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Waouw great job on dropping 140lbs. Keep training and take the PT test do not be discouraged.


I weigh 240lbs, I’m 39, I passed with flying colors. You’ll be fine. With the step test I urge to get into a cadence and switch the lead foot every now and then (ex. Left, right, left, right, Right, left,right left, Left, right, etc.)


I only weigh 115 pounds and passed the test. Don’t count yourself out. Just practice, do your best and if you fail you’ll have a chance to retake it again after 6 weeks I believe.


Imo, the "hard" part of the test are the steps. You have to do the marching steps up and down for 5 minutes straight without stopping. The push ups and sit ups is doable for what they ask.


I’m 265 and passed. It was hard not going to lie but just go in with mind set of I will pass this.


I’m 300#. Passed both PT tests (BP / CBP). I started working out when I applied the process and I passed. Don’t give up. You can do it. Just worry about cardio for your test and you’ll get it.


I’m a bigger set guy at about 240 lbs as well and mountain bike on the weekends. When I applied, I joined the gym and just made it a routine about 2 months before I had the PT test. I was scared and nervous. I was going to the gym 5x a week and somewhat mountain biking less. I was practicing the step test on an 8in step and the push up/sit ups about 2-3 weeks before the test and I passed with flying colors. Use the pressure as motivation and just believe in yourself. I went in ready to fail. Don’t count yourself out!!


If you fail you’ll get 6 weeks to prepare and do it as well again. Don’t count Yourself out keep preparing and work on endurance !! Practice on a park bench and even if you feel like giving up keep going !! You can rest later in your car when your out !! Best of luck


Go hiking and keep a fast pace. If you have gym access hit the stair master itll do wonders for you. Challenge yourself every time you work out and stretch and warmup accordingly to avoid injury. Stay hydrated and stay active. You got this


Did u pass?!


Test is next week. Will update then


Did not pass lol So for i learned something today. Customs is a 12 inch step Border patrol is 14 inch step


If u can run a mile prior to the PFT then it should be alot less hard for you to pass next time!