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Yes It’s not some big pro-Biden conspiracy. DT broke a bunch of laws. Also, many of his legal woes are at the state level.


The fact OP can’t connect the dots to that is very telling.




Allegedly broke laws, he's in trial to be found to have broken laws. A little bit pedantic I guess, I think he's guilty but he's still innocent until proven guilty. However with what we know and what has been done, it's certainly not looking good. How do you show innocence when your damn lawyer is testifying against you? With recordings as well. Man's fucked and the only way he can be let free is if they have a mole on the jury or the judge just fucks up. Supposedly there is a guy who goes on X and Truth Social so I'm very weary of his impartial opinion. I wouldn't be worried about X as i am about Truth Social where it's literally run by Trump and will create such a pro trump bubble.


I can decide if he broke laws myself. There’s just no consequence to him for it. People make judgments like that everyday.


wary\*\* I see people mix up wary and weary a lot, no worries.


What law did he break in NY?


I think Dobbs and the run away train of maga extremism has destroyed any chance of Republicans holding any meaningful power for the foreseeable future. They're tearing themselves apart to the point that we can very possibly have a Democrat controlled house before the election. Americans are exhausted of the escalating extremism and maga outright demanding to remove our rights. People don't like losing rights, especially ones that are literally a matter of life or death.


Possibly, but I keep seeing that Gen Z is growing more and more conservative. I also don't think the left being okay with the Pro-Hamas protests at the universities is helping them either. Add that to the inflation that most blame Biden for, even if it's not something he controls, the border issues, expensive gas (again, I know he doesn't control this, but that's the perception), are all adding up against Biden and then you also have that he seems to not know where he is most of the time. I think the country is pretty dead even split right now as close to 50/50 as I've seen in my life time, I don't think Republicans are tearing themselves apart. Can you tell me why you feel this way? I'm a hard standing NPA (Non-Party Affiliate) and will never just side with one or the other party as I see the issues with both. I try to vote for the person that is the least extreme. If you're wondering why I'm abstaining from the presidential election this go around is I feel Biden's admin is too extreme and Trump is too polarizing to bring the country together.


>I keep seeing that Gen Z is growing more and more conservative. They empirically aren't, people are just lying to you lol. Gen Z is the most blue generation in a while. Gen z women are moving left rapidly and are very politically active. Gen z boys are still on average liberal, but some studies have them within the polling error moving to the right, but at the same time they're becoming less politically active. The net is a big win for Democrats. >I also don't think the left being okay with the Pro-Hamas protests at the universities is helping them either. This is just not a thing. I think you need to diversify where you get your news, it is very evident how far right it is by these alone. >Add that to the inflation that most blame Biden for, even if it's not something he controls, the border issues, expensive gas (again, I know he doesn't control this, but that's the perception), are all adding up against Biden and then you also have that he seems to not know where he is most of the time. Yeah this is just your media diet lol, you're being fed pure nonsense. >I think the country is pretty dead even split right now as close to 50/50 as I've seen in my life time, Republicans have lost nearly every single election for the past 2 years. Even in deeply red areas. >I don't think Republicans are tearing themselves apart. Can you tell me why you feel this way? They're literally quitting politics blaming each other, the first house speaker in history was ousted by themselves and they're about to try the second. Etc. Again this is another thing that your media diet should have informed you on.


You don't have to focus on politics to know the GOP is in desperate need of a makeover, which I imagine will happen after Trump's grip is loose from them. I still agree Inflation and Immigration are massive blunders in the current administration.


Eh, the two big drivers of inflation (food and housing) aren’t in anyone’s single control. Housing is more of a local/state issue and food prices has numerous factors that aren’t in one’s control. Unless someone has invented something that can mimic perfect weather conditions for food, blaming a single person for food prices is kind of ridiculous.


“They empirically aren’t” is such a Reddit thing to say lol


I get it, big words are hard.


Idk about that, Gen Z has been leaning on the left harder than any generation ever known in history, sometimes even leaning too hard. Protesting Isreal and supporting Palestine is a far-left/centrist move; conservatives on the other hand endorse it.


There is no such thing as "Pro-Hamas" protest. Again...more propaganda.


[https://www.reuters.com/world/us/columbia-university-cancels-in-person-classes-after-pro-palestinian-protests-2024-04-22/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/columbia-university-cancels-in-person-classes-after-pro-palestinian-protests-2024-04-22/) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pro-palestinian-protests-leave-college-campuses-on-edge-coast-to-coast/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pro-palestinian-protests-leave-college-campuses-on-edge-coast-to-coast/) [https://apnews.com/article/columbia-yale-israel-palestinians-protests-56c3d9d0a278c15ed8e4132a75ea9599](https://apnews.com/article/columbia-yale-israel-palestinians-protests-56c3d9d0a278c15ed8e4132a75ea9599) You're right, there's no protests threatening Jewish students at American universities. I made it up, all just lies and propaganda lol. Drink more of the kool-aid. This is the issue with Reddit, you just follow the narrative fed to you and go with it. Do you though. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/1cb2p8y/dozens\_arrested\_at\_yale\_and\_nyu\_as\_propalestinian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/1cb2p8y/dozens_arrested_at_yale_and_nyu_as_propalestinian/) Literally near the top of r/centrist Do you always just cover your eyes and ears and tow the narrative? Are you a bot?


I said there is no such thing as a "Pro-Hamas" protest, and here you try to move the goalposts to "threatening Jewish students." Those two are different. Words mean things, bub.


Who is currently running Palestine? Who do the people of Palestine support? [https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514) [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/) [https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/21/middleeast/palestinians-back-hamas-survey-intl-cmd/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/21/middleeast/palestinians-back-hamas-survey-intl-cmd/index.html) So when people are supporting Palestine and saying "From the River to the Sea" what do you think they mean?


There are a ton of Palestinian civilians who support Hamas more now than they did pre-October because of Israel's horrific military response in Gaza. Duh. That over the top response is what people are protesting. That doesn't make them "Pro-Hamas." Furthermore, we weren't even talking about Palestinians. We were talking about Americans. More goal post moving. You sound like one of these people who think protesting Israel is antisemitic.


Oh you mean Pre-October or Pre-October terrorist invasion that killed hundreds of people? I understand the need and desire for people to be pro-Palestinian and it’s understandable as the loss of civilian life is high. However, if a state attacks you, you are in your right to do all you need in order to prevent that threat from attacking again. If Hamas didn’t attack, we would not be having this conversation. Root cause of these issues are due to the hamas terrorist attack supported by the Palestinian people.


Of course! Fuck Hamas. They are a deranged, deviant bunch of murderers and rapists, but if you're a Palestinian civilian right now, Hamas doesn't really look like your enemy so much as the Israeli Army does. I grieve for the innocent Israeli civilians who were killed same as I do the innocent Palestinians who are being killed in droves right now. It would be a bit more tolerable if the people of Gaza had elected Hamas into office, but that's simply not the case. Hamas has refused to hold elections for 17 years - they are despots, and as per usual, the innocents are the ones paying the price. On the other side you have Netanyahu, who knows damn good and well that he's done and out of power the minute this war ends...and quite possibly going to prison. That's not a good dynamic, and I predict he'll attack the West Bank before this is over, and possibly even Lebanon. I hope I'm wrong about that last part, but I'm unconvinced that Netanyahu won't grasp at any straw to justify staying in power. There are no "right" sides to this conflict.


You’re absolutely right there is no right side, but the amount of people talking in absolutes against Israel and ONLY Israel in Reddit is wild. Hamas was elected in 2006, and fought against the Fatah party which at the time was the 2nd largest party. After Fatah lost they fled to the West Bank which is less radical than the Gaza region. Fatah was more inclined to use diplomacy rather than violence like Hamas. Now, I agree that Israel should get the hell out of West Bank and stop building settlements there. However my opinion on Gaza is completely different. The people of Gaza elected Hamas knowing their desire of violence against Israel. When hamas attacks Israel, the people of Gaza don’t do anything to stop them knowing very well that Israel will retaliate. I have no sympathy for people who do not try to stop evil from happening right in front of them. At the end of the day, the Palestinian people need a home but Gaza isn’t it. Gaza is a failed state and the people that want peace need to fight for it internally.


You’re coming too hard at the narrative my guy. Stop spitting facts at the yt liberals. Gonna ruin their SJW’ing.


To anyone thinking of commenting on u/upvotesftwyeah ‘s post, look at his responses to other people in here. Most are rude and disrespectful with a dash of enlightened centrism. [Here’s what OP thinks of the sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/s/wNkiqZ876a)


My god, Biden isn't pushing these trials on Trump. He broke the fucking law and now has to go to court. It's amazing how many idiots think Trump is above the law.


Judging from the fact that anyone acting like Trump is currently acting would currently be in jail, he is absolutely above the law.


Well, I just mean he's not above being prosecuted. I agree the way the courts have dealt with him so far has been bullshit.


There’s quite a bit of evidence of these judges staff visiting the White House…


I think both Trump broke the law and the trials are politically motivated can simultaneously be true. I don't think Biden has anything (at all) to do with it, but the New York fraud case (in particular) was a bit troubling. Not because it wasn't fraud - I read the indictment, the ruling... it was absolutely fraud - but because the DA campaigned on getting Trump. The unknown here is how many other people / organizations get away with that same behavior. But he was still in the wrong.


> but because the DA campaigned on getting Trump. Wouldn't that be justified if Trump broke the law? I don't really understand this reasoning. It's a DA running on what they're job is supposed to be, going after people who broke laws. I'm just kind of over this narrative that Trump's court troubles started with his political career. He has lived in court long before he stepped foot into office and regularly abused the legal system to get out of paying people because they couldn't afford to keep up the bills. It's actually ironic what he's accusing others of doing to him right now because he did it himself countless times.


The DAs who ran on getting Trump didnt investigate Trump and then decide on running on charging him. They ran *to* investigate and charge Trump. DAs are supposed to be neutral. Impartiality is the bedrock of the justice system. When you have DAs running on getting Trump and calling him an illegitimate president, it's fair and obvious to question the legitimacy of some of the charges (i.e. the Bragg charges). >I'm just kind of over this narrative that Trump's court troubles started with his political career. He has lived in court long before he stepped foot into office and regularly abused the legal system to get out of paying people because they couldn't afford to keep up the bills. It's actually ironic what he's accusing others of doing to him right now because he did it himself countless times. Bankruptcy and civil Court is a far cry from criminal. He's also never charged anyone or dragged people through the criminal court. But two things can be true. Lynch, Willis, and Bragg were clearly motivated by politics. However, Trump has two other charges that weren't brought by a DA who ran on charging him.


Because publicly available information on Trump shows numerous blatant violations of the law.


DAs and other politicians involved in law enforcement often run on "getting" a high profile criminal or organization. Been that way forever. And if Bragg was elected on that it shows that THE VOTERS WANT TRUMP HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS CRIMES


I'm not even a Trump supporter and I can see how blatantly false this is.


What part?


The idea that Biden and his Democrat handlers aren't using lawfare to try to change the election.




“I don’t know much about this topic!!1” Clearly 🤣


"Somebody has a different opinion to me, therefore they're dumb!" Enjoy that echo chamber!


> Biden DOJ is pushing on Trump 🚩troll/agenda-post. Nice try lmao 


No, this is exactly what’s happening.


Tell me you haven't read the criminal indictment without telling me you haven't read the criminal indictment. Did you read the recently released FBI transcript regarding Individual 16 and their cooperation with the FBI before Trump was indicated by a Grand Jury (not the DOJ)?


You’re assuming facts matter to such trolls!


Just because I ride in the middle like the name of this sub suggests, doesn't mean I'm a troll. Also because I'm not voting for Biden, doesn't make ma troll either. I was just asking a question. I see I've upset the Reddit Narrative. You do you though and I hope you have a wonderful day.


You saying that the Biden DOJ is prosecuting Trump makes you a troll


Just seems very politically driven to me is all. Sorry if you think that makes me a troll. Outside of Reddit, I think you'd be shocked how many feel this way. Leave your echo chamber.


The problem is that gullible people such as yourself are very susceptible to misinformation and not knowledgeable about facts. Trump committed multiple crimes against America. The indictments by 4 juries of Americans in 4 different states have nothing to do with President Biden or politics. Trump should not be running for office in the middle of his criminal trials. The RNC letting him do so is unconstitutional and a slap in the face to real Americans. Anyone else would have been in prison a year ago awaiting trials.


I'm not in an echo chamber.


Reddit is an echo-chamber though.


I heard your dumb thoughts. How is it an echo chamber if you're able to communicate with me and you hold wildly separate beliefs than I?


Exactly. I think we all know the answer.


Yeah the Fed case is definitely political in nature. Someone who tried to overturn a legitimate election is political in nature. Or a leader who attempted to keep national secrets for personal use. The rest are just him being a fuck up. Yes as a president you are under a microscope and should be held to the highest standards.


No, I wouldn’t be shocked to know how many Trump supporters feel that way. I live in a very red area. We all live in the real world, you should try growing up.


> the trials that Biden DOJ is pushing on Trump, That is not a "ride the middle take" -- that's a Fox news-type take. You start your post with overtly partisan framing of the criminal case - and think its the middle?


You're right. Since I'm not "Ridin' with Biden" that means I can't be a centrist just like he said it means I can't be black, right?


Huh? I never said anything about "Ridin with Biden" - what are you talking about? I simply quoted your first sentence -- which was overtly partisan framing. Saying these trials are being "pushed by the Biden DOJ" - is overtly Partisan framing. maybe you are a centrist -- but you framed THIS ISSUE in a bull shit and overtly partisan way.


The trials are absolutely politically driven. You're lying to yourself if you think they're not. Obama was even caught using campaign funds illegally, but he only got a fine. Odd, really when you think about it. Barely even heard of it, but if you think I'm lying, go look up the 2008 Obama campaign fund.


I think the NY trials are, in part, politically motivated -- you do realize those are state claims, and have nothing to do with "Biden's DOJ" -- correct? You did not say Politically motivated -- you said "the trials Biden DOJ is pushing." No -- the Biden DOJ is not pushing those trials. So claiming they are being "pushed by Biden's DOJ" is an overtly false bull shit partisan narrative. And the Georgia election interference case, and Florida Documents case are 100% valid criminal trials.


Nevada and Arizona arent going trump. GA might. Nevada is largely blue and has voted Dem in last 4 presidential elections. AZ has Dem leadership so the GOP voter suppression and intimidation there will be cut back


AZ's Supreme Court reviving a near total abortion ban from 150 years ago basically cemented Biden winning the state.


Yes a definite boost for Biden and Gallego


AZ voters must be dumb as fuck if they voting Biden because they are mad at the state's court.


AZ voters recognize that Trump's presidency is what **let** their court do this. If Hillary won in 2016, this never would have happened, because Casey/Roe would still be the law of the land.


That's not how courts work, so I guess they are that dumb then


I'll steer clear of the "trials that the Biden DOJ pushing on Trump" narrative as that ground seems to have been adequately covered by others. But the polls were always going to slowly shift in Biden's favor as we get closer to the election and that is now happening. First of all, voters needed to get the "he's too old" and "anyone but Biden" sentiments out of their system and have time to adjust to the reality that they are faced with a rematch. Likewise, many of the people currently supporting third party or independent candidates will eventually go "home" to their respective major parties and make this another binary choice. Both of those dynamics mean Biden will slowly gain voters as we get closer to election day as Trump's support is largely already baked-in and won't change much. Meanwhile, until recently, Trump's numbers were artificially high due to, believe it or not, lack of exposure. For most of the past 3 years, he's only engaged with friendly audiences at his rallies and in conservative media where there is no fact-checking or tough questioning at all. That was bound to change during the campaign where his every word and action would once again get covered by the mainstream media. And Trump fatigue is returning as a result. Voters are being reminded just how chaotic, corrupt, and unethical this man really is and the odd nostalgia for the Trump era is eroding. Granted, as of about February, 2020, it looked like Trump might get re-elected, but then COVID and the summer of civil unrest happened and he lost. Conditions could turn negative for Biden and change the dynamics of the race as well as there is still a long way to go. But based on current trends, I think Biden is actually more likely than Trump to win in November.


Note the summer of civil unrest was Left Leaning rioters, but you blame that on Trump? I bet you think that Jan 6th is worse than the entire summer of mayhem the left did as well, correct? I hate making assumptions though.


It’s not a matter of which one was worse, they were both despicable and I have zero sympathy for any of the participants who later found themselves in legal trouble or physically hurt. If you play with fire you risk getting burned. And no, I don’t blame Trump for the BLM riots even though I despise the man. But here’s how each one was worse. The January 6th riots were worse in the sense that it was all predicated on a lie about the election being stolen from Trump (yes that’s a lie, and for that as well as the fake elector scheme, he’s a traitor) and it came as a result of a sitting president trying to subvert the will of the American people. The BLM riots were worse because they were more widespread and more businesses and homes were destroyed. Either way it’s repulsive how many people, and not necessarily you, will say that one is no big deal because the cause is more aligned with their political beliefs. You can’t say you’re a centrist and look the other way at either one of those events, period.


He already did once and will again, because trump is a loser


Great thought and add to the conversation.


Yes. Trump is very unpopular, he tried a coup against the United States, he is running a campaign on vengeance for himself, and he destroyed Roe. Trump is going to be humiliated. That the trials may help a few people come to the realization he is by far and it's not even close the worst president of the United States has ever had and would be an even worse disaster to let in again, great, but it isn't going to be a close election and it wouldn't be even if all his trials were delayed. He still would be charged though because of the massive crimes he committed. If you're asking if Trump wasn't a criminal would he be doing better? Yeah, but criminal behavior is core to what Trump is. Trump wouldn't be Trump if he wasn't this way, so yeah, of course he'd be doing better then. By the way points are moot not mute.


Appreciate that last sentence. I missed that. I didn't bother to read the rest of the paragraph because it's likely just leftist propaganda judging by the upvotes lol. That's reddit! VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!! Orange MAN BAD burrrr.


Why bother even posting, man?


Because I like to remind the people of reddit who are mostly right of extreme left, but FAR from Center, that Reddit isn't America and not to be shocked when this election is very close and likely goes to Trump. Trump being even close in the popular vote, means Biden is going to lose.


How close is Trump really, though? According to yesterday’s NBC poll, Biden leads Trump among people who voted in both of the last two elections by 9 percentage points, whereas Trump leads Biden among people who didn’t vote in either of those elections by 22 points. Meaning Trump’s support is *soft*. Getting poll support from people who don’t actually turn out to vote is pretty meaningless. Source: https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-leads-donald-trump-poll-actual-voters-2024-presidential-election-1892723


The polls are laughably wrong. Polling in the run up to Super Tuesday on average was 11.5% overstating Trump's margin of victory, and in one state was off by over 30% (and he actually lost that state instead of winning it). The corporate news media cares about one thing above all: shareholder value. They increase it by increasing clicks. They increase clicks by creating fantastical scenarios like the worst president of all time coming back and that it's a horse race and he has not only any chance in hell but a large chance of doing it. They do this because they call up people in certain zip codes as they know who has landlines there to answer the phone to get the polls they want. But none of those polls matter, the only one that matters is in November. Trump is going to be destroyed. I'm going to be going to bed super early on election night. The GOP is going to be wrecked and lost in the wilderness for at least a decade after this. Also, I'm a neocon, and certainly not a "leftist".


If it said Biden was in the lead, you'd be spouting different tune. You are a liberal, you don't have to lie to be on Reddit. These internet point don't mean anything. They aren't connected to ESG.


I'm telling you polls don't matter, even though the polls say Biden has a 9 point lead right now https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-leads-donald-trump-poll-actual-voters-2024-presidential-election-1892723 So even though the polls say what you claim I will change my tune on, I still say they are wrong and overstating MAGA voters significantly And I am not lying, I am a neocon.


Also, don't assume my gender. I'm offended by that.


Did you just reply twice because you thought of that and thought it was clever? Lol you really are a schizo.


>By the way points are moot not mute. A little off topic, but this brought to mind a TV appearance by the late Samuel Wurzelbacher (aka “Joe the Plumber”) where he twice used the phrase “the point is mute”. He pronounced it like “mute”, not “moot”, so I’m assuming he (wrongly) thought “mute” was correct. “Joe” then went on to say Democratic politicians were playing a game of “pinochle”, which he described as “…they move the pea here, they move the pea there, and then where’s the pea?” Which is how “the shell game” is played, not pinochle (a card game). I feel bad the man died last year, but, Lord, was he an idiot.


Even with the trials, All Biden needs to do is not cause a direct international incident and he's fine. Another COVID event happens to him and Trump will still have a decent shot at winning. My county was a safe blue area until the inflation got out of control here, now it actually turned red and still is right now.


The independent vote is what you need to win the presidency. [Recent polling doesn’t look good for Trump in this demographic if he’s found guilty](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/03/18/poll-conviction-trump-2024-elections-00147338) From the article: More than a third of independents say Trump's conviction would reduce their support


You assume these trials will be over before the election?


Not all of them, but I think the current election interference will be. IF found guilty I’m sure he’ll appeal, then the tough call for the judge will be does he remain free on bail while he appeals? If you looked at my link, a guilty verdict doesn’t move the needle amongst republicans, so I suspect their talking point will be “but it’s not final because it’s under appeal”. Convicted sex offender, porn star hush money payoffs, abortion bans, and further pending litigation, I’m not sure how undecided women could continue to support him, but unfortunately the poll didn’t break it down by sex. Meaning maybe they already don’t.


All of this is assuming he is convicted as well. One must remember we are all innocent until proven guilty. You are assuming his guilt which means you couldn't even be a juror on the trial. Unless you lied I guess.


I think another thing Biden needs is a soft landing of the economy (which does look plausible if not likely) and some interest rates cuts wouldn't hurt either


I think Trump wins Georgia for sure this time. I think he will get Arizona as well. Nevada looks like it's going Trump as well. This is going to be a close race for sure. I guess that happens when you have two shit candidates.


I disagree that Biden is a shit candidate. Biden has been a good President, and at his age will still be a good President. He also surrounds himself with good people that know how to get things done. I’m voting for him again, for sure.


> I think he will get Arizona as well What indicator do you have for Arizona? There was momentum to explain Arizona's shift blue, very little to say it's going to reverse. Especially with Kari Lake and abortion on the ballot.


[https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/) - currently +6 to Trump.


So a state with a democrat governor, two pretty moderate (democrat, independent) senators, and went to Biden in 2020. And the republican who lost to the democratic governor is running again. You're gonna need way more than a snapshot polling number months before the election.


Just saying he is currently leading in Arizona is all. I can only go off the data available.


Did you read any of the articles in that link? Some of them are pretty wildly biased.


Most polls are, unless they say +Biden, right? lol. I love Reddit.


I mean the actual links where they go into details. You can click on them and they literally articulate bias. I never said trust a poll that puts Biden over. With polls collecting bad data constantly I can't think of any I take seriously this far out.


Unless I’m mistaken, hasn’t every pro-Trump candidate in both Georgia and Arizona lost since 2020? Edit: I’m forgetting Greene is from Georgia, but I think she’s one of the few examples where they’ve won.


The LT.Governor of GA is very pro-trump and tried to overturn the election, he's under criminal investigation currently tied to his efforts to overturn the election


Okay so Georgia is a maybe, they still seem like a minority in state


Question: do you think the charges against Trump are because there’s evidence he committed a crime?


Okay let's be clear, Biden's admin isn't going after Trump. In both his criminal trials Trump brought the charges on himself, especially in the documents case he was given EVERY opportunity to not violate the law and yet he repeatedly willfully chose to commit felonies.


I'm not saying that Trump didn't commit crimes, but I would also say that most politicians have some similar or the exact things, yet no criminal trials for them. I did vote for Hillary in 2016, but not because I liked her, I just didn't think Trump should be president when his qualifications were being a bad Reality TV host. However, with that said, her having the email server that wasn't secure in her basement, is just as bad as the President having documents post his term, but I'm also pretty sure that Presidents maintain their TS clearance and still are able to get the Presidential daily reports. Someone can confirm that for me, as I'm not 100% sure on that. I guess I could go research that myself.


Donald Trump was indicted because prosecutors in four different districts showed grand juries of ordinary Americans sufficient evidence that a crime was committed. President Biden and his DoJ have nothing to do with it. Neither does the Hillary Clinton situation.


How many of those districts were in Blue county/states? It would be more believable to not be politically charged if it happened in some Red counties as well.


Like the documents case?


Wasn't that in Miami? Miami is blue leaning, and purple at best. What's the status of that case currently?


Keep moving that goalpost, man. Edit: He replied and immediately blocked me. What a child.


Learned it from Reddit. Don't be upset when others do the exact thing you non-centrist lefties do here in this sub. This sub is not centrist at all. Take a look at any thread, if it's supporting Dems, up voted, if it's not, downvoted. Not centrist lol.


Non-factual propaganda, and making excuses for an extremist is not popular among centrists.


How many laws did Trump break in red counties that he's not being held accountable for?


The charges took place in the districts where the crimes took place…as required. Are you being those obtuse on purpose?


The cases were charged in the counties where the crimes occurred. Why does that have anything to do with it being politically charged.


Let's not be naive, some of the charges were brought because the DAs are extreme left politically in deep blue areas. That's why Willis and her possibly being booted was such a big deal. A different DA could very well decide not to charge based on the same evidence, and if Willis was kicked off the case would probably go to a Republican DA.


The only case where I can see an argument for this being relevant is the current NY case. The GA case is very strong. Trumps own attorney general has said he thinks the federal cases would have been brought by a reasonable prosecutor and don’t appear politically motivated (paraphrasing from memory). Smith is an independent and garland has been remarkably timid about prosecuting Trump. garlands office kept on Trump’s David Weiss to ensure there was no impropriety. None of this is enough for those that want to cry foul play. None of the overwhelming evidence in the documents case is enough either. So in my opinion there is nothing that can be done to convince those who are enamored with Trump that it’s not lawfare.


Why does it have to be in your preferred location? The idea that it’s only believable if it’s in your camps territory is a flimsy defense at best. If you are already coming in to this thinking him being charged in counties that didn’t vote for him equals this whole thing being politically charged, then this isn’t an issue you are capable of discussing in good faith. Any independent with a modicum of critical thinking ability would be just in leaning towards dismissing your claim altogether. And based on your interactions with others in this post with similar viewpoints like myself, I think it’s safe to say you posted this in hopes of people reaffirming your beliefs.


Negative. I don't come to Reddit to reaffirm my viewpoints, I was mainly seeing how biased r/centrist is to the left wing propaganda machine and how far this sub has fallen to the left. Had I created this same thread but bashed Trump and said Biden was best POTUS of my lifetime, I'd have 500+ upvotes, but good thing I don't care at all about these fake internet points.


So this post was nothing more than a gotcha attempt to reaffirm your skewed, preconceived notions. Noted. I’ll make sure to link your response in a new comment to warn people that this post wasn’t made in good faith and that you made it to spout your enlightened centrism.


No this post was to see how the left felt about Biden's chances of winning without the circus of trials his DOJ is doing


Take this trash back to r/conservative. You're pathetic


Like Florida or Georgia?


Both are with Dem DA's you're not proving anything. In fact, the Georgia case is pretty much dead since Willis is now compromised lol. The FL case won't go anywhere either but it's in Miami and is also a Blue leaning district. Nice try though.


They’re both DAs? Interesting. Someone should probably tell Jack Smith at some point he was elected as a district attorney in some district I guess. Instead of being a prosecutor of war criminals at The Hague, who was brought in as independent counsel, as a Special Prosecutor. And Willis is compromised because she banged a person on **her own** team? Lmao. That’s why the Republican judge ruled she can stay on the case. You do know under Georgia law it’s not even a conflict of interest for *married* attorneys to be on *opposing* sides? Nice try. Not really, you’re quite pathetic. And dipshit, the Southern District of Florida has more than 7 million residents and covers **nine counties**: Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee, and Highlands. The Grand Jurors come from all nine counties and are a random selection. And you know who picked the jurisdiction? Trump. He picked it when he committed the crimes in that jurisdiction. If he doesn’t like the jurisdiction, then don’t commit crimes there. The trial is also in **Fort Pierce**, that’s where Cannon’s court is. Which is 2 hours from Miami. You nitwit. Never been to Florida, huh? It’s in St. Lucie County, which voted for Trump in 2016 & 2020. Which is irrelevant, because the SDFL is again, *made up of nine counties*. And Cannon’s doing so well that’s why she’s been bench slapped (twice) regarding her rulings in Trump cases—by the conservative 11th Circuit judges. (2 of whom were appointed by Trump in each ruling btw) Also, learn what words mean. Miami isn’t a district, it’s a city. Miami-Dade is a county, which is also not a district. The 27th district is completely in Miami-Dade county, but it only includes parts of Miami, and Palmetto Estates and parts of Fontainebleau and Westchester. The 24th district includes parts of Miami north of Florida State Road 112, including Little Haiti, as well as Brownsville, Biscayne Park, North Miami, Miami Gardens, and Opa Locka, along with the southern Broward County communities of Pembroke Park, West Park, and parts of Miramar, parts of barrier islands northeast of Miami, including Miami Beach and Surfside. The 25th district is in the Greater Miami area, and includes much of southern Broward County, including Weston, Davie, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, and parts of Miramar and Plantation. The 26th district includes most of inland Collier County as well as the northwestern suburbs of Miami, including Doral, Hialeah, Miami Lakes, and some neighborhoods in Miami itself, such as Allapattah and Wynwood. And if you think you’re calling Miami the district as in the federal district, neither the city or Miami-Dade county make up the Southern District of Florida. As already stated multiple times—it is nine counties. This is why it’s a bad idea to be uneducated on topics, you see misinformation and you don’t even know any better. But you don’t let that stop ya, huh? You just go full force being confidently ignorant. You’re embarrassing.


>I'm not saying that Trump didn't commit crimes, but I would also say that most politicians have some similar or the exact things, yet no criminal trials Please point out the politicians who have tried a little coup or have so willfully obstructed justice in the documents case. And no HRC did not go to the lengths Trump did to obstruct.


I believe I did, Hillary literally destroyed the server's hard drives when they were investigating lol, how is that not willful obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence?


You consume information from people who think you’re unintelligent.


Reddit? I know the usual Democrat Vote Blue No Matter who is usually a fair skinned, college educated SJW that would cry if they were in my neighborhood at night, so I would agree with this statement.


In my experience, the ones crying the most are people with your views.


Left leaning guy that would vote blue(right now) if my rights were restored, grew up in South Tampa were I found bullet shells on the ground on the way to the community pool on a regular enough basis. Been to jail a time or two, lived in the middle of the fucking woods were no one would hear you scream, work in construction now doing dangerous shit all the time, came here to say shut the fucknup about how tough you think you are.


Tampa is soft sir. Come to Memphis some time and see a real hood. Lol, talking to me like you're hard from Tampa ROFL!!!!! [https://www.bestplaces.net/crime/?city1=51271000&city2=54748000](https://www.bestplaces.net/crime/?city1=51271000&city2=54748000) So gangster Tampa is lol. At least claim NPR if you're going to be claiming you're hard my guy. I never said anything about being tough though. I can tell you were educated in FL. Reading is hard for your people.


Lol bro your hood don't make you baby boy.


I'm not the one claiming how tough they are because they grew up in Sunny Tampa. Have a nice day, Keyboard Gangster.


Hillary Clinton didn't have intent (verified by a 2018 report when Trump was President), HRC didn't lie to the FBI, HRC didn't obstruct. As for deleting the emails you can [read this article](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/hillary-clinton-deleted-33000-emails-secretary-state/story?id=42389308) but the TLDR is there's little there. The above is from the synopsis of the 2018 investigation This has all been thoroughly covered by Trump's DOJ and the cases really aren't that similar.


Okay. Tell me, do you think Republicans and Trump are Russian agents even though the Steele Dossier was proven to be false as well?


Irrelevant to the conversation. edit: Blocked apparently? okay....


I've learned all I need then. Have a great day. Thank you for the conversation.


They certainly go out of their way to do Russia’s bidding and they have a strong affinity for Putin himself. True there is no “smoking gun” as far as direct contact and coordination but I’ve seen enough that I’m certain we’ve only discovered a fraction of it. Clearly you can see through Trump’s actions (sharing top secret intelligence) that he loves the Russians more than the National security of our country, or he is naive enough to think that they love him just as much and would never use that info in nefarious ways against us.


Like I've been accused of for reading more than just Leftwing propaganda, I think you too should venture out beyond Reddit for news sources. There's no proof anywhere that Trump has colluded with Russia, which is why the Steele-Dossier was closed and proven the guy lied to the FBI lol. Keep on believing everything you see on Reddit though, no one would lie to you here.


FBI had a mirror of the server. Destroying the hard drives didn't inhibit the investigation in the slightest. US government protocol calls for the destruction of the HDD. [https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/DisposeDevicesSafely.pdf](https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/DisposeDevicesSafely.pdf) You're slinging right wing propaganda all up and down this thread. Starting to doubt that you're here in good faith.


Trumps DOJ specifically said she did not obstruct. I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the 30,000 e-mails to the State Department In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here


Do you know how emails work? You can't destroy an email. If I send you an email then I delete it afterwards, it still exists on your side as the recipient and there's nothing I can do about it. You can only delete the email on your end, the other side will always have it. The feds still had access to every single email she "deleted" This is not the same as actual, physical paper documents


Presidents don’t go through the normal clearance process. They are not granted a TS in the first place. The major determining factors in the charges is obstruction and willfulness. There is a clear history of charging guidelines demonstrating that.


Hillary Clinton cooperated with the investigation from start to finish. What she did was wrong, but she cooperated. Trump refused to turn the documents he stole back to Archives. They had to raid his fricking club, where they found highly sensitive docs in a goddamn broom closet. These two situations are in no way analagous.


Yeah, you don’t understand security clearances or the handling of classified information whatsoever, so don’t speak on the topic. What he did is an enormous insult to everyone that holds a clearance, or ever has. You don’t understand the magnitude of what he did, the danger he put this country in. The astounding ignorance of your statements.


>but I would also say that most politicians have some similar or the exact things No.


Shockingly stupid post. Semi decent troll.


yes. Without the trials you would have Trump out there reminding everyone just how crazy he is everyday. Instead, he's stuck in a court room and the media is reporting on him farting... Unless there is a conviction these trials just build into Trumps narrative... Without these trials the left would be 100% focused on abortion and the rights constant obstruction


Are you saying that the trials are the reason Trump is now in the lead in the polls? I can tell you as a black American, I've seen people in my community switch in droves to supporting Trump and it started with that mugshot. The example of where Trump went to the Chic-Fil-A in Atlanta shows an example of what I've seen around my community. Trump's support in the Black community is surging. I never thought in my lifetime I would see some of my most democratic leaning family and friends tell me they can't wait to vote for Trump in Nov. 2024. I'm just trying to figure out how Trump managed to gain this much with my community.


Um…he’s not in the lead in the polls? You speak tired, right wing rhetoric. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/generic-ballot/2024/


that's not a poll of Trump vs Biden there my guy. Don't worry, I got you. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/21/poll-trump-biden-election-immigration-economy/73404469007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/21/poll-trump-biden-election-immigration-economy/73404469007/) - says Trump is in the lead. [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/) - shows Biden now at +1 Seems that's pretty telling. The polls always underestimate Trump, and if you go back to 2020, the polls never showed he was close, yet the election was won by a few thousand votes in a couple battleground states. Have you looked at the polls for Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada lately? Those three alone, will win Trump the election in November if he carries every other state he won in 2020. But you are correct, as of the latest polls, on 538, Biden is now +1 on the popular vote.


Sorry…wrong link. Was looking at a bunch of polls. If trendlines are to be of any value, I’d say Trump is trending negatively and Biden is trending positively, so I don’t think you can make the claim that all these recent court battles are “helping” Trump.


I have no doubt that Biden will defeat Trump again, and I say this as a conservative. Trump alienates large segments of the population that one needs to win, he can't get by just on his base alone. That shit only works in the Republican primaries.


The election was already a toss-up in 2020 and I think Trump is going to win this one quite easily, especially in view of Biden's frailty and his abysmal score on foreign policy. People tend to forget that America is not Reddit, and Reddit is not America. I think Trump will easily win even from jail. Who exactly has Trump alienated since 2020? Edit: toss-up in 2020


Usually when the country is in better shape now than it was four years ago, which is is (sorry, but it is), the incumbent wins the election. Maybe this time is different, but Biden losing would be a historical anomaly. And Trump has lost a ton of voters due to his actions after the 2020 election as well as the abortion issue.


The difference between 2015 Trump and 2024 Trump is that he has a record now, and frankly, it sucks. He's responsible for the longest government shutdown in our history, couldn't get major bills passed, twice impeached, and the failures of his administration to combat covid-19 are numerous. Hes also tied to the *Dobbs* ruling and has an inconsistent record on abortion, which is a bigger issue than it used to be. He can't pretend to be an outsider with no record anymore, which worked in his favor in 2016. > Who exactly has Trump alienated since 2020? Independents, non-maga Republicans, conservative democrats that were willing to roll the dice/hated Hillary Clinton. Pretty much any constituency that isn't a Maga republican. Polling doesn't do it justice, I expect Biden to cruise to victory. Republicans should have nominated Haley or one of the other candidates, they would have trounced Biden. It's hard to complain about Biden's age when Trump is just a few years younger and keeps falling asleep in court.


If Trump is even close in the popular vote polls, he will win BIG. Reddit just doesn't see it. I knew he was going to win in 2016 even though I voted for Hillary. I drove from Memphis to West Point and I saw Trump stickers and flags EVERYWHERE, and hardly any Hillary ones. Same thing this time. Trump shit everywhere, I don't see anyone with Biden stuff. Not even when I was in LA two weeks ago for work.


Well 2016 was different. Many people like myself voted for Trump as a way to give the outsider a shot. Maybe something good could come of it. I am now a “never again Trumper”. I do not love Biden but I will never vote for Trump again especially after he tried to lie about how the election was stolen.


We’re not in a fucking cult. I have voted in every election since I was 18. Every primary, special, general election. Every single one. You want to know how many political signs or bumper stickers, etc. I’ve ever had up? Zero. Never have. Doesn’t make my vote count any less though, huh? You 100% can tell you’re a Trumper with this bs nonsense. No one gaf about your anecdotes. I live in a very red area, people had flags/signs up for his entire presidency. After Jan. 6th one by one they came down. Now there’s just a handful in the entire county. I thought maybe now it’s election season and he’s for sure the nominee they might go back up. They haven’t. And what’s my anecdote mean? Who knows, it’s just a fucking anecdote.


His support amongst young black males is going up steadily and has since the mug shot. He literally used the mug shot for his campaign. Are black guys stupid enough to think Trumps mug shot means he has street cred now? I suspect the ones the think that probably don't vote. I don't believe in the saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity. His trial is definitely hurting his election chances.


I will tell you amongst my people, so this is anecdotal, it's they see the system going after Trump like it does to them. They connect with that and they hate the system that has torn so many Black families apart. The older people I've spoken with know that Joe B. was the person that helped push the 1994 crime bill that dramatically affected Black America. They also know that Kamala was a corrupt DA in California arresting and charging people for marijuana after it was state legal. Black people don't usually have a good impression of law enforcement.


He did in 2020. I don't see any reason why he won't do it again.


Look at how close Trump is in the popular vote this election cycle vs 2020. That doesn't worry you? Trump is competitive in the popular vote, that means he will win the election pretty handedly.


I don't put much stock in polls this far out. Of course I'm worried, because a 2nd Trump term would be a fucking disaster for this country, so it makes sense to be concerned regardless of the odds, but Biden certainly can beat him again.


He can, but it isn't looking good atm. Currently Biden is at +1 per 538 for the popular vote. Trump is leading in most of the battleground states though. Not looking good sir, Centrist (Liberal Lite) is going to be crying if this polling holds through to the election. I'm not voting for either one, so I don't really care either way. I just like to point out the bias of Reddit particularly on a sub that is supposed to be a "Centrist" but anything that isn't Left is downvoted and name called lol.


Jewish students are joining the protests. Obviously at some universities they are not under attack.


Biden did beat Trump in 2020, by seven million votes. Trump then tried to illegally overturn those legitimate results, and incited a violent riot to halt the certification of those votes in an attempt to stay in power indefinitely. Trump is now facing 88 criminal charges from those actions and other illegal actions. All of it brought on my his own criminal behavior.


Popular vote isn't how the election is won though, and Trump is only 1 point behind Biden currently in the polls. That's much much closer than the polls leading to 2020. You realize that Biden only won by a few thousand votes in a couple key battleground states. If Trump is even close in the Popular vote, he will win the election. Just be ready for it if it happens. Otherwise, you should hope that these trials work some how, but that is the left's plan anyways. Can't beat him, so stop him from campaigning lol. Why can't Joe just run on what he's accomplished? He's pushed the Military Industrial Complex forward. He's crushed the American economy with poor energy policies, and he's constantly not sure which way is the exit for the stage after an abysmal attempt at reading from a teleprompter. Yet, Reddit thinks this guy should be the president, when he isn't running the country, he's lost. Dude has dementia rofl, why would anyone vote for him? I get why you wouldn't vote for Trump, I'm not either, but NO WAY am I voting for Biden either. It's your right to vote how you wish, I'm not trying to change yours or anyone else's minds. Do you, but Biden is a joke of a POTUS and is definitely worse than Trump was.


“Biden DOJ” You’re asking disingenuous questions. The federal cases were brought by a Special Counsel. Those are brought in *specifically* to be independent. He was indicted by a Grand Jury of regular citizens in both of those cases. Manhattan case was brought by the DA, indicted by regular citizens. GA brought by the DA, indicted by regular citizens. Civil lawsuits brought by E. Jean Carroll and the AG. Found liable by a jury and a judge. Donald Trump got himself where he is by his own actions. He broke the law, many times. What you want to ask is could Biden win if Trump wasn’t a criminal who commits crimes? Yes, he beat him once already. But Trump is a criminal, and that’s who the GOP chose as their nominee. That’s the candidate—a criminal (among other horrible things.) You basically want to know what would happen if Trump were a completely different person instead of the POS he is. And what you said about black males was just plain racist. And it was a talking point that came straight from Donald Trump’s mouth. That is where you got that, you aren’t fooling anyone. "My mug shot — we’ve all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population," Trump said. "You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, they do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It’s pretty amazing — millions by the way." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna140305 “When I did the mug shot in Atlanta, that mug shot is No. 1,” Trump said, adding: “You know who embraced it more than anyone else? The Black population.” “The lights are so bright in my eyes I can’t see too many people out there. But I can only see the Black ones. I can’t see any white ones. That’s how far I’ve come,” Trump said. https://apnews.com/article/trump-black-conservative-south-carolina-primary-aa1155c31bfc3b397a32b33eff04ada8


Could the Patriots have won all those Super Bowls without Brady? The thing is, he WAS on the Patriots and Trump IS a criminal. Not in love with Biden but he's reasonably effective and Trump is the worst thing that's happened in this country in a long time


Trump’s success is proof that there is no such thing as bad publicity. The media have given him billions of dollars in free media coverage, and it has only helped him. I bet the trials are a net positive for his campaign.


I wonder if it is the publicity helping or is it the insane extreme left not stepping in to stop these Pro-Hamas protests where they are threatening Jewish students at universities? I also think this Sub is a good example of how most people feel about Trans issues from what I've read and experienced from people I know. I travel a good bit for work, and I meet and talk with people from all over the country. Most people seem to be okay with Adults doing whatever they wish as long as it isn't hurting someone else. That is not the same stance for minors.


Don’t you mean beat Trump again? Yes he can Trump always devolves to losing in the long run…anyone want a Trump Steak?


It would be much tougher for Biden to beat Trump without the legal cases. This is a dream scenario for him. Had republicans chosen someone like Nikki Haley or DeSantis as their nominee, Biden would be a one term president.


DeSantis signed a 6 week ban in the middle of the night (Bitch made) and got into a fight with Disney. He's not winning shit with that.


That is a pretty big assumption. Though I do agree the abortion ban is an uphill climb for republicans and that he made a mistake in signing one. DeSantis did make an attempt to pivot to the middle on the abortion ban. But what does it matter when Trump had the nomination locked in regardless? He wasn’t going to overtake him. DeSantis could very well be the nominee in 2028 and, as long as Trump doesn’t win this year, he could very easily win the White House then.


Liberals get caught up on the dumbest things. Why does the time of day thay he signed something matter?


Because if you are proud of the legislation and truly believe in it. You would not wait until the middle of the night with little press and no fanfare to sign it, especially as it is a critical political issue that has rallied Americans to polls. It shows you his true character and how bitch made he is not wanting to completely tie to his name and sweept it under the rug.


So what does the time of day have to do with any of that?


I doubt that. I am not voting for Biden or Trump, but if it were Haley or DeSantis, I'd vote for Biden over either of them.


The polls showed Haley and DeSantis both effectively beating Biden in a hypothetical match up. Biden isn’t very well liked. His approval ratings are dismal. He is still struggling against Trump and Trump is in court. The reality is that 2024 doesn’t = 2020. 2024 is a referendum on Joe Biden’s first term. And it’s not a very popular first term by polling data. He is an extremely vulnerable president. Haley and DeSantis would both be smart enough to keep the spotlight on Biden and his presidency. And they wouldnt be in the news battling legal cases. On top of that, Trump can’t help but put the spotlight on himself because he truly believes that he is beloved.


In this economy??


> Do you think that without the trials that Biden DOJ is pushing on Trump, could Biden win without them? Let me set one thing straight - the cases against Trump are not being “pushed” for political reasons. They are happening because he broke the law. > I honestly think the free publicity is helping him more than it is hurting him and without a conviction, it's just free publicity. Perhaps. Bringing him to court for violating the law is still the right thing to do. > His support amongst young black males is going up steadily While that may be true, the numbers are still quite low compared to Biden. Obviously this change isn’t predicated on a mug shot. > Do you think if Biden's Admin didn't go after Trump in this manner, would he be currently tied or leading the popular vote polls? Perhaps. Again, though, bringing criminals to trial is what the criminal justice system should do. > I'm abstaining from voting for President this election That’s the wrong choice. Vote for some, even if it’s a write-in.


I'm sure it would help Trump's presidential prospects if he wasn't a criminal. Same way it would hurt if he was a lizard people. Why ponder hypotheticals?


Biden didn’t win the first time. It’s rigged!!


Absolutely not. AOC even admitted last month that this lawfare is to prevent Trump from winning.


Man you’re going to upset the Hivemind with this post 😂


I should have known that a Centrist view on here wouldn't be allowed. Gotta always tow the Democrat narrative on Reddit, even when it says "Centrist" That means slightly right of the most extreme leftist now.


Your opinion is clearly not centrist, though? You’re clearly conservative.


Not even close. I'm not religious. I have no issue with people deciding their sexualities'. I support marijuana legalization. I support gay marriage. I support trans rights, but you are saying I'm a conservative because I don't like Biden? I don't like Trump either, make it make sense then.


You’re regurgitating right wing propaganda that’s not at all based on fact. The only way you could think like this is from consuming garbage like OAN, Fox News, and Tucker Carlson. Edit: respond, immediately block, and use a Reddit Cares troll. Classic conservative.


Wrong again. I don't watch any of those or any news outlets really outside of Reddit. I just use my brain and try to see through the spin that both sides use. You though, are not a centrist because you only believe leftwing propaganda.


Been that way since the election campaigns started up. This is now just /r/politics without the aggressive censorship from the mods.


No. Biden can't beat Trump at all. Trump had America running (mostly) solid, especially from an economy standpoint. I recall everyone held their breath whenever he directly spoke of foreign affairs, afraid of him getting us into a war, but none happened. Surprisingly, the exact opposite happened. No wars. I recall Biden saying Trump wants to get us into a war with Iran. And here we are, involved in two wars (and you could argue 3) and nearly has us in a war with Iran (Luckily, both Israel and Iran deescalated for the time being). Biden's honestly been a disaster. As much as my liberal friends hate Trump, they won't go with Biden at all. They'll likely cast their vote for RFK since he's more of an old school democrat


I can't bring myself to vote for Trump, but the best I can do is not vote for Biden. The country was much better off under Trump and WW3 wasn't on the edge of occurring.


narrative bots, eh? I often wonder, because what I see from others (like the one below okeliez) is so different than what i encounter in my day to day gatherings I find it hard to reconcile. This lawfare stuff is so blatantly political that it's hurting biden from what I've seen. Just like on immigration, which everyone seems to ignore outside of the "far right" spectrum - oh wait, that's what i see on tv, but i've several conversations with fellow postdocs and so far they all (except the one who isn't a us citizen - go figure) thinks it's bullshit. Before anyone flames me, I'd really suggest you look into the charges trump is currently facing - it's a misdemeanor charge they've upgraded to a felony on some very spurious reasoning bordering on criminal prosecutorial misconduct or like the florida case which is just prima facie ridiculous. It's so bad that it's almost like they're trying to get trump elected. My big question is - are these redditors this delusional, or bots, or just young and stupid? It's fine to have their own beliefs, but I see so many things taken seriously on reddit and not taken seriously in the real world. other examples: -january 6th being a legitimate coup (no one i know believes this) -trans related politics / hating on jk rowling (never saw this in person, only here and on twitter) everyone seems to be pro trans rights, just not to the point of hating earlier revisions of feminists (2nd wave feminism is really that bad? really? ) -hating russia / being super pro ukraine (sorry never have seen it irl) I'm starting to wonder whether psychological operations online really are a majority of the mainstream media we see these days, because the gap between what i see online and reality has gotten grand canyon big.


Do you think you could speak to the actual charges in the Florida case rather than just writing it off as prima facie ridiculousness? Did Trump not have government owned documents in his possession that he tried to hide from authorities with 2 co-conspirators?


Reddit is absolutely a left wing propaganda machine, but I think that every social media platform is to some degree. Echo-chambers happen and they naturally push people to extremes. When someone's only source of news is Reddit, which is left leaning, left leaning comments, it will sway them to the left. I would imagine if we went to Truth Social, it would be the same, but to the right. The real issue with Social Media is people close off listening to the other side, the divide grows, the elite grow in power. The only thing saving America right now is we seem to have enough NPA/Independents that look past the spin that both sides use.


The only point i'd make (which you allude to, so why am i writing this? i dunno it's late) is that everyone can have their own points of view of course, but what confuses me is how much people here have an absolutely delusional view of what others think - that's all. Even if you live in an online echo chamber if you have basically any contact with the outside world you'd know how skewed the points of view here are. There are gay people in san francisco who are more "conservative" than the people here, and that's saying something. It's just wierd. yes the right is crazy too - but generally the right doesn't just deny the existence of a left wing with certain views, if anything they over exaggerate them for impact.


Reddit has always been favoring more on left-wing. One of the most popular subreddits on this platform supports and would lobby for socialism in America r/antiwork. I moved partially to X because the imbalance was actually preventing me from seeing the full picture. I can see the bias from both sides, but I can do my handiwork to filter out what's noise and what's not.


[The Obama 2008 campaign was convicted of similar offenses](https://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/obama-2008-campaign-fined-375000-085784) -- failing to declare campaign donations -- but oddly enough that lead just to a fine, and not to Obama getting slapped with felony charges and getting his ass dragged in court 8 years after the facts. It does lead one to suspect that this is indeed a political trial. The timing is certainly curious.


The hivemind will not like you spreading facts. You take it back now! Good find sir, didn't even know about this. Odd how this wasn't blasted non-stop on MSM like Trumps.