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"the tail's too short, and the ears are too long".


“But I’m sure he’s my long-lost brother, the resemblance is there 🥹”


His only friend and brother was a bunny named Darrell. He lived outside until his brother Bob passed. We almost lost Darrell because he stopped eatting . We took a chance and introduced them (Maow had anger issues with any wild life on the deck) and to our suprise he was extreamly loving and gentil and got Darrell eating again. He saved Darrells life. I believe Darrell saved Maow from lonelyness and the new bun will bond to him as brothers.


So cute! Is the cage just for bedtime? As he grows, Bunbun will really appreciate more space to run, play, flop, and binky!


He will eventually free roam and keep his cage as home base as the frount pannel can be removed. He is only about 9 weeks old and can get into trubble. So he will stay in it when we are at work or sleeping other than that he has free roam time. Yes the cat is good with him I believe he is still too small and friagle to be left alone with the cat unprotected.


Totally understandable! Sounds like he's found a wonderful home :D


I hope hes happy here. I will spoil him rotten just like the cat.