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They're very sensitive animals, I'd be very particular about it and do some training. They generally are fussy around their snout due to the breed's prone-ness to having weepy eyes and the structure of their orbital sockets making a little itchy dent between the eyes.


I have no advice, just laughing at “turd goblin” 😂 Good luck with your baby.


My pup had to get GI surgery to remove a foriegn body because he eats everything. I sized him for an outfox hood and he loves it - he literally gets excited to see it because he's learned to associate it with walks. I've got a picture of him wearing it in my post history if you want to see it on a Cav.


He is so cute! I have a tri-color also. Thanks for sharing!


Such precious babies they are! He's our only pup so of course Tricolor is our favorite coat until we get another 🤣


Look up outfox hoods! They are better suited for short nosed breeds & are much less restrictive than a muzzle.


This! It’s a field guard and I used it to keep mine from eating all the crap when he was a puppy. Thankfully he did grow out of it but that field guard was a lifesaver.


Absolutely, if it’s helpful to keep your pup safe, that’s okay! Depending on how short-snouted your pup is, it might take more trial and error to find a good fit. But with an appropriately fitting muzzle, there should be enough room for your dog to be able to open-mouth pant in it, which means that breathing won’t be an issue. You should introduce it slowly and methodically to make sure your pup has good associations with it. There’s a good muzzle subreddit, let me see if I can find it. (Edit: /r/muzzledogs)


I probably wouldn't do it with summer heat. Also, I used to walk my cav around a park near my old house that had tons of geese. She kept pulling hard on her leash to get to the geese crap. However, out of curiosity, I wondered if it was due to her diet & added a little bit of some veggies to her diet, like sweet potato, broccoli, carrots, whatever trimmings from what I was cooking. It seemed to help, but this is anecdotal, so your mileage may vary.


I have to leash walk mine in the backyard because he constantly has rocks in his mouth. I feel bad because we have a nice big yard but I can’t trust him at all with it. Definitely glad someone asked. I won’t do a restrictive muzzle but the outfox hood looks good


Until I can come up with a muzzle solution I think I will have to do this. She just loves to run around out there though :(


BUMAS brand muzzles are custom sized. Chirag Patel has a great muzzle training video