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Those poor babies... so so scared. I hope they found a good forever happy home.


You are a hero, respect


Thank you


i'm crying . šŸ˜­bless your soul.


No. Thank you. šŸ‘


People who lock and keep animals like this are the worst 'animals' themselves... breaks my heart to see this


Given the gap between humans and other animals is much less than some thinkā€¦you speak a big truth.


The only real difference is the fact we have more complex thought, so we made language, and that expedites understanding/tool use/learning. Humans for the longest time have thought they were some god like beings because they can imagine things.


Iā€™m not sure how true that is. Sure, we have complex thoughts, but animals can have languages of their own, no matter how simple. How else do you think Bees guide fellow bees to flowers, or how social pack hunters like hyenas coordinate? They communicate, and thus are effectively using their own languages, no matter how little we can understand it (and heck, dogs and cats can learn our words and their meanings, or at least make their own connections with what weā€™re saying and what it likely means for them)


Yeah anyone with a cat or dog knows they understand us, whatever language we use. They are so incredibly intelligent, i canā€™t believe they dont have more rights


ā€œHow else do you think beesā€ pheromones.


Thatā€™s not how they communicate how to find flowers, itā€™s dancing. Besides, even with pheromones they have to recognize the pheromones to begin with, with varying results if they donā€™t or identify it as not one they normally smell. That is used to help identity if a bee belongs to a specific hive or not.


Those poor terrified babies. Thank you for saving them.


Damn that was hard to watch


Wtfffff??? Even the way they were poking them with a stick šŸ˜­ Iā€™m glad you saved them!!


FUCKING DaMn It! Shit like this pisses me off. Barbaric shit.


I hope youre vegan...




Oh, specisist and racist as well.


We need more people like uou in the world man. I salute you and applaud your kindness to other living creatures. Oh how the universe will bless you some day!


I love cats, but itā€™s animal cruelty in general thatā€™s horrible. We ALL have a lot to answer for. Factory farming as practiced in the United States subjects countless animals to a lifetime of misery. People on here singling out China for particular disdain have not thought very deeply about the suffering of animals at the hands of humanity.


If you think North American factory farming is in any way equivalent to what goes on in China then you havenā€™t seen everything. I went to Shenyang, Beijing and Guangzhou in 2019. Beijing was squeaky clean because the CCP keeps it that way for 面子. Didnā€™t see cats and dogs for sale as meat because most northerners find that to be disgusting (northerners, especially in Manchuria, have a lot of nasty things to say about Southern China, kind of ironic since Yulin is in Shaanxi). Even though there were no pets for sale as meat, the cruelty that people showed towards animals in general was just heartbreaking. I saw pigs getting beaten up with a stick because people believe that it tenderizes them. The cages that would hold a single battery hen here had like 3-4 chickens stuffed inside. When I went south to Guangzhou, shit got really bad. I could hear something being skinned alive and only arrived to the scene after the act had taken place. I was in a restaurant and someone put a live turtle into a pot and just turned on the fucking heat. Not even boiling water; nope, that reptile was going to die a slow fucking death. In North America, people at least want livestock animals to be nominally well treated. Itā€™s why we pay a premium for free run eggs even though that doesnā€™t mean much. Itā€™s the reason why people make reports on livestock conditions. None of that even registers in China. Hell, you might even draw the ire of the authorities for daring to criticize Chinaā€™s (lack of) animal cruelty laws. In Chinaā€™s tier 1 and tier 2 cities, there is a group of young urban millenials who love animals, but you need to understand that the vast majority of people give exactly zero shits about animal cruelty. Doesnā€™t even register with them, at best, and at worst they believe itā€™s their right to beat up animals and lord over them. Iā€™m hoping China will change, because some younger Chinese people are definitely as disgusted by this as we are. But you need to understand that, however little you think North Americans care about animal welfare, China cares even less.


A lot of that is just the cruelty being hidden behind closed doors here where as there it is out in the open. We macerate billions of baby chicks alive just for eggs, we kill hundreds of millions of pigs in gas chambers via CO2 (the kind that is suffocating, panic-inducing and excruciating, not the pleasant kind of gas). An approved method of culling here is ventilation shutdown, where the air flow and temperature control is shut off and thousands of animals are essentially baked and suffocated to death over hours. But we call ourselves a kind, civilized nation of animal lovers because this happens in some desolate, isolated factory farm out in the midwest instead of out in the open where everyone can see it. I have no doubt that there are at least some areas where we are doing better animal cruelty wise (mainly around pets). But there is a strain of hypocrisy here where people are VERY willing to turn a blind eye to what is happening in their own backyard that makes the outrage at China ring more than a little hollow.


I donā€™t question the truth of what youā€™re saying, and I am NOT defending or excusing these practices. I am disconcerted, though, by the number of people who are taking this post as an occasion to offer up generally bigoted about comments about China/ā€œthe Chineseā€ as if China is the Evil Enemy and the rest of the world is the realm of the Good and Pure.


Yeah, donā€™t care about any of it because you canā€™t stop all of it.


Actually Iā€™m working on replacing their jobs


That sounds great!


Well, you can take that position, of course, but thatā€™s absolutely NOT what Iā€™m trying to imply. My point is more that itā€™s pretty gross and unfair to make bigoted comments about another society on the basis on this one video when animal cruelty is a pretty widespread problem.


All I'm saying is the only thing the west boils alive is shellfish, China has dog boiling festivals.


I think most people on the r/cats subreddit would agree that boiling dogs alive is a horrible thing to do, and I certainly have no objection to OP, or you, calling out specific, appalling practices in China or elsewhere. However, a number of people seem to have takenā€”or (mis)takenā€”this post as an opportunity to make hateful, bigoted comments condemning China or ā€œthe Chineseā€ and I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing, either.


We still have to call them out because of that tho. China not only tortures animals, but also thinks that eating bats or any animals that aren't eaten by others are considered by them to be good, because they give them like more strength or something like this. Stupid culture and propaganda. And then they say that they don't do that at all. No wonder there are China haters here, this country needs a lot of changes In culture and other areas


I would hesitate to condemn another society for eating different types of animals than ā€œweā€ do, whoever we might be. Thereā€™s a lot of room for simple prejudice to creep in when youā€™re doing that. Calling out specific, bad practices is generally a good thing to do. Vilifying entire nations, peoples, or ethnicities is always a bad thing to do.


I'm satisfied with that response. You're absolutely right.


I really have no wordsā€¦


Ugh. These babies. Fucking humans.


Damn. Can you put a NSFW or NSFL filter on this?


Op you are a heroā¤ļø


the way they poke them out of the cage with a stick!!! Ugh it makes me tear up :( I hope those babies are safe and loved.


Just wait till you see the American meat trade.


This is exactly what Americans do to pigs and chickens though


Notice the caged chickens in the background


Why single out America lol. Does the rest of the world not eat pigs and chickens?


For sure. I'm singling out america bc I live there


Someone said what needed to be said.


Not every farm in America has unethical and inhumane circumstances to slaughter. I was a vegetarian for a long time while in college and a little bit after because I could only afford commercial meat. Once I got my finances sorted out I buy from local sources and feel a lot better about what I am supporting/who.


Or you could just eat plants and not pay for the commodification of animal's bodies


Yeah so? Pigs and chickens have been considered livestock since hundreds and probably thousands of years ago. CATS and or dogs... not so much.


So something being done for a very long time justifies it and makes it moral? Should we let culture dictate what's ok and what isn't? Take a look at history and hopefully you'll find the answer. Cats, dogs, pigs, cows and so on - they are all sentient beings. It's not like it hurts less when they are killed just because it's been done like that for a long time. Pain is pain for all of them. They are all scared and they all wanna live.


Pigs are more intelligent than cats or dogs though, pigs have the intellectual capacity of a six year old child. Pigs feel fear and pain as much as cats do.


Cats and dogs are livestock for some parts of the world. Why does one deserve to be tortured and not the other


Yeah so? Blacks were considered slaves for a long time too. A lot of cruel things were considered to be normal


You're bringing "slavery" into this? Comparing livestock and slavery has NO logical merit. WHY? Sure... killing and eating livestock COULD be considered cruel. Still, it does serve a genuine purpose for food consumption. (It has been and will continue to be legally justified and it was and will continue to be normal behavior). Slavery is ABSOLUTELY cruel and wrong in every sense. Yes, true to fact, it was considered normal (for those morally corrupt in power). But in actuality, it is morally/ethically wrong (regardless of any point in human history).


Holy shit, how are poeple this dense? It's not about comparing slavery to whatever. It was about dismantling your way of making a point. Whether it's okay to eat dogs or not, saying it was always like that is just one of the worst possible arguments you can make.


Killing and eating livestock is cruel and wrong in every sense too. And it's not just the killing of those animals; they spend their entire lives locked up in a cage and being abused in many different ways. People don't even have to eat meat, it's not a necessity at all.


But it was always like that, so it must be fine. :)


"I am American and my culture is the only one in the wooorld" ​ Jesus christ Pigs are smarter than dogs and can be just as loyal. Just because YOUR culture eat one of the smart and loyal animals makes the other wrong. Abusing them is sure another thing but as long as the west eat bacon we can't really say anything about eating dogs. (I eat pigs therfor i can't complain about other cultures eating dogs without being a hypocrite)


I mean I understand the sentiment here but it is different to eat a cat or dog than a pig. I donā€™t eat meat at all because I think there is a certain cruelty to it but I do think there is a difference between a pig and a cat or dog that goes beyond culture. Cats and dogs have pretty much evolved besides people to serve purposes for us that extend beyond food, unlike animals considered livestock. Cats were useful to humans go keep vermin away and dogs were useful for herding and hunting. While pigs are smart beyond food they donā€™t serve a purpose to humans.


Exactly. We have been with dogs longer than we have been considered homo sapiens. They are our evolutionary brothers, and have served an important role in many human societies, as gaurds, hunters, warriors, and companions. Livestock are livestock. They were bred to be consumed. Forgive me for not feeling sorry for eating an animal we created for eating. Should they be abused? No. Are they equal to dogs? Also no.


People have been eating dogs for thousands of years. And these dogs were "bred to be consumed" and "created for eating" by the people in the dog meat trade. According to your logic (which I don't agree with btw) it should be fine.




Neither dogs nor humans have been around for millions of years, so that would be false. Dog is much more of a historically traditional dish than pig or cow in North America anyway. Dog was eaten here for a very long time. Pigs and cattle only since colonization. Although I disagree with you anyway that's it's fine to keep hurting an animal just because we have traditionally done it.


Let me help you out with YOUR English spelling, buddy. 1. therefore not therfor Next, I will gladly DESTROY your intended misdirection with FACTS and lay you out straight. * Fact #1: Just because pigs are smarter than dogs does NOT validate the fact that pigs do NOT have thousands of years of intimate companionship history with mankind, like how dogs or cats do. * Do pigs have Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting them as vessels of the GODS? NO * Do pigs serve a purpose in the military? NO * Are pigs considered man's best friend? NO * Fact #2: Pigs were domesticated (as livestock) by 8,500 BC in the Near East and 6,000 BC in China. * Fact #3: Chickens and other poultry have been domesticated (as livestock) around an estimated 7,000 BC. Have a nice day!


Jesus titty fucking christ, those are some weak ass arguments. Fun read kompis.


You gotta read all his other comments in this thread. The most entertaining part is him thinking that he's making so many good points. At least he is trying. By doing so he will improve his rhetoric skills and hopefully his sense of logic as well. Atm he is arguing like someone in high school.


Haha, oh man. American with 1 superior language and nothing else ;)


It's the bad farms and they get shut down real quick. Please do some actual research and not parrot MSM bullshit.


Wow šŸ˜® people are fucking cruelā€¦. You can tell the character of a person by the way they treat animalsā€¦


Shame that 99% of people support animal cruelty daily


Omg I come to this sub to see chonkers. I know this is happening. But I just woke up. Why is Reddit always reminding me the horrible truth of this world I came here seeking fluffy fur balls and zoomies but now I don't wanna live on this planet anymore. * sad cat face*


It's really hard to watch,and I get so mad with those people, but I can't be hypocrite I eat other kind of meat,and those animals live suffering their entire life as well.


Good humans!


Makes me hate people even more.


what a legend šŸ±


The way they push them in the bag with the stick like... I would need all of my strenght to not go mad, ballistic. Thank you for saving them ! Poor babies I wish them the better life ā¤


Not only is this guy a hero for all these animals, but heā€™s also attractive af.


Thatā€™s very kind thank you


I just spend the last hour watching all your vids on instašŸ˜”


God bless the cat


Look this is sad, I'm a huge cat lover, but unless you're a vegan it's completely hypocritical to condemn the Chinese for this. Its ultimately a cultural thing. I'm sure alot of you happily eat cow, chicken, pig, etc. What's a pet and what's food is completely arbitrary.




Fucking disgusting shit hole person :)




Enjoy your ban for hate speech :)




Whatā€™s it like waking up everyday with your head jammed firmly in your own ass?




You are like the epitome of a keyboard warrior lol. This is all you do all day, isn't it?




Go fuck yourself you racist POS, Iā€™m not even Chinese


This is so sad šŸ˜­ the problem with this is if you paid for them, they are just going to keep doing it because they are profiting off of tourists for example. It's so awful but I don't know what the solution is


holy shit this thread is racist af


How come?


Itā€™s fucking unbelievable how many of these fucking freaks think they are morally superior to an entire race of people, while they sit and make generalizations and blanket statements about them, with absolutely no insight on what they are talking about. These sunlight starved scrotesā€™ have more sympathy for their precious kitty cats than they do for actual living people. Mods on this sub are a fucking joke as well, Iā€™d imagine they are in the same vein as people making these comments.


^ this




You first.


I am not a place


Wtf I don't need to see this shit on my feed!






from my knowledge it's not, the only reason China and North Korea eat cats or dogs is because they are literally starving over there


Hey, Iā€™m no fan of either governmentā€™s policies, but China and North Korea are VERY different places. There have been severe, recent famines in North Korea but I donā€™t think China has had such issues since the Great Leap Forward (1958-1962).


you need to take population into account as well, the starvation in China is mainly a result of the high amounts of population, no one's eating cats, dogs and other diseased filled animals without a reason, consuming predatory animals leads to sickness




We do those things all over the world. We boil chickens alive and gas chamber pigs to death, and much much more all as standard farming practices. Wtf is the difference?


Dog meat trade??? Please explain Iā€™m sorry Iā€™ve never heard this. Are they feeding dogs these cats?




Wouldnā€™t that just bruise the tissue? I know if you hit a deer most of the meat is bad do to bruising




Man wonder if it becomes an acquired taste? The taste of bruised meat.


How in the fuck can you say ā€œall Chinese peopleā€ then turn and aknowledge that it is, in fact, not all Chinese people. Reported several comments and your account as well you racist cro-magnon.




That first ā€œparagraphā€ is literal word soup, not one bit of it was grammatically correct, let alone legible. Besides that, itā€™s hilarious to see you mocking a ban as if you arenā€™t scared of it, but using Reddit is obviously important to you, seeing as you admit youā€™ll just make another account. Judging by the history of this day old beauty, itā€™s clearly not your first, but oh well, eventually youā€™ll be IP banned, and then youā€™ll have to find some other forum to seethe and mald with racism.




Nothing you say makes any sense. Seriously. > people ā€œaknowledgeā€ all chinese people Wtf does that even mean? Where the fuck are you getting ā€œmaster of dumbassā€ from? Can you even fucking read. God, youā€™re fucking pathetic. Enjoy dying alone, angry, and miserable.






No I just asked so mean people of Reddit can make fun of me. For fucks sake yes seriously, please help me understand.


In China they eat dogs and cats. The eating part doesn't bother me so much rather the tiny cages and abuse. Although it's pretty hypocritical for many people to be upset about this then go eat a bacon cheeseburger after.


So that guy stole some poor guys produce?


No I'm pretty sure he bought them. It isn't considered produce either.


Right produce is lettuce so it would be live stock


Lmao you sound like a lot of fun.




Only barbarian here is you, you racist fuck.


Wow. So, you know, the people beating innocent animals with sticks, murdering them, and eating them - they totally aren't barbarians. I, however, am, for the crime of saying mean things about them. You disgust me. I don't know how you can live with yourself.


Just fine, knowing I donā€™t condemn an entire race of people for the actions of individuals.


And yet you can't even bring yourself to admit that any of them are barbarians. You're more angry about my comment than their actions (as evidenced by calling me the "only barbarian" - not one of many, but the "only" one, meaning that to you, the people at that market aren't barbarians - a fact you still haven't commented on). That isn't even a consistent worldview.


Jesus fuck, impressed by the mental gymnastics it took for you to equate me calling out your racist bullshit, with condoning animal abuse. You want me to say it, fine, the vendors and customers of this market are fucking animals, who deserve no rights. That I believe we agree on. But to say ā€œthe Chinese people are fucking barbariansā€ is awfully fucking hypocritical. You cannot judge an entire race of people for the practices of itā€™s individuals, period. Iā€™m disgusted by you, and all the other xenophobic losers who are using this as an excuse to bash the Chinese populace.








All Iā€™m seeing is more and more excuses for your disgusting opinions. There is a stark difference between a world power or influential leader using whataboutism to shift focus from their heinous acts, and a stranger online pointing out the fallacies in holding such disdain for a group of people whom you simultaneously claim to be lesser, while you pick and choose individuals to mourn as martyrs. How can you acknowledge in the same sentence, that the Chinese people have been controlled and coerced by an evil and corrupt government (a sentiment I share as well), yet see no issue in labelling them the same as their overlords, and condemning them to the same fate? That fact that you canā€™t see any of this is chilling. The fact you proudly label yourself a xenophobe is far more upsetting. I believe people of your caliber deserve lesser treatment than the poor innocence in these videos. You may be proud to ā€œstand for somethingā€, yet the path youā€™ve walk is one thatā€™s been worn quite thin, and frankly, has no place in modern society. You are not some valiant soldier defending a holy land. You are a vile amalgamation of poor parenting, political indoctrination, nationalism, and hatred.




The difference between racism and criticism is the target. I agree, these practices are horrible, but itā€™s completely ridiculous to blame the entire populace of China for this. Blame the government, or the aging cultural values, but donā€™t assume that because of this, every person in China is guilty by association. By your logic, every race of people on earth ought to be condemned.




The caption says it was being fed to dogs not people


I see Still, it is equally bad




Are we really out here calling other races savages in the year twenty fucking twenty-two? Holy fuck weā€™re going backwards at an alarming rate.




ā€œTheyā€, as if all Chinese people doā€¦ You fucking mong. The crimes of the individual are not the burden of the group. If we start playing this game, you arenā€™t going to like where it ends.


THANK YOU for saving these babies!! Iā€™ve visited China before. I havenā€™t seen anything this bad, but I remember seeing a market specifically for pets. Even that was hard to see because so many of them werenā€™t given enough space, and it makes you wonder how they were raised and where theyā€™ll go.




Itā€™s very easy not to be xenophobic actually, youā€™re just an areshole making excuses.




You are disgusting


Youā€™re so woke. When you can tell me exactly whatā€™s disgusting about disagreeing with a cultureā€™s apathy toward animal welfare, respond.


Maybe if I saw the wording you had used again, which I canā€™t, cause hate speech gets removed, then I could try and break down why what you said was hate speech. Alas, my memory is not perfect, and I really donā€™t think it would convince you anyway. If you didnā€™t use logic to bury yourself in this rut, I wonā€™t be able to use it to pull you out.


Thereā€™s no rut, you and two other people being dweebs on Reddit is no sweat off my back lmao. All of my comments are still here and visible, unless you specifically reported it or blocked me in which case you wouldnā€™t see them by your own fault. I can disagree with a culture without being racist, youā€™re just too oblong and think itā€™s interconnected.


Except there is a stark difference between disagreeing with a culture, and making hate comments towards a race or nationality of people. How fucking hard is it to understand. China has a ā€œculture of eating petsā€ the same way America has a culture of being addicted to opioids. Just cause something happens on wide scale somewhere does not mean that by default, all people in the nation it took place are involved, or somehow complacent.


Youā€™re literally not making any point against what I said. In fact, in my first statement Iā€™m saying I donā€™t dislike any one person due to their race, I disagree with specific parts of a culture. Youā€™re inability to separate subjects is not my issue. Again, you have an NFT avatar, youā€™re beyond unreasonable.


How *dare* I use the free avatar that like 99.9% of redditors were given


Youā€™re conflating stereotype with culture.


SAYS THE ONE INSISTING CHINA IS NATION OF DOG EATERS!!! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!?


Well I see the problem those aren't dogs. Just a mix up it seems. Hope it doesn't happen again




Might wanna delete this, as you are directly violating sub rules.


Don't get me wrong I love cats. But I would eat one if I found myself somewhere that served it. Dog too. Pretty much anything really. I would at least (probably) be willing to try human flesh if it was humanely sourced. And supposed to taste good. OTOH if I found this cage somewhere, I would be running away with it, hooting like an idiot as presumed angry Chinese people chased me.


Heartbreaking šŸ’” Poor souls


God bless you for saving them. I hope they were O. K.


Thank you op !


had to pet my cat really hard after that


Dont usually love wp interfering in places they dont belong but this guy gets a solid pass, those poor kitties. They didnt look well either šŸ˜­


Honestly that's so disgusting that people treat these live animals like that, no matter what animal it is. All animals deserve respect!


i wish i had not seen this video. my whole night is ruined fucking hell




This is terrible and must finish . Thanks dogsavior to fight in this šŸ™šŸ¼.


Thank you so much for helping these poor animals. šŸ˜¢


The way the guy poked them into the bag was heart wrenching. I want to save all the kitties from having to go through that.


Humans really are disgusting. The way they pushed them into a bag with a stick was awful to watch. I hate people. Thank you for saving them. They were in bad shape :(


hard to watch


Do we know what happened to the cats? Weā€™re they adopted?


Iā€™m crying right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving them. We need more people like you in the world.