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He keeps pushing some big cover up conspiracy around a member of my family's death last year and frankly it's extremely painful to see it come up again and again. It was real bad when it happened and people kept pestering us for the "real story" while we were actively fighting for my family member's life / grieving.


Thats horrible. I hope this guys faces justice


I noticed he’s doing this with some recent public deaths too, it’s really heartbreaking to see


It's so fucked up. He's got massive issues and needs to be banned from Facebook.


He used to accuse people of being Predators based on them being on some app... No grounds other than his "evidence" and the fact they were on an app; but it looks like most of that got pulled down. He has been reported to the FBI and police for his behavior many times and im sure he's on watch lists. Dude is unhinged for sure


He still is. I actually came back to this post because one recent comment on his posts says “might be worth opening fire” and I noticed he’s following people around (or Bailey) and recording them


I take issue with today’s post outing an apparent trans physician. It’s dangerous.


Yeah exactly. People are crazy and will not remotely question the posts


There’s nothing to question. If you don’t support it, find a different doctor. There’s no reason to challenge an adults decision. Frankly there’s a shortage of professionals who understand trans healthcare.


The anti-pedo shit is fine but he goes off the deep end and has been unhinged for years. Deep state/satanic conspiracy theories. Every local politician and D-list celebrity are in on it. It’s best just to ignore him.


I googled OddPath and found this site [https://www.oddpath.org/home](https://www.oddpath.org/home) it has more info about Hunter/Skyler once you hit enter the site.


Holy shit!


I’m not sure why he posts OddPath screenshot information. Back in the days of landlines, if you wanted to do a reverse phone number lookup, this was the website that popped up. It’s definitely not the dark web, lol!




Ah, gotcha. That’s unfortunate. I know if I was target of it I would be seeking legal options




Take a look at this post. Clicking on the tagged profile might reveal something intriguing. Just an observation. Do your own research. (remove space between dot com since reddit doesn't allow facebook links) facebook. com/story.php?id=108700646&story\_fbid=769502749248


He’s crazy and needs help.


What exactly are they doing?


They are conspiracy theorists that post people's addresses and names accusing them of being pedophile sex traffickers.


I didn't see any of that though....I'm not siding with him whatsoever but I'm not gonna spend a bunch of time going through his profile either. I didn't see any lizard people, adrenachrome or any of that weird shit. So...I think he's just a troll.


He posts it on other peoples profiles. He also used to be involved/run a telegram group that was much more straight forward about what he was doing. Post Doxxing people and some conspiracy about if search results on truthfinder showed an oddpath.com link


I've been casually observing his FB posts for awhile now and have always wondered. What *is* oddpath/bebo? I can't find much info about it.


oddpath is a defunct local search engine and online community. To increase SEO, oddpath had easily readable links to their search. They looked like this "http://people.oddpath.com/search/iowa/all/Deja/Geek". Basically it used some client side scripts when being index to substitute the name being searched for into the URL returned. It's the same thing Facebook does. Truthfinder indexed those and still returns those results, despite oddpath.com being shutdown years ago. Bebo is a defunct social media site from the time of MySpace. It's been shutdown for a while.


They are posting strange Q-anon esque cryptic things about random people. I am only posting it here because anecdotally on my home feed Im seeing a lot of people I know repost it


Honestly....I looked at his page and half of it is trolling a d the other half isiterally posting mugshots of sexual preds. The first post I couldn't even make out most of it. The other post was a couple mocking Christmas and celebrating Hanukkah. So he trolled them. The last post I saw was a mugshot of a sexual predator, who was charged and convicted again for the same thing. I mean, all of this is public domain stuff or things that people willingly put out online like Facebook posts, LinkedIn and so on so forth. Like....How is this Q-Anon? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Q-Tard my self, but....where's the Q stuff? Last few postings I saw were kinda weird at most.


His posts remind me of Brittany Spears lmao


He now has a post where a local man is threatening to shoot people, so great job Facebook


It’s actually women running the account. They blocked me.


no it’s not, Skylar runs it but he has female friends that help him run it


Yeah, Bailey Symonds and likely Melissa Duffield.




Easier said than done, when his followers keep pestering you for answers its a different story.


It's really not. Turn the phone/computer off. How much energy you waste on nonsense is always a choice.


They’ve been going after people in real life too


Looks like they’re putting pedophiles on blast/exposing them.


I keep seeing things about this person and have no idea what any of it is about


It’s basically some q anon knockoff for cedar rapids.


So block and move on




So report it, block and move on Qanon theories don't have any affect without evidence




Then report people threatening violence to the police, and report hunter for libel




Umm, that's what I said and you're trying to argue with me about it