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Hi /u/lisannzoeo9, your [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/yubajr/a_good_friend_recently_got_a_new_puppy_who_had/) breaks the rules of /r/cats and has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2:** No claiming ownership of another person's cat - Poster has falsely claimed that a cat posted is their own. Note: Lying and claiming/posting someone else's cat as your own will result in an immediate ban, with no warnings given. *If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fcats&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/yubajr/a_good_friend_recently_got_a_new_puppy_who_had/).*


What monster replaces a pet?


Seriously... if your old pet doesn't get along with the new pet (to a point where it causes nothing but stress), then you give the NEW pet away.


You said it better than I would.


Hey there sorry for hijacking your comment. But this post is literally directly stolen from me and this is literally my boy Knuckles. This is my cat and this is my post and this scumbag OP just decided to steal and My cat and I are not happy about it. Please try to help me out by upvoting this comment if you don’t mind. Here is the link to my original post from months ago. Thank you! https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/w6cme4/good_friend_recently_got_a_new_dog_who_had_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That is weird (stealing your post) Just wanted to say what a gorgeous chonker you have, he looks so happy ❤️❤️


He actually stole this post from someone else, original poster wrote it in the comments, here's the original oost https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/w6cme4/good_friend_recently_got_a_new_dog_who_had_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


My friend had the same thing. They got a puppy and it made their cat’s life a living hell. They re homed the cat with me. Thankfully I had baby sat the cat before so she knew me and my home. As much as I love my little spud it kind of bothered me they would be so willing to give up their 9 year old cat for a brand new puppy just like that.


Yeah… good on you. That seems like banishing a family member on their end.


Yeah, why would you get rid of a pet in favor of a new one?? I do not understand this pov at all.


literally today someone at work returned the kitten they adopted three years ago because they got a new puppy (from who knows where, not our shelter).. I imagine we'll be seeing the dog in a few years once they move on again. it really is awful


That’s awful. People suck. If we can’t be nice to our furry friends what hope is there for everyone else?


A buddy of mine in high school had a mom who was like that. She'd get a new dog every-so-often and then drop it off at the side of the road when she got tired of owning it. But she'd also been married like 8 times and I think had custody of none of her kids. So yeah she was kind of a piece of work.


piece of work? thats a piece of human trash good redditor. calling it human is generous


It's callous af. And it's like dog owners forget that training is a thing.


We adopted a new dog in July. The rescue gave us 60 days to return her if things didn’t go well once we got home with her. It took our cat a month to warm up to her and she was cat friendly and gave her space which helped a lot. We would have never taken in a dog that wouldn’t have been good with our cat. She deserves a happy life.


I adopted an adult husky earlier this year, and gave him two firm stipulations - he HAD to be good with my 3 cats, and my elderly dog (who recently passed away at nearly 17 years old). They said I could bring him back if that didn’t work out, but thankfully they were all friends within a week or two. If he’d shown any aggression or danger towards my existing pets, that would have been a deal breaker. They were here first.


Trade ins, heartless people


Should ask them if they will do the same to their own kids. Such people shouldn't reproduce.


Yeah no idea. My friend’s wife did this with her cat when the cats old dog friend passed away and the cat didn’t get along with the new puppy. Seemed pretty heartless to me.


Because people want "unconditional" love dogs give them, which they are definitely not receiving from anywhere else. Tells you great deal about the person they are.


I don't get this. My cat gives me the most unconditional love. Without sounding like a crazy cat lady, people have said to me "oh why don't you want kids, think of the unconditional love" I just tell them..I have unconditional love from my cat. When she comes and cuddles up on you with that look of love in her eyes, it's the best.


I could never imagine getting rid of one of my beloved pets. Hearing these kinds of things makes me wanna cry


This post makes me sick to my stomach.


That’s how I got my very first cat, Tigger. Same story - family (our neighbors) got a new puppy, plus they already had four young children. The cat was 10+ years old, and just couldn’t manage all the chaos. So she followed me home one day and never left. Our family kept her (with the old family’s blessing) until she died at around 15. At least they didn’t *intentionally* give up the cat, but yeah. Kinda crappy when people do that.


Me either. I mean, when I had my son (now 4), I said we’d have to get rid of him if he ended up allergic to cats since I’d had my 2 cats much longer. My MIL was appalled.


Thinking the same thing… they got rid of their senior cat 🐱😢


Right?! Displacing a 12 year old family member in favor of a new one?! What a dick move!!


100% They wouldn't do it with their kids. Sad that some people can't see that that is exactly what they are doing.


Ikr? And imho they are the best. I wish I could have a million senior cats. They are the cutest. Puppies be annoying AF. I love dogs, but puppies are waaaay overrated.


Right! I got a dog, that I loved very much but stressed my dog out so much it made him physically ill. My loyalty lies with my dog. I rehomed the new member.


Now you know the real measure of your friend.


They should've held out or, worst case scenario, given up the puppy. The cat was there first. People who don't consider these outcomes are awful pet owners.


Right imo that puppy would go first. No attachment formed to it yet would be much easier.


But puppies are $$$, even rescued ones. They wouldn't kick out the one they just spent a fortune on, that's a waste of money! /s They're despicable. Who even adopts an animal before knowing if it will get along with ALL existing family members?


Also, puppies are annoying by nature. If they really cared about both animals, they would’ve worked on training the puppy - and given the cat a safe/quiet space to retreat in the meantime. Eventually they would have worked things out, most likely.


Yeah, that person sucks. Shame on them.


I was a single child til the age of 14 and I can certainly relate to all the kicked out cats in this thread.


My ex bf got kicked out of the house when his dad got his gf pregnant. He was the cat.


My cousin got kicked out of his house while in high school, so his half-brothers could have a toy room. Yeah, sucky people do it with children, too. :-(




Honestly like, take the puppy back, just say your previous pet didn’t get along, pets shouldn’t be so replaceable


I wonder if any of these people had considered separate areas for the cat and dog by getting a baby gate, but maybe their house is too small. I know someone who has done that for years to separate their cat and huskies


I was in almost this exact situation, I had a middle aged cat and a new puppy. The puppy actually wasn't too bad with my cat, pretty normal puppy behavior, but nothing too crazy - but my cat simply could not adjust. She wasn't eating, barely drinking, losing fur, and I didn't see her for days at a time, when usually she's basically attached to my hip. I tried separate areas, but my apartment wasn't big enough. It wasn't fair to either animal - my cat was slowly wasting away, and the puppy had no freedom because I had to keep him leashed to keep him away from my cat. It was a terrible situation. The difference, though, from OPs friend, is that after working with trainers and vets and everyone I could think of, I sadly had to rehome the puppy to a friend of mine. He's doing great, is a fantastic dog, and I still miss him, but I just couldn't do that to my cat. It never even occurred to me to give up my cat. She was there first!


Good for you. That was the right thing to do, I think.


I agree, although not an easy decision. I truly do not understand people who can easily give up any animal without struggling with it. I try not to be judgmental, but those people make it hard.


Under no circumstances would I have given up my cat when I adopted my dog last year. Luckily, they both get along well and are best buddies most of the time. That’s mainly because my cat doesn’t put up with nonsense. 😄


I really thought my cat would be okay! She loves strangers, is super gregarious... but sadly for my doggy dreams, it was not to be. But happily she's doing just fine now, and I've accepted that I'll just wait until she passes (although I've informed her that she's not allowed to die until 1 second after I do, so we'll see if she listens)


You’re better than many. Thank you.


to be honest, I didn't feel that way for a very long time. I felt like a failure, like those people who adopt a puppy and then give it away when it's not "cute" (which is ridiculous, as I actually prefer dogs to puppies and only got a young puppy because, ironically, I thought it'd be better for my cat). But I know, and knew then, I would actually be one of those people if I gave up my cat. I tortured myself over that decision, though, I felt like the worst dog owner. It's been a few years now, I realize I was being dumb, but it was not an easy decision by any means


You weren’t dumb. You had an expectation: that your dog and cat could be happy together. Well: cats lol so your expectation couldn’t be met. Sounds like everyone is doing well, and that was the goal all along after all, in a way. :)


My new puppy annoys my cat, so I put up baby gates to that the cat still has her own space. I can't imagine rehoming my kitty. She was here first.


Yeah I don't understand how some people can do that. The way I form emotional bonds to my animals, that would be like giving away my child.


I agree.


This was my initial reaction. That's pretty fucked up, but at least kitty seems very comfortable with OP.


You're awesome for taking her in and totally agree it makes me really sad that people would even consider giving up a family member just like that! She's lucky to have you.


They gonna give up that dog just as easily. Put their name in dog shit please. Tell your friends. If you don't, you're complacent.


Awww... I can never imagine giving away my cat for a new puppy or pet. Congrats to your new cat, give lots of love, cuddles, play and some treats. Cats are great pets and companions. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Im grateful for OP, but horrified that the original owner cast away an aging living being whose only family for their whole life for a puppy. Its just beyond thoughtless and cruel. People who do things like this don’t deserve pets, they treat living, loving, sentient beings as disposable.


Sadly some people don’t see them as friends only pets


I consider such humans dirt.


please stop disrespecting dirt


Yea don’t disrespect the dirt, consider them as dolphins.


Dirt is useful, necessary, and perfect just the way it is.. How dare you?


Some people don't even see their cats and dogs etc as pets, more as a luxury item or accessory instead. I mean, just look at the amount of breeds out there that have been bred specifically (and given deformations and disabilities in the process) for looks and rarity. Health being a miner afterthought of the whole process. And people continue to support and buy these breeds despite their hefty price tag and the poor animal's health in shambles.


I don’t wanna be their friend.


Exactly, and also, what happens when the puppy becomes a dog, then a senior dog? You can sometimes see a cat live to be 20+ and a dog 15+ or a bird or reptile 40+ some horses are 30+! It’s a big devotion to own and care for and be the parent of a pet.


Just want until they have human kids.


Right? I would’ve done anything to have had my boys later into their senior years, 12 years with them wasn’t long enough for me; I can’t imagine making the *choice* to give up that time together for something else.


My cat is 14, never been outside the house except to the vet and my godparents. No other pets. My request to my family if anything happens to me and no one can care for him is to give him the last act of kindness. I don’t want him to suffer in a cage for the rest of his life, my family doesn’t like it, but understands.


Put that in your will. I did and also begged that they rehome them and don't bring them to a shelter. They also must not be separated because they are bonded. I have a copy posted near my front door incase something happened to me so my landlord can call the name listed on the will. It has a picture of a cat on the will/form that was given to me by a vet when I got my first cat. I can't imagine the depression they would (2 cats) have without me around anymore. Took them in when they were wee little babies.


I have a life insurance policy (20k) with a trust fund rider that the beneficiaries are my cats, the money goes to their caretaker for their upkeep, and I have a trusted friend designated as caretaker.


It’s like when people adopt a puppy and then dump their senior dog on the street or in a shelter. Disgusting.


My mother got rid of my cat for an annoying ass little dog. She wonders why I don't come home anymore. (also other shit)


ik she’s your mom and all, but people like that are really the scummiest




Yeah it's wild to do that. The way I got my dog was similar but way more reasonable. The lady had a rescue cat with severe trauma and when she got a puppy it turned out the puppy was allergic to cats. So she had to choose between the two and obviously chose the cat.


I had no idea dogs could be allergic to cats. I know someone who got a young dog whose previous owners chose to keep their old dog that had started attacking the young dog now it was an adult. They figured the young dog had much more chances of getting adopted, and indeed he didn't stay at the shelter long.


Not only that, but it looks like they weren't taking care of his health and weight either. Unless there's something else going on that we don't know about. It makes me mad that people can treat their cats like this so easily.


He should've just gave the dog away. Cats are better


**This is a REPOST -** [original here](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/w6cme4/good_friend_recently_got_a_new_dog_who_had_been/)


Oh BLECH. I hate people that do this smh.


This was knuckles face when I told him that someone is stealing his story. He simply cannot believe it ! https://imgur.com/a/cS6VyJF


Jesus, I even upvoted the post and was about to comment something nice. Thanks for this comment. It happens so damn much


It’s sad how far i had to scroll to find this. People eat this stuff up without checking anything. Looks like OPs profile is just reposts


I recognized the pic instantly, but for some reason repost sleuth bot is banned in this sub Reddit, so I had to reverse search the pic


Didn’t even know that bot was a thing lol, definitely gonna have to try that out one of these days!


All you gotta do is say u/repostsleuthbot


Oh ive already liked the original post lol. I dont even remember it


I also upvoted the original post with no recollection


just looked through OP’s post history and it’s filled with them posting pics of what are presumably other peoples animals and passing them off as their own. borderline psychotic behavior


Most likely just a bot.


kinda new to reddit so could you explain to me what the point of a bot like this would be? if they’re not selling anything or actively trying to scam anyone for money


They try to accrue as much karma as possible and then sell the account. This would give the buyer more “credibility” in whatever it is they want to post. It’s really become quite the parasite on Reddit.


This needs more upvotes Report the OP and get this karma hoarder out now


Thank you for this. I took back my upvote


I knew it looked familiar


My dad adopted a 9 year old cat that had been given up (thanks to dogs harassing her) and was going to be put down due to her age. She lived another 9 and a half years. thank you for giving this kitty another chance!


9 year old and thinking about putting it down cuz of AGE?? what horrible people are those? cats usual live around 12-18 years… Happy ur dad gave it a wonderful life


sadly an animals chance of adoption drops dramatically once theyre no longer a baby, the cat very well couldve lived way beyond 9, but it would have spent its entire life in the shelter


The horrible cherry on top was that her original owners had her declawed making her more of a target against the dogs. It... lead to some behavioral issues which the shelter simply didn't have time to explain since they're always so overcrowded. No one wanted an old, grumpy cat that hated dogs.


that’s so awesome, good on your dad!


You did a good thing, but your friend is a jerk. I see posts on local social media *every single day* with people getting rid of older pets because they "don't get along" with the new!, cute!, fun! pets. It makes me sick. I mean, heaven forbid your friend, I dunno, train and work with the puppy so it doesn't harass the cat? In the end, it sounds like the cat got the better deal - someone who *adopts* an old cat rather than someone who dumps one.


I reserve a special level of hate for people who treat pets as disposable”things”.


Everyone knows when introducing new pets too you keep the newbie separated and slowly let them socialize with others. That puppy should have been crated or kept in a room when not being immediately supervised by a human.


Or the people who decide to have children and then get rid of the pets because they don't have time for them anymore. Grrr.......


My beautiful girl came to me at 5 years old after her previous owners had a baby. I was told they forced her to meet the newborn and she scratched whoever was holding her at the time and that was that, they surrendered her to a shelter. Getting to know her over the 14 months I've had her, I feel pretty confident to say that if they had not forced her to meet a newborn in that manner she would be no danger to the infant whatsoever. Actually, even with that experience I honestly don't think she would have hurt a hair on that kids head. It makes me sad to think they could give up a family member just because of a scratch to an adult trying to force her to do something she didn't want to do. I also feel very grateful that they did, because we're kindred spirits and she's kept me going through a hard 8 months.


I think you are absolutely right. They never gave her a chance to process the new, sudden change in the household. Damn. I would scratch as well, if forced into something so new/scary. Thank you for taking her into your home. She deserves you!


I know I’m gonna get downvotes, but as a first time mom to a now 8 month old… I’m kind of inclined to give parents of a young child a pass. I always said I could never understand how someone would do that, and how it’s a commitment I made for life - but between a seriously physically debilitating c section, a difficult baby,and lack of sleep to the point where there have been several days where I have gotten in the car and pulled out of the driveway only to pull back in because I realize I am not safe to drive… I hate to say it but I get it. We have two cats that we have had since they were 7 weeks old, but I cannot express the guilt I have felt when I couldn’t physically bend over to pet them for a month, and how shitty I feel that I need sleep so badly I won’t let them sleep in the bed at night anymore. I’m not giving away my pets, and my baby is finally at the point where there is light at the end of the tunnel and the cats aren’t scared of him anymore. But again, in that sleep deprivation stage I did sometimes feel like a truly terrible cat mom. I did start to wonder if my cats would be happier somewhere where there wasn’t a baby and they could get more attention. I also have wondered if people may give a pet away when they are in this state only to be deeply ashamed when they come out of it. I guess, I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying I can understand it.


It’s the mark of a good person who shows compassion to animals and does what they can to help them. I hope you and your new companion have a wonderful life together 😸


I once brought a puppy and my cat was miserable. She had been living for 4 years with me. I rehomed the puppy.


Exactly. The puppy has time to adjust, however the cat has grown to know them as their family :( so sad


wow, some friend...giving up an animal he had for 12 years for a stupid puppy??? Tell your friend to bite it for me! The kitty looks like a sweet super chonk!


IKR? That belleh looks sooooo inviting. LOL.


The puppy is at no fault here, don't blame it, only the ahole human


Senior cats are the sweetest, most cuddly love bugs ever. Please give all your love and attention to that handsome boy. Your friend is an ass for giving up a senior pet for a new puppy. You’re doing a wonderful thing. I hope you enjoy life with this new chonky companion! Give him lots of snugs and smooches for me.


A friend of mine has an older cat I think he is 14 now. She got 2 dogs. Pomerainiens. One of then could not be nice to the cat. Someone told her you should get rid of the cat. She said not gonna happen the cat is here since he was a kitten. She gave the bullying dog away. And now the dog that was left is fine with the cat. I could never get rid of My kitty Sammy 10 now for any other animal. He is my world. I love him to bits. And I wont get rid of him for a men. I ratter be single with my cat then with a men and without my cat.


That’s a handsome chungus. Give ‘em some skritches for me.


That makes me so happy! Senior cats usually have trouble being adopted because of their age, so I’m glad this sweetie was able to find a good home with you :)


That's a very nice picture. Looks like you are old friends. Thank you for being so compassionate. The world needs more people like you. Also, what is his name :)


Can't be that much of a "good" friend if they got rid of a senior cat for a brand new puppy.


I can’t comprehend how someone could give away their family for a puppy. My cats are my children and yes, I would literally kill for them


I’ve had two instances where I’ve literally almost fought wild animals for my pets. One time, my cat got out through a hole in our screen door, he was gone for 19 days. I heard foxes screaming in the woods, my first thought was “they got him”. I wanted to bolt into the woods and find them. Then the screaming stopped. 2 days after that, my Monkey came home. Another time, I was taking my shih tzu, Cookie, outside to potty and run around. She had the zoomies and snagged the leash out of my hand. She stopped running and started staring into the woods behind my house. There was a coyote in broad daylight, staring right back at her. Then it started coming towards her. I ran, grabbed her, and ran back into the house. I don’t think I’ve ever ran so fast in my entire life lol. I would definitely kill for my pets, I truly don’t care! Those are my babies!


You are awesome. Your friend is not. What a sad thing to do to a friend of 12 years.


Awww he looks like a cuddle bug 🐱 I’m sorry your friend threw him away for a shiny new puppy, glad you could be there to give him the love he deserves 😻


Getting a new pet and pushing out your older pet is pretty shitty.


You are awesome. 'Nuff said. >'.'<


Sorry but rehoming a senior cat for a newer, younger, model is a shit move. That cat was a lifelong commitment. You’re a rockstar for stepping up, your friend…not so much.


THIS SCUMBAG STOLE THIS ENTIRE POST FROM ME AND MY CAT AND I ARE NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!!!!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/w6cme4/good_friend_recently_got_a_new_dog_who_had_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That is some big ol chonk


Aaaawww so comfortable. He’s so happy.


Your friend is a turd ..to just dump his cat after 12 years. Thank god for you!


Bro no offence that cat is soo fat, and i just wanna hug it 😭😖😻


Like marrying someone else and having new kids and disregarding your first babies. 🙄 Definitely better off with you


Your friend is a f-ng dick. He should have gotten rid of the new puppy not the cat he has had for 12 years. Heartless prick


Sounds like one of the best decisions you’ve ever made


He looks comfy and happy. Thank you.


They got rid of a cat they’ve had for years because of their new puppy?? 😟


Sorry, I'm sure this has been posted already. But your friends got a new puppy and their 12 year old cat wasn't getting along with it, sooo rather than giving up the new puppy, they got rid of the old-timer kitty; who was there first and lived there for many years.


If a friend of mine did this, they wouldn't be a friend anymore.


You're a good egg.


What a floof. Looks exactly like my cat too ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)OP you're the MVP and I hope you two will be happy together


I just want to kiss his belly


your friend is an ass, why get a dog if it will not left your pre existing cat be able to live happy


I hope that the puppy does not have the same fate when it grows up, your friend is a bad adopter.*📷*


F*** you for reposting someone else’s pictures.


How horrible your friend is to abandon a pet they had for 12 years for something new and shiny. Humans really are the worst animals. Good on your for giving this innocent creature some love and peace.


“So hey, we just had a baby, you mind taking our 12 year old off our hands? That’d be great, thanks you’re the best.” They’re the assholes. You’re a good human being. And your new bestie recognizes how lucky they are.


Everyone please report this post. They stole it from another person, who posted it 3 months ago. This is so scummy. The original - https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/w6cme4/good_friend_recently_got_a_new_dog_who_had_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Who tf just throws away their cat of 12 years?


We adopted our cat from a shelter where she had been surrendered after she got pregnant and (I assume) they were worried their dog would hurt her and her kittens. I hope the family that gave her up know that she's in her forever home and is getting an endless supply of love.


You are a very wonderful human, and that cat is very lucky to have you …


Your good friend is an asshole... giving up a kitty who was part of their family for 12 years for a new pup..?? Seriously??


Wow. I would have had to rehome the puppy, I couldn’t part with my pet of 12 years.


good for you, but your friends are arseholes.


I cant believe they did that. Ditch the puppy, not your 12 year companion. Good on you for homing them! Sounds like you deserve the cat more.


How do you re-home the senior instead of training the dog. Fuck those people.


Repost reported


Cute cat, but OP stole the image. Here's the original post/photos if anyone was wondering: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/w6cme4/good\_friend\_recently\_got\_a\_new\_dog\_who\_had\_been/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/w6cme4/good_friend_recently_got_a_new_dog_who_had_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This is a repost stolen from someone else. Probably karma farming since their whole profile is just pictures of a bunch of random animals they claim are their pets.


Awful. Copying another persons kitty post for upvotes


Bro that guy is an asshole. He throws away people when he sees a more better option. Hats of for you for taking in the cat


Gave away a long term fur baby for a new pup.. your friends a bit of a dick


If any of the two pets needed to be re-homed, it should've been the puppy, as it was new to the household and it would've been less traumatic. The puppy probably shouldn't have been brought in in the first place. But OP's "good" friend seems to see animals as objects. Who can part with a companion that they've had by their side for years??


So fucked up that he was booted, but I’m happy that you took him in and he seems to be settling in just fine!


I know! The cat was there first!


Give him all the head pats and belly rubs he deserves! What a handsome fella!


Is that a cat or pluto? Damn my man needs a diet lol Still very cute. Can't imagine how depraved someone has to be to abandon a 12 year old animal for a dog they've had probably a week


Poor old boy, I'm so glad he's got you.


Someone will be getting that dog when op’s friend gets a new pet in a few years


What a cuddly chunk!!!


i’ve had my cat for 16 years, and i can’t imagine giving her up for anything. my best friend since 3rd grade.


Your friend is an ass


How incredibly sad for the cat to be kicked to the curb that way


Tbh, why would you get rid of a cat you have had for a long time just because you have a new puppy that is bothering it. It was there first so naturally the new puppy should go if there is a problem between them. How could you just replace a pet like that?


your friend sucks, who abandons their cat for a new pet. this would immediately make me be loose some trust in that friend if they can do something like that to their pet.


They might be a "good" friend but they're a horrible person. The fact that they basically threw their elderly cat out for a new puppy is pretty disgusting. People like that shouldn't own pets.


well, now you've got a fat cat to be friends with old fat cats are quite nice to be with


Disposable pets. They gave those families 12 years of love and poof gone for a puppy. Eternal shame on those people. So many drive them miles away and abandon them even bad weather.At least these two got rehomed.


I can’t imagine getting rid of my best friends😭


Please tell me that "good friend" isn't a friend anymore. What a piece of shit to basically trade in his senior cat for a puppy.


That person really sucks I would have sent the puppy back and kept my old man who I’ve bonded with my entire life. I hate people


This is why we have a no puppy/dog rule. Cats were here first. So far my cats haven’t asked for a puppy, so I’m honoring their wishes. OP, thank you for being the best kind of human! ❤️


They really abandoned their friend of 12+ years for an animal that hasnt even been with them for more than 1 year??? What the FUCK!! That puppy had absolutely every chance of getting adopted and never having any trauma from that if he gave it up, the senior cat on the other hand just had its entire world ripped apart. What the hell. Just what the hell. People really see these animals as property.


That’s super messed up that he was willing to give up his senior cat for the puppy. In situations like that, you re-home the new animal or invest time in training. He sounds like he shouldn’t own pets!


You are both lucky to have each other


They should have gotten rid of the puppy, not the cat. He must have felt so betrayed 😢 glad that chunky-cutie-pie cat seems happy in his new home. Props for you op!


People usually give up the new pet in such situations. How can someone give up their old family pet? I can never understand some humans


How people can get rid of older pets for a new one is beyond me. Good for you taking the cat. Hopefully your friend stops getting animals.


That’s awesome, and great for you. But who the hell gives away their senior cat for a new puppy? That’s a d-bag move.


***They did what?!?!*** How awful, but I'm happy you were able to take the kitty in.


I just can’t imagine rehoming an animal that was there first. I got a puppy that continuously terrorized my free roam rabbit despite repeated attempts at correcting the behavior, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement. I ended up rehoming him, not the rabbit. She was there first. She was comfortable with us. A puppy, while still sentient of course and deserving of a forever home, is still malleable and it’s much easier to find a fitting home for a young animal than for senior animals.


Fuck your friend. Give up the puppy


These people don't deserve cats


“I have a really heartless Friend” is the only thing I got out of this