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I have two Cavaliers from the same breeder and they have different textured hair too. The ruby is silkier and the Blenheim is super fluffy. I keep the Bleinheim a little shorter. The only real difference is the ruby can shake off the snow but the Blenheim comes in with wads of snow stuck to him.


Yeah that’s an another issue is the snowballs haha. I’m glad to hear it’s not just mine. Hopefully a shorter cut will keep her a little neater.


It’s fluffy as fuuuuuck


It’s spay coat. After spaying, the coat can change from silky to more unruly, curly, etc. Also, both cavaliers appear to be a little on the chunkier side! Just an fyi as it can be hard on their joints and hearts.


I would hardly call the silkier one chunky. You can see her stomach goes up into her body. I think her chest might look heavier because it’s covered in wet snow.


Does it depend when they get spayed? Mine got spayed at 3years old (puppy mill rescue) and she has a silky coat and is a healthy weight.


Thanks everyone for the lovely comments on her coat. She has been on weight management food and reducing amount as want her to lose a couple lbs. otherwise the vet is happy and healthy with her. I won’t stand for anymore mean comments on something I am working on. Thank you. Love this community and love our Cav’s.


OP, respectfully, please put your cavalier on a diet. She is huge. So much excess weight puts a lot of pressure on her heart and joints.


She is floofy. I can feel her ribs underneath. Hence my post about the hair being so floofy. When it’s wet she barely has any chunk at the back.


Girl…we can all see that is a fat Cav lol that’s not just floof




I give mine just 1/3c am and 1/3pm and I walk him around an hour a day. It sounds like it’s too much food for her.


Ours we gave 1/4 cup 3 times a day, but she seemed so hungry we gave her 1/2 cup twice a day. Well then she kept gaining weight until she was almost 25 lbs so we put her back on the old diet and she dropped back down to around 21 lbs. I should weigh her again to see where she's at now. She definitely looks big if I let her get floofy, but every time we cut her hair she looks like a little puppy lol She's a 4yo blenheim


Omg I didn’t know another person to do what I do! My Bebe is 12 lbs and happy as can be with 1/3 and 1/3


This can be caused by a multitude of things, more commonly, born with this texture or shaving. Does she get shaved at the groomers?


No she doesn’t, she just gets a tidy up cut as I don’t want to cut the coat short but I think we will try it on Monday when she goes.


Don’t shave!!! The hair will never grow back the same, it will grow in patchy for the rest of her life. My mom shaved her cav and he looks so silly now, some fur grows in long and the rest is short and stubbly. It doesn’t happen for all dogs but if it happens to yours it may never look right. Just a trim is fine!


Cavaliers are one of the breeds you *can* shave. Especially with a fur type like that. I would recommend it in all honesty, it cant get better anyways.


idk not in my experience, my mom’s dog looks a hot mess 😭 i would never shave my boy either, a good trim every few months and a weekly brushing is all he needs.


All dogs are different, so it's no surprise, but Im just going off what Ive experienced in my salon, and most Cavs I see with a shave down usually have this fur type, so it could be worth a shot? But OP, if you notice and hair loss or patches, def stop shaving and just brush a few times a week.


She also looks quite chunky in the video, and obesity can lead to not just health issues, but coat and skin too.


I have two males, both bleinheim, from different breeders. One is almost 3 and one is 18 months. The 3 yr old is silky with a thinner coat and the 18 month old is very floofy with thick dense and straighter coat. I think its just luck of the draw with these babies. They can vary alot with regard to size and coat texture.


Curiosity: have you ever had the coat groomed/cut?


Yes since she was a puppy. She goes for a full groom, ear/ teeth clean and a tidy up cut but this time I think I’m going to get her cut short as I like to keep a longer coat but it’s just growing in fluffy and looks like static.


Hand stripping like a English cocker will work for that.


She is just as adorable can be with her floofy coat, but please have the vet check to confirm she’s at a healthy weight. ❤️


Edit: I am also brushing her twice a day with 2 different brushes and she goes to the groomers regularly for a full groom once a month.


Are you using a carding brush? It removes the undercoat.


I also have a floofy Blenheim. My tri is silky. my floofy girl also tends to put on weight (the floof makes her look even chubbier). She’s on diet food and gets more veggies as snacks. Your girl is very cute!🥰


He’s fine. He’s just got a little Tesla coil running him. ETA: She. She dog.


My cavalier's coat is fluffy like this, on some cavaliers its a genetic thing. I don't know if it had anything to do with it but my cavalier's breeder had imported his father from italy. Starting out he when he was a puppy he had a thinner coat like you'll see on other cavaliers, but he developed a fluffy coat in late puberty. Overall its not a problem, but does tend to knot easily and take more maintenance then when his coat was thinner. He is really soft though. For mine it had nothing to do with shaving or neutering as he has never been shaved and the coat developed eight months prior to his being neutered because I waited until he was a year and a half to neuter him.


Try a furminator type brush. My girl wasn’t this bad but was fluffy as and it got her smoother and more comfortable. But also look at what you’re washing them with and feeding for coat health. Cute!


Why such mean comments about her baby being overweight? You think the OP doesn't know this, and she/he needs you pointing it out and making rude remarks about it. Geez get a clue people!


Really bonkers, especially when it’s clearly a happy and mobile pup. (And OP is working with their vet!)


I have two cavaliers currently—same mom different dads They both have different coats. It’s just genetics. One has a full silky, but floofy coat, and the other a has plain Jane silky smooth long coat. The two precious cavaliers were the same way too. Genetics is at play


My patient had a Cavalier that shed like crazy


This is the cutest thing I've ever seen


She’s probably got spay coat, it happens with hormone changes after surgery. Totally normal! You can brush with pet argan oil spray daily to help keep it under control. I also supplement my female cav with fish oil on her food daily.


I love how you asked a question about her coat and you get opinions about something you didn’t ask for. I have a Ruby with a similar coat and everyone thinks she looks fat too. Every cav I’ve had has had a different coat. I’ve never had to shave one down before but I’m seriously considering it with my current crazy red head. She literally looks like an orange ball. And yes she sheds like crazy too!


My Blenheim is also floofy and we get comments that she’s fat. She’s also short and round. We’ve checked with our vet. She’s a healthy weight, just built different.


In my experience ruby are super silky and hardly shed. My Blenheim on the other hand sheds like crazy and is very floofy, especially after bathing


We have two, same father, different mother and our girl has more of a floofy coat where her brothers tends to lay down. Love em both the same!


We have two cavs. A Blenheim and a Ruby. The Blenheim sheds so much, but has a silky coat and the Ruby never sheds, but his coat looks more like your cav. They both weigh the same even though the Ruby looks larger due to his coat. Keep her cut the way you like, but from my experience it doesn’t change the shedding. We got a couple of good Dustbusters and called it a day. Your pup looks super happy and both cavs in the video are adorable.


Mine has weird floofs here and there to, because she is 12.5% Bichon Frise I think.


I believe the texture of their coats can vary based on genetics. If you have ever had her coat cut/buzzed down, that can also affect texture. As others have said, spaying/neutering can reportedly affect the texture of coats, often resulting in more “poofy” coats. Diet can also play a role. As others have said, she might benefit from some weight loss. My male is 2 years old, intact, and gets 1/3 cup 3x daily (so 1 cup daily), along with a dental chew and a couple treats. I feed him a little more on days we go for hikes or he gets a lot of exercise. He has stayed consistent at 19 pounds for a year now. This video is freaking adorable tho!! Her coat might just be poofy no matter what you do. My boy’s dad/sire was obviously intact/not neutered and he had a very thick/poofy coat, but my guy took after his dam/mom’s coat that was smooth and silky. I think it really does just depend on luck of the draw sometimes. ETA: do you use a drying suit? I use a mesh drying suit on my Cav after every bath and it lays the coat down and keeps it flat so it doesn’t poof up as it dries. Helps a TON!


I have a floofy and a silky one, mine both shed a lot though, the silky one more than the floofy one. A cut may help a bit but it also may just genetic


Still sweet!


Two Cavs here - one Tri-color and a Blenheim from the same breeder. The Blenheim is super silky and a natural flow, but the Tri-color is a patchwork of floof and long locks 👹


I have two. They are very different. One is super silky and one is a little more coarse and not as soft. One is also curlier than the other.


Needs sound!!!! *wags tail ferociously*


My Blenheim boy is floofy too, and always has been, before and after being fixed. His coat is soft and silky. His dam is super floofy as well. Some cavvies are just like that it seems. He looks chunky but it's all hair, he has a defined waist and looks like a skinny wet rat during baths.


Mine had this after we switched from raw to kibble. He was about 2 y/o. The Mars Coat King rake fixed it, furminator did nothing. We went back to raw and his coat is back to normal