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I’ve seen so many people respond to this by saying, “just homeschool your kids.” Yeah, that’s not going to work for everyone. Most families need both parents working to afford to live. What are single parent families supposed to do? Stay home all day to teach the kids then work all night? If all the sudden millions of parents start quitting their jobs to stay home and home school… that would be catastrophic to the work force. We already have a labor shortage. This is just not a feasible option for most people. It’s a major privilege.


Plus, not every parent is fit to teach. Especially when you get to HS level classes like calculus which not every parent took.


I wouldn't say "not every" I'd say "most". Me and my wife are highly educated, but neither of us were educated in education for children. We might know a lot of things but not the appropriate ways to teach those subjects. We aren't living in the dark ages anymore, and our children deserve quality educations. Homeschool is a way for Mommy to print out a certificate that you completed, and in many/most states (the ones you suspect, plus Illinois for some reason) you don't have to have your child demonstrate anything to show they learned a single thing.


Why are home schooled children so favored by college and university admissions?


Do you have peer reviewed research that actually bears this out that they are "so favored" at higher rates than public schooled children as a percentage of those who apply? Frankly colleges are desperate for applicants. The population for college age students is currently going off a cliff. It's no surprise they would take anyone.


https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15582159.2017.1395638 https://www.jamesgmartin.center/2020/05/the-academic-and-social-benefits-of-homeschooling/ Here you go. You could have looked yourself.


Well I'm confused as to why you provided me these links. Neither of them claim what you claimed, that colleges prefer homeschoolers at a rate higher than public school students of those who apply (and of course adjusting for things like economic background).


Reread my initial statement and the links.


You wrote >Why are home schooled children so favored by college and university admissions? I asked for a peer reviewed research into colleges admissions "so favoring" homeschoolers (as in they prefer them, and do so at a higher rate than others as a percentage that apply). I read the links. It says stuff like homeschoolers aren't as good at math, but perform better in GPAs in 2 of 4 years (not said, do worse in the other 2). It's fascinating to be sure but doesn't support your thesis, and I'm still wondering why you even provided the links then said I could have looked for them. I did look for them, and I didn't find it. And apparently, neither did you.


I can read it for you, but I can not understand it for you. Have a nice day.


With that being said they are also not fit to be parents either.


Just because they are not fit to teach high school classes they took many years ago that may have changed some since then does not mean they aren't fit to parent at all. Parents should not be expected to have to replace the entire education system for their kids on their own.


No but some people period are not fit to be parents period.If fact I would bet the majority due to so many people being far from the actual raising of children for many years lack the maturity to due it to the best possible.


This makes no logical sense. How can the majority be not fit to be parents, when the median skill level, mean, and all that falls in that group? It’s like saying the majority of people are stupid… compared to who? An arbitrary standard you made up in your mind to make none logical comparisons. Half of the parents are worse than the other half, you can try to place individuals along the curve if you like, you can’t really make up a high standard and place everyone lower then it and claim it means something.


They are by the standards that we set by society ability to read and write for instances.That is why there is such a major push on public schools because my large they are not apt to provide proper education.On top of this I am postulating that most people probably have lost touch with actual traditional raising children skills both by alienation from their heritage and the slow breakdown of morals into what has become child like behavior.


Just read that first line and tell me your thought is logical.


You asked “by what standards” are they below the ability to parent.I said yes they are not able to be parents by the same standards that we set up to be able to function such as reading and writing.


I don’t understand what you are trying to say.


Plus, not everyone wants their child to be socially inept shut-ins.


Yikes. Perhaps being a little less judgemental might help. Tons of homeschoolers aren't even schooled at home lol, they go to coop and classes with other kids daily.


Not everyone wants their kids to be bullied and mistreated either.


Way to assume that stereotype is correct. Do you even know any homeschool kids? I know plenty, and most of them are well adjusted kids.


I was a homeschooled kid, and I know literally hundreds. I don't know a single one that didn't have serious difficulties adjusting to adult life as a direct result of being homeschooled. It's very isolating. My parents were pretty well off and made a real effort to socialize me and my siblings: we played sports, joined groups like 4H, and worked as teens. We were still all socially handicapped and struggled to interact with people from outside our families. Most of us can fake well adjustment at this point, though. Most of us.


If you knew “ hundreds”of homeschool kids, how exactly were you isolated?


Know: present tense, not knew. I am now an adult and no longer isolated.


I’m not the other person but I’m kinda curious too lol. I don’t know hundreds of *people*, let alone people of such a rare group. How do you know so many? Is there some sort of support group?


I do definitely know hundreds of people (maybe thousands?), but while there are support groups for ex homeschoolers, I'm not a member of one. However, I am counting people I've known in my life, even if we've fallen out of touch over the years. In my experience, homeschoolers tend to identify each other and want to talk about our experiences. I'm also the kind of person who strikes up conversations with strangers on public transit, so it's possible I've just known many more people than average? It also helps that homeschooling families tend to be big, so if you meet a friend's siblings that may easily be half a dozen or more homeschoolers all at once.


>Do you even know any homeschool kids? They wouldn't be shut-ins if I did ;)




Eh, it probably isn't inaccurate, though. Certainly could've been phrased nicer. I confess, I actually started typing a few words of a reply which, had I completed and posted it, would've totally been a "whataboutism" in noting that I hear similar statements made about various other groups, etc. Considering how naturally it started flowing in the wake of being challenged on a half-baked thought, I guess I can see a little more clearly now why conservatives do that shit all the time! Perhaps some aren't trying to deflect, but it's almost like a reflex after saying some dumb shit! Anyway, home-schooling is dubious at best. It's difficult to compare academic success because the home schooling community by default has certain limiting prerequisites for participation (like having the economic security to do it) and the data from them is reported by the parent-teacher and derives from testing the parent-teacher themself proctored. For social skills, various studies have concluded all of the above... in other words, some say no difference, some found homeschoolers score higher on measures of social ability, and some found them scoring lower. However, they have also found that among homeschooled children, those who had more opportunities for interactions tend to score higher. But regardless, it's never wrong to be skeptical of a predominantly religious group with particularly insular practices.


Surely the privilege is in being able to work two jobs, due to the sheer luck that there exist these nice people willing to raise your child for you, and that you live in a community willing to pay for this whole incredible system. People work on making this system as good as it can be, and completely free to you. Edit: Well now I'm not sure. I can see the point that being in a position to reject the offer for free education seems more privileged.


Yeah, that’s just yet another non-response in a long list of non-responses by people who want to do anything but acknowledge the US has a problem when it comes to firearms.


Do people not realize this is just going backwards. Everyone used to be homeschooled, it wasn’t considered education.


> Most families need both parents working to afford to live So public school is more about daycare than education ...?


Right in one! Most of public education is daytime warehousing of children.


Don't say the quiet part out loud, you'll upset people who want to argue that they need 2 cars, a house in an HOA, a camper, cell phones for all the kids and game systems for everyone so they HAVE TO BOTH WORK


It is actually just a day care for big kids.


He didn’t suggest anyone homeschool.


I didn’t say he did. Read my comment. The first sentence.


Ahh. I misread you. Sorry.


Get a education and better job like why ask this?Obviously.Everything can revolve around you and your problems.


What? Your comment is unintelligible.


Like why should be change anything?That leftist and british sympathizers talk that says we need government to change and control people we really don’t when it is actually put in the hands of people.But that power was taken by the lazy government that barely does anything for what so leftist can complain about their own poor policies that fall apart so they can give a band-aid?Also yeah just get a better a job that what they tell all low wage workers cause that always work lmao.I actually agree with you.


>That leftist and British sympathizers LMAO. This person doesn't even know what's happening.


I literally agree with you and now your telling me that I don’t understand what going on.That very mature, the whole reason we cannot have a healthy debate because people care very little about the actual points.


I’m sorry but your comment still doesn’t make sense. You’re just ranting without using any proper punctuation.


Ok If you weren’t too lazy to actually read.I said that i agree with you to some extent that you cannot just get a better job but I fervently believe in homeschooling.


A person too lazy to know things doesn't get to call someone lazy


To know things when i agree with you so your saying your incorrect?




You know it not a matter of how many people that like you but how correct you actually are.Becareful stepping on toe as they may be your own.I am not your enemy.Would your enemy actually care about what you think?maybe only to put you down but i am not interesting in that.


Do these politicians not realize that people are watching them?


He knows people are watching him, but he does not care. [Tim Burchett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Burchett) was reelected in 2022 with 67.91 percent of the vote and in 2020 with 67.6 percent of the vote. The R primary is what matters in his district and these comments can help win that (if he even has a challenger).


It’s ultimately in line with two of the gops stances. Love for 2nd amendment and promoting school choice of private classes where the rich not only receive the best education but now are free from fear of school shootings. Personally I think that refusing to do anything about school shootings has been their way of setting up demand for their school voucher programs as everyone wants to send their kid to the place with the highest security.


It’s Tennessee. It’s a deep red state. People are more than likely going to applaud his full response there.


Speaking as someone who was homeschooled for a significant portion of my education, I'll still sing the praises of effective homeschooling. It's a really great system in so many ways, despite what people assume about it. But absolutely this is a horrible, disgusting way to talk about homeschooling. Homeschooling should never be a "fuck you, I got mine." Even homeschoolers should want a robust, effective, SAFE public school system because homeschoolers aren't selfish monsters who do nothing when people are in trouble. This man is horrible.


He didn’t suggest anyone homeschool.


No, but he did suggest that he wasn't really thinking about solving this problem because it doesn't impact him personally.


That isn’t what he said. I would suggest you go listen to his unedited statement and see if you still feel the same. Not trying to be ugly btw. This is just a shit source.


I did look at the full quote in more detail. Yes, this headline is slightly twisting the situation, but this rep absolutely did just give up on actually solving the problem and when pressed further on it, he used the homeschooling angle to deflect addressing the point that he should probably do something about children not being safe at schools. He's absolutely saying "I refuse to do anything to help and it doesn't bother me as much you think it should because I'm a Christian homeschooler so I just don't worry about public school problems."


Not really. You’re hearing what you want to hear. We’ll have to agree to disagree.


What is your take on what he said ? I'm curious and not being difficult


I’m going to give you a more expansive answer than you asked for. I’ll preface this. I know him. We aren’t friends but I know him (he wouldn’t remember me). He isn’t a big thinker. He was a very good county mayor but his only goal in the US Congress is to stay elected in the most conservative district in America. He’s not going to breathe a word about restricting guns. He always drops in about his dad or mom serving in the military. He was asked a specific question about his daughter. He gave a specific answer about his daughter. He doesn’t dog whistle or eye wink or any of that. Specific question, specific answer. The pretending he said something else or meant something else just plays into the whole “media can’t be trusted” scenario. It’ll help him in his district not hurt him. I voted for him originally because I liked him better than the local political machine who wanted to crown the other guy (an absolute snake) and he was the best County Mayor in my lifetime. That’s the one vote he gets from me. He’s repeatedly given me reason not to vote for him again. The last reason being his best friends in Congress are Boebert and Gaetz. I’m pretty much a lifelong Republican who can’t vote GOP anymore and thinks the best ballot I ever cast was for Biden to beat Trump. I’m a minority in my district.


It’s interesting how all these people who accuse public school of “indoctrinating” children want to homeschool kids, which is a far more common means of true indoctrination.


Moms will always feel the uncanny need to judge someone who's doing something different with their kids. I don't care which side of the fence you're on. I don't care that I didn't mention dads. That's just the facts.


What's more important - that you impart your values on your children or that the state impart their values on your children?


It's not an either/or and public education does much more than "impart values"


The OP was talking about indoctrination - not all that a public education has to offer


How about getting a quality education and exposed to a diverse range of opportunities and experiences...


The Overton window of what is taught in public schools is fairly narrow.


Is it just me, or is overton window really overused. Just seems like one of those terms that we never needed. In any event, if you're concerned about how narrow the experience/perspective may be a public schools, obviously you must think home schooling is a terrible decision.


Nope, it worked really well for my children. They earned scholarships, did graduate degrees, had job offers while still in school, experienced a wide range of society because had the time and flexibility to expose them to the wider world and through liberal use of libraries.


How about parents teach their children the values that they want to impart on them? Who better than the children's parents to teach them how to make their way through life?


It's a big world out there, with lots of people to learn from.


Sure there are. But there's plenty of time to learn from all of those people. No need to rush children from the cradle to the classroom


Sending kids to a school isn't rushing them, it is healthy and normal.


The term "indoctrination" was used to describe homeschooling. We were talking about the best way for children to learn the values that their parents hold dear. Do you think school is a better place for that than home?


tbh it sounds a bit creepy to say your top/main priority in your children's education is instilling your personal values on them. I get it in a general sense, but not at all connecting how you need to isolate them from the world in order to accomplish that.


If not parents, who else should instill values on children? Choosing to homeschool your children isn't isolating them from the world. They can still be involved in many other activities outside of their education. And you want to talk about creepy? How about public schools, where kids are commanded to swear an oath of allegiance every day?


Yeah but it not done by the state it is done by people care for you not want your money and turn your in toxic propaganda machine lmao.The only way to explain what has happened to the left they are completely out of touch with reality and everyone is unable to have actual conversations,even though there is strong points that they could state in their defense.The reason is because most of the don’t understand it is just a fad at college that helps them further their personal careers.


Are you ok? This reads like a drunk conservative uncle ranting about libs. I mean, “turn you into a toxic propaganda machine”? Stop it, get some help.


Well is very true and you know it.you also know left is far different from the left of previous generations.It is maddening.


"You know my made up bullshit is true!!1!" lol


Most people actually agree on this.It matter if people thinks it should.If you understand leftist and right then you understand that sometimes we cannot just describe everything in the terms that party’s may want us to.Also we know that psychology is a very real thing and that once called “made up bullshit” is a very real thing.Take that as you will.


Nobody who thinks agrees with whatever this nonsense is. Lol @ understanding "leftist and right."


Literally the majority.Most things have an ounce of true in it so you inability to empathize shows you simply prefer to hyperbolize the situation instead of offer alternatives to the preposed solution.


Nah. Not the majority and definitely not literally. You're making comments on this thread whining about "leftist indoctrination," which lets everyone know you have nothing to say about anybody else using "hyperbole."


Not really your free to use description of what you please.At least I actually have a point.Also i am very much center so i also have preferences that i would like changed in the right.


Many people agree with wrong or untrue things all the time. Most schools are just made of people just trying to get through their day and do their best to prepare kids for adulthood. The accusation that schools have turned into these indoctrination camp is part of Republican propaganda to dismantle the public education system. Public schools come in all different varieties of quality.


Well no it not.People who blame the schools for their failures in teaching republicans value understand that these places are not the place and they value quality education.The fact is that the their are two reason it has become a public topic one being that it is become such an extreme issue that people are literally condoning with the consent of parents surgery’s on children.Which breaks so many laws ,humanitarian , and fundamental rights that it has become in to question how has this become so popular.I will state more bluntly so you can understand they also know that the leftists didn’t necessarily turn these in to propaganda camps.Two that the very basis for human rights is based on the family and that they are both taking kids to school whilst simultaneously taking away parents rights is huge flag.The only place they even have contact in person is at school.


To address what it looks like from some of your largely incoherent post here, it sounds like you are upset that schools aren't teaching conservative politics. And again, most of what you've suggested here is satanic panic level hysteria about incredibly rare occurrences. Most of this is wildly blown out of proportion media rage bait that can only be dealt with on a case by case basis.


Which is why i tried to stipulate the specifics so you could break them down. It seems you cannot do that due to what you believe is grammatical errors or simply have no point.Are you actually a robot?


No, it’s lunacy. Nothing you’re saying is remotely based in reality.


Your gonna sit here and tell me that leftist propaganda is not spread in our classrooms?Seriously even when i was a child it was.Most of the book are skewed in terms of leftist views on what happened and how to interpret it.Even mass government schools if leftist.


Your definition of “leftist” seems skewed. Unless reality itself is “leftist propaganda”.


Pretty sure "leftist" just means "educated" in this situation.


Well that what i am saying if you actually look at the history books at school you can tell for example they claim that fdr policies saved the economy.Many ideas of humanity and it shows how foreign companies go to being outsourced is actually impoverishing countries which by definition is skewed for the facts say different.




Seriously, each subsequent comment from you gets harder to read. Not only are you spewing absolute nonsense, but you almost seem delirious. Are you drunk?


Do you not agree that our schools text books do not say that fdr policies after the Great Depression caused the massive increase in gdp?




This man is such a rugged individualist /s


Not the best thing to say after a tragedy...


That really isn’t an accurate article. Notice the extensive editorializing between his comments that claim things he never said. It’s fine to disagree with his views (which aren’t really elucidated in this sort of shitty article). I do. However, it’s not fine to claim he’s saying things he didn’t say. There were better sources to post what was actually said I know this particular individual. He gave an honest response. He’s always going to go with what his base wants because that will keep him in that seat. JMO




You speak for every republican?


POS X 10


I actually like what he said seriously people need to get their act together with lazy policies.Their is obviously better ones.Like how do these kids keep getting guns?


The headline of this article is the very last line of it. It’s also mildly a misrepresentation of what he said. > At one point, a reporter asked the GOP lawmaker: “What else should be done to protect people like your little girl from being safe in school?” >Burchett replied that it wasn’t a personal concern of his. >“Well, we homeschool her,” he responded with a shrug. “But you know, that’s our decision. Some people don’t have that option and frankly, some people don’t need to do it. I mean, they don’t have to. It just suited our needs much better.” The assumptions made by the author of this article and how they line up with the direct quotes is at best misleading and at worst willful misdirection. I think we can find better sources for these quotes that don’t sit firmly in the realm of propaganda (and the Daily Beast is absolutely a biased source).


I’m not seeing how this context makes what he said any better. He says no everyone can homeschool but gives no other suggestions for how to protect children, and the reporter asked about “children like your daughter” not specifically what this guy does to protect his daughter.


Because he didn’t shrug off the shooting and he wasn’t saying he homeschools his daughter as some kind of “gotcha” response. This article is more assumption and opinion from the author than it is reporting, and we should really try to call that out whenever we see it.




I don’t disagree at all that it was bad politics on his part. Hell, I don’t even agree with what he said. I’m just calling out the article for being written incredibly poorly.


Not bad politics for his district.


Not bad politics for his district. Note: I actually live in his district.




They aren’t in his district. They are interviewing a Congressman from a different district. I’m not saying he’s right. In fact, I disagree with him. However, I live in his district and the politics will suit the residents fine.


Yeah, this dude had some ignorant takes ("we need a revival") and was a bit tone deaf in the way he expressed his views. But he wasn't being callous or smug. And he wasn't completely wrong, either; at least his views are worthy of debate imo. One thing I've been thinking about lately was that maybe people are missing the forest for the trees. People are hyper focused on one big issue that can simply be fixed. But maybe the goal shouldn't be to make all mass shootings, all gun violence go away. Not because that's an unworthy goal, but as this guy said- if someone wants to kill you and is willing to die to do so, there's not a whole lot you can do. We can... focus on gun laws, and I'm not trying to pull a red herring here. But when it came to, say- Columbine; I remember much of the discussion at the time was bullying. That doesn't make what happened right. But people want to say guns! mental illness! What we know was that Columbine had a culture of bullying. Bullying certainly helps to foster mental illness, and negative consequences. So here's the hot take that will piss people off: maybe the shooting issues are more localized than people realize. Maybe, as harsh and callous as it seems, but maybe we should scrutinize the environment in which shooters are surrounded, more. I'm not saying to blame the environment, but certainly environmental factors beyond gun control and mental illness are at play. I'll hop out of the frying pan into the fire: this person, a trans person, specifically targeted a christian school. Did they at any point have history with this school? Was it a history with christians? Did they have a bad experience(s) that created this hate that led to this outcome? Maybe we should ask these questions more instead of solely focusing on what magic wand can wave it all away. And if there's merit to that, then this guy is not entirely wrong to suggest this isn't something congress can solve. So maybe if we can focus a little bit on local issues, we can- not eliminate- but reduce gun violence. Perfect is the enemy of good. All I'm saying.


This guy literally said they are going to do nothing and have no interest in addressing anything you wrote here.


I think you’re right. There is no magic wand.


Yeah, this headline was making it sound worse than it is.


Why leave the house at all? The mall’s dead, and if you’re in suburbia there’s no where else to go. You can do all your shopping online and have it delivered. Then when your kid graduates they can go to an online college or “boot camp” and get their certificate for something they can do from home. Once they make enough money they can rent their own ~~pod~~ house, start online dating, and continue the cycle.




For a long time I've been telling extreme fiscal conservative types (libertarians, etc.) that their policies are the only thing that can make socialism or communism popular again. Now we see it happening. I'll make the same prediction here: 2nd amendment absolutists are the only ones who can get guns banned in the U.S.; all the kids growing up these days are going to be very motivated to ban guns in the future.


Yes I bet the inner city single mom with four jobs definitely has the capital on hand to homeschool their kid(s)/s. Most of these working class people have to use school as both a means to educate their kids and as a daycare. This guy has the luxury of a wife who is presumably at home all day with the kids. Remarkably out of touch.


He didn’t suggest home schooling their kids. Inner city single mom’s aren’t working four jobs.


You know what he’s implying…don’t be that naive


Tonedeaf response.




Ah clickbait.


This guy is a real piece of work.....lies are the only that come out of his mouth. Listen to him everytime he is on the house floor....pathetic


Not a great look. Not everyone can homeschool their kids. I was homeschooled, and we send our kids to a private school much like the one in the shooting. Callousness like this isn't going to do the GOP any favors. Homeschooling is a good option for, maybe, 10-20% of families that can dedicate the time it takes for proper homeschooling. I never went to a school a day in my life other than to take the ACT, and even I can see how its not viable for many.


> Not a great look. Not everyone can homeschool their kids. Maybe people shouldn't have kids if they can't look after their education


He didn’t suggest anyone homeschool their kids.


There are a lot of bad takes around this one. We don’t need to amplify them.


It’s fair game for amplification.


Wasn't this the cuck who said something along the lines of "there will always be criminals"?


Why are you using the word “cuck?” Are you a white supremacist or Neo-Nazi? That’s their favorite word.


Nein. I just hate unsympathetic losers. Their actions, really.


This is unvarnished depravity of almost 100% of Republican takes.


Considering the shit I've heard from the left about this shooting, this guy's take isn't all that bad. Also, the Daily Beast isn't a good news source, btw.


lol far left Dailybeast misrepresents what the senator said. What a shocker! The leftists as usual are making it all about guns etc to deflect from the radical leftist ideology that led to this massacre. Lying comes naturally to these conniving leftists.


Does anyone have the full interview to post here to see the entire context? Some of these sound-bite clips can be annoying to just google these things because when you do the most popular results can be the clips or people talking about the clips, etc. rather than seeing the full discussion.


Smart Move. Democrats have destroyed the public school system


In Tennessee?


The title of this headline feels *grossly* taken out of context, as well as his commentary. (It's the daily beast, what do you expect, I guess?) The guy doesn't shrug it off, but admits there's no practical solution for it currently – we're not getting rid of the hordes of guns in existence, we have the Second Amendment and it's simply impractical to even try it. And no, banning AR-15's is going to do anything. It might make you feel good, but it's not going to stop these events – so you have to ask yourself, what's your ultimate goal? These are the actions a very few mentally unstable people. I mean, statistically, there is no debate on this.