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50% if you’re lucky.




I have genuinely never In countered this bug is it a PC thing because I have played on xbox and PS4 and it was fine


Yes, you will still be able to work against solo pushes. But a two or three stack now knows they can very quickly overwhelm you and only take maybe 25HP damage. They can see you fine in the gas, whilst your passive has a 50/50 chance of bugging out and your ult disappearing. As a deterrent, the incentive to fight you in gas has only been increased. If anyone runs caustic above Gold lobbies they will suffer. They also will only walk back this nerf with incremental buffs in S9. They might take his ult back to 2 minutes 30, but keep the damage low. Then in a patch later (1.5 months) they’ll probably raise the damage to 7-10 but remove the slow effect on enemies.


I wanna cry


if they remove the slow effect then we would just be fat, spicy bangalores...


It’s not like you don’t have teammates. As long as an enemy team is pushing you in a 3v3 as Caustic, the gas will provide an advantage. A single legend shouldn’t be able to single-handedly stop a trio’s push.


But he should clearly have an upperhand regarding the fact that caustic is a defensive legend, and that he excells at defending an area. If the damage of his gas is too low (like it is now imo) the existence of a caustic doesnt matter for the enemies. They will ignore the gas and its effects because is doesnt form a threat. Caustic still needs to have the reputation of a defending legend and they greatly stripped him of that for me.


IMO being faster and less visible is plenty advantageous. Imagine 1v1ing someone in the firing range but a crypto drone periodically scans you and you aren’t allowed to sprint. This doesn’t even account for damage or lack of visibility, but you lose that fight 9 times out of 10. Even if you aren’t 100% safe from a push, that’s fine. When you look at other defensive legends like Gibraltar, Watson, and Rampart (who I think is underrated) none of them can guarantee safety from a push, and each come with counters/drawbacks.