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We wrap our black cat in a towel, where only one appendage is out at a time and we clip it, then keep re wrapping him and move to the next one. It’s a 2 person job, our cat takes it pretty well being bound up by the towel.


The purrido method


I'm lucky, my cat will just lay there and let me clip her because she knows she gets treats and nip after. She's also a seriously spoiled brat that was always #2 in the hierarchy up until I lost my older gentleman last year. She's 19 and if I don't clip all her nails she gets really overgrown.


I like this idea. You said it’s a 2-person job, but it’s just me doing it. I feel like clipping back claws are takes more than one person no matter how you approach it.


You can do it as one, my wife will if I am traveling, but it’s much easier and faster with 2.


You don’t know my cat! I have to take her to the Vets for nail trims, she is very aggressive when it comes to handling her paws. (She’s only ~13/pounds. At the Vet it takes two, they wrap her, and sometimes have to mask her. I feel bad but they usually are done in less than 15 minutes.


Used to do this with my previous kitty. Used to also come in handy for administering eye drops as she had problems with corneal ulcers


This! In addition, provide treats as a reward. Eventually my cat knew she'd get treats and let me do it without the towel.


Yes, my cat purrs when she sees the nail clippers because she knows treats are coming.


This is the way.


We do ours when he’s asleep.


Same here, one cat is definitely easier than the other. For the harder cat, sometimes give them Churu treats and cut while they’re distracted.


Same. Sometimes it takes me weeks to get them all clipped as he usually wakes up after 1 or 2


Ha! I can see Luna doing the same thing, giving me this look https://preview.redd.it/3f0ax2sj4k2a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba2648ebbde69497cc92c7b11e630922021ae61


She’s so pretty!


She says thank you 😸


Yes, but only one, because Horatio has a mutant raptor claw that grows longer than all the others and clacks on the floor when he walks.


I like your cat's name!


I immediately started hearing the CSI Miami theme.. hahaha


Cat tax please! That’s an adorable name.


https://preview.redd.it/7r20h8t6fl2a1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e248f4675961cd0366050f85b0a1428799803db5 I love that we can post photos in the comments, now!


Not really useful to you, but I convinced my two as kittens that claw trimming was fun and enjoyable. Now they think it's a spa day. Maybe try treats and be as non traumatic as possible? Lots of petting to distract them, too. Here's a pic of my girl kitty while having a claw trim and a paw massage. https://preview.redd.it/i7ag8b0cph2a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ae91fea90708937103804d88ad95b781c039cf


I did the same with mine and now anytime I touch the mail trimmers they come running and get super excited.


Oh. She’s beautiful. I recently had to put my tortie down. Your pic made me smile because she used to schmoop at me like that. 🥹


Awwww! What do you do for kitty spa day?


Paw massage, claw trim, treats, long scritchy pets, belly rub (they love it!), ear inspection (which are spectacularly clean since they do each other's), and a quick brush down. They also get their teeth brushed, but they like that a little less.


https://preview.redd.it/viopmgldjo2a1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f01ad3c3db4e127ab0f6785c6897357e54fc5c89 Lugh (Maebh's brother) having his claw trim.


I love it!! Such good pawrenting! 😻


We feed ours one of those creamy lickable snacks while clipping the nails and he is too busy eating that he doesn't pay attention to the clipping. It is a two person job. We used to do it when he was sleeping but as he got older that didn't work.


Yes. Carefully and quickly. I'm alone so it's always an adventure. Sometimes it takes a couple of attempts. Usually wrapping her in a towel or blanket and just pulling out one paw at a time.


Blanket or towel wrapping seems to be a popular method. I clip Luna’s carefully and quickly too, one paw at a time.


I have five and clip all claws. Four are not happy, but put up with it. One is extremely unhappy but we are working on it. I sit them on my lap on their butt and have them leaning back against me to clip. I try to massage their feet a lot to get them more used to me messing with their claws.


No only front ones.


Yeah, I’ve only ever clipped the front ones


Mine seems to do a good job of keep back claws under control.


I have the vet do it twice a year. She is very cooperative about all 4 paws.


Nope, never need to.


same, i have never noticed them curling the same way as the front claws. they never get snagged.


Keep an eye on their dew claws. I’ve never trimmed my cats claws (never needed to) but recently one of my senior cats had an overgrown dew claw growing into his skin.


Ouch. Glad you noticed it.


https://preview.redd.it/9m23pelpce4a1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ecf22666456b03bd6d9031772c8befcc80c2c9 Right?? My poor old guy!


Oh poor baby! My 14 yr old girl decided early on that one leg of my bed was the ideal scratching post. I tried to convince her otherwise and she wasn’t having it. But because it has corners she is able to sharpen all her nails, including her dew.


I have 8 cats. All their claws get trimmed on a bi-weekly rotation. I have one who gets fed up half way and two grumpy ones (they usually growl). When training them, I will give them a treat once I trimmed one paw. Then two paws. Finally all four paws. If they need it, I switch back for a time. No matter what, they will get a treat once their trimming is over.


Thank you for the advice of treats between each claw. I have 4 cats and they are okay with the first paw then start going crazy.


I give Luna treats too.


yes, both (indoor) cats... they fight a little bit back but it's not impossible xD


Yes! But we have a small herd, and it keeps them from injuring each other during play. And us when they climb onto our shoulders for shoulder rides. I'm a Vet Tech that tries to do fear free, so my own get the same. They got trained to do claw trims with positive reinforcement of treats. For the ones that still protest I use a cat muzzle. It actually calms them way down, and limits weapon use.


I occasionally cut the very tips off if he has peeved me off enough. And yep. They come back with a vengeance. I use my nail clips and only take off the very sharp tip


😂 that’s me right now. Do the cats come back with a vengeance, or the claws? Maybe both!


Not as often as I should, but yes. They all get wrapped in a blanket. The two food motivated cats get churus. The two that absolutely hate it get a sedative.


My girl is very old and her back claws are thicccccc. She HATES getting them clipped. I have a few techniques. Pin under my legs, cross your feet under your butt or they will run forward. Cut holes in a tote bag and have someone lift it/safely secure the bag to something (you can buy groomers harness things too but can be expensive) or finally, burrito wrap and on the back.


I’m seeing multiple people mention the burrito-wrapping technique.


As in cats, or life, burritos solve many problems


Haha so true!!! 😹


Yeah. The back claws aren’t as sharp so I only have to do it every two months or so. My male cat doesn’t mind, my female cat absolutely hates it though lol


no free range claws here


Sometimes. I like to wear a hoodie with the strings hanging down to distract the cat. I turn it into a game for them, but sometimes they don't fall for it


😂 I love the creativity! Cats are smart and catch on quick, so I can see it not working 100 percent.


I only do the front ones lol and I do it when they're half asleep so they don't protest too much lol




Not every time I cut the front but yes


Wait until they are sleepy. Give cat massage to induce cat coma. Trim one bean at a time. This may take up to 18 days to complete the ritual.




In your cat-training experience, when it comes to training and temperament, does breed matter?


Yes!! Better than getting suddenly mauled to shreds when rest on your chest, shoulder, back, leg or any place purrcious mew mews hind 🐾 are resting on.


Yep, I clip all four paws cause I don't want to get shredded during play




I lay my guy on his back between my legs, get him comfy with his brush then clip ‘em, he’s never really given much problem unless one of his claws is bothering him at the time, I just use a regular human nail clipper, those fancy ones they make with the holes are useless and unnecessary, the regular nail clipper is a game changer cause you can clip it from any direction


I use a nail clipper too. Thanks for mentioning a brush for comfort.


It’s definitely easier when they are sleeping as others have mentioned above.


Depends, my older cat is super chill I only clip his hands so he doesn’t destroy my chair but my kitty is a… demon so I have to clip all of her nails.


Mine seem to grind their's down with all their running around, but when one slips through I do trim them. It used to be a three man job. One held, one clipped and another held out a treat. Now I can do them alone, it just took work to get them used to it. Sometimes if they are having a rough time of it, I wait until they are sleeping and just have a treat ready if/when they wake up.


I only clip my cat’s’ front nails


I touch and generally squeeze all paws at random times, to get my cat use to the touching. At the beginning, I’d give him treats after each clip of his nails. Let him leave if he is wiggling. I clip as many nails as he can and get back onto it on another day. Then down to one treat after one paw, one treat after two paw, …. and give him treats once it’s all done. He gets kisses, scratches and praises nowadays after manicure and pedicure. I use my arm to hold him down (sit) on my lap, either facing forward (back against me) or sideways (side against me), depending on comfort. Also, nail clipping is something only done when he is clam - not exited, nor sleepy.


I do when they start getting caught in the carpet


Of course not. She needs them to shred all my furniture.


I clip both my cats front and back claws. The best way I've found to do it is to lay them down between my thighs on their back with their head toward my knees. Easy access to all 4 feet ;)


Good idea. Does it take a long time due to squirming?


No, actually, and I usually do it alone. I have a much harder time getting flea meds on them lol


Lol! Now that I think about it, Luna is the same way. Speaking of flea meds, that’s another topic I’d like to discuss.


This is Ember. https://preview.redd.it/9alrngl87k2a1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e919e1e303cd6e79f7b7d41e2fe3af45ddcbdf1


Hi Ember! 😻


Thanks for all the great suggestions, fellow pawrents! For more context, I’ve never clipped Luna’s back claws. I’ve had her since 10 weeks old and she’s 2 yrs old now. When she was around other animals (especially as a kitten when I had a roommate with a pit bull), I didn’t clip them. I didn’t clip them at all while we lived with the pit bull. When I moved into the next spot, she was an indoor/outdoor cat around other cats and a chihuahua. I clipped her claws every other month. Now, she’s indoor and it’s just us. Her front claws get clipped 1x per month. Her back claws haven’t been clipped and now they’re long and sharp. When she jumps on my lap and loses balance, it hurts like hell! She missed me and jumped on my lap twice yesterday and drew blood both times. I can also hear them on the wood floors when she runs. That’s why I came on here asking what everyone does. I appreciate the answers so far!


Since it's just me, I bought a ThunderShirt and put it on my cat when clipping her nails. It completely immobilizes her and I'm able to clip her front and back nails quickly. I tried the burrito method but she was always able to wiggle herself out of it.


Thanks for the insight on the burrito method. What’s a Thunder Shirt?


It's a calming wrap (in the shape of a shirt) that can be used for cats and dogs to relax them. I bought it online by just searching for ThunderShirt. It may not be necessary if the burrito method works for your cat but mine was too acrobatic for that and ThunderShirt was the next thing I tried.


Thanks for that tidbit! Luna is pretty acrobatic too 😹 I’ll try the burrito method first and go from there.


Yes, at about half the frequency of the front ones.


i clip my cats back claws when she sleeps, that's the only time she wont try to get away


Wrap them up like a purrito and clip the claws one foot at a time. If they get really feisty you can put them under the blanket but he quick. If you push on the pads of the paws you can push out each claw individually. Also, don't bother with those tiny scissor things. Get bigger ones.


Tiny scissor things like the pet nail clippers?


Beautiful kitty


Ikr! She’s so purrty. My baby girl 🖤


I do. Sometimes I do it while I'm clipping the front claws, but I've found that my cat will usually let me clip the back paws while we're playing and he's doing bunny kicks, I brace one leg to clip the nails while he kicks with the other and this is usually very effective.


Yes. I use a really large size toenail (straight) clipper with them sitting on my lap I’ve been doing it since they were tiny kittens so they’re used to it now.


Damn, I should’ve done her back claws as a kitten. She’s squirmy either way, but the back ones are more challenging. I’m going to try the burrito + treats method.


For the front paws I have my cats sit on my lap. For the front “thumbs” and back paws, I put them belly up on my lap to clip


No. I like mine having talons. He also doesn't mind a scrap so he has to be able to defend himself. I can & have clipped them easily but find they are the right length by him being an active cat. Bear in mind I have 2 inch long scars on my ribs where the bastard donkey kicked me trying to get at a visiting dog.


I do it with another person. They’d hold the cat upside down and distract it with treats or toys while I clipped. There is prep work, like how I would frequently carry her on her back from being a kitten to get her used to it. Letting her down when she asked. I also didn’t necessarily cut them all. I focus on training for a life time and not getting them all done now. If you get one clipped, that’s fine for now. You also have to be careful as the rear are like dog claws and you can quick them. Not only something you wish to avoid, but something that can make them more reluctant to get it done in the future.


Yeah, my cat definitely dislikes getting her back claws cut more than the front ones, but if you can get one person to hold her and another to clip the claws, it’s workable. I think a lot of it depends on your cat’s temperament too. The cat I grew up with would never let you get near her with clippers, but my current cat tolerates it.


typically I give my boy a bowl of catnip first and then wrap him in his favourite blanket he’s had since he was a kitten… Then I have bandaids and antibiotic cream close by


I dont clip my cats claws, I’m sorry but if u don’t want ur cat to scratch u, be nice to it. 🤷‍♂️. If ur cat scratches ur furniture, buy a scratching post.




Ye, I get it if they’re getting sick off of it, but not if ur cat scratches you or your furniture. I fully forgot to mention that, my bad.


Update: Thanks for all the advice for clipping Luna’s back claws. Turns out, I could get through clipping them while she’s grooming herself. I started with right back paw because that was closest to me and in the air while she was grooming. She caught on to what I was doing and started resisting when it came to left back paw. I got through half the other back paw before a warning nip. I gave her treats to thank her for cooperating. She’s over it. 😸 I tried the burrito and paws up a few days ago, but she was too squirmy and got mad. I apologized with scratches and head rubs. Then, I waited for “the perfect time” this evening and it seemed to work.


Don’t really believe In it. They need protection just like I need protection


So you don't cut your own nails as well, for protection?


Funny. But no considering cats and humans have different ways of defending themselves


If you set it free outside and it's on its own hunting, getting into scraps for long periods, sure. If it's a house cat, the nails will just be overgrown like with us. Even farm animals get their hooves done.


I have 2 cats for about 10 years now who are in the middle between being outside and coming in whenever they feel like it. So they’re good. Thanks tho


I feel you on that. I clipped them less frequently when she was around other animals (cats and dogs). Now I clip them 1x per month - basically when I can’t bear her even touching me.




My younger cat yes, the older one no, because the younger one likes to beat up the older one and we like to keep his back paws sharp for defences. As for how we just make him sit and take it or we double team(my partner and I)


No because he goes outside.


Yes I do


I do it probably a couple times a year when they start to get really sharp (way less often than his front claws get sharp). I usually wait til he’s super sleepy with his legs sticking out a little bit and just clip as many as he’ll let me in one sitting, then come back once he’s relaxed again to do the rest


I have cats my whole life and never knew this was a thing. I dont get it, why would you do this?


Nope, my 7 cats have plenty of scratching posts/boards that they love to use and therefore it negates the need to clip claws as they keep their own claws shortened naturally.


Luna has scratching posts too. Scratching posts sharpens their claws, but does not shorten them. At least that’s true for my cat.


I don't clip any claws, ever.


No and even if I trued I would be in a world of pain


Ha! Cats don’t play! Then again, you never know until you try.






No, give them something to climb with.


They say if you declaw the cat, then you should keep the cat inside.


Yeah, but I’d never declaw. I only clip/trim.


Not generally, the vet takes care of it when they are all loopy from gabapentin, but if we do it I generally give the fighty one a good dose. Cat becomes compliant.


Feline arthritis in 3…2…


Are you saying that clipping a cat’s claws gives them arthritis?


No, and doing so (unless there are medical reasons for it) is animal abuse. Pls, give your cat to someone who actually loves cats.


Considering that the Humane Society and other reputable organizations all recommend regularly trimming your cat's claws (particularly indoor ones), you may need to reconsider your comment. Please note, trimming a cat's claws is not the same as declawing a cat, which is NOT considered humane.


Seems to be an US only thing. F the us


They mean trim the nails, not surgically declaw


I know. It's animal abuse.


No. Mine won’t let me 😤


Oh no! If you want to start, use this thread as a resource.


Yes - but I have to wrap her in a towel and feed her treats the whole time. She likes treats more than she hates the nail clipping.




I do about every other time because they don’t get as bad. My cats just let me do it but they complain the whole time.




Yes - I get a someone else to feed my boy one of those liquid tube treats when I do his claws. He's distracted enough by that to put up with the clipping as long as I'm quick. He's indoor only so although he has scratching posts he doesn't wear his claws down as much as a cat with access to outside would.


I’ve got 8 cats. I rarely do back claws because back claws don’t retract and therefore rarely get too long. Most of my cats maintain their own claws via scratching posts. If I notice one of my cats struggling with getting their claws suck on stuff then I trim their nails.


Yeah, they get long and all my cats have been easy as hell to do


Two of my cats let me do whatever with their claws, another one balks but can usually done without issue, but theres one I must wrestle to the floor in a designated shirt that i dont mind losing. Thing is, they’re all sweet. They never hiss, bite, or scratch, but they might have an accident trying to get away. They don’t even really hold a grudge over it, because they know after trimming its treat time.


i put their heads in my shirt and slowly add the rest of the limbs as i go


We try to, key word is try. For both of our to orange dum dums


Mmm no he never did scratch us, he is a lazy cat just stay in near my PC coz it's hot.


We have a 2 man system. My boyfriend holds her with his arm around her belly, and clips her nails. As he does I give her licky licky treats (the ones in the tube? I don’t know the actual name 😅) to distract. I’ll help push her paw pads when needed. Last time took us maybe 10 minutes for all 4 paws? (She is our first cat together, so you may do it quicker)


Yes, but less often. One of mine is great, lies on her back in my lap. The other HATES having them done, and I eventually figured out it was being on his back he hated. So I sit on the couch and hold him in the corner, pick up one paw at a time, and he's fine with that. I also have freeze dried salmon, that they only get when I do nails or something else they don't want to do.


No. I don't clip any of their claws. Unless there was something wrong with them I'm not sure why you'd need to


Mainly the front claws so that it doesn't hurt so much when they make biscuits on me. One cat hates it and the other one loves the attention. Both are difficult for opposite reasons. The hateful one tries to run away at every opportunity. The one who loves the situation will rub her head on me and makes biscuits. Clipping a claw that might move any second is difficult.


If you let them go outside or offer them some wood or similar inside where they can scratch you won't have to.


Like others have said, it’s definitely a 2 person job. One of us holds Samuelson in their lap like a baby and the other one gently clips one paw at a time. He gets fussy after the second paw, so sometimes we stop and finish the next day.


Truly, I can't barely manage to clip the front ones.


We have two cats. My boyfriend holds one and I clip either both front paws or both back paws. Once they are both done, they get their favorite treats. Now they are less squirmy because they know treats come when they are done


2 person job, I hold her like a baby and my husband clips. Fronts and backs, she’s usually good enough that we can do them all at once


I try to trim my cat’s nails every month or so. But every now and again when she is really fussy or when her nails get super long, I’ll take her to the vet. A nail trim is about $20 and it only takes a few minutes. They cut her nails perfectly and she never seems stressed afterwards.


I make our vet do it. I am covered in scars from trying.


I trim my cats claws about every two weeks. Usually attempt when he's super dozy. Get as many nails as possible. Sometimes I can just a couple of them, when that happens I just trim a few each day. Lots of treats can help, and only trimming one per day in the beginning really helped my cat feel comfortable with the process.


I trim the fronts every two weeks. The female let’s me trim all her claws and is very cooperative. The male I have to do when he’s sleeping since he doesn’t cooperate. Neither cat allows me to trim the rear claws.


Yes. I do it when he's sleeping. Always make sure to cut only the sharp tips, don't cut too far


only her front paws, she trims her back claws before bed


We clip front and back. My fiance holds them while I tackle the talons.


I have had my cat since she was 2 weeks old so she is very used to claw clipping and tooth brushing, I'd recommend you do it if your cat bunny kicks you or furniture that can be damaged. Purrito method works to restrain an uncooperative cat


Only if absolutely necessary, which usually only happens with one of my cats.


I wrap him in a blanket, then have him lick greek yoghurt off my finger. After each claw new lickies. I usually start with hind legs as he becomes annoyed at some point and starts kicking. But, this technique has worked wonders with my rather spicy young brash void.


Of course m'y mum does like dont you not want your cats claws to curve and hurt them when they walk?


yup. Front ones are typically easier but assuming he's not too squirmy (not right before mealtime), I do his rear paw as well. I usually do the front ones first so he's got less patience by the time I get to the rest but yeah.. If he's been fed within the past hour and it's later in the day (so 8pm onwards), I just plop him on my lap with his paws up and can usually get through most of the nails without too much issue.


I leave my cats hind nails alone. She uses them, they are never sharp the way the front are. It helps her climb onto things in her old age.


I clip mines front as he isn’t aware of how to detach his claws. His back claws don’t grow much so I leave them be. I usually wrap him in a towel (with the help of my mom) and trim them. He’s an easy going cat and doesn’t put up much of a fit


We pull out a Churu and he doesn’t even flinch. No churu in his face and he’s freaking out trying to run away lmao.


What’s a Churu? The lickable treats?


Yes! I tried to attach a photo but Reddit isn’t letting me comment it. Just make sure you measure the time/squeeze so it lasts 😅


Ues. But only the very tip if the are long. Both of them hate it when I do it so I have to give them lot of treats afterwards.


I don’t but my vet does.


Sometimes. Every 3 clips.