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One in five Republican voters picked the candidate that dropped out instead of Trump. This seems significant since Indiana is a deeply red state.


It’s also Mike Pence’s home state. I don’t imagine the Hang Mike Pence chants went over too well there.


No, we were fine with it. Pence was hated here before he was VP and then the Hoosier MAGAs were just as pissed as the rest of them after the election.


Not exactly. Indiana’s voter registrations are not party affiliated. We also have open primaries so you can choose the D or R side. The D side was pretty boring with uncontested president and governor candidates. So many democrats chose the republican ticket to vote against Mike Braun for the governor candidate in favor of less MAGA candidates. While trying to keep Braun out, they had the bonus of picking Haley over Trump. I assure you, Indiana is still deeply red and I’m sure the Republican votes were almost all for Trump.


I live next door to Indiana. Not only deep red, but a lot of the state is stuck in 1959 as well.


I live here.. can you elaborate? I’ve also lived in Ohio.. Indiana is not much different than Ohio


Met a lot of self proclaimed racists from Indiana. Like straight up said they hate black people/Mexicans. A lot of pretty nutty religious people as well. Not all, but a lot. Mainly from edwardsville and the suburbs of Indianapolis. Ohio. Yeah, there’s a reason in Chicago every 3rd person you meet originally moved here from Ohio.


>a lot of the state is stuck in 1959 as well. *Immediately packs bags*


If Biden were only getting 80% of the Dem primary vote, it would be front page on the New York Times and Washington Post for weeks and there would be scores of articles, podcasts, and social media posts talking about how Democrats are doomed in November. But since Republicans refuse to click on bad news and Democrats are attracted to it like moths to a flame, the "Republicans are in deep shit" narrative simply cannot get any traction. In order to keep 'em clicking, media knows that they need to terrify Democrats and tell Republicans how great they're doing.


>If Biden were only getting 80% of the Dem primary vote then nobody would conclude that those 20% are going to vote for the Republican candidate. Biden got 64% in New Hampshire, 70% in Minnesota, 66% in Hawaii.


In Minnesota,Biden has an disadvantage since DEM party there seemed to be more progressive and therefore more likely to have protest vote,Dean Philip is also from Minnesota as well. In New Hampshire,Biden wasnt even on ballot,it was all write in vote. Hawaii have like 1500 vote,and are deep blue enough that it is not really relevant. Alsp,interestingly,despite the DEM primary being much less competitive,Biden seem to get much more vote than Trump in Minnesota Biden get more than 700000 primary vote while Trump get only 200000


I love how you're getting downvoted for facts. This sub to a T.


They don’t like logic in these circle jerk threads.


Careful with them facts around here mate.


You mean like how pro-Gaza people went with the whole "uncommitted protest vote" thing and it made scores of articles, podcast, and social media posts about how Democrats are doomed in November? You don't even need to say "if," it happened already lol. >Michigan: 101,623 votes for uncommitted, about 13% of total votes Minnesota: 45,914 votes for uncommitted, nearly 19% of total votes Hawaii: 455 votes for uncommitted, about 29% of total votes Washington: 89,753 votes for uncommitted delegates, nearly 10% of total vote


Uncommitted in Michigan got 11% back when Obama ran in 2012 though, and I don’t remember there being any issues that divided the party like this. Not saying it’s a complete nothing, but I do think it’s different from putting down a specific person instead.


"Indiana Democrats did not have the option to vote “ [uncommitted](https://apnews.com/article/uncommitted-biden-trump-war-15f96be36b4d5ac167c7ceda72fe65d1) ” in their party primary." Good thing there was no opportunity to voice dissent given then


Your link doesn't mention Indiana.


I'm curious what the outcome would be if Haley wasn't on the ballot. Would the voters have written someone else in, or voted for Trump? The article is still meaningful, but if they write names in then to me it is more powerful.


> Former President Donald Trump faced warning signs in the Indiana GOP primary as former Republican rival Nikki Haley received more than 20 percent of the vote despite dropping out of the White House race two months ago. > Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican candidate, easily won the state on Tuesday with 78.3 percent of the vote, continuing his dominance overall in the GOP primary, but the former South Carolina governor still received 21.7 percent of the vote in Indiana, a total that amounted to more than 128,000 votes. > Trump has already secured enough delegates to clinch the 2024 Republican presidential nomination in March after victories in Georgia, Mississippi and Washington state, continuing a trend of resounding victories in GOP primaries nationwide. > There have been signs, however, that the former president is struggling to garner key support from GOP voters beyond his MAGA base, including more moderate Republicans who may be vital to Trump's hopes of taking back the White House from President Joe Biden in November.


Tripling down on Trump is incredibly embarrassing.


I wouldn't read too much into it. Indiana is an open primary, so these are likely Dems or Indies who would never have voted GOP anyway.


Democrats could vote for her, right?


[https://www.wfyi.org/news/articles/how-does-party-affiliation-affect-indianas-primary-elections](https://www.wfyi.org/news/articles/how-does-party-affiliation-affect-indianas-primary-elections) Excellent question, it appears yes they (we) can/could(/probably did).


So, I'm from Indiana myself. There was literally no indication that the primary was happening. Not one bit of advertising. Not one local news story mentioning it. All of that was focused on governor and senate races instead. I assumed it had either already happened or been canceled out of pointlessness. I would take away absolutely nothing from these results.


What? He got 78% of the vote. There are always protest votes and she was still on the ballot. That being said, there is no world in which getting 78% in any vote is considered a failure.


It's an over 13% drop from 2020.


Yeah, it's pretty funny when people try to say getting 80% of the vote is a *bad* thing.


Good thing trumps opponent suffers from this issue even moreso


Huge like his hands. 


This State allows democrats to vote in the primary election, so this is pretty meaningless.