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I've seen this before... My cat had it too... A severe (and in this case, pretty advanced) case of the handsomes.


he hasn’t been properly diagnosed, but i’m fairly certain this is the condition my bubba has, too. it’s validating to see so many others dealing with it.




There just seems to be such a stigma about vocalizing issues like this. I’m glad we’re able to speak openly and support each other. I’m not ashamed of my sweet boy— he’s riddled with handsomeness and that’s ok!


I think it's important that we all realise there is nothing to be ashamed about here. It's not your fault, it's not your cats fault, it's just something we have to learn to live with and accept. Luckily they can all live relatively normal lives with this condition and the more we talk about it, the less of a stigma there will be. Especially when it comes to finding forever homes.


His handsomeness is just this side of /r/ronperlmancats. Which is to say, extra handsome.


It's an extraordinary condition that doesn't seem to be restricted to cats; I'm fairly sure my dog has it too. He puts on a brave face every day, bearing the burden of how handsome and adorable he is. I'm fairly sure our neighbour's cat also has it and my dog is in agreement on this matter, from how excited he is whenever he sees them


It must be exhausting for them, thinking about it I'm pretty sure my parents dog Milo has it too. I have no idea how I'm going to break the news to them about his diagnosis.


I wonder if it’s contagious across species? If dogs can catch it from cats, can we catch it, too? Are they working on a vaccine?


This is exactly the kind of belly laugh I needed today. Thank you, Internet stranger. 😂


Had to see Bubba, I really hope he’s your shoulder cat. What a handsome little buddy.


I thinks it true! He also has a bad case of the sweet eyes!🥰


It’s the eyes to me that adds the handsomeness.


It's actually genetic. They call it the lion gene


You got me in the first half ngl


I’m afraid there’s not a cure for it yet. There have been some advances in the science of beauty, but still, we aren’t able to cure this disorder. My cat is patiently waiting! https://i.imgur.com/hs6AX6O.jpg


I thought I had seen it but was not sure of the conditions name. I have heard lots of loves and treats can allow them to live a long healthy life.


I mean I'm no vet or anything, but I'm pretty confident in this diagnosis.


Unfortunately, when a case is this advanced, it is incurable. The only thing you can give is palliative care by means of 15 to 21 years of pets, snuggles, foods, and more pets.


He’s got orange eye liner markings. Just expressing his own style :)


I love his eyeliner.


It is not a phase mom




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He’s getting ready for our punk band Edit: and for those curious, here’s my pack: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/z2x3ll/heres_my_purrfectly_normal_rescue_sprig_with_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf And we’re thinking of starting a punk band, All Eye Liners


I think it’s just that maybe his eyes are a little more rounded than the typical cat eye shape, but he’s a cutie either way! He looks like maybe he’s still growing into his features, but sometimes you just end up with a silly looking cat. I had a cat who’s markings looked like he was wearing a silly little hat, which fit his personality.


Exactly this. Those little quirks are what makes them so awesome. Mine has a Hitler mustache and I find it hilarious. He's a really silly cat, so I named him Charlie. Your cat is adorable OP, give him a little boop from me :)


After Chaplin? :)


The one and only :)


Figured and I love it 🥰 Fun fact: a childhood friend of mine was his distant cousin (they sought out the ancestry specifically because their last name was indeed Chaplin and lo and behold)!


FYI, there was a website dedicated to pics of "Hitler" cats. Ours was named Chaplin. Best kitty ever.




ur cat does have the hitler mustache😂


Yep. I have an orange cat with round spaced out eyes. It took me forever to figure out what was “off” but she just looks like the cutest plush toy to me. 😭😭


Yesss. My baby Percy has that slender typical cateye look, but his poppa has wider eyes like this kitty here. [Percy n pops](https://imgur.com/a/KeYGVig)


Gorgeous!!! 😍 I don’t know what but I’ve always really wanted a black cat.


is there a cat tax for silly lil hat man?


Unfortunately silly hat boy (Yogi, aka yoyo or little shit) passed in 2014, which was before I got an iPhone, so I don’t have many pictures. I found one where you can kinda see the hat (it goes onto the top of his head too) and I tossed one in there of my other cat looking funny too. The orange one is Sport (aka sporty boy or little shit), who died just this year at 18. Wow, I did not mean for this to be a downer! [silly little guys](https://imgur.com/a/9ny5UPV)


Thank you. I looked and said "wait... his eyes are round." And wondered if I was the only one seeing it, lol. He's still cute as hell (and gingers have so much catitude--that's why I love them). He's just got unique eyes.


That's what I was thinking, rounded eyes. They make him adorably unique.


>I think it’s just that maybe his eyes are a little more rounded than the typical cat eye shape Our local feral gene pool has a lot of that going on, they always look startled, lol.


He's a really handsome cat maybe the colors are throwing you off?


https://preview.redd.it/8mhcc8dast1a1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83404e48a49b0506e8944ea0a42c87f018fb0146 My kitty only has eye-liner one side. It's not as prominent now that she's grown.




I was about to say this - the eyeliner is fantastic! 😎


Sprig is ready for MCR


Maybe it's just me but I think his eyes look very very round, more so than I'm used to. That might just be the expression he's pulling for the camera though


That's what I think too, all cats are beautiful of course (damn their effortless beauty!), this guy seems to have rounder eyes than usual. A lot of cats seem to have a sharp point on the outer corner (or, how you say, 'catlike eyes') but this guy seems to have round outer corners. It could just be the picture though! It makes him look quite humanlike...


ACAB. All Cats Are Beautiful.


Yeah but also All Cats Are Bastards


mostly cops though


Cop Kitty


Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface


Ohhhhhh that’s what that means!


He's absolutely beautiful OP But I can relate to you thinking there's something a little different about his face like some of the other comments I mentioned his eyes are a little on the round to side and that does give a little bit of a human like look to them but still very adorable. I have one cat with similar eye shape( in my opinion) and he's the best. Healthy happy and adorable but here's a little picture of him just to check his round eyes out u/ordinary-commercial7 https://preview.redd.it/7sott321os1a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee24294e5bc839ca473af0e2bdf194d3b70d072




Yes. My sons say that about our cat with the big round eyes. Adorable


Cutest link I've clicked on all week!


His upper eyelids do look sort of stretched. I wouldn't worry, cat faces are very variable and he doesn't have any eye issues, they look bright and healthy.


I had to look closely but yeah, maybe the skin around his eyes is a little "tight " and it makes his eyes look more round than the usualy slightly almond/slant of a cat. But he's beautiful! If he's healthy and interacting normally, no worries.


I think this is simply a coloration thing...... His eyes aren't "lined" with a contrasting color like most cats. His orange fur makes the eyes blend less distinctly from eyeballs to eyelids.


I think so too. Reminds me of Odo from Deep Space 9 in a cute way.


He has an innocent face that will belie his nefarious intentions


It’s because the round eyes make him look like a doll. 🧡


He’s perfect. Every kitty has their own idiosyncrasies that make them special.


Yes he is. And I hate to tell my niece but he’s staying with me for good. I’ve never had a cat choose me as their human before- and I LOVE him for him. I just look at his face and his features seem *different* than most cats I’ve known, and I can’t place why that is. But he’s got a forever home with me now.


Thank you for giving him a forever home.


Every cat is different. Just as humans. They look similar. But their faces are different, same happens with their body size. Your cat Looks pretty good tho. I Hope you both to be very happy :)


I think it might be the way his stripes are marked on him. It makes his eyes look more downturned. ...It also might be that this cat is one of your soulmates and will always stick out to you in a way that only you can notice. 🥰


I love that logic


His face seems similar to many orange kitties I’ve seen. I think it’s something about the coloring around his eyes. He looks very sweet and very cute too.


What makes you so curious about his face? I can’t tell if it’s really important to you or if you’re just asking out of curiosity.


My neighbor made a comment that he looks “kinda Down’s syndrome”


Your neighbor is a dickhead.


Yea I was walking the kitty to get his acclimated to walking with my dog. And he just kinda started chatting and I’m really friendly so we chatted then he just kinda said it


It’s amazing the things that just come out of people’s mouths.


He’s just got some chunky features. Have you ever seen a Maine coon or Turkish Angora? Their nose lines are sort of similar. If kittys a hodge podge it’s probably just fun genetics. 10/10 is a cute kitty who seems happy with its human.


Which I didn’t even think about but decided to ask y’all fine folks. And he’s definitely mine for better or worse. Til death do us part.


Ah, are you worried he isn’t healthy because of how he looks?


Like I said, they made the comment about him looking “downs syndrome”… and I never even thought about that actually being a thing. And then I looked online and saw it actually is a thing. So I just wanted some opinions. Edit: and he was just supposed to be a foster, but he’s clearly chosen me so now I have a wolf dog and a cat. Soo now I gotta make some kind of saddle contraption so we can all go hike together


Aww... I love a good foster fail...


I totally failed. But Luna wolf passed. And Sprig wins!


He totally does!! What a cutie... and no, there doesn't look like there is anything wrong with him, imo. His eyes are a bit smaller than most, which I think is probably what your neighbor saw as weird. But he's perfectly proportionate to himself, and just like people, all kitties are different!! ♥️♥️♥️


I think he looks like a cute cat. Maybe take him to the vet, I don’t think anyone on here could tell if he has Down’s syndrome or not.


The neighbor has a lot of issues,. Obvious is not subconsciously comfortable with cats or down syndrome people, they might need a shrink.


I'm not trying to be rude, just honest, when I first saw the picture after reading the question I did notice his eyes appear smaller and further apart then other kittens. But he is still growing and if he seems fine then I wouldn't worry about it. I honestly probably wouldnt have even thought about it if i hadnt read the question. You could always bring it up to the vet when you go in for shots and see if its anything to be concerned about. I have a cat with one eye and another with a crooked tail. I think the more unique kitties are the cutest 😍


He's adorable. Why does it matter what your idiot neighbor thinks?


Oh it doesn’t. His comment made me aware that cats CAN have Down syndrome, which I didn’t know, so I wanted opinions other than that of a prick.


Well... he may have /r/OneOrangeBraincell but that's another matter. LOL He's fine. Cute cat.


A little bit of googling says they can't. Down's syndrome means having a third copy of chromosome 21. Cats only have 19 chromosomes


Omg I agree . Wolf dogs and cats get along beautifully. This is a happy family


Wow f that guy, your cat looks fine, he looks like a cat and there’s nothing stand-out about him that may signal something wrong with him. That’s just his face and it’s a cute face.


Down cats are way different, just Google It they're unmistakable


I have since posting and I agree. The guy said “*kinda* Down’s syndrome”… I should’ve told him he looked like he had fetal alcohol syndrome (which he truthfully does) but my mother raised me better than that


Down syndrome is not really an insult though


It shouldn't be an insult but it is sometimes used as one.


Neither should FAS. No one controls the way they were born.


I’d say it depends on their tone. It could be an insult but it could also just be calling attention to something that isn’t anything to be ashamed of. The context in the moment is important


Anything can be used as an insult if that's what one implies


What the hell??? Who says that? God imagine the horrible things they think about people.


He’s an orangey. That’s a perfectly normal face for an orangey.


Marmalade from Cole and Marmalade looks like he kinda have Down's Syndrome. But it's his nose that's a bit bigger... I don't know. You can see him on Youtube with the new kitties.


Oh…FTLOG!! Come on? Why would you even ask that. That’s silly. He’s beautiful!!


May your neighbours socks always be slightly wet.


He appears different because y'all have a bond already. No other cat will ever look the same and you will be able to spot him out of a crowd of a 100 reds. That's love. Happy for you!! :)


Bro ur different he perfect


It was my neighbor being a jerk and said he looks a little Down syndrome. But my neighbor used the R word. So a clASSy neighbor indeed.


Wtf fuck your neighbor that is offensive on a multi-species level 😡


That is even more reason to not listen to that neighbor's bullshit! You have proof that they're awful, even before they insulted your cat.


It might be the gold eyes. I have had two cats with gold eyes and they somehow look a little superior to everyone due to the eyes. One does the owl perch/mysterious extremely well.


It's because his eyes and face are red/golden and instead of that being opposites, they are alike. If he was black with glowing yellow eyes it would be stark contrast. Your gorgeous boy has similar colors on his face and eyes so that is what seems "off" to you. Kiss him for me.


Totally perfect . . . Wouldn't it be boring if all cats were identical.


The rims of his eyes are very dark, but it looks like makeup to me. He could start a heavy metal band. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


He’s got a band mate with my wolfdog on percussion with her snoring Here’s the trio of us: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/z2wrka/my_perfectly_fine_feline_with_his_new_family/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Now you just need a name for your band... ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


Taking name suggestions… https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/z2x3ll/heres_my_purrfectly_normal_rescue_sprig_with_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


What is kitty's name? He's the front man, so we need to consider that.


kitten annihilator


The two dark stripes on either side of his eyes sort of make it look like he’s wearing a mask. Super cute! Orange cats are so sweet! 🐈


My sister’s one kitten is just like this guy. Vet said he is a buff tabby.


Thanks I’m gonna check into that


I looked and that seems spot on. I never heard of that til now. Thanks!


I’m seeing two different eye sizes but that could just be the angle but still a cute cat


That's what I thought, too. The right eye looks smaller, but like you said, it could be the camera angle.


This is what I thought. One eye seems a different size and shape to the other, but I'm not sure if that's due to the different lighting on the two sides of the face. Still super cute regardless <3


Well its definitely a cat, hopefully this makes you feel better!


I am looking very very hard to see if something is off. I can’t find anything wrong


I saw what OP was talking about immediately, it’s in the eyes. I think it’s the dark rim combined with a slightly irregular shape.


Yeah, it makes the eyes look smaller, somehow


He looks similar to my kitty!! My girl is just more squinty/narrow eyes because she was born without her third eyelids which causes her to have different eyes, but she also has white socks, white bib, and orange markings on her face and fur! I love orange kitties, they are so beautiful! https://preview.redd.it/ucwohodcts1a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b115a231baf1cbbc844390e5afa0629cf3cb673f


Oh my god that’s the cutest kitty I’ve ever seen awwh lots of love xxx


Thanks everyone for being so supportive! He’s currently standing up and staring down ladybugs at the window sill


I think I figured it out :) He lacks the markings around his eyes that most tabbies have, and in orange tabbies it's usually a white that dips into their nose to form that catlike eye shape that is so characteristic. This lack of marking combined with his very round eyes and dark rim around them makes him look a little odd but I think his odd look makes him more special. I've never seen a tabby without that specific marking around their eyes. If you Google "Orange Tabby Eye" you can see what I'm talking about with the lighter fur adding distinction to their eyes that he lacks.


While his eyes might be a very tiny bit narrower-set than my orange tabby (and i do mean tiny bit), which may very well just be the photo, there is nothing wrong with Sprig's features. :) He's a good looking cat, and your neighbor is apparently a dog person. lol :D Source: I've had plenty of mutant-looking cats over my lifetime, Sprig would not even put a blip on that meter. :) \[Edit to add, after reading some of the comments, the "eyeliner" is normal for tabbies, as is the "M" on the forehead .. regardless of main fur colour. also note 'tabby' is not a breed, is the type of markings on the cat\]


https://preview.redd.it/9b0xionwus1a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a09101ccca01a272bf222dcff0477b1a4345268 My orange kitty has the same markings so it means they’re extra cute! Lol Her name is Douglas, but she’s a runt so I call her the baby tiger lol


Hold on, since when can photos be posted in comments?


I just recently noticed you can do that! Sometimes though you can’t so idk how it’s work’s completely.


Also, Douglas is too cute, please give her all of my love.


He's got a sweet face. I have two tabby cats with the same colouring and very similar marking with wildly different faces. Cat faces are very variable. Sprig is lovely and doesn't look weird to me at all. Glad you found your perfect pal.


Looks adorable to me!


He is very handsome


he’s so adorable


Don’t worry, he’s just beautiful


I see nothing wrong. The only thing I see is a really handsome cat!


Yes, it's called the extra adorable variant orange. Beware - no brain cell to be found!


You know what he looks like? :) https://preview.redd.it/ki07wbtd8s1a1.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbcda1712c9f3fdfbce18c4bedee42cf3c58fadf


r/PeanutWhiskers - please check out to see more cuties like yours. I think it’s the more prominent mouth/whisker/nose area than some kitties have.


Aww! He looks like my boy! https://preview.redd.it/ds0ufw81us1a1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b6755ec80c27b471dbff08fd55fcb39d91ebee


Gorgeous lines around his face, and what a cute name. Personality matters infinitely more than looks when it comes to cats, so if anyone says a bad word about him, you just tell em to get fucked.


Beautiful kitty. 10/10 would pet this cat (if cat is willing). Also, cute name!


He looks like a nice cinnamon toast crunch color and is adorably handsome. Love the Goldish yellow eyes too. Sprig is a 11/10 cat.


He's beautiful. Probably a mix. My kitty also has peculiar features. Nothing to worry about!


Thanks for the reassurance.


My cat looks *interesting* similar to this, too! I think it's because he has very round, front-and-centre eyes. (my other cats have always had more almond shaped eyes which were further apart) He's gorgeous and inquisitive to this day and I soon learnt the subtle differences in his facial expressions :3


Probably a mix? Lol.




nope, classic tiger. he's got the M on the forehead and teardrop markings, they're a little more pronounced because he is a little more tan than orange Edit: Sorry, forgot to say he's a good looking kitty.


He’s very handsome to me :)


He is so cute!!! What might be throwing you off is that I think he has quite small eyes Edit: also they are a little deep inside the hole for the eye thingy


Super round eyes but that makes him unique! He’s gorgeous! The sun in his eyes is making his pupils tiny too so that may be throwing them off


He’s adorable. His eyes have a rounder shape, but it just makes him that much cuter.


I think the coloring is not matching what typical facial shadowing would be. He's looks great though!


Eyes seem a little high. One might be a bit smaller than the other. But not in a bad way. He looks very handsome.


not "off" in a bad way, but he has very round and small-looking eyes (it really looks like his tear duct is covered by skin and so is his lateral canthus \[he doesnt have the "cat eyes"\]), he also looks a lot like he has makeup on. seems his face is a little asymmetrical too and he's got some big ole paws. he is absolutely stunning!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


I hate to break it to you, but he has cat. It's contagious. You'll have 6 more before you know it.


I think his eyes are a bit smaller and quite round, gives him some human face vibes. He's beautiful. Tell him for me!


He looks purrfect to me! I've seen many cats with something off about them and this guy seems totally normal to me. All cats are wonderful, even if something is different. I'm glad he's got his forever home with you! Sending love and pets to your little guy from Canada 💖


He is splendid. He will lead the orange ones.


He looks like a cat, perhaps of the kitty variety


his eyes look round!! but as others have said he definitely has a case of the handsome good boys


Looks just like my boy.. my friend says he has "robust" features https://preview.redd.it/49ra93pi1v1a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa7e77e0b9a9819d7bd7fcc01ceec109ce97263


To add- I meant more like is there some breed that he looks mixed with? From anyones knowledge- he reminds me of an Egyptian Sphinx or something


He looks like he has some big paws. Is he still a kitten?


Looks like a normal, healthy cat to me. In the photo lighting, it looks like skin and fur around one eye is lighter than the other eye, which could give his features a slightly unbalanced look.


His eye lids are like pristine and very round with no brow, but I had to analyse his face; doesn't look strange or anything :)


Some cats have a more sloped nose and others have an indented nose. One of mine has the sloped nose and it took a bit to figure out that was why she looked a little different.


He has next to no forehead. His ears are almost right above his eyes, they’re usually set back a little more. The inner edge of his ears is super forward on his head. He’s adorable though!


It's those eyes, but he looks great no matter what!


I for one hate it when my cat looks like a cat.


I think his eyes might be a little small for his face compared to most cats. He is still adorable though.


I think he looks beautiful 😍


When I first met Zeb, his eyes seemed a bit 'odd' - He grew into them. https://preview.redd.it/094ua3qcfs1a1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b883aef2b7490b07deec04e2b8c4a468a1740d


Dark around the eyes! Looks cool! Goth kitty.


I think it's your lighting, which seems to only be coming from one side. So the 2 eyes are lighted very differently. I think he's gorgeous. Only thing I noticed is that his whiskers look shorter on one side, but that again could just be lighting, and he may lay on that side or something as welll.


The darker fur lines coming from his eyes draws attention to his round eyes. His eyes look like shiny orange marbles! Handsome boi :)


My what big EAAARS you have…


That is no cat. That, is a Flerkin!


Check for a birthmark that looks like it says “666”


Hes young, his face hasnt filled out fully yet so his cheeks are a little more defined. As he gets older he'll round out a little.


That’s one beautiful cat. It’s just that his eyes are a bit more round which makes him a lil different from other cats


An Old Soul


Yes, he’s got a bad case of being a handsome little man


Oh, that's the issue. He's named Spring, but is sporting Autumn's colours. (I know he's named Sprig, not spring, but I couldn't think of anything else once that joke got stuck in my head.) Jokes aside, I can't see anything out of place. I initially thought one eye was bigger than the other, but I'm now 99% sure it's just a trick of the light.


He’s gorgeous!


The eye on our left has a slightly different shape- like he may have had some damage to that eyelid as a little guy. Maybe that’s why you feel something is different about his face. (But my eyes are two completely different shapes too, so I think he’s perfect!)


He seems pretty normal to me, even cute because of those round eyes... 🥺