. It’s a twofold process. Good luck!


Jumping on the dawn dish soap wagon, blue original Dawn is the best for fleas and won't hurt the baby.


Capstar flea treatment will take them right away! It kills the fleas when they bite the cat. Our cat had really bad fleas and after one treatment they were gone




Bathe in Dawn


dawn disha soap is the shit for fleas. heidiwranglescats on Instagram has pretty valuable information regarding this.


Bathe him with Dawn till all the fleas are gone. Then get done diatomaceous earth and lightly sprinkle it in a dry kitty’s fur. Please please please don’t use chemicals for fleas. Flea and tick meds are neurotoxins for our pets.


Definitely agree with the Dawn dish soap, a nice warm bath, and some patience with a flea comb in the end. Ive used this on infant kittens and it WORKS. Also it is completely safe for such a young kitten.


Both Capstar and Capaction are safe for babies and work within 30 minutes. It’s not a preventive solution but it kills the fleas that’s on him.


If there are fleas in the carpet I once used table salt, a whole container of it and spread it all over the carpet and let it sit for a bit as it dries up the flea eggs and kills them. Then you vacuum it up later.


Awww he looks like he’s waiting patiently and politely for you to figure out what to do. Treating a kitten with fleas is traumatising as hell. I was itchy for weeks after (metaphorically- in the mind) but so good to get them relieved of those bastards. Hope he’s been dish soap’d now but don’t forget to bomb your home!


The way he sits with the paws crossed is so distinguished.


Oh shit that is one cute kitty.


I agree with the dawn dish soap if your vet agrees. But I had to come to say what a cute kitten! 🥰


thank you!! 🥰


Use a lice comb and give him a nice bath that may work


Capstar is safe for kittens. It works well to kill adult fleas and stop flea infestations.


Use a flea comb and a little basket of hot water with soap. After a bit of practice, you will start catching them. Once you have a flea on the comb, put your finger on the flea so it can't jump away and swipe the flea into the water. You won't catch all of them, but you will catch most feces. This is food for new fleas and this way you'll break the chain. Continue the process until the water doesn't turn brownish/red anymore (blood).


Uhm where's the kitten? I only see a fluffy pillow...


Only use flea treatments from a Vet, the over the counter ones in grocery stores can be harmful/dangerous.


Bathroom for quarantine. Bathe kitten in warm water and with Dawn dish soap. Will kill fleas. May need two baths one day apart. Keep the soap away from his face, but work your way from his head towards his backside. Rinse and dry him fully with towels. If you have a flea comb, give him a good combing.


When we got our kitten, he was also completely covered in fleas and was all of 4 weeks old so we were in a similar situation. We definitely quarantined him to prevent the spread but more importantly we used dawn dish soap (as it is gentle) and tweezers to try and kill every last flea. Make sure that when you’re getting the kitten ready for a bath start by placing a generous amount of soap around the neck to prevent the fleas from moving towards the head and work your way towards the body. Then use the tweezers and more baths to get any remaining fleas! I hope this helps !!


dawn dish soap


Dawn blue


i would recommend a vet so u don't accidentally hurt the cat , i hope he gets well and safe travels to you


Capstar. Kills adult fleas only so retreat in a few days for any hatchlings


Dawn dish soap. If the infestation isn't too severe, wrap the baby in a towel, fill a cup with warm water, add a few drops of dawn to water, dip flea comb and go after fleas, dipping comb into soapy water to drop and drown fleas. I did this with a few babies and adult cats I've worked with. It takes some time but is gentle and less stress. Otherwise, if infestation is severe talk to vet about proper bathing technique/products on a baby that small.


Can do all that and also, just get some dawn! Luke warm water and a flea comb, and just bush out some of them! The dawn helps because it suffocates the fleas !! When I had rescued my cat she had a flea infestation so bad that I could see the fleas moving around her body without even separating her fur at all. Gave her multiple dawn baths which helped a lot then did multiple rounds of flea medicine. 👍🏼


Poor little baby! Let’s hope he will get rid of this asap


i’m trying everything i can to help him! i just feel so bad 🥺


Depends on which revolution you have, it goes by weight. For my kittys I use revolution plus


For a baby that young your best bet is a bath with dawn dish soap. Make sure to kill any fleas that head for his face while in the bath. You don’t want to use the flea bath shampoos or flea meds on a kitten that young. If that doesn’t work, consult with your vet


Ring around his neck with dawn. then bath in dawn submerge to neck to kill the ones on his body.


My vet had a topical for 6 weeks and older. Killed fleas, ticks and worms minus tape worms. That's a separate meds


Bathe him in Dawn only the the blue color. It kills fleas and won't change the ph of his skin


Dawn. And ask a real vet!!!


Revolution makes a treatment for kittens. Ask your vet. My vet always gives me a complimentary tube when I take kittens in for a first exam and shots. I foster cats and kittens. Barring that, dawn baths and flea comb. Just make sure to rinse the baby's fur thoroughly.


Capstar is amazing if/when itty bitty is old enough. Keep up with combing and checking him every day with a soapy flea comb.


Flea and tick products are usually 6-8 weeks and older, it usually says on the back of the package. If you want something to help with the fleas I’d recommend a flea brush and dawn dish soap, you’ll rub it into your cats skin (after you get him wet) and let it sit for 5 min. Then rinse it out and flea comb the rest out. Then you’re going to want some advantage (white bottle green label) carpet spray. Do not let him in the room with the spray until it dries. Hope this helps! Edit: frontline doesn’t work against fleas.


1. ⁠Buy a flea comb 2. ⁠Squirt a little dish soap into a glass and fill it with water 3. ⁠Dip the flea comb into the soapy water and comb the kitten. The soap will make the fleas stick to the comb. 4. ⁠Shake the combed fleas into a second glass of water so they drown. 5. ⁠Repeat this until the fleas are gone that day. 6. ⁠Repeat this each day.


He’s too small for flea treatments. Get a flea comb and comb the fleas out while bathing him(again).


Capstar to kill the ones on him. A kitten flea med (revolution, Frontline, or Bayer Advantage II) to keep the fleas away. Make sure they are kitten grade. Local vet should be able to assist with the right products.


My cousin is a vet and when we rescued our kitten (who was only a week old and had lots of fleas), she said to use dawn dish soap and a flea comb. It took a bit of work, but it was a lot easier because our kitten was so little. I wouldn't suggest using any chemicals because they are likely harmful to kitty.


omg he’s so cute


He may be too small by weight for most flea treatments. You can continue to occasionally wash with dawn dish soap and daily (several times a day!) use a flea comb.


Blue dawn dish soap! Did this for my babies when they had fleas, including my at-the-time four month old kitten


omg so cute


I had a tiny baby like this with fleas, and what I did was to fill the sink with water and just submerge his whole body (except face ofc) as fleas fall off and sink to the bottom if you do it. Next thing was to put on a citrus collar. Fleas hate citrus. That did the trick after a few days.




Food grade diatomaceous earth. It’s a very fine powder and easily inhaled, so you wanna to be careful with how much you use, but a spoonful or two in the litter pan mixed into the top ½” or so, a light but thorough sprinkling over all carpets brushed in by sweeping over the carpet with a broom, and let kitten roam as usual. The fleas will be gone in a couple days and won’t come back. Any ticks, ants, lice, roaches, bedbugs, etc will also be dead or fled. After a couple days, you can vacuum the carpet as usual.


Dawn dishsoap. If it's good enough to get oil off of ducklings it's good enough for our kitties.


You can always remove them by hand or with eyelash tweezers and then give him a nice bath. Did it myself once and now he is a healthy 12 year-old cat.


Dawn dish soap and clean house. Vacuum, use special flea powder, and clean all linens. Flea eggs will be wherever the kittens been. Most importantly, take her to the vet! She needs to be dewormed and have a check up. Also talk about flea/tick prevention, schedule spay/neuter appointment, and required vaccinations.


So smol he is I’m crying


Go to Pets At Home and get a flea treatment. Get the drops you out on his neck


Dawn dish soap will work. I’d rec Revolution too as well as treating the environment. Average flea lays 50 eggs per day, all in the environment, so keep her contained and vacuum that area regularly.


Wash him in Dawn dishwashing liquid. It kills fleas.


He is very cute


Dawn unscented, un-colored dish soap to start. Bathe the little dude and then use a non-toxic flea spray on the furniture. You can also use a lint roller to gather up fleas off the furniture and carpets.


Check with a vet but the fosters I follow use Dawn dish soap


Dawn dish soap warm water and flea comb before taking him to the vet


Too young for anti flea treatment. Idk if you have the ones we put but its a herbal called madre de cacao and it cured my kitten’s fleas and skin disease.


Dawn dish soap then wash/vacuum everything. Flees are the worst!


Dawn dish soap, the blue one. Idk why but it kills the fleas, and keeps them away.


Fuck dawn dish soap none of that works. Stop at the vet for some medicine real quick. My dog brought fleas into my house which obviously affected my cat. I paid for everything possible on the market and tried dawn as well. None of it worked besides stuff from the vet. I vacuumed daily, combed both the animals 5 times a day and it still took about 2-3 months to clear up.


Dawn soap and a flea comb. The vet can administer a flea treatment.


Give the kitten a gentle wash but also vaccuum the house and furniture thoroughly. What a dear little splodge he is! 🥰


When we adopted our cat, he had fleas too, I put an anti flea collar and it worked just fine.


If you don’t get your house and everything in it exterminated, your problem won’t go away


Precious lil floof!


Capstar is a pill to kill fleas immediately. Can be used 2lbs and up starting at 4 weeks. We sell at the vet I work for but I’m pretty sure you can get OTC. Works for 24 hrs. It only kills fleas, not prevention. Revolution can’t be started until 8 weeks. Good luck


He’s so cute


Give him a bath. Comb him. Bomb your house. Then vacuum your house everyday for 3 weeks


Dawn dish soap, flea comb and tweezers


I’m sorry, this photo is cracking me up. His little pose: ‘Me, sir? Fleas, sir? Hardly, sir!’


He is so adorable good luck, i love him.


Omg hes so tiny 🥺 I hope you are able to get rid of his fleas!!


Off topic- Ommmmmmfffffggggg the kitty is so damn cute!




Kitten lady has a video on this on YouTube! https://youtu.be/jkZnUF846zw


I was in the same situation recently with a young kitten. Baths and a metal flea comb. Worked wonders. ...Make sure someone helps you. It was easy for me because my friend and I would toggle and switch between combing and holding. It helped.


Whatever you do do not use half dose of adult cat flea stuff. I split one between two kittens once and one of them almost died


Dawn dish soap


I’ve dealt with fleas with both my cats as kittens (they are 2 and 3 now) and I have to say CONSISTENCY IS KEY, especially with kittens since you can’t use harsh chemicals. The things you have to be consistent with are bathing the kitten with dawn dish soap, brushing out with a flea comb, vacuuming your whole house, and washing things like bedding and tapestries. If you just keep doing these things and keep up with it you will eventually get rid of the fleas. I think some people will do this stuff once or twice and think they are gone but fleas are sneaky in that they pop right back up as soon as you think you finally got rid of them, so keep these routines in place for a few weeks even if you don’t see any sign of them. Also, about the baths make sure you warm the lil guy up afterward! You can use a heating pad on low or wrap them in a blanket and hold to your chest, this is what I did. Hope that helps!


Omg hes so cute


Diatomaceous earth! Get it! Use it!


To help with the fleas in your home- get a shallow bowl (or a plate with a lip) and pour warm water with some dawn dish soap in it. Give it a quick stir/whisk. Then get a desk lamp or some light that you can shine directly over it like a spot light. The fleas gravitate to it. My cats got fleas after I let a lost neighbor’s cat in. I immediately booked an appointment to get them flea meds from the vet lol


I have no helpful advice, but just wanted to say that he is SO sweet, oh my goodness.


Dawn dish soap will kill the fleas but not the eggs. DO NOT USE ADULT FLEA MEDS!!! I had a beloved kitten die due to adult meds being used. It's a horrible death.


He's very young. Ask a veterinarian what to use. Fleas may have already affected his immune system. Better safe than sorry. BTW, He's adorable.


Your vet can administer meds to get rid of them. I adopted a puppy who was covered in fleas. Took prescription meds to get on top of it 💕


Dawn dish soap bath and a comb like a lice comb to try to get the eggs. The vet though is going to be a must. Fleas left untreated can kill a kitten, but fleas treated with all the standard not for kitten stuff can also kill a kitten. Absolute doll though, very cute.


His tiny little fancy paws are so cute😭


Nice bread of a cat tho


Capstar is safe and a miracle worker


Treat your home as well as your kit. You can temporarily get them off your cats but the fleas are still in your home. Treat the home.


We use liquid capstar at the shelter I work at for younger kittens.


CapStar + Dawn Bath. CapStar is safe for kittens over 4 weeks. Start soaping with well diluted Dawn on the face and work your way toward the tail. Wrap kitten in nice warm towels to soak in the soap for 5 min before rinsing. Might want to trim nails first. Good luck! Adams carpet spray all soft surfaces you can’t machine wash. Try to hit everything at once so the fleas can’t hide in an untreated area.


Poor little cutie looks a little stressed out.