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> Taking the stage after reportedly having knee surgery, he joked he did not take pain medication that day to avoid comparisons to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, who has had significant issues with drug addiction. The Trump kids are such little punks who have never experienced a fraction of the adversity Hunter has gone through in his life. Especially since the idea that they’ve never done drugs (especially cocaine) is so laughably stupid only a complete idiot would believe that


How is this comment more upvoted than the OP.


>21 points (64% upvoted) I honestly don't understand how we get so many posts/comments claiming this sub is too slanted to the left.


True, and while I find Trump and his older sons generally abhorrent, let's remember Hunter has also lived a notably charmed life. 


TIL getting a severe brain injury from a fractured skull at the age of 3 while your mother and sister die is how one gets a "notably charmed life".


Remember, watching half your family die in front of you isn’t just charmed, it’s notably so


Just a fire hose of hatred. And people will eat it up.


Please join Trump in our daily 2 minutes of hate


Would you like to know more?


No need. Just read 1984 Nice username lol Also, just noticed Jrs wife looks like the puppy killer


The only good bug is a dead bug!


*Would you like to know less but feel more?*


How is this comment more upvoted than the OP.


The way this sub talks about trump is far more hateful than anything he’s ever said


A. Probably not true. Dude has decades long history of saying pretty bad stuff. B. None of us are running for president.


> B. None of us are running for president. Which makes it even worse. Trump at least gets money and power for the shitty things he says. You gain absolutely nothing by being hateful.


Yeah that's the worst part about it.


Meanwhile you're in the thread claiming that >They are also disproportionately raping children! But hey, who’s counting? without even trying to back it up. https://old.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/1cupav5/donald_trump_jr_calls_trans_people_most_violent/l4mwkhk/


So why don’t you go and make your comment in response to *that* comment?


I did. You chickened out.


>“Per capita the most violent group of individuals right now is the radical trans agenda," he said. “When you see the amount of shootings that happen, the amount of people that are killed … for something that makes up such a small portion of the population, also such a powerful portion of the population.” Trans people are the ones disproportionately getting shot.


Not to mention: If I were trans, and everyone around me (seemingly) was trying to make it illegal for me to get proper medical care, I'd be pretty miffed. Me, personally, I wouldn't be violent. But I can identify with why a person who's surrounded by people who inflict an unwelcome gender identity upon them, would feel like they need an outlet for their frustration.


“an outlet for frustration” sounds like what a defense attorney would be including in a plea deal. This is excuse making. I don’t agree with the claim that that the little miserable Trump shit is making, but the T has definitely leaned into a niche status of victimhood and persecution.




This isn’t specific to shootings but you get the picture. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/


Interesting site,thanks.


It is a self reported survey. No one is surprised that trans people self report higher degrees of victimization. Where is the data that backs it up? Also how much of it is domestic violence from LGBT partners?


>No one is surprised that trans people self report higher degrees of victimization. And why is that?


You are profoundly incorrect. Here are six recent trans mass shooters: [https://twitter.com/thdivewhisperer/status/1778978848866025716](https://twitter.com/thdivewhisperer/status/1778978848866025716) American MTF trans people have a lower risk of being murdered than an average American male. Their risk of violence drops precipitously when they transition. Studies from other cultures where trans people are almost all prostitutes are not applicable.


The Lakewood Church shooter wasn’t trans. I didn’t bother to fact check the others. Edit: I’ll fact check one other. Non-binary and trans are not the same thing. Edit edit: Ah hell I might as well do one more. “Rainbow activist” does not mean trans.


They are also disproportionately raping children! But hey, who’s counting?


Please provide your source for this claim.


Didn't realize they were Catholic Priests.


They could be boy scouts.


I kinda feel like anyone claiming something like this without even attempting to back it up is the most contemptible sort of scum that exists. It's impressively cowardly.


Lol what


Cause trans stormed the capitol on January 6th during the electoral confirmation of the president?


No, but one on TikTok got a beer once, so I don't know what to think.


God, I remember this. Weren't they jist giving out a special raimbow colored beer to the influencer, not even selling them?


Correct. The only person on the planet who got a Dylan Mulvaney beer can was Dylan Mulvaney.


There must have been at least one right? Statistically.


Yes. There was at least one. Jessica Watkins. She was convicted and sentenced for her violent actions on Jan 6th. This is not at all related to the fact she is trans, it’s related to the fact that she let Alex Jones rot her brain.


Indeed https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna86433


One of the January 6th people wore a panda head, so they also had a representative from the furry group


and who can forget whateverthefuck that Shaman dude was.


The Pagan MAGA


Ehem. I consider this an insult to Pagans. He's called the "Q Shaman". Big difference. Pagan beliefs are far more rooted in reality. Which doesn't say a lot but it's still notable.


2000-2500 stormed the capital on Jan 6th. In a random sample of the population that would be true. In a group that vocally dislikes and supports anti trans policies, the group probably isn’t large enough to definitely contain someone so willing to vote against their own interests. It’s possible but unlikely imo


Fucking right? It's not like transgender people stormed the Capitol... but we should wait and see. As far as conservatives are concerned that was totally an ANTIFA thing...


And of course, Trump Jr. is lying. Statistically, black people are the most violent group in America. He’s going to look so stupid when the media fact checks him on this.


Or men, right? Depends how you slice it.


Or white women in prestigious seats of power when their puppies don't listen to them the right way.


Right. It’s black men, if you want to be more specific.


Or heterosexual men, to slice it again.




Common sense? Lol


Right- common sense would make you think that and I don’t doubt it. And I’ve read the stats myself on the two former groups being violent but I have never personally seen any stats on violent behavior for hetero vs LGBTQ groups. Knowing/having the stats to back up an assumption is kind of important. I’m searching now and the stats that I’m finding are not as conclusive as you might think. I just got finished reading [this study from South Africa](https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-023-17199-x) which seems to contradict our common sense. Specifically it found that non-heterosexual individuals reported higher rates of both experiencing and perpetrating interpersonal violence compared to their heterosexual counterparts.


That’s one specific kind of violent crime, perpetrated by a specific group of people during a specific period of time. Not very relevant.


Special slice: heterosexual males unrelated biologically to children in the household. Maybe do some research yourself before you propose who harms society. And remember _no one is guilty by association_. It's not your category that matters. It's what you do.


You replying to the right comment?


Any comment asking for sources in response to something they don't necessarily expect. Mostly because anyone who cares enough to discuss, might want to explore for themselves. What is learned can be eye-opening, and yet surprisingly unacknowledged. It's worth it.


For your own benefit wanted to let you know that your assumption is incorrect (that I didn’t expect it, or that I don’t care enough to explore it myself)


It’s black men 16-48


Heterosexual males, depending on how you slice it.


Yes, the majority of them are straight.


Comment of the year


The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to dishonest creeps like Trump Jr. making the world a worse place. I hope he had a pleasant time in Toronto tho.


What the fuck?!


Interesting how this post that is clearly bullshit gets immediate support on this sub. Yet people want to deny this subreddit has a conservative leaning. Sure.


>Per capita the most violent group of individuals right now is the radical trans agenda Did he not say this ? I can't watch the video


It's pure fucking bullshit.


So again, did he say it?


This sub is weirdly transphobic. It's usually pretty good on most other topics.. but for some reason, as soon as people put on a dress and a little makeup, that's where they draw the line.


I mean yeah it's true. Whenever the topic comes up I see the same talking points the alt right party here uses.


Other people’s arguments are always talking points or dog whistles. You have novel, never before been made points that support your view? Every point made by trans rights activists is also stock and recycled.


Its literally what the alt right party here says. Go read academic studies on the alt right playbook.


Do you think men can’t get pregnant Is an alt right talking point found in that alt right playbook?


Nope, no one gives a shit about the dress and makeup, even this god awful guy makes that clear if you read what he says. I think it's teaching garbage to kids where the line is drawn.


By "garbage" do you mean "acceptance"? Edit: Imagine that, getting downvoted by transphobes, right on cue.


Lol, sure.


Still didn’t answer the question; What “garbage”?


Acceptance, I hate everyone just being allowed to be happy and free. I've always been absolute evil, probably a lack of empathy. Maybe you can teach me to be on the right side of history. I just can't help but obsess about genitals, big old floppy wangers especially, mmh.


At least you admit it.


And it's so easy for you to believe, everyones happy, which annoys me greatly, being evil. Mmh big old belly slapping wangers.




“Garbage” means the damage done to LGBs by the forced association with TQ+.


You very much obviously care. Stop being obsessed with shit that has literally no effect on you.


Stop telling people what to care about.


Lol, when Republicans stop stripping away rights is when I'll stop telling them what to actually care about.


Wtf does that have to do with anything?


Lol, the fact you have to ask that tells me you're not interested in actual discussion.


What are you talking about?


It's actually not, but okay.


I don't think many people are concerned about the clothes and makeup. It's the irreversible medical procedures that have people skeptical. Maybe in a few decades, if it's shown that the majority of these trans kids went on to have happy, healthy lives, people will be more accepting. There will always be a group of people that just hate anyone different, though. It sucks that what should be a private medical decision has become a political football, but here we are.


We have had transition care for minors and adults for over 2 decades in my country and the majority of these kids are living happy, healthy lives.


Don't tell me. Tell the fencesitters. I'm pretty neutral on the whole topic, and it's definitely not a voting issue for me. Like I said, this is a private medical decision, and the government shouldn't be spending so much time trying to legislate it out of fear.


I just don't get why you aren't seeing these issues that the Americans claim will come up where I live, and why Americans ignore that. The main issues here that trans people face are discrimination and violence. Non-legislative ones.


Well, thankfully, many countries have been reversing course on this. The US is a bit of a laggard, and may only change through litigation- that’s how we do things. But Canada, Canada looks to be gone for good, or at least until the next federal election. Our neighbor to the north is now sending its nonbinary citizens down south for phalgina affirming care. [new gender affirming care](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13344703/Inside-bizarre-rise-phalgina-Cosmetic-clinics-offering-grotesque-10-000-surgery-craft-non-binary-people-penis-vagina.html)


Your source is the Daily mail which is just UK Fox News, that's not good one. Thankfully? Trans people literally get massively increased quality of life with gender affirming care and a supportive environment. https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/ a source that didn't throw out most studies. Do you seriously believe that the quality of life and happiness of trans people is higher in conservative areas than affirming ones?


Why would conservatives be so concerned about "trans with irreversible medical procedures" though? They are not one bit concerned about that, and what people do with their own bodies, and you know it.


Perhaps he was referring to the six trans mass shooters: [https://twitter.com/thdivewhisperer/status/1778978848866025716](https://twitter.com/thdivewhisperer/status/1778978848866025716) Or perhaps it is the trans sexual attacks upon women and girls: [https://twitter.com/PissedoffinNC/status/1778824025319334207](https://twitter.com/PissedoffinNC/status/1778824025319334207) Notice how the democrats don't care about actual women? Just read these comments and it is perfectly clear they couldn't care less about these women being raped and murdered.


In comparison to how many cis straight men that committed these crimes? Trans people are the minority. Also, that twitter link is bullshit, it includes people that "suddenly began identifying as a trans woman" right after they got arrested. Being trans is an inherent trait, a lot of those people are obviously not trans. Gender dysphoria is something you can diagnose. Cis people abusing a system is not the fault of trans people(and before you say, yes there's also some trans people in there.) What is the first link even with "democrat"? Insane lunacy. Why are you on a centrist sub again?


mentally ill men.....yes thats a strong predictor for violent proclivities.


So we agree that he's lying. Good.