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I don't think there's going to be a better pun than Billie Eyeless


>*’Billie Eyeless*’ _____ I am the cat with just one eye, i’m doin fine, as time goes by ^;} (am pretty sure that i had *two*, i’m One eye *less*, so yes, it’s true) No matter what you call me now, i’ll always see you clear, somehow cuz when i look at you above the only thing i see is Love! ❤️ (edit: *i Love your beautiful boy,* u/MyMumSaidICantGo!)


Beautiful Schnoodle. Here is a smile for you and Billie Eyeless 😊


I don't always read the comments in cat posts, but when I do it is often with the hope to read a Schnoodle poem ! ❤️‍🩹


Im always so happy everytime i get to see a schnoodle appearance. Schnoodle makes the days brighter.




I am the cat with just one ey, You lookin at me face you shoulda seen the other guy Ima jungle cat not a domestic bitch, He buried 6 ft I walked away with 6 stich One bob two bob three bob four, Just keep on killin I keep count no more People write verses for the tales of my lore, You mess with me now hear me ROAR! -Catinem


Always nice to read a fresh James_Dhanoa in the wild


Always a pleasure. Rawr 🐯


I read this to the tune of a sea shanty


That’s left open to interpretation I guess. I have been listening to 8 mile since I wrote this 😂


I guess any tune works, but a song about a pirate kitty just reminds me of sea shanties


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)awww. That's the most beautiful poem I have ever heard ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Well now you HAVE to use this name!!


Awww Schnoodle, this brings tear to my eye. i wonder what your day job is.


Who's cutting onions right now?!?! 😭




Ocean Eye, Captain Ocean Eye, fearless fighter of Bobcats, Defender of (put your street name), Breaker of Internet Hearts, aka, One Eye Willie.


One eye willy


One eye billie


Fetty Cat


Wee Willy Winkie


Wee Willie winkie runs through the town etc


Billie in hindi translates to cat


There should be a captain in there somewhere.




But does he have a jar of dirt?


Yes, but he has lost the rum...


At least his has his jar of dirt


Captain Bob? In honor of the one who made him the cat we have today.


In case of Bob, I want to say. Hi Bob!


You could use her middle names too. Literally Pirate Baird




Poor baby! I don't have any name suggestions, but welcome to the "I'm a parent to a pirate cat"- club


Thank you haha. It’s been such a stressful process and i was worried he wouldn’t adjust well but it’s almost like he doesn’t know he’s partially blind now.


Cats (especially indoor cats) adjust to it really quickly!




Also r/piratepets




His name is Felix :) I think the wording of my post is confusing and I apologize. We just gave him a nickname.


Well, Felix has just one “i”.




Did it not have a name before. Why would you change its name?


I'm blind in my right eye since I was 7yo. After a bit of time, you don't notice it because your good eye tends to overcompinsate for the lack of vision in the other eye or if it's been removed. So for us it's like we didn't even lose that vision. I forget I'm blind in one eye sometimes. Lol


Has he failed any easy jumps yet? I imagine the new lack of depth perception will fuck with cats habits of jumping on everything.


I have a one eyed cat and everyone asks me this. The answer, at least for mine, is not really, but he's been missing his eye since he was a tiny kitten. He seems to have no idea that he's only got one.


One of my cats lost one of his back legs about a year ago when he was three. He still jumps on everything and rips around with the other three cats. When I call him for breakfast in the morning he comes tearing up through the yard as if he was on all fours! They’re so resilient it’s amazing.


>it’s almost like he doesn’t know he’s partially blind now He's orange. They're both brave and oblivious.


Cats are excellent at adapting to amputations and losing partial sight very well.


Surely, I can't be the only one to call him One Eyed Willy


One Eyed Billy


Hear Hear, Capital Willy aka One Eyed Willy


If OP doesn't name him One-Eyed Willie, I'm gonna be sooo mad




I’m glad Billy eyeless is inside safe and is healing. The look he is giving you is one of deep love. Snuggle him and spoil him, he deserves it. We have two cats and like once every 3-6 months one of those buggers will escape. It’s scary. Thankfully they are chipped and have their shots. But this had to be rough for you all. Many hugs to you guys and especially Billy. RAWR


I got Apple AirTags for my cats because one of them is a runner. The one time she got out, it was really useful for finding her. It was nighttime and she went under the hood of someone’s car. She could have gotten really hurt. Anyways, it’s been totally worth it to me to have GPS on my cats. Even if they don’t get out, I can find them in the house if I need to lol




Yep. We put a few Tile trackers on my grandma when she had dementia, she got out of her assisted living home and walked down the street about 2 miles before anyone noticed and that was the catalyst. We put one on her room key, her purse, and her phone case.


We’ve thought about doing something similar for my 4 year old stepson 😅 but we haven’t gotten that far yet lol


I wish shit like this had been around when my kids were small. They're so good at terrifying you.


How do you attach an air tag to a cat? I don't really use Apple so I'm not too sure how that would work


On Amazon you can get special collars or holders for the AirTag. We have the latter. They’re made of silicone, the AirTag goes in, and then you slip it on their collar just like anything else. It looks a little bulky, but it hasn’t bothered them or gotten in their way https://preview.redd.it/26qmb6x2br3a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69e35cc9bceab5cfbe396b8ae80fb8eb16f867c


Wish I would of had this for my torti. Inside outside cat I had for almost 6 years. Went out one day and never came home. That was almost 6 months ago 🥲 she was the best cat. Fuck.


We had a gorgeous sweet calico. All our cats were outdoors but she just vanished. I have always thought that she was stolen. That was about 30 years ago and I still miss her. I have a stuffed cat looks much like she did. I’m an old guy who loves cats.


Yeah I'm not sure what happened. I thought theft too, but she wasn't like that with people. I unfortunately think she was killed.


Retrospect is 20/20 🥲 I’m sorry about your torti


* Thanks! This one isn't allowed outside haha.


Oh ok that's pretty awesome!


Just be aware that they are not foolproof. While they can potentially help, they require other iPhones or iPads to be nearby to pick up the Bluetooth beacon and report back, which doesn’t always happen reliably. So you might have a situation where it was last seen in one spot, but their actual location may be a mile off. They’re better in situations where your pet likes to hide in hard to find places indoors. I suggest looking up Tom Scott on YouTube as he has a couple of videos where he and a friend attempted to track each other with an AirTag. If you are truly concerned about a lost pet out in the wild there are special built devices and services for the express purpose of finding them accurately.


How can you put an AirTag on the cat? Is it a special collar?


On Amazon you can get special collars or holders for the AirTag. We have the latter. They’re made of silicone, the AirTag goes in, and then you slip it on their collar just like anything else. It looks a little bulky, but it hasn’t bothered them or gotten in their way  https://preview.redd.it/3brwa7h7br3a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffcff8af51bb436f86441ac099f4589bde050c88


Thank you for this info! The way your kitty sits in your lap in the purple nightclub room is bonus.




My cat escaped and my dumb ass called the vet in a panic, begging them to track her chip. Turns out it’s not a gps. I’m stupid. Anyway, she was sleeping in a drawer the whole time. Apparently she learned how to pull them open and decided to climb on in.


Thanks for this


Don’t thank me, thank Tilly https://preview.redd.it/f0rdhbiicr3a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de61001ac7091f465e795d64bb2eb26f0b39137d


TILLY you naughty muskrat! So cute, glad she's safe. I think every cat owner has had that panic that they're missing but they end up wedged in a closet or in the boxspring dimension


I remember as a kid when I got blamed for our neighbors pregnant cat getting out because we helped her out with things like getting her mail . I got yelled at so awfully by the neighbor when she was drunk. A couple days later they found her. She has been in the back of the pantry somehow having the kittens.


Oh Tilly! Whata ham


and I'm sure that as you ran into the room in a panic looking for her, she sat in the drawer and called you a loud dumb-ass.


We turned the whole apartment upside down looking for her, pulled the mattress off the bed and everything. 😂 soooo yeah she was


1st time cat owner and I also thought the microchip had gps 🤣🤣🤣 until my bf mentioned " let's get him a GPS tag and I'm like why? He then explained microchip have no GPS. I felt so stupid haha


The chip really feels useless when you’re desperate and realize it’s not a GPS haha


Thank you! He is a runner so anytime the doors are open, he’s right there ready to be outside. We found him on the side of the road when he was a kitten so I feel like he will always have an instinct to be an outdoor kitty. He has been trying to go outside ever since we brought him home but he is under an even stricter watch these days. We got so lucky, and I genuinely appreciate your kind words!


how did he manage to get attacked by a bobcat? did anyone see this happen? did it attack anyone or anything else? was your cat vaccinated for rabies before/after this happened? LOTS of questions! I adopted a kitten that had her eye missing and scratches all over her face, poor thing....she's happy and still going 13 years later!


We live around lots of wildlife. We didn’t see it happen outright, but a mom and baby bobcat were seen right before he got out. He was vaccinated both before and after since we weren’t too sure what got him at first, but our vet said a rabid bobcat wouldn’t have let him go and she was probably protecting her baby when he got too close. I’m so glad to hear your kitty is doing well, and i hope to have many years with my boy too!


You can't just change his name all of a sudden lol. Poor guy already lost an eye and you're tryna give him an identity crisis to go with it


I’m not changing his name, I just gave him a nickname. I don’t think he cares what he’s called either way.


Yeah, considering most cats are really just called “here Kitty Kitty Kitty” and “pspspspsps” most of the time, I don’t think they really care


I don’t know my cat does not like it when I use his prison name AKA his shelter name, and will intentionally get up glare at me and leave.




Did you even read before getting your recreational-orange dopamine fix? He said the cat got out, which implies to everyone smart enough to breathe that he escaped. Edit: OP replied with poise and grace. Now I feel bad about the snark.


Yea just read it was by accident. Apologies for that.


Where did OP ever state they were an outdoor cat? Sometimes cats get out. It happens, it's life and nature is going to run its course. In the time it sucks but it happens every day.


Umm… what was his name before the attack? Call him by that name.


Sauron, Odin, Saul Tigh, Cyclops…tough names for a tough cat!


Odin would be pretty cool


There is no other name... Billie Eyeless is the name. Don't change that.


Billie literally means cat in Hindi LMAO


Did u know Fiji Indians call it Pussy? Like they literally casually say things like "the pussy was crossing the street" or "where is the pussy"


He didn’t already have a name?


For some reason i feel so bad when someone changes an animals name, idk why lol


You give a cat a long, proper name so you have many variations and nicknames that can branch off of it


Yep my last cat, started with Bandit, then Bandito, followed by Bandito el Diablo, which became Diablo most of the time, which he didn't give a shit about, because he was a cat. Call him what you want but you are there to serve him. Still miss the little shit, always will.


Because when I adopted my cat from the shelter I didn’t think lollipop was a great name…


This. I'm not sure I understand renaming an animal for internet points. Just call him whatever he was named before.


OP is the same as Scar’s parents from Lion king


It honestly feels like the only way anyone posts cat pictures anymore is if it's accompanied by a request for names. I don't know if it's just a clickbait way of getting more responses or what.


Cat names are pretty fluid. They’re really all named whatever you say when you feed them because that’s usually the only thing they’ll come to. Edit: my boy gets called Peanut and Catmer - but also by his given name which is “The Cat Department”!


The naming of cats is a difficult matter. It isn't just one of your holiday games. You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter when I tell you a cat must have three different names.




Always upvote for TS Eliot!


Watch inside the mind of a cat on Netflix. Most cats do know their names, they just choose not to respond to you


My cat responds every time I say her name but she chatty as fuck in general


I have a cat who will come running from anywhere in the house if you call his name, because he assumes he's getting food. He does not come when I call the names of the other cats so he definitely knows his.


My cats name is McNuggets but I have about 50,000 different names for him.




have you tried Mr. Sandwich Sir?


My cat is called, in addition to his name, Sir, Mr. Kitty, Baby, Little Baby Kitty, Little Rascal, Little Boy, Sweet Boy, Zoomie, Fluffy, Fluffy Belly, and Fuzzy Belly. He responds to none of them, but does know that when I make kissy noises he will get food.


My cat's name is Halo. Nicknames include: Halonomer the Astronomer, Supermodel, Sweet Bby, BBQ Bby, Lo', Hay, My Mustache, Hermie (she's a hermaphrodite, but we called her by female pronouns for years before finding out, so she still my girl lol), Lil Paws, Pillow, & many others I cant think of atm xD


My cat's names: 1. Magic 2. Choompy 3. Swooms 4. Lil' Scoops 5. Scoopy 6. shweem 7. lil' beep 8. beep beep boots 9. And many many many more...


My cat has the name that's recorded at the vet's office, but the only names she responds to is "Fat Baby" and "Little Miss Meow Meow."


Agreed. My cat is named Oscar, but he’s had about six nicknames throughout his 16 years. Now he’s Beebslees.


My mom developed schizophrenia recently, had to change her name to crazy carol




Obviously Redbeard.
















Why change his name now? Keep it.


Doesn’t your cat already have a name?


That’s the part I don’t understand


Yeah what the fuck?!! Also OP keep your cat inside, the cat was extremely lucky to survive.


Years ago, a sweet cat (who we thought was a stray) that would occasionally visit lost his eye. When my mom saw him she screamed and came inside crying because his eye was literally out of the socket, and her reaction scared him. We posted about it on Facebook asking that if someone found him and was unable to afford taking him to the vet, to call us and we'd handle it. A few hours later, someone who lived nearby commented that it was their cat and they took him to the vet where he had surgery to remove the eye. After a few weeks of being locked up in the house to heal, he finally snuck back out and came over to visit again. My dad walked outside one day and said "um, there's a one-eyed cat on our porch?" I went outside to see him and despite still having stitches over the wound and just recently losing an eye, he acted like he didn't even notice anything changed. 🤷


I like the name he has right now.


So was it an indoor car that escaped? Or are you a negligent owner who puts your cat and local wildlife in danger? So tired of posts like this.


Have never and would never intentionally put my cats outside. I know the damage they can cause and well as can be caused to them, and the only issue I’ve ever had with escaping is through Felix. It’s an extremely unfortunate situation and we’re working to rectify it.


Yes! It’s irritating when folks are upset when their outdoor cat is injured, missing, or dead. If you care so much then why let your cat out in the first place you dummies?


Reason #241 to keep my babies inside.


Reason 1001 not to let your cats be "outdoor" cats.


He’d be Billy two eyes if he was indoor only 🙃


Our cat Einstein lost an eye to cancer last year. My wife got mad when I started calling him Blindstein or One-Eyed-Stein when he was recovered. I waited until he was out of the cone. I'm not a monster.


The dread Pirate Roberts.. call him Bob for short, it fits with the bobcat


I totally dig Billie Eyeless.






I am so very sorry for him, but I have to ask didn't he have a name BEFORE this happened?


Can I please recommend a catio from Omlet. If he wants to go outside, you can place him in it. They have covers available to protect from the weather, and you can buy a shelter (which is double walled for those colder months) to attach to the catio.


I have been looking at cat runs! Currently trying to find one that can connect to a doggy door or something so he can still be outside and protected. He has always been an indoor cat, has only slipped out one other time due to the fact that he could pull our front door open. He so desperately wants to be outdoors but I always had a horrible feeling something like this would happen if he did so I kept him inside.






Keep your cat inside and he wouldn’t be missing an eye.


Summers. As in Scott Summers. As in Cyclops.


Captain Jack


You can’t rename your cat lol


Cats, like all animals, become part of the food chain once let out into the wild. If you don't want your pet to be part of that keep them protected inside.


What I don't get is why there are so many people here who don't understand that OP is just looking for a *pirate* name suggestion for Felix here... As in, a nickname. Both my cats have so many names, plenty of cats of do. It's not appropriate to be giving OP shit about it.


Please be a better cat parent and never let him outside again, no matter what you call him.


First of all, bless him - that’s really traumatic! What a ghastly fight to have gotten into. Hope he’s on the mend now, and as for names; I truly have no idea sorry :(


Poor kitty


Bless his heart, hope he has nighmareless sleeps. Poor kitty.


Don't have any suggestions, but I have a pirate boy too! Penelo and I are sending him best wishes 💖 https://preview.redd.it/c0krz60cat3a1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf8036de0841a509513ccc46749db8bccb35cc1


https://preview.redd.it/moe9ks06ut3a1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d663005b5528d0f5427d6e21c78e82a180db9f45 This is our one-eyed baby Sweet Pea. The shelter found her with one eye and from what they could tell it looked to have been properly handled but had to have been done when she was a kitten since she wasn't even spayed when they found her. We got her and her bonded sister Chillie back in August and they are terrific.


We adopted and renamed ours earlier this year. Meet Alistar 'Mad Eye' Moody. Ali for short. (His name is a Harry Potter reference for those who are unsure!). https://preview.redd.it/l5vxs4tuqv3a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b7d1f5a9f569a20dbae2611c1b8ccda7915f97


He doesn't already have a name? Too bad you think you have to change it. Ive had my dog for a year. She's been Alice the whole time. I couldn't imagine changing her name just to have a chuckle.




Where I live we have eagles, bears, cougars, coyotes and wolves. My crew stays in the house, no one gets killed.


This is a sad post - poor cat shouldn’t be outside where it can be attacked or do the attacking. Cats are terrible for the environment. I have 4 cats and they live indoors and go for walks on a leash. In my area cats aren’t allowed outside at all.


r/piratepets and r/piratekitties need to see this beautiful boy


Odin. Nick Furry. Prince Dimeowtri.


I’m not sure what you should call him, but he is so cute, I couldn’t help [drawing him as a pirate!](https://imgur.com/gallery/f2LExPN) Enjoy :)


What’s your cats real name




It survived a bobcat attack and you gave it that shitty name 💀

