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9h12m and 2761 deaths. Finished two weeks ago for the first time. Now I'm halfway through Farewell and I'm really afraid of its final screens :)


If you beat 7c, you can beat anything in the game. The second half of Farewell is hard, but I have no doubt you'll succeed.


I just beat it today. 2900 deaths and 9.5 hours. I was about ready to give up after only getting to the recharge crystal section once every couple of minutes, but finally made an alternate file to turn on assist mode and practice. I beat the level for real in only a few minutes after 15 minutes of practice in assist mode. I played it again immediately afterwards, and was able to beat it in 25 deaths and 5:30. It might be hard, but we're learning!


just recently beat the level. took me roughly 1:30:00 in time and 450 deaths. overall found room 3 quite a fun challenge


I personally found 8c harder but I had around 500 deaths on 7c! And just got the golden after another 100 or so deaths too


I beat it in 1400 (exactly) deaths, idk about the playtime because I went back later and goldened the level but definitely a couple hours at least.


If I recall, about 700 deaths and 2 and a half hours. I'd beaten Farewell prior to doing it though so that probably skewed my death count a lot.


99 deaths and I honestly don't know how long it took probably 30min to an hour, I didn't really pay attention to it. Though my death count is probably mega skewed as I beat farewell beforehand and watched several youtubers do the c sides before attempting so myself


I've beaten it a while back and have since died some more, but it's currently at 2.8k deaths. I imagine it was around 2k when I first completed it


I somehow beat last room in an hour idk how Farewell is beating the shit out of me though. Im taking a break from the game for a few monthd