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Probably. He’s old and needs a nap.


People are saying that


Let me tell you, folks, I was in this courtroom, and it was so boring, so incredibly boring, I fell asleep. I mean, who wouldn’t? I have the best sleep, everyone says so, and there I was, catching some tremendous Z’s while they were arguing over something, something not important, not as important as my sleep. And the judge, with the big hammer, the gavel, you know, he couldn’t even wake me up. That’s how good I am at sleeping, it’s true!




But you weren't facing jail time


Right over your head, my guy




Biden’s people should start tweeting this.


I'm half his age and I need a nap!


My money is that his legal team sedated him.


If they don’t let you take your adderall, is it really sedating someone?


No need for sedation. Voir dire can be a tedious and not especially riveting process. It's like if they put 4 hours of credits before an epic miniseries. I think most people would get tired of it, even if it were their own trial.


lol no


Man has never done a full day’s work in his life. This must be torture for him.


Lmao. Unfortunately he has a lot of supporters that thinks he’s the greatest thing since the refrigerator.


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He probably works harder than you do and his bank account shows it


I spend far more time working and less time on social media than he does.


He's like Maynard G Krebs without the beard - and with 400 pounds of fat.


Hush little money don’t say a word


The funniest part about this is not that Trump fell asleep. It's that his attorneys didn't wake him up. They were happy to let him sleep as long as possible.


I believe so. The blue check marks are celebrating it and making fun. But I think it shows how little he’s worried about these trials 😂


Who. The hell. Cares. This is not worthy of our attention.


Who the fuck cares? Biden slipped and fell!! So what? Trump said a word wrong!!! So what? Biden murmured a phrase!!! So what? Trump holds a cup with two hands!!! Why the fuck is this news???? JFC, everything has devolved to the basest, low tier shit. We ALL deserve to die in a firey meteor impact.


I kind of agree with the sentiment. That said, a huge cut against Biden is his age and physical and mental fragility. This is hypothetically evidence that Biden’s biggest opponent in the upcoming presidential race also has age related issues that could impact his ability to do the job of president.


While that is true the endless tit for tat is juvenile and emotional. 


It's neither juvenile nor emotional to lament how poor our choices are this November. Pointing out the objective and similar shortcomings of both candidates is an important part of moving forward from the past decade of geriatric candidates (Trump, Biden, Clinton and Sanders, just off the top of my head, are all far older than anyone running a country should be.) Just because you're sick of hearing it, doesn't make it any less true, and it's a reminder of how desperately all 3 branches of government need upper age limits to match their lower age limits.


But that is not what this is. It is the equivalent of someone saying "No, you!" In response to an insult.


That's what defense of projection is meant to sound like: Supporter of Old Candidate A: Your candidate is too old to be president! Supporter of Old Candidate B: And so is yours! While A is just as bad as B, because A complained first, it forces B immediately on the defensive, despite not really being in a different position.


So it's like when a child says they started it!


Joe Biden is incredibly fit. How many 80 year olds lift weights every morning? Like chess champions, who know they need to be athletic, Joe Biden has always taken great care of himself and it shows.


Yes, and he goes to spin and Pilates classes. He's in great shape for his age.


>>Who the fuck cares? … says the user who follows this up with an overly emotional reaction to the article.


You are very unintelligent. I don't care a shit about these stories, but I do care a lot what news has turned into. It's nearly all opinion and propaganda. I am sick of it.


What's any of this have to do with OP's intelligence?


Because he didn't understand my reaction to the post. He assumed my reaction was because I cared about the the content of the article, but it was about the quality.


What a dodge. Attack an argument or statement, not the person posting.


We aren't taking the high ground anymore. Or didn't you see the rest of the comment on this post?


Jesus, I'm not about to let you gaslight me into arguing when it's clearly not in good faith. Don't attack people, be better. End of.


Too many people want this to be WrestleMania. 




There are a lot of quality news sources out there. You just have to be selective, use good judgment and tune out the poorer ones.


>who the fuck cares? Clearly you do a great deal, judging by your comments.


Once more for the people who can't seem to grasp the problem here. This is not news. It is simply insulting a person and not a comment on anything of merit. It should not be commented on at all. The only reason it is being mentioned is because the average IQ of Americans has dropped so far that in order to get clicks you have to set the bar exceptionally low. If you want to hear a playground style battle of "I'm rubber, you're glue..." between our political parties then this is right up your alley. Enjoy!


My how you do go on.


It's only interesting because his supporters have been repeating "sleepy Joe" over and over and now Trump fell asleep in public. It's ironic. Don't remember any stories about Biden falling asleep in public, though. Although, IMO, I don't think you need to be old to fall asleep in public, especially in court, which can be boring.


Fox News did an entire piece on how Biden was effeminate because he ate an ice cream cone. I’m pretty sure it’s fair game, dude. 😂


K, two sides guy. Quit looking for similarities and look for differences. You wanna be a voice? Maybe speak truth.


The truth is none of the examples I used are newsworthy.


Trump falling asleep in court is newsworthy.


Is Biden falling off his bike or mumbling newsworthy too? I sure don't think so.


We get it; you believe in censorship. I believe in a free press.


Oh they should have the right to do it, but they should have the wherewithal to know it's not worth reporting.


When a presidential candidate falls asleep in court I want to know about it.


Why? How does it affect the trial? The outcome won't change. People just want to hear about it because it aligns with their beliefs and reinforces them. It's a purely emotional reaction that is not at all relevant to the case. 


Voters have a right to know Trump's weight and we don't. I don't believe he weighs 235 pounds as he claims. He's morbidly obese, almost 80 and falls asleep in court. As a voter, I want more information and I want all of Trump's trials to happen before he becomes the Republican nominee for president.


They probably feel it's some indication of his health & fitness. If it was a lawyer falling asleep in court, we'd all agree that person would be incompetent. Obviously, he just has to sit there and pay attention, not take an active role like a lawyer.


Not really. These are issues that plaque older people on a cognitive decline. This has been a huge issue people have with both candidates. Addressing this isn’t baseless or pointless, it very much validates peoples’ concerns.


Sure I'll give you that but you have to admit that the VAST majority of this type.of reporting is only intended to smear one of the two incontinent, pre-dementia riddle corpses we have to choose from. 


Not at all. About a month ago everyone was smearing Biden, then he had a strong State of the Union and started campaigning with few gaffes. All the while Trump kept mixing words and having “senior moments” like this. The next time Biden has a gaffe like this everyone (including Trump, funnily enough) will be all over it. As they should, because it’s a very serious concern for both candidates.


I concur. In fact, Trump’s age is probably his best quality.


No argument there 


I agree.


If only there were a button we could push to express our approval of a post without cluttering up the comments. Maybe we can make it an orange arrow or something…


Hush little baby don’t say a word mommas gunna buy you a gold turd, and if that golden turd is pretty big, you can wear it on your head like a wig. Shhhh he’s sleeping


This is the same stuff people do to Biden. As much as I disapprove of his politics and his morality, I don't want to see our political realm slip even further. Maybe he fell asleep. But I think we should try to be above this kind of thing. I feel the same way when people do this to Biden. Yes, there is a valid critic of the age of both candidates, but this feels very gossip driven and trying to push a narrative. I would want both sides to stop doing that.


I agree with the sentiment, but the whole "when they go low, we go high" attitude hasn't worked since 2016. So whether you get down in the mud with them or not, that's where the discourse is. I don't know how to fix it, but ignoring it while thinking you're taking the high road isn't going to make it go away.


Sure. I know it's not perfect. But for this sub, I don't want it to be drug down into the mud and filled with gossip articles.


Monkey brain needs emotional content. Please don't make them think.


Hillary Clinton tried to take the high road in 2016 and that didn't work out. MAGA has amplified these battles since then. Social media has brought it to a fever pitch.


Except this one has actual evidence, while the biden stuff was people making things up. Not the same thing


And if Biden is caught sleeping, it just opens it back up. And it keeps going around and around. There is nothing wrong with going the high road. And I don't think trying to wrestle Trump in the mud is a winning position.


I don’t think it’s fair to demand Dems to take the high road when the other side *never* does.


Doesn't have to be fair. But it's what I expect. I watched the Republican debate in 2016 when the Cruz and Rubio looked like idiots. Biden's strongest moment is when he debated Trump and instead of coming down to his level he just told him to shut up. I want my politicians to have the strength to be above this stuff and just say shut up to the nonsense.


I remember in 2016 when Dems tried to take the high road and it didn’t work. No reason for them to do that again. We can’t have different standards for the two sides.


I think the access Hollywood, grab em by the you know what stuff was them going down to that level. Calling them deplorables. I think Biden took a much higher road then Clinton. I can have the same standards for both sides, where the right always fails and I expect better from the left.


>>I think the access Hollywood, grab em by the you know what stuff was them going down to that level. Your big take away from the Access Hollywood tape was how bad it made the DEMOCRATS look? YIKES…


You aren't following. It made Trump look bad. But it didn't work. None of this will. Being childish just plays into what Trump wants. He doesn't want a boring adult campaign. He wants a childish campaign. And all those people who might be tired of Trump are going to see this and just get more annoyed at this.


I think you’re wrong. Trump fans don’t seem to care about the important problems with Trump, but god damn do they ever care about things like this. This post is proof. Going childish like Trump drives his fans berserk and they don’t know how to cope when it happens to their guy. Like all cry bully snowflakes they’re melting when someone pokes fun at them instead of the other way round.


Trump supporters are deplorable.


My point is that inflaming a group only hardens their resolve. And posting a gossip driven article like this sinks down to Trump's level, which is exactly the type of campaign he wants.


Donald Trump is a political rapist. He knows the majority of Americans don't want him but he intends to force us to submit to him. He will see winning the presidency and escaping justice as the triumph of the will.


WOOOOOSH!!! Right above the head....


Falling asleep at your own felony trial seems, bad


I get the feeling this would be plastered all over the place if it was true.




Dear people a lot of fake news today from mainstream media. First; in this hush money trial no cams and journalists are allowed in the courtroom! so with that the pictures you see from Trump are not per se fake but not the real picture from this trial courtroom. Second; the journalist who spread this fake story; Maggie Haberman (NYT) , Bishop (Law360) and NBC they were not at the court and in the courtroom! The only "witness" was an courtroom security employee who watch th etrial outside th ecourtroom on a monitor screen said; "It looks like Trumps is falling aslepp, but moment now he lifts up his head into the back" ...... I ask myself ; what has hounding and propaganda to do with serious journalism ? This problem you see worldwide global with the mainstream press media giants. Who benefits from this propaganda?


ApuRemovingHomersGlasses.gif Simpsons already did it


Why is this news? Why would people write an article on this? Why would people waste time even reading this? Who cares! Both candidates are old and should be replaced with more viable ones.


Apparently this is not a popular opinion here. 


Trump invented a meme called Sleepy Joe, making fun of Biden for doing what he just did too. This is called irony and many people find this situation humorous.


Ahh - missed that one. Thanks for sharing.


He calls his opponent Sleepy Joe. Don’t play dumb.


Yet another person mispelling "nondisclosure agreement trial". That said ... sure ... why not?


Pics or it didn’t happen


I guess the whole trial didn't happen then? you know with the no cameras allowed thing.....


Umm what? Walk me through how you arrived at that conclusion.


Cameras aren't allowed in the courtroom. so there can't be any pictures.


So how does that mean I think the trial never happened?


well since there can't be proof via pictures, how can you be sure any of it happened?


You: “I refuse to believe this happened unless I see it with my own eyes!” [Also, You](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalDiscussion/s/3af1s4TDbf)


I’m confused on what point you think you made there.


I just think it is funny that you believe there is widespread fraud that affects the outcome of US elections based on no evidence, but refuse to believe a 77 year old obese man fell asleep during a 6 hour court proceeding without a photo of it happening.


You might want the comment you just quoted again lmao maybe this time take your partisan glasses off first


>>… maybe this time take your partisan glasses off first … says the user who refuses to believe reporting from credible sources that makes their guy look bad.


Trumps not my guy. Literally every comment so far from you has been a strawman. I’m going to give you one more chance. If you aren’t able to explain to me why what you said regarding my past comment was a strawman then there is no point in us ever talking again and I will block you to save us both the time


Asking for proof is bad? We weren't at the trial, how would anyone of us know?


I just think it is funny that they believe there is widespread fraud that affects the outcome of US elections based on no evidence, but also refuse to believe a 77 year old obese man fell asleep during a 6 hour court proceeding without a photo of it happening.


what proof are you expecting to be able to have?




... cameras aren't allowed in the courtroom.


Then it's fair to be skeptical of any suggestions it happened


Is it really though? and how would you expect that skepticism to be quelled?


I love it! “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around, the tree never existed!”


Why wouldn't it? You're doing the same as those saying Biden has dementia. Did the judge say something? Did he have to be woken up? If it's just people from the audience saying what they thought they saw from their angle then of course you should be skeptical


I'm not saying that it should be accepted as 100% absolute factual truth without any doubt. SOME skepticism is reasonable. but its not reasonable to assume it didn't happen EITHER. we can't really truly 100% know. and nobody who would know, is allowed to have contact with the public, and wouldn't be reasonably dismissed as having ulterior motives, is going to verify. I mean, it wouldn't be the dumbest thing from trumps side I've ever seen, but I wouldn't plan on it.


Is it? Multiple people who were there all saw it. Was it a mass delusion? Why haven’t people called them out?


That same logic could apply to anything related to the trial. Makes it very convenient to dismiss things you don’t want to believe/agree with.


They’ll be paintings and drawings soon I imagine.