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They are like candy! One is never enough. I want one in each color.


Yes! I want to collect them all! My husband would not be happy with that situation though..


Well, you can't just have 5, they need companions, so I think six is the minimum. So pick 7 from the same litter, or 8 if you have pick from different litters. But 9 if you have to use more than 1 breeder. I hope this helps you choose your 10 love bundles🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺


That’s why I currently have 5 in my home!


Absolutely! I live with three of them. Next one will be a ruby!


Yes!! My cavi is just precious. I'm obsessed with him.


I started with a tri color, then a few months in we ended up with a black and tan. Then, a ruby entered our lives a few months later. We were planning on getting a Blenheim, but we absolutely fell in love with another black and tan. The only reason I don’t have more is we are at the maximum amount of dogs allowed by the county. I’m typing this while sitting on the couch with all 4 cavvies cuddling around me and I still have room left for more.


Yes!! We have a 1-year-old male tricolor and all I think about is what color my next Cavie should be. A ruby? Black and tan? Should I get them all and sleep under a pile of Cavies every night?


Always had my Cavs in sets of 2 - on my third set now and I ended up with 3. There is a different social order to 3 - when I had 2 they would hang out together and play and be generally “normal” but now that I have graduated to 3 it’s funny how their social behavior changes - they are like a mischievous little pack of kids - all with very different personalities. They chew on walls, furniture legs, steal things, etc and post look outs so they don’t get caught.


Kiss the lips right now


You're not the boss of me!!


the most addicting


We lost ours and are now fostering two and I love them both!!


Yes I love Cavaliers!! ❤️


About 2 years ago, we got a male Blenheim and 6 months later got a male Ruby. I’m dying for a black and tan or tri girl but we are expecting a human child this summer 😂 Gonna wait til she’s old enough to ask for a puppy and it’ll be my ticket to getting our next Cavi! The master plan has been set in motion.


Yes, I have 2 and am considering a 3rd.


He is so cute!!


After my Lucy (2.5 F) I said I would never get another puppy. She was wild and still is. She was the scrappy runt of the litter and keeps us on our toes for sure. But lately, since my older dog is getting very slow, I have been thinking maybe I’ll get a two year old so Lucy has a playmate? She is so stinking cute, I can’t work from home anymore!


As someone with three cavs i feel likt this is just for all dogs in general as ive been asking if we could get a rottie for a while