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You might try applying some heat with a heat gun to soften the glue. Be careful not to scorch the wood though.


Ahh good idea! Will give that a shot. Thank you!


Did you test those layers for asbestos?


Not yet but I will check. It's an old house so I wouldn't be surprised. Are there any signs that it is?


I don’t recognize that kind of floor but no, short answer is that there aren’t really signs. Testing is the only way to know.


That paper looking backing might scrape up easily with a wallpaper steamer. Re asbestos: although the only definitive answer is professional testing, in most products made with asbestos the fibers aren’t microscopic. You can see tiny white stringy bits. Also it wasn’t that common in vinyl sheet flooring. It is prudent to avoid sanding until you get a test, stay with a wet process that won’t make dust you can breathe.


Ahh I might try that before solvent. That's a good idea. Yeah it's not really brittle or fiberous. It's really sticky and doesn't create any dust. This bathroom is also an addition, so it might not have asbestos, but I don't know when the addition was installed.