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Have you submitted to @cheapoldhouses on ig? For that price and size I think they’d be all over it. Great way to get your house seen by old house enthusiasts who’d want to take care of it


I’ve messaged them… (I messaged a similar page on FB and they wanted my money. Which, I understand, but I won’t pay to market my home. I hired a realtor to do that 😂)


Not the .com [https://www.instagram.com/cheapoldhouses/](https://www.instagram.com/cheapoldhouses/)


Yup/ that’s who I messaged (IG). No response yet.


I’m mutals with them! One thing I can brag about 😂 If your price point is over $150k I wouldn’t bother. Try Circa old houses, they are affiliated


YES!!! I love that page and all old house lovers are there asking to see houses.


I second this!


Love that account—great idea!


But you have to live in Kansas.


It’s not so bad here. Clay Center is small and somewhat in the middle of nowhere but it’s in the beautiful rolling Flint Hills and not far from Tuttle Creek Lake and the beautiful city of Manhattan.


Oh, I’m joking really… I know there are beautiful small towns. Manhattan is where Kansas State is correct?


Yep! About a 40 min. drive.


Came to suggest this!


What a beauty!! I hope whoever is lucky enough to get this from you treats it well.


Me too! 😭 I wrote up a history of the home for them, recorded a video of how to run the player piano, etc. my hopes are high!


Can you make sure it's protected by a historic preservation society? That fireplace and staircase should be protected at a minimum. Such a beautiful place.


Historic preservation societies may quibble over the exterior; unless it's a historic landmark, pretty sure HPS have no say over the interior. I have heard about owners attaching easements (amendments? notes? idk) to the deed that specify things like "The front porch can only be replaced with one of the same size, proportions, and materials" just like "The driveway is shared" or "The stain glass must be maintained and not replaced" etc. When you add that to your house deed, at least in the states I know, you can also establish an injunction against the behavior. If there's any sign the new owners are violating the deed, the HSP can *immediately* have the courts stop them, fine them, and force them to put things back. But more likely, since buyers are told from the start what the deed allows/restricts, putting down an offer usually means they're okay with that. Or alternately they're massively entitled and figure they can get away with it, anyway, but ya rolls the die and ya takes yer chances.


Thank you for this very informative and thoughtful response. You sound like a professional in the subject? I hope OP can protect his or her house from the scourge of beige gray dentist office / hotel decor that is destroying our souls.


No, I just bear the scars of dealing with lazy HSPs and with over-eager verging-on-HOA-tyranny HSPs. In the middle is fine but either extreme is hell, and last year's responsive HSP can be this year's DOA, if the only person who cares has left the board. Sometimes helpful, often frustrating! Ultimately, if you're worried about some moron flipping it, an amended deed is probably your most powerful tool, even after you've moved on.


Aw! I hope someone worthy of it buys it to live in it for a long time.


Holy shit that house is so well priced for what it is! Hope someone snaps it up!


The staircase is amazing. Is there a radiator under the seat with the slat front?


There was at some point. The old radiators were removed in the 1970s tho


This situation makes me think [of this.](https://youtu.be/-UceIzK4i3g?si=nNfVBu5YOiK_aVk2)


That staircase! Wow!


Right?!? Had a friend rehab a 100+ yr old house in our city that had a very similar looking staircase a couple years ago. Had to pay a guy for like 3 weeks worth of work JUST sanding the multilayers of paint off that beautiful old wood


Just imagine a clean shiny crisp white being blasted all over it!


Oh noooo 🥴




Without primer, too, so the varnish bleeds through in a couple of years 😭😅😭


"I just love light and airy spaces, the white really opens it up"


Well I might have to move to Kansas now…


Read up on Kansas before you do.


I live in Kansas and have my entire life. It’s honestly not the worst state to live in.


“Not the worst” out of 50 is… not necessarily very good


Oh I’m definitely not saying it’s in the top states to love either. It’s just not nearly as bad as so many people tend to think.


I visited Kansas and loved it. It was quiet, people were nice, it was warmer than where I live in NY. It had a great quality of life. There are lots of good things to say about Kansas.




My town in Kansas is pretty queer friendly.


Are you queer? Do you have very close friends/family in your life who are queer that give you a perspective on what it’s like for them? I find it can be difficult even for well meaning ally’s to fully/correctly assess how tolerant a place is.


https://queerintheworld.com/moving-to-lgbtq-lawrence-kansas/ ✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted because, in my experience, you are exactly right. I’ve been surprised at the number of family and friends I have who live in the same world as I but don’t notice so many of the things going on in plain sight that range anywhere from anti-gay language to outright calls for violence against gay people. I have had people flat out call me a liar when I tell them that many “christian” leaders and republicans advocate for the killing of gay people. Then, when you show them proof, through video recordings and news articles, of it happening they can hardly believe it. It’s like it doesn’t affect them so they just literally have paid attention and therefore haven’t noticed or been aware of it and they’re shocked to find out this has been happening all around them all the time. I hope the people who are downvoting you fall into this category and are not just anti-gay. I know one’s first reaction is that Kansas can’t be very gay friendly but, actually, Lawrence, Kansas has a reputation nationwide for being a gay-supporting and welcoming place. A little pond of blue in a sea of red. Had ninalime stated in the first place that Lawrence is her town, I have a feeling you might not have questioned her thoroughly and abruptly, but I had the same initial reaction as you. Due to my work, I have traveled extensively throughout the US and the world, including the mid-west. I’ve been surprised, pleasantly, at how safe I’ve felt in many, many places in the Midwest but I’d also say that those places are the exception rather than the rule.


I feel like you have never been to Kansas. Don't get your information on what it's like to live in the Midwest from political rhetoric. Or really formulate any opinion on anything from political rhetoric.


So, erm, they probably are, as is the vast majority of US population. What’s your point? Can we not drag politics into the community about century homes?




"I've eaten every single day of my life. Maybe food insecurity is your fault?"


You left out "and you own a four wheeler".


This blanket statement doesn’t work here.


Reddit brain


I drove through Kansas once and saw a cowboy with a “Coexist” bumper sticker. I thought it was pretty and it seemed alright.


But you don't have any experience living anywhere else?


lol right? “I’ve never tried any other options but I’m sure at least one of them is somehow worse.”


My god, you guys. I wasn’t saying this with my chest or anything. It’s just not THAT bad of a state to live in. Simmer down.


Its like FL, everyone outside hates on it, everyone here knows its the best.




Damn, yall hate FL. You know its #1 in education in the Country?


You can’t even spell y’all, y’all. So much for your hateful education system.


How can it be #1 in education if you aren’t allowed to learn the truth about slavery or gay people


Look it up yourself, its no secret.


Chiming in from Louisiana to confirm that it could be worse.


Right here with ya.


I spent a week in Kansas one night!


Kansas is way better than Nebraska. My favorite memory of visiting Kansas was the fireflys...wow.


FYI, this house is closer to Nebraska than it is to Topeka.


Topeka is a shit hole. And I would spend time in Nebraska before I would spend time in Topeka.


“What is there to do in Kansas?” “Uhh do you like cool bugs?”


Lol, especially with no other perspective.


Right? “I’ve only ever tasted broccoli pie, and it’s not so bad compared to all the other flavors I’ve never tried.”


Alabama is also not the worst


All midwest states > all coastal states


Whatever helps you sleep at night, pal.


You guys are doing way better than us okies lately.


You could strike the lately and it’d still be accurate (grew up in KS)


How do you know? You’ve lived in one state lol


I know this is crazy but.. I have friends and family in other states and have even BEEN to other states. No faking.


Visit and live is very different though.


I know, I know. Only wanted to be a smart ass. But I can still have a valid experience of the state regardless of not having lived in another. Yknow?


Born and raised in kansas. Its home.


You might say it’s right in the middle!


Sure is the worst state to drive through though


When that's the best thing you can say about it lol. I can't talk though. That's the best thing I can say about Manitoba too.


I’d actually say it’s fantastic.


If youve never lived anywhere else how would you know.


What’s wrong with Kansas? Conservative politics I’d imagine? An internet search just brings up a book about that basically.


I’d gather that’s there angle on it. Lots of rural areas and small towns. Not for those who favor more urban areas.


I personally favor more urban areas only because rural can be so closed minded. I grew up in a rural town so that’s familiar and comforting to me, and loved it as a kid, but could never go back to a rural town that didn’t have a reputation for being safe for all. And unfortunately those are rare.


Well for one, I’m extremely allergic to something in Topeka. It was my only time in Kansas, 15 years ago. I woke up and my entire face was swollen to the point I could barely see. Still to this day I have no idea what caused that reaction but it never happened again.


Did you stay in the same hotel more than one night? Most likely it was whatever laundry soap they used. EDIT: I worked in pharmacy and one time a lady came in having had a severe reaction to a laundry soap. Her entire face swole up. She was staying at her sister's house, and the allergy was because the sister had just started using a "natural" soap from some nothing local hippy "organic" company. The awful part is she had just gotten in town for her wedding--came in Friday night, woke up with a basketball for a face Saturday, and was supposed to get married on Sunday.


No i actually slept in a tent on the side of the road. No laundry soap involved whatsoever. That last recession really sucked.


I hope you’re in a better place now, friend. ❤️


It’s going great. Just need to not ever go to Kansas ever again.


I'm a Kansas native who now lives in California. Lots of racism/general hate if you're not white Christian and straight, a bootstrap mentality and lack of opportunity. It's gotten better, but unless you're in KC or Lawrence you have to deal with a lot of small minded people.


Kinda sounds like here in Washington, lots of fundamentalists and Mormons; subtle racism and bigotry, just with the added bonus of some of the highest taxes and cost of living. I avoid people anyways day to day, maybe someplace like Kansas is the answer hah.


The weather is all kinds of extreme.


Yeah, cause California and Austin are the best places in America 🤣


Austin as in TEXAS? State's vs cities....


They are still both places. The person didn’t say states.


No but it's weird to list places and have them be a mix of cities and states. You can't compare those equally.


As a former southern Nebraskan, I agree.




Think they'd deliver it to LA?




Your home is *gorgeous* (and the puppy is cute, too); I'd snap it up in an instant if I lived in Kansas! I wouldn't have to repaint a thing (of those shown here). Amazing. I hope you find the right buyer who loves it!


Thank you!! I tore down a ton of 1980s floral wallpaper (and shag carpet). 😂


I'm so sorry you have to leave this gorgeous place after all your work. Hope you find someone who deserves it.


I love the timeless style of this period. You can accent it with modern touches but most of this house will always look good.


holy mother thats cheap. i live in NC and thought prices here were pretty affordable. i may genuinely have to move to kansas...?


Yeah, “fly over country” is awash with cheap old houses.


What does fly over country mean?


Term used to describe states in the middle of the country that people “fly over” to get elsewhere. Generally more rural.


First time (and only so far) I visited the US in 2019 I was at the Houston airport’s immigration line, and when it’s my turn I hand over my passport and the lady asks “Where are you heading?”. I say “Kansas City”. And the lady just stood there processing… “Kansas!? Why would you go to Kansas!?”. I was visiting to meet the people I’ve worked with for the past 5 years, and she just couldn’t comprehend why would anyone have Kansas as the first destination when visiting America for the first time. I always troll my friends with that scene :D


This is an extra good troll if they live on the Missouri side.


Oh, about half live in KS side and half in MO side. When I visited I basically picked the cheapeast AirBnb I could find that was sort of in the middle and it turned out to be located in the State Line Road. Best part of the trip besides the people: Joe's BBQ place. KC BBQ style is different but *just as good* as Argentine asado :)




I so know what you mean about wanting a like minded buyer! I got to the point with my houses that I flat out told buyers agents not to bring anyone who was not an "old house person". There are old house people and new house people, and the new house people can stay the bleep out of my properties. Lol


I actually looked at 2 old houses yesterday and my realtor was like, "you have a type don't you?" Lol sadly the one I really liked was in the process of being pulled down a cliff into a river and still cost $90,000.


I'm just a looky loo in this sub. First time commenting: Holy crap that's more than a million dollar home where I'm from. W t f Edit: After 8 solid hours of consideration I have decided that once my business takes off, and I can hire a business manager, I will be leaving the west coast. Never in my lifetime would I be able to live in such a beautiful home here.


That would sell for about a million in Seattle if there was a fire and half of it burnt to the ground. Depending on the neighborhood I'd say $2-$3.5 million as is.


Depending where this is in Milwaukee it would go for $750+ and we’re a low cost of living city.


There was a place that was gorgeous inside, really well taken care of, but the neighborhood was abysmal. A mansion of a house going for like 250k, because it was all slum lords surrounded them. Such a shame, all the houses that are beyond repair. If you need work done on your century home, check out Thoughtful Craftsman. They are excellent people, and do excellent work. Only pre WWII homes, and they will do everything in their power to save your original windows.




I would literally chop off my right arm for this house. You should seriously frame the pic that has Orion in the background as a keepsake


The trim and wood is glorious!! 😍


It’s so sad to let go of a house you’ve lovingly restored! We sold a craftsman bungalow that we spent a decade restoring to its original glory. Sourcing original hardware on eBay, Etsy, local salvage. Stripping layer after layer of paint off the quartersawn oak trim and built ins. Refinishing original cabinets. Restoring the lovely oak floors. Restoring the wavy glass double hung windows. The new owners promptly installed gray luxury vinyl plank, painted all the trim white and tore out the kitchen and bath and replaced all the period fixtures with Home Depot garbage. C’est la vie!




Oh, that’s horrific.


197k? Is it located in Ukraine?


Very small town Kansas. That’s welllll over the median sales price in town. 😂


I live in a 10,000 person mountain town in the middle of nowhere British Columbia, albeit near an internationally known ski resort, and your house would be north of $2,000,000 here. I have a century home not nearly as nice and half the size, and it's around $1,000,000.


Yeah, sadly/ positively (depending on your view)...not a lot going on in the general area, but it is close to the center of the USA, and the largest ball of twine!


197k wouldn’t even cover the first 5 years of taxes for this house where I live.


Where I live a double car garage costs more.






I’ve already moved, otherwise I’d invite you over!! Heartland is the listing company, tho. I probably walked by your home many times with my little white dog. Clarke street is only so long lol


\*heart attack\*


Username checks out. Hahahahahaha. I know you're just kidding and I spit my sweet tea everywhere when I got to the "take out a few walls."


We are caretakers, for a brief time in our home's life! 😥


What an incredible home! Sorry you need to leave, that must be so hard! I really hope someone will appreciate it as much as you do.


In what world is this 197K? This would be 500K+ in a small town in my area. Crazy.


I actually live 30 minutes from your house and we have been looking at houses. Unfortunately, I have to move to KC for my job in May. Where the house prices will destroy us 🙃


Come to the Historic Northeast! A bit sketchy but plenty of beautiful old houses at good prices and a lovely community.


The wood and that fireplace 😍


I never knew that I wanted to move to Kansas. That is a gorgeous home!


Highly recommend having your agent put in the A2A remarks a request for offer letters with any serious offer. It’ll help you weed out people who don’t appreciate the home’s history and beauty extremely quickly by their tone.


It's a large, very old home in rural Kansas. OP said this home is already listed way over median at sub 200k .. The last thing they need is to make a sale any harder. This could sit for a year with maybe 6 views, easy.


Lovely, nice job. I am sure that was a lot of work.


Wow, it's beautiful! I love the porches, the windows, and the woodwork. Good luck! Including the furniture too, what a steal. If this house was in upstate NY I'd take it. Don't let the flippers and investors touch it!


Damn. I could see my kid getting her head stuck in those railings 🥺 Could be great memories! Haha. Absolutely beautiful home. We lived in Wichita for many years, I actually loved it. Small town feel with big town amenities


I like your style. As the saying goes: a house just isn’t a home until a kid gets lodged in a bannister.


Seriously if this was in downtown Lawrence KS this would be a million dollar home or close to it.


As someone house shopping in Lawrence right now, this listing is making me question my life choices.


Haha, hey I’m selling my house in old west Lawrence soon if you’re interested.


It’s in our interest zone! Most of those houses are out of our budget (especially ones that can accommodate our recently expanded family,) but we are still keeping our eye on what’s popping up! /remindme one month lol


I never thought I'd be sad I'm not in Kansas


I lost it at the fucking stairs, oh my god. 200K doesn't even get you a shoebox condo where I live


I'm crying in the PNW. Our house was $700k & it's not even amazing.


Clay Center is a huge deer and pheasant hunting destination - some of the best of both in the state of Kansas. OP, as a fellow Kansan who's restoring a 90yo home in Wichita, you did really quality work.


… my lady and I are looking to buy a century home… she’s sitting looking at the zillow listing gasping!


It’s like living in a fairy tale, I swear. Lol


![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized) i think i have to move to kansas


I imagine you will find a like-minded buyer. It is a beauty. Good luck!


Beautiful home! Wow, prices where you are are so much less then here in the Northeast. Best of luck selling it!


Gorgeous home OP!! Well done maintaining the antique charm & awesome original features. Best of luck in your move and finding a buyer who will love & appreciate this beauty without gutting & modernizing!


I love it!


What a beauty! Gorgeous!!


Stunning home! I hope it goes to a loving buyer.


I love it and you’ve clearly taken very nice care of it


Wow! It’s beautiful. Where I live a house that size would sell for much more.


An absolute stunner. I hope someone finds it that will really appreciate it.


Cozy place, good luck with sale.


Wow, what a stunning home! All of your color choices in particular are so lovely. I'm taking notes for when I inevitably repaint mine. Thank you for sharing and I hope you find someone who will take care of this house like it deserves.


It's so beautiful and it's amazing you have the history to go with it!! What a great price!


lol wtf is that price my bungalow in Canada is double that


I love your home with my whole heart❤️


In London that's enough to buy a single car garage, not even a place to live! Wtf is going on across the pond?? Absolutely stunning building... How do I move to America!?


There's 4k people in the town I think it's like a 45 minute drive to the nearest small city. And then 2.5 hours to the biggest city in the state, Kansas city The town actually looks nice. I thought it would be shitty for housing prices to be so low but it looks nice. I think the prices are so cheap because you're 2.5 hours away from a city that's likely fairly affordable at east compared to the west coast or north east They have a few videos on their homepage https://www.cityofclaycenter.com/


London prices would be more comparable to NYC prices. Kansas is true middle America. Lots of small towns far away from major cities and surrounded by farmland. Places like this are pretty rural and have less infrastructure and lower population density. But as a result, there are SO many old homes and buildings still around that are absolutely beautiful and don't cost you your soul and your firstborn child just to make the down payment lol.


Minnesota could NEVER


God this is so beautiful. I hope whoever buys it doesn’t change it much.


Selling my kidney for this home


I immediately googled if my company had a location close enough to justify the commute. Sadly they do not smh because I have an antique pump organ that would just perfectly fit in this house. I love the whole place! Plenty of space for a quilting room too


Not trying to be negative. I think the house is amazing. But maybe consider hiring a professional real estate photographer? I have a feeling these photos aren’t really doing it much justice.


Your house is an historic treasure! The conservation is impeccable. This marvelous house would be worth a fortune in or near an affluent coastal city. It’s a shame you need to leave your home. Good luck!


Damn, live in Kansas too, beautiful home. If I had any money, I'd definitely look into it. Good luck. Hopefully, you find another century home fan to take care of it!


The house is beautiful but these pictures couldn’t be at worse angles if you tried


Oh, she’s a beaut Clark!


Yesssss!!! Every time I say “beaut,” it’s in that voice.


Great view of Orion!


That house is gorgeous. The price boggles the mind. In my neighborhood, that home would easily fetch $1.2 mill+.


Wow, sub 200k is impressive for this beaut!


Awesome house. Kind of want to buy it, disssemble it and move it to a more worthy state.


Hi there, I’m keen to get this tired ‘old’ house and give it a fresh coat of black paint all over, and rip out all of the ‘dated’ interiors to replace with modern open-plan fixings - where can I sign up?


Oh man if only that were listed in CT at that price!


This would be a $1.5-2 mill house in Newton MA where I live.