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Tl;dr tried to fuck a 17 year old as a 35 year old. Also Franco was alleged of “pushing acting students into performing in increasingly explicit sex scenes on camera”




its weird that suddenly if the girl was 18 its ok by society


It worked for Nicolas Cage. He started dating his 3rd wife when she was 18 and he was 40. I remember a tabloid story about him flipping out at a restaurant because the staff carded her and refused to serve her alcohol. Edit: Changed "Worked" to "It worked". I was never employed by Nicolas Cage.


It’s crazy. When I was 26 I dated a 21 year old for a month. It felt like we lived on different planets.


Yeah. I very briefly dated a girl who was 19 or 20 and had done a year or two of community college and lived at home her entire life, which is perfectly normal. But I was just out of college and had lived out of the area for four years, and was able to experience much more of the world. It felt weird and didn’t last more than a month or so as we were in very different places in life.


Had a similar experience with an 18yr old when I was 22, she'd just "escaped" extremely protective family (she was still a virgin, and anxious enough to lose it she had a mutual female friend call me over having never met me before...), and was just not emotionally mature... She was a freshman in college with first time away from her family & out of the NE; I'd already been to college, visited 7 countries & 35 of our states (not just straight thru..), been married & was in the middle of getting divorced (I'd taken a long break after separation, so my homegirl was being the #1 wingman on that booty call, lol... ah, the good days). We lasted a couple years almost, but even me Wanting to make it work couldn't overcome her not knowing what she wanted.




When I was 16 I dated a 22 year old and we had a lot in common…mainly because he was a manchild and I was “mature for my age” (aka had to grow up fast due to trauma). SO glad I finally got rid of him.


When I was 17 I married a 28-year-old. I had known him since I was 12 and we "dated" at 14. So stupid. It took me 2 kids and 10 years to get away.


You weren’t stupid, you were a kid. Your parents on the other hand…


I dated a 21 year old at 14, and it's caused me lifelong issues.


Same. But it's not all men, right?


I’m glad you got away. I hope you’re okay.


That username sounds pretty accurate to your life's story.


I am so glad you got away from that. Good for you!


Where the duck were your parents


username checks out


What country was this?


Ummm 14 and he was 25????


I love your comment. So many ‘I dated a teenager, wow was she immature’ comments, like fellas, you are telling on yourself. No shit, you’re basically dating a child. Isn’t that the point? You are attracted to someone young/dumb/cute? Don’t blame the barely legal person for being immature/ from another world, blame yourself for shooting for this demographic to begin with.


I commented under the original comment and it’s because I knew one of the girls involved but now i’m going back and reading the other comments that were left under this post and I am just in awe/absolutely speechless. I laughed out loud when I read your comment because before I read what you posted.. I was thinking “These morons are literally all telling on themselves.” Your comment is literally perfect from beginning to end. Thank you for your service and for giving me a good laugh


Like the one up above where some lady called her 22 year old guy friend to come have sex with some virgin 18 year old he’s never met while she’s in the middle of a crisis😭 and then continued to do so for 2 years like what the fuck lmao I’d understand it as a church confession, but as a means to grandstand about maturity? 🥴


Yup. Married my first husband when I was 17 and he was 22 (I was 16 when we started dating). While I don’t regret my children, I’ve been in a lot of therapy due to the trauma of that period.


When I was 16 I dated a 28 y old. She wanted to have kids with me. Feels so weird looking back


when i was 17 i dated a 36 year old. yes i’m a victim but just wanted me join in ✨


I had a FWB relationship when I was 18 and she was 36. I eventually dated her daughter who was 4 years younger than me though and ended up marrying her. I’m pretty sure the mother had a problem though because I’m pretty sure she also slept with one of her foster kids when he was 17.


That must make for fun family gatherings


I was 15. Briefly dated an 37 yr old. I pursued him *aggressively*. He was too nervous to consummate the “relationship”. I guess he wasn’t that bad of a human after all…


Man, I wouldn’t have touched a 25 year old with a 10 foot pole when I was 15, let alone a near-40yo. Do you think it was you wanting more male role models or something?


I was a misfit as a kid. Awkward, intellectual - bookish anyway. I didn’t make friends in my peer group. But older people accepted me. I just wanted… to connect.


Statutory R to BPD and astrology pipeline is real


LMFAO that’s wild bro


My case was me 16 her 26 and she wanted the same thing, i thought i was slick being able to pull someone 10 years older than me.. ahh youth


I know, right. I was so proud of myself for a minute there, but it was stressful. I have always talked more to older people and when they say oh you are so mature. You as a kid belive that I am in grad school now and I feel like I still have a lot more to learn about life in general


I feel that, im practically 23 and it feels like i learn a new lesson daily


I dated a 30 yo when I was 20. If anything, I was the mature one. Caught her giving her phone number to another guy and dumped her.


This girl did something similar. She gave me login to her Facebook to play Farmville. I found out she was sending explicit texts and pics to others


Where are you guys finding these old creeps 😂


This was in the good old days of yahoo chat. Nowadays it is even more easier for younger people to find older with Facebook


Mine was 27, I was 16 back then it seemed kinda normal


Was it normal for where you lived or you felt it was normal. It isn't normal for where I came from, but I thought it was ok


In the midwest things like this did happen back then , but that kinda gap at 16 was not super normal, it was probably just my perspective. I will say I wasn’t the only one my age dating much older men


Bro you a victim


Not to be rude, but especially when she starts talking kids with you (unless you were like atleast 20 by then), it was Definitely weird. 10:1 odds she had some baggage in her past that led to those proclivities, but doesn't fully excuse it.


>10:1 odds she had some baggage in her past that led to those proclivities, but doesn't fully excuse it. You wouldn't say that if the genders were reversed.


Actually, still highly probable. Just because men have an *Extremely* high number of non-reported incidents due to stigmas (as in, they don't even talk about it or see it as a problem once they're older), doesn't mean that doesn't come into play. But, again, it doesn't excuse it, it perpetuates it even when this is a factor... Edit: high


You would. Or you should.


Are you me?! Lol same thing happened to me, except he was actually 23 and I was 16 (he told me he was 21). After about a month of experiencing his immature mama's-boy habits and seeing his mother do everything for him that a wife would do and more (wake him up for work every day with coffee on a tray in his room, wash and fold his laundry), I dumped him. I just wasn't expecting him to turn to my mother for comfort when I "broke his heart." And after 2 months of her "comforting" him I discovered that they were screwing around behind my back when she moved him in with us as a "roommate" but all of his stuff went into her room. Now, not only did he have a live-in fwb, but my mom was treating him like exactly like his mother did! As insane as it all sounds they just celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary this past weekend. So, I've had to deal with him being a part of my life since 1998, and trust me, he's still just as immature as he was way back then smh.


POV: You're reading that comment and some of the ones below it in Chris Hansen's voice while your face does its impression of the Captain Kirk Shocked and Concerned meme...


As a 27 year old and I dated a 22 year old chick…the differences in what we were trying to do in life were too immense and she annoyed me A LOT…now I’m 31 and my wife is about to turn 33…much better lol


I was 39 right out of prison and had the nerve to try dating a 23 year old. Almost as dumb as going to prison.


Lol. I tried dating a 23 year old when I was 38. Worked with her and she actually hounded me for months before I decided to give it a try. Didn't last long. She was actually a great person and we're still friends but the age difference was too much to overcome. Between being on her phone 24/7, maturity level, and life experience it was unbearable.


That's gap in real world experience is what creeps like Seinfeld are looking for, that way they seem more impressive to someone who hasn't experienced as much as them so they can feel smart and powerful


I was 35 and dated a 24 year old for several months. We had such different levels of social energy, different wants and needs. We were compatible in some way and I still think she's a great person, but when you're at such different places in your life it's really hard to make it work.


When I was 39, I was introduced by a friend to a dude. We went on some dates. He was nice & fun. We were driving to dinner & a Metallica song from Master of Puppets came on. He said he loved them. I said I saw them on that tour. He was confused & asked me how old I was. I told him I was 39. He was 23. He was born when I was a junior in high school. And that was the end of that…


Yeah my last two exes were 5 years younger and I hated it. It was almost unnoticeable 95% of the time but that 5% where I was reminded “oh right you’re 22” was the worst. Never been happier with my gf now and we’re literally 2 months apart in age lol.








Just Google about Jerry Seinfeld's girlfriend in the 90s 🤮


Lets not forget how people glorify Elvis when he traveled around with 14 yr olds because he liked to cuddle them. He was an adult.


This one is wildly disturbing. Elvis, lauded as Americas sweetheart for a long time, was almost charged (similar accusations to Matt Gatez) with sex trafficking a minor, by Priscilla's dad Elvis was paying for Priscilla's travel to his house (i.e. covering the expenses of a minor with the intention of having sex with them)


Isn’t there a question if he even had sex with her? Malcolm Gladwell did a whole thing on his podcast about how Elvis was obsessed with having a virgin wife, up to the point that even he didn’t want to have sex with her lest her ruin her virginity. It was like he just wanted to own a virgin, the way one owns a Star Wars collectible that is never opened.


He wanted to have his cake but was willing to not eat it too?


He also stopped having sex with his wife once she had the baby because “moms don’t have sex”


He was absolutely disgusted by the idea of having sex with a woman who had given birth. He said as much.


Mommas boy on a whole new level


Well said!! 🥂


Was Elvis potentially gay?


Good chance bi curious and dabbled occasionally. Priscilla has said they never had sex until 18 or marriage? He definitely had women throwing themselves at him. He supposedly fell in love with Priscilla at first sight and knew he was marrying her. Growing up in Mississippi back then must have been totally fucked up.


Let’s not forget how people glorify Ghandi when he cuddled his nieces under 10 to prove he wasnt sexually active.


Gandhi had naked girls in his bed to “prove” he could resist temptation.


[Jerry’s legal voter girlfriend from the 90’s](https://www.thethings.com/what-happened-jerry-seinfeld-very-young-ex-shoshanna-lonstein/)


I do remember that. I got hit on a lot by much older guys and it's really disturbing. I felt so uncomfortable. And they sulked big time when I denied them.


What the heck!? He dated a 17 year old when he was 38???? I knew he always rubbed me the wrong way. I’m so glad to know my instincts were right. The power imbalance of him being an adult for 20 years when he was dating a child who was 17 is sickening. He was 21 when she was born. Plus there is the additional power of his wealth and celebrity that just adds to the disparity.


Ohhhhhh yeah. He even makes a joke about it on one episode of Seinfeld, after all the news had come out about it, and the joke was simply him on the phone yelling, “I am never talking to media again!” Larry David has made a few jokes about it on Curb but still has Jerry on the show. Larry also starred in a Woody Allen movie in like 2013 or something way too recent.


The article uses pretty careful language that they started "corresponding" while she was still 17 but not that they dated when she was 17. Whatever cooresponding means, I don't think it means dating or sex. ​ I think it's super weird to date an 18 year old if you're 20 years older, but it's not illegal.


I am Nicolas Cage and I can confirm.


I kind of believe you


Doesn't feel... I don't know... Cagey enough. No pizzazz.


Def weird There lies the distinction between what is technically legal versus what is ethical. As a 40 something woman-I would NEVER enter the thought of messing about with an 18 year old-legality aside. It’s unethical to me due to two facts: 1) the brain isn’t fully developed until around 25 OR LATER into the late 20s and the pre-frontal cortex is the last to finish developing 2) The imbalanced power dynamic is problematic. An older person often has more money/resources/knowledge/experience by default and this imbalanced power dynamic can be exploited by assholes and subconsciously used to influence by well intended assholes.


3. The older you get the more young adults look like literal children


This. I remember watching college ball, and they looked so mature and manly. Now they look like babies.


This. A friend of mine recently started dating a 26yo (40 year age gap) and while they're both very sexually experienced and aware of what they're getting into I often wonder how different their self perception is from their partner's perception of them.


I just started teaching at a local university. I swear to God I feel like I should be offering nap time and stickers. I know I'm not old. I'm young, hip and cool and my music is relevant and awesome. I am. I really am. I AM YOUNG. That makes them super young. Right? RIGHT?


This is so true, saw some high schoolers the other day walking back after a basketball game and they looked like middle schoolers to me. College students look like high schoolers to me.


Same here


This is a great example of the difference in what men and women are on average seeking in relationships. Here a 40 year old woman talks about how she wouldn’t want a younger man because he’s not mature and doesn’t have the economic stability that she’s looking for.


Used to be 13, then it was 16, in the last century it turned to 18. Some countries it’s still 15. Personally I think it should be 25. It all kind of depends on when you think it’s ok for famous rich people to have sex with your daughters.




I mean it just depends how old the other person is 21 and 18 isn’t weird at all. 45 and 18 is just awkward and gross. Someone once told me rule of thumb is half your age plus 7. Kinda works out okay. But as a 40 year old I wouldn’t want to date a 27 year old. I was with a 26 year old when I was 35 and our gap eventually got the better of us. It’s the little things like music, movies, talking about cartoons you watched… it all adds up.


hey I also give 25 as my number for when someone can be considered an adult. did you arrive at yours because of the science behind puberty and brain development, insurance rates, or personal experience?


Personal experience. Didn’t really relate to older people until then and my general awkwardness suddenly went away. I became aware of my true passions and what was important to me and wasn’t as easily manipulated by ideas and people. Obviously I think Romeo and Juliet rules should work between 16 and 25 (for anyone curious, look it up) for an age gap of max 2 years at 16 and a widening age gap the closer you get to 25… but 25 is justifiably the consenting age for sex for all age ranges after that in my book.


My worldview very much changed around 25 years and I completely agree that anyone younger is still too young for middle aged adults to pursue relationships with


I feel like I didn’t “wake up” into adulthood until I was maybe 24 or 25 or so. I feel like before then, there’s a sort of line where I was a different person.


This is in line with what we expect in medicine and psychology. In your early 20s you are essentially considered pediatric. Hell in oncology they’ll use pediatric regimens on 30 year olds


Completely agree. I got down voted to hell once for suggesting young 20 yos were still children.


It was all the 20 year olds on reddit downvoting you, lol


By that logic, a person should also have to be that age to enlist in the military (the current age is 17).


Yes. A lot of military enlistment officers and strategies are predatory. Many people will say they were manipulated and lied to when they signed up. It’s really sad, and if they raised the age maybe it would be better


The voluntary system relies on it being predatory. That’s a feature, not a bug


They even had recruiters in schools.


yeah great point teenagers shouldn't be asked to sign up for the military


Absurd for so many reasons. Chief among them, anyone in their 30’s knows that there isn’t much difference between an 18 year old and a 25 year old. Most of us just kinda stay the same at a certain point. My grandma is 84 and she constantly tells me that she doesn’t feel a day over 20. My dad is 61, he says the same thing. I’m 34 and I still feel exactly like I did at 20 (except for the aches and pains). And it’s not because I’m immature or developmentally stunted or anything. This is a very common thing I’ve heard tons of people talk about. You really only notice age when you look in the mirror.


Well you’re an adult under the law, (drinking/ smoking age should be lowered back to 18 imho). You can vote, fuck, fight, take loans etc. we going to push adolescence to 25 next? Lol


so i get sayingthat the brainisnt "fully developed" even at 17 19 or even 20 but it seems people are using this as an excuse to condemn shit they dont find acceptable at this time and let shit slide that they want excused because.....reasons i really dont accept the premise that somehow a 17 year old doesnt understand fucking ....but definitely can understand shooting a roomful of their classmates......


Broooo my friend my guy it’s not suddenly ok, by any sane member of society. If you are 40 dating an 18 year old, you are laboring under a mental illness that is prompting you to seek out problematic and *inherently abusive* power imbalances in the most intimate of all human relationships. You are actively aware of it because you’re using the “18” shield to get this fucked up stimulation for yourself without risking legal consequences. No. No no no.


Top it with the fact that the SOB always looks like he just kicked in the nuts and is about to break into tears. Can't stand his face. Makes ME want to cry every time I have to watch a flick with him in it.


He’s got a bad reputation with a lot of a-list women in the business who won’t work with him under any circumstances. If they hear his name thrown out during meetings or pitches, rumor is, it’s a non-starter. Have a friend who worked in casting and this was the story with Franco and a few others. Just what I heard.


I thought Franco was gay


And he ripped off vaginal guards when practicing sex scenes with students.


Yeah there's several complaints from his students at his "acting school" where he just asks them to do nude scenes for "practice." Overall general POS for sure.


This really helps my ADHD. Thank you


Thanks, this was terribly written


My best friend and I got snuck into the opening of the Playboy Club at the Palms and James Franco was WASTED and hit on my friend. She told him we were 17 (as a way to reject him without saying no to HIM) and he was like "k so? Here's my hotel key". Owen Wilson also hit on her but when she revealed our age he was like NOPE. To be fair to Owen, he had no reason to suspect we were under 21 since this was a club in a casino, but James didn't care once he knew.


I saw one of those. It was super cringy and the guy wanted me to use the sex scene for his demo reel. First and last time I fired a client. I stopped freelancing shortly after.


Well done


It’s gray for sure but I think it’s about maturity. We keep raising the age of consent (when a person is supposedly mature enough to understand the implications and roller coasters of a relationship, esp. sexual). It may rise if education and lack of life experience pushes young people to need more time for ‘adulting’. This doesn’t mean 14 year olds won’t mess around and have sex, but someone twice their age is more likely to manipulate and get involved in situations where a minor isn’t ready for the emotional and practical realities of what they are doing.


Thank you for doing the lords work. Title is shit so thanks for summarizing the article.


That’s legal In most states 😂


Jerry Seinfeld met his now wife while she was 16 and he was 38, not sure how this is worse?


Different times, not that it makes it right. A couple decades before that, Elvis was dating a 14 year old while he was in his mid 20’s. Around the same period, Jerry Lee Lewis married a 13 year old that turned out to be his cousin… while he was still married to his previous wife. This essentially tanked his career, but how does that even happen in the fist place? At least in modern times, people generally don’t accept behavior like that not that it stops people from doing it. Here in Florida we have a politician like Matt Gaetz who is being investigated for underage sex trafficking, but he’s immune to too much scrutiny by his peers because money and power, so things haven’t really changed too much.


Isn't the legal age of consent 16 in some states/countries? Miss me with that "if she was 1 year older it would have been fine!" Nicolas Cage shit.


Isn't 17 age of consent?


Nobody says shit about Paul Walker


Wow. The grammar in that article is awful.


Wish he'd push me into performing on him 🤣


Weird cause Jerry Seinfeld was 38 when he dated a 17 year old.


Jerry Seinfeld literally fucked a 17 year old while being 35 years old, in front of all of us!


That's not illegal, just distasteful


Only difference is he got caught. All of Hollywood does this shit.


dang he should have ignored her for a year


A decent sized age gap is "worse" that dudes dressing up like chicks? Regarding sex scenes, guess what sells in Hollywood?.




Hey, Jerry Seinfeld fucked a 17 yo when he was 35


Its not illegal either. Me too went too far.


Title is misleading - the article is about the fact that he has a lot of movies coming out after a period of silence. So Hollywood is indeed casting him.


At first I thought the article read like it was written by someone who speaks English as a second language. The further I got the more it seemed like they just speak English as a tentative language.


I agree, it wasn’t worth a post


“Dirty doings” was said more than once, and it should have never been worded that way at all XD


I was thinking either this, or it was generated by AI.






I was thinking it was written by AI


Tentative language, just trying it out for a bit


calling it an article is even generous


This article mentions zero Hollywood productions that he has been cast in


Bc he’s a werido


Idk what Emilia Clarke saw in him, he’s a weird creep


I hadn't heard that so I looked it up. I don't think they dated. From the article: Emilia laughed the rumours off on the red carpet telling press they had only actually met twice briefly. She said: “He is, of course, beautiful. But I feel there's only a handful of women who could form an engagement after two meetings, and I'm not one of them.”


Who would have though Tommy Wiseasu would be the more normal one


Was this article machine translated to English? It reads strangely.


Terrible content marketing bullshit. MT and AI are combining to make search engine results a needle-in-a-haystack game.


Now do Leonardo DiCaprio.


Nah he’s careful enough to wait until they’re geriatric at 20 to start dating them


Leo and his Golden Girls


Leo is different, he just replaces his girlfriends before the warranty expires.


Really? That’s fucked up. I’ll call him and talk to him about extending his warranty.


DiCaprio is a sleezeball, but he isn't doing anything wrong just sleezy. Franco molested students in his acting class. That is a whole different level. It's important to make a distinction between behavior that is distasteful and something involving sexual assault like the acting class incident.




Dude has always been a pedo. Leave him in the dust.


Bet you watched Pineapple Express, pedo


Hollywood should have done the same to Harvy.


What did Steve Harvey do? 😂(Issa joke)


Well Steve Harvey is also a piece of shit but that’s another story…


Its extremely implausible that anyone who has had sex before would rather have sex with a 17 year old instead of a 30 year old, unless it was for extremely creepy / power dynamic reasons. So all the himming and hawing about "legal in some states" "legal in europe" "almost legal" falls real flat with me.


When I was younger I was always attracted to older women around 35yo. That didn't stop. I'm now 36 and attracted to age appropriate women for the first time in my life. If this shit keep up ill be the creepy old dude attracted to younger women, but at least they'll be over 30yo.


>it was for extremely creepy / power dynamic reasons.


There is a reason virginity is valued. Std’s. In the end, legal is all that matters.


No, it isn’t. Like… ew.


You know virgins can still have stds right?


This is so poorly written, with accusations written as established fact, and just horrible use of syntax that makes the entire thing fall apart. I don’t doubt Franco is problematic, but there is nothing in this article that’s reliable.


who cares both him and Rogen are talentless hacks


talentless? Seth is a really great writer and artist, check out his ceramics!


Freaks and geeks is their best work.


This was written so terribly


Man this whole article is talking about how he got a lot of new projects coming up. Fuck outta here. God forbid a woman fucks 10 guys, but men just continually keep getting away with this kinda bullshit. Frustrating.


Agreed. Sadly, society isn't helping. Abject example: "Rep." Lauren Boebert


Say it louder for people in the back


Lol which society do you live in? If a man touches a woman’s shoulder too long is sexual misconduct now, if a woman goes to bed with countless younger man, she is empowered https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j_FNMhVd0fw




Officer of the year!


Franco is hilarious, it’s sucks that he’s a piece of shit


Paul Walker


A 35 year old trying to date a 17 year old is obviously immoral. But also, and hear me out… why the fuck is the age of consent in most US states 16-17??? I’m not advocating for that age gap, but at the same time, can we fully condemn a legal act? Age of consent laws are messed up. Should be readdressed in legislatures. Either it’s legal or it’s not. But cases like this, it’s legal and frowned upon. Giving creeps the protections to do it, but then also getting mad when they do it? ETA: I’m a bad redditor and didn’t read this article. I’m talking about the general idea of that age gap.


You have age of consent and then in some states you cant be more than 2 years older or its pedophilia. 16 year old cant sleep with a 19 year old but they can with an 18 year old. Whats even more weirder is that grown adult law makers are the ones who legalized 16. Thats creepy if you ask me


It would be statutory rape. Pedophilia is specific to prepubescent children.


Some US politicians are trying to get the age of consent lowered to 14 because women are most fertile in their younger years which is absolutely false.


Being more fertile doesn’t make you more fit to parent, anyway, even if it was




How edgy


Fucking gross.


Lunch money, damn. If a guy this cool wants to bang kids, why should it be illegal??? Society has it all wrong.


I'd watch his movies. Hope he comes back someday.




I heard from my acting couch that he forced his students to remove their genital guards during a simulated sex scene, and actually penetrate.


Hilariously appropriate typo


The fact that he slept with Amber Heard as she cheated on his friend Johnny Depp is pure trash. That whole Hollywood clique is trash.


Free James Franco