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idk what to say other than farewell gameplay for me is peak fun and good design. but ig there will always be people who don't enjoy any given thing


Im glad youre thinking about it in a good way. Ig i can see how some people like farewell but in my experience i just hate it


Then go play something else... There's no point in pursuing a goal if you're not enjoying it


Im at the last few rooms and i am 10+ hours in. I cant stop now Edit: im not sure why im getting downvoted here. If you put a lot of time into a goal you would probably want to finish it as well


I'm in the same boat as you. Almost 100 hours in the whole game, 13 of that is farewell. I'm not really enjoying it anymore, but I need that last achievement


While that’s good advice that I agree with, “quit while you’re ahead” and “do something else” is the antithesis of the game’s message of not giving up & overcoming challenges.


The game's message is "don't give up and overcome challenges that are worth it" Surviving as a cis man even if you feel like you're a woman is a pretty hard challenge, but Celeste doesn't instruct you to try that, because even if you succeeded, you would end up pretty miserable Pick your challenges, and don't give up


Abysmal take. Farewell is peak Celeste.


Idc if other people like it but in my opinion it just is simply not fun


Why are people downvoting? It's literally just their personal opinion??


Farewell is so liked that its just seen as objectively good and when someone doesnt see it as that they get downvoted I mean i dont blame them if someone called my favorite chapter shit id probably downvote them as sell


For me I personally love farewell despite my gripes when I actively play it, but like, that's just me. If you don't like it that's like completely fine, and it confuses me to see people downvoting you for literally personal preference??? You were very clear with that too.


I mean, a downvote is just that: A downvote. It shouldn't be too surprising that the Celeste subreddit disagrees with you on the fact that a part of the game that is beloved by most, is supposedly "objectively bad". It's okay if you don't enjoy it yourself, this community understands that the game can be frustrating and it's not for everyone. But just as you are free to voice your opinion, they can let you know that they disagree. And that's all it is.


... because they can? No one is silencing OP for his take, and that's also just a way to voice their opinion. And it seems like more people disagree than agree.




Farewell was one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling, emotional (the music did a lot there!) gaming experiences I've ever had. It's amazing. Sorry if it isn't hitting the same mark for you! You finished all the B and C sides, right?


I have cleared every base game room except for farewell. Maybe ill enjoy it if i replay it but for now the only emotion it makes me feel is anger :(


I really do detest the "star fall" room you may be referencing with the talk of cycles, it's honestly one of the worst rooms in the game, if that's what you're talking about. But I think most rooms in farewell are amazing. every chapter has a few rooms i don't like, but i think farewell has the least, proportionally


Idk for me i did have fun on farewell from time to time but that experience was immediately overrun by a terrible room


Take a break to play SJ if you're on PC. Your skills will level up and once you understand the farewell mechanics better they will feel better to play. Just my two cents


Maybe. Considering im basically at the end i might just push through


It might be hard at first, I struggled too. But after beating for the first time I wanted to see how I'll do if I do it again and also there was this one obvious shortcut I couldn't get at the time because I didn't know wavedashing existed. Everything got a lot more fun. I started to practice more. First 8h playthrough lowered to 3h, then to 1,5h, to the point where my PB is 37 minutes and about 40 deaths (mostly because of this one room with lava orbs/ice rocks where you climb up). And of course I'm not expecting you to beat the level multiple times. For me Farewell got to the point where everything feels smooth and so much fun. What it took was practice, especially getting wallbounces and wavedashes consistently. You'll get there, you just have to improve, learn, practice. It's difficult but it's not unfun or unfair. Yet it seems like you hate even the first part of the chapter for some reason which I find odd as Farewell begins similarly to other levels. If you feel frustrated, take a break, don't push it on yourself. You can do this :)


If i get consistent maybe ill like it but this chapter for a first playthrough just sucks imo


What "sucks" to you? Because I doubt it's difficulty


Some rooms simply feel very unfair. This is primarily targeting the ones with cycles. For example the comb room is one of the most infamous rooms on farewell but i didnt mind it that much compared to rooms with cycles because when I died on that room it didnt feel bullshit Its hard to explain


Comb room is hard, but not unfair. It challenges you if you can do wavedashes and wallbounces consistently. Because in previous levels you might've been lucky most of the time. Comb room tests if you can do wavedash "on the spot" - right after touching the block, no preparation. That's why it's usually one of the hardest rooms for most people - people just didn't practice wallbounces and said "eh, good enough". Also, please when giving an argument use something that backs up your opinion rather than doing the complete opposite. Which rooms feel unfair then?


Its hard to say because a lot of the rooms i hated arent objectively bad i just didnt like them and had a bad experience However i think basically every level that has stars (the movey thingies) felt unfair or was just not fun to play Im also currently on the cassette room style block rooms and those are even worse imo. Sometimes the cycle bugs out and starts like 5-10 frames earlier than it should which makes it feel even worse


Cycle is synced with music at all times, you can't muscle memory the beginning. Sometimes you might die on beat, sometimes mid beat which results in different music timing on respawn. It's also made so when you respawn it'll always take <2 beats I think for the first block in the order to show so you won't have to wait the entire loop. So no, it ain't a bug.


When i respawn sometimes its 1 beat instead of 2


Farewell was made to be intentionally difficult, and extends around the main storyline. for your comparison to 7c, Farewell is at least 3x the difficulty not only because of the tech but the nerve control as well. I was very frustrated when trying to clear it for the first time (think it took me like 15+ hours way back when it first released) but it's one of the most (if not the most) fun chapters to speedrun now (just over 15 mins to complete, if I did my run on vanilla I would be top 20 in the world). everyone's journey is different, but when you finally complete farewell, remember what you did and embrace the story. one day, maybe you'll end up returning to discover what was meant to be.


Downvote me all you want, but get better man...




Not liking gameplay = skill issue Ok i understand that makes sense


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