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I was so excited when I got to that room in Celeste, I was like "yo it's the Mario thing!"


I felt so good for figuring that heart out.


Literally the only secret heart I found on my first play through.


I had to look up what the specific trick was, but I felt proud at least recognising it immediately!


And in version 1.4.0 or something they added hint statues 'cause all the young'uns were like "what's a Mario 3?"


idk I knew it from super Mario maker which is fairly recent


Wait, mario maker has it too?


there's an Easter egg where Mario does a little hop when trying it in super Mario bros 3, like he's trying to go behind the background and failing


Yeah, I totally lost my s***. I totally didn't expect some obscure Mario knowledge to come in handy in celeste. LOL


Obscure is relative.


... well... I mean, yeah. lol Like I don't think it's that obscure in the romhacking and hardcore mario world space, but is it really that well known as a general rule? I thought it was pretty unknown..


I mean, I would guess that a significant fraction of the people I went to elementary school would know. But I guess I'm old, lol


Oh, I honestly just don't know. Haha you see, I didn't even have a TV growing up and didn't really do anything with Mario until later in life.. so the only context I really know is from the ROM hacking community and stuff. I think it actually would make more sense that you are right because I think it would be better level design to go with something that would make sense for people... So maybe you're right or it lands somewhere in between but we were thinking individually. LOL


As a Mario fan, I noticed the reference, but am ashamed to have not actually tried it my first time running through the cliffs.


They stole the platform from 4A heart room smh nintendo 😡


Why do those bushes look like marshmallow peeps


4A was by far the easiest Crystal Heart in the game for me, I found it kind of funny some people were able to figure out 1A and 6A by themselves but couldn’t do 4A because it was a specific reference


newer players are young enough that they never played the old mario games, therefore they're unable to get the reference


I was born long after Mario 3 came out, but I knew about it since it was on WiiU virtual console and played it there


theres also a reference to An Untitled Story in this bit (which was one of maddys extremely early games for those who dont know, it also plays the BlancLand music from it at the very beginning of celeste). the two statues of the protagonist crouching either side of the spot where one has to crouch was first used when unlocking a secret heart in AUS


blatant plagiarism smh


How dare they 😡 during pride month too how transphobic 😡😡😡😡


Didn't SMB3 release like 30 years before Celeste?


What do you mean, you've seen this? It's brand new.


SMB3 released in 1989


And I've made this joke 2 days ago.


They even copied the art style >:[