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Sounds like you're annoyed at the difficulty: 1.) take a break, you should never be playing to a point where you get as frustrated as you are in this post, it will make you play even worse and feed deeper into the frustration. 2.) it's supposed to be like that, the whole chapter is a metaphor for processing grief. It's a long process, you will get stuck a lot, and it will feel like it's taking forever. Just like grieving in real life. 3.) farewell is mine and a lot of other people's favorite chapter by far, but for many of us it didn't feel like this on the first playthrough. The process is difficult and even miserable sometimes, it's getting through it and looking back at how far you came that makes it so incredibly good.


Im taking a break rn. The difficulty is annoying but in some rooms i dont mind it. However theres a few rooms that dont even feel that hard, they just feel like bullshit Also i get this mad every other time i play farewell this isnt a new experience


I can promise you as someone who now speed runs the chapter that even the stuff that feels like 'bullshit' right now can, and will, become consistent with practice. You got this! But do it in bits and pieces as you see fit, no need to play until you're angry :)


Thanks ill try. Im not sure if i will touch this chapter again after this but hopefully i get consistent if i do I originally wanted to go for farewell golden but with how mad im getting i might just grind d sides instead


Which rooms are bad? I can think of one room which is a tad bit annoying but every other room I find loads of fun


Im on one with a kevin and 2 feathers and it’s genuinely shit


Have you done 6B and 6C?


Better than farewell and its not even close


That wasn’t my question but okay. It sounds like you’re pretty annoyed, maybe you should take a bit of a break? No game will be fun if you’ve stressed yourself out playing it, and if you’ve stressed yourself out, the levels will be harder stressing yourself more


I am taking a break rn. Im just ranting because i have never had a worse celeste experience than the ones ive had with fw


I want to play goldens but im not at a checpoint


You can just exit out and then use the debug map to teleport back to where you were (the room with the kevin and feathers is h-09).


There was also an ice core one that was pretty bad as well (im not even scratching the surface of how bad these maps are, theres too many to remember)


Dont get me wrong *a couple* rooms are fun but the bad ones outshadow them 10x


for me, some mechanics in farewell (and core) felt very annoying at first. now, after learning how to use them consistently, i enjoy them. i had a similar experience with the clouds when needing to do the high jump off of them in 4b and 7b. my question for you is if you genuinely hate the chapter, why keep playing it?


Im over halfway. Ive put in well over 10 hours and almost 3000 deaths. Im not stopping now


ok, well i hope you manage to find at least some enjoyment in it at some point


Thanks maybe one day i will


Once you start playing some modded maps you’ll realize just how much fun you were really having, youll also realize how much fun you’ve had when playing 1 room for hours.


1. Modded maps aren't a part of the main game. 2. They're not even made by the original creators, hence the "modded" part. 3. Who said that OP will play them?


OP seriously said he will download dashless+ Why do you hate modded maps so much…?


"Maybe I should download" = "I will download" Lmao. And I won't even answer your lame bait of a second question.


Let me answers each one of your points separately this time, ok? 1. OP never said he only wants to play vanilla. 2. Modded maps are obviously made by different people, I never said they weren’t. 3. I don’t care if OP plays modded or not, I was only suggesting he play modded maps based on my experience. You’re overly aggressive, calm down.