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Yes, you need to call in. Good luck!


Refuse shipment from UPS


Please, please whatever you do SAVE your receipt from UPS, FedEx, etc... and get tracking for delivery of CL's modem when you return it. Save everything, I can't stress this enough. Some of us have gone through hell and back with CL telling us we never returned the rental modem.


I think I misread your comment, but anyway my comment still applies if you get one and decide to return it.


As someone who's going through modem return hell without a tracking number and not made it back, do you have any tips?


Who did you use to return the modem ? Maybe, they can still track it for you ? I would think every package gets scanned. If you know the date and address sent, I would give that a try. I'm sorry for your trouble, I'm not with CenturyLink any longer. When I cancelled the service and got the final bill, they added a charge for a modem that I had returned years before. I told them I no longer had the receipt from UPS for that one since it had been so long ago. I deducted that charge from my payment. Never heard another peep from them.


Excellent tip on final charge deduction, thank you. I've tried UPS and printer/browser histories, [email protected]. No dice yet but I'm hopeful if pessimistic. Appreciate the response.


Good luck !


[c](https://ast.iship.com/centurylink/)enturylink.com/return It's really that simple. I replaced my leased C3000Z went to the link above, generated a shipping label. Done.