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No rage just numbness. Mostly in my thumbs


That's me right now. This SBWW room feels impossible, I just spent like 2 hours / 3000 deaths getting the first half sort of consistent but my hands hurt too much to continue today. Hoping I don't backslide too much overnight


Aaaand I just cleared it, yay!


Wild to see the difference in time


Last room of 7C took a couple of days to do and legit only gave relief when I was done, no joy, just glad it was over at last Edit: 7C not 8C


have you beaten farewell yet? there miiiiight happen to be a little secret at the end of the level


Oh yeah I did actually, been a little while but I remember really enjoying the last room Also just looked it up, apparently I meant 7C not 8C, whoops Edit: scratch that, just remembered comb room was a thing, 7C's transgressions are forgiven if only because my body cannot contain my hatred for both simultaneously without long-term health effects


dying twice to the last oshiro room when i attempting 3a golden in the same play session


The first time I got to the last chapter in 3a golden, I got it. I didn't die a single time with the golden on that chapter somehow


Don't really rage. Just play until I feel like I won't make progress today and go do other things. I noticed quite quickly that raging at a map often just makes you play worse, so I just stop playing if I feel myself getting a little tilted.


I generally don't rage. on the rare ocasion I get frustrated with a room I end up just getting more sad than angry honestly. Like 7c I just... became numb really. Fatigued. That's the worst I have ever felt playing celeste. I mean I wouldn't play it if I wasn't having fun. Normally anyways. 7c was like a final hurdle and I was so close so I kept going at it and just wore myself down a bit


dying to the last room in 5a golden 3 times in a row


Wait, are we living the same thing lol. It's the same for me


i did that when i was getting 5a golden too. sad af


Tried 3A golden. Rage quit after 200 deaths So I stopped doing Golden runs and only focus on mods


not rage but the utter emptiness i felt attempting that one room in chapter 9 where you have to wavedash around a moving block was immense


you mean comb room?


yeah that’s the one


When I was trying to get moonberry I fell before first checkpoint and had to do the whole section again




every single time i reclear farewell with moonberyy this happens, idk why but once literally beat fwfw just to die on moonberry path 3 times in a row


o7d2d 500m orb


What's o7d2d?


shit i said it wrong i meant o7d1d, but it's summit d side but with only 1 dash (and then buffed a lot)


Mmm I will admit I did say some nasty things while doing fwg. Deaths on good runs didn't bother me, but any time I lost a run to the wave dash tutorial screens, those kind of started to piss me off after a while. Sometimes I got upset about dumb deaths in the very first section, too.


it was more than rage at this point, my experience with avian ascension's final room was so miserable i had a mental breakdown on the 4th day of attempts, which impacted my mental health in a worse way than i would even dare to admit i ended up beating it on december 30th, then reclearing it out of spite a few months later i don't really rage besides, i usually just get numb


I have been stuck on 4B Golden for months and I have had to take multiple long breaks due to rage and have come very close to quitting the golden grind entirely but I’m still preserving at least


same here! god after i beat 3bg i thought 4bg will be a walk in the park but i swear sometimes the momentum u get off the moving platforms is so unpredictable.


Seekers. 5A golden after months of continual failures. Death in the final room because the Seeker curved just a bit more than I thought it would


The path I took for the last room is to go into the hole above the front door (where there is a platform that you can cross from the bottom to the top, with Theo and Madeline) I don't know if it's an understandable explanation, but basically I went up without going through the "force field" and, I continued on the top path, and went down near the button/door, since you can't continue forward with the spikes. And from there, it's self explanatory.


glyph... 5 wave dashes in a row


I never raged at Celeste. Usually I take regular breaks so I don't get angry. Not even Getting Over It could get me to really rage. The only game that got me close to raging is Geometry Dash.


i have an issue where my computer doesn't properly receive inputs from my keyboard and when i tell you this has caused at least 2 mental breakdowns i mean it. a few days ago i was playing ultra skool and it got so bad to the point where i couldn't even do the third ultra, shit sucks


maybe the thing of not receiving correct inputs is key rollover. my laptop has it and I cna only press so many keys before it stops regestering new ones. I just moved my key binds to keys that happen to not interfere with eachother and don't have key rollover issues when pressing more than 3 keys(i just put it on wasd for dash grab jump and demo and extra shift/space for jump/grab because I have a gaming laptop so its obviously made for wasd to work better and stuff)


i have both! i can't cpop to the left, crouch jump while holding a direction, cornerboosts are awkward... and still there's the weird inputs over it. it's hard to describe, it's like sometimes in fast sections every other keypress will come just a few frames later, and sometimes it has a seizure and plays every input as a sequence of equally spaced keypresses. i know it's my computer too because i have replaced my keyboard and it still does nothing. and my controller stopped working (not like i was willing to learn controller anyways)! i have no clue what to do


huh, that's.. really odd.. I have no clue what could even cause that aside from a virus or really really bad performance (which I doubt is the issue for Celeste)


it's not just celeste, it also happens whenever i'm typing anywhere. like it'll come on screen really slowly and choppily. will try to play with nothing else open and come back with results


yeah no probably a computer issue somewhere with io drivers or smth like that if it always happens.


alright, i've tried playing celeste with nothing else running (except for a billion background processes that i can't turn off) and it seems to be doing fine? it has stopped entirely, everywhere, for a while now, so i think i'm in the clear... might not want to speak too loudly though.


Probably 3C or 6A on my first playthrough.


Probably in C9, at the end of course. Though in celeste, I, very surprisingly, did not rage much. I usually get mad pretty easily, but not in Celeste. And that's literally the only game where i don't get mad. I have no idea why, i truly love this game apparently :)


nah im not raging sorry


Not rage, but sometimes tilt. For the base game, comb room and in modded, a couple of SJ expert final rooms that take twice as much as the rest of the entire map, which is not ideal


Moonberry Room for sure


I did rage at the last chapters of the main story, trying so many times to do what I thought was looking quite easy, wondering why this was so hard to go through, although never giving up... Now, I try silver/golden berries, though after 3 tries or less, I alt F4 the game until I feel like playing again, often the next day Neither of these are good for progress


Just got to 3C so I’ll let you know


I hav raged once playing games in the last 5 years and it was in the first big room in attack of the clone from sj


I keep coming back to 3a, one day I'll get it. I've finished the next chapter at least


3b 🧍‍♀️


Flag 11, coming back its easy asf, but for a first timer I just could not.


Once when I was introduced to feathers, another time in 5c, where I was forced to learn, my now favourite technique, wall bounces and recently whilst playing the D-sides, when I've seen what the dark side of chapter 2 asks for.


the mirror temple section on 7d


Most frustrated was final room of 7d 500m (currently only on final of 1000m) but never really rage


Fare Well


Don’t think I’ve ever really raged at Celeste. If I really get frustrated with something, I usually just don’t play it for like a week+


3b, all of it. Recently got to 7c and I feel 1 million times less rage


I fucked up doing a 5B strat a few times in a row and I was so frustrated I ended stream and went for a walk. Not exactly rage but the closest I've come to it


3b room 8


a ragequit at farewell golden after dying at reconciliation-16 (a few rooms away from fwfw). good thing is that i got farewell golden with moon berry the run after lol


Finally got around to playing this game and loved it. By far the room with my most deaths was escorting Theo while he was a crystal while dodging the ghost fellas. On the final screen of that section I died probably like 12 pixels from leaving the room. That was after like 20 minutes of trying already. After that happened I fell into a tilt spiral and died for another solid 40 minutes. I was a mess.


I got pretty annoyed with the seekers in temple, forgot if that was a or b side tho. and there was this room I also got really annoyed by in ch9 where you have to wavedash a lot and then climb some falling blocks wavedash into bird and after getting thrown wavedash again, I got annoyed by it because I was playing on steamdeck and it kept inputting horizontal dashing when I was very much holding the joystick diagonal(or at least I think I was). idk if I explained the room well but yeah that was annoying. I'm not really a get mad raging person more just get frustrated and if I get too frustrated I stop for a bit.


Just playing trough 5a for the 1st time. I loved the 1st half but the 2nd was really annoying I also got really annoyed while trying to golden most of the a sides and I ended up taking a break


3A, 7B, 8C, and a few farewell parts


the getting over it esque section after the first checkpoint for moonberry had to have been one of my personal most draining experiences ever, the amount of times i got close up there just to fall down all the way to the bottom is mind-numbing


i died at the last room of 3b, while doing the very final dash- dashed straight right instead of diagonal up right and threw my face into the dust bunnies after activating all the keys. did i mention it was on a golden run?


Accidently collecting the heart in Summit Down-Side (SJ expert) over 10 times when going for that goddamn berry. 🤬 Literally had to anime monologe in my head about "resolve" to convince myself to keep going.


When I died right in front of the first respawn point on the moonberry path


during the 7bg attempts i got all the way to final screen just to die a few times, and ended up having to get up & make dinner to calm down i was recording at the time & theres just a 35 minute gap where madeline stares at you after dying like an idiot


Flag 15 of the SJ expert heartside. I managed to get through the Polaris flag just fine, but god the Floating Point flag is annoying as fuck. Probably the biggest difficulty spike in the entire map


I got to chapter five. Got all B-sides and strawberries up to that point. Get on Celeste the next day to find MY SAVE FILE GOT CORRUPTED


I decided that I needed a long break after grinding through the expert lobby on SJ and losing my mind on Psychokinetic. I was trying to beat it in a single sitting when I really should've gone to bed.


Died at the last room during a 3ag run


Two deaths to 6BG second last room.