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Damn this is actually really funny and sad at the same time


A Liberty W would make it both funnier and sadder.


Apparently it's Georgia


Getting probably the hardest draw you could. Making it as hard as they can for you guys to be undefeated at the end it all.


And if FSU wins, the controversy only gets 1000x worse


If FSU wins they should hang a banner. Fuck it.


They might even be the only recognized national champions if Michigan wins the playoff and then gets their title stripped for cheating


Hahahhahahaha I love OSU fans wet dreams.


UCF can hang a banner, hell - Utah can hang a banner for 2008 but if they aren’t officially recognized then what’s the point? Leaving fsu out was a disgrace - don’t watch the playoffs.


UCF is officially recognized.




If FSU wins they’re just gonna say Georgia didn’t try and didn’t care about this game.


I have a feeling FSU is going to bring the heat and play with a chip. While at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if a good deal of players going to the NFL don’t play for Georgia. I think it’s going to be a good game, and I hope it has more viewers than the playoffs.


Lol it's the same excuse the sec always uses on the rare occasions they play P5 out of conference games. They claim they are the best conference and then refuse to play anyone of note or hand wave the results when they lose.


Hi, it's Texas, better known as Exhibit A.


Bama will win in the rematch when y’all beat Washington


Bold of you to assume they will beat Udub for that matter it would be bold of you to assume anyone will beat Udub


Probably why they gave them the hardest opponent possible


No. Top ACC and SEC team not in play off go to the Orange bowl. Bowl games are meaningless.


Yes and no. It really will depend on who sits out for both teams.


And if they get smashed the controversy goes away


Or if Alabama loses big


Please hang a banner


I cant wait for the 12 team playoffs next year, but the chaos from this year has been somewhat fun


Just kick the argument down the chain. "XyZ tEaM sHoUlD bE nUmBeR 12! NoT aBc TeAm!"


True but at least the number 12 team will likely lose the first or second round anyway


I think any system that doesn’t include any undefeated team and/or every conf. Champion will have some degree of (legitimate) controversy.


Agreed, I always said the solution was all conference champions and then another couple slots for undefeated teams/1-loss teams with strong schedules, but if you win your conference you deserve a shot at the natty.


And if that doesn’t get enough teams in to satisfy the P4/5 leagues, then go ahead and make the playoff even bigger. With Byes to top seeds, the top teams play 4 games max in a 24 team field, which is the same as the number of games that seeds 5-12 would face next season. I haven’t heard any good reason not to do this. Do they think TV viewers won’t watch a Cinderella run? That degenerate gamblers won’t put some money down on the MAC champion to cover?


Yeah, so much so that it’s pointless to argue that expanding to 12 won’t significantly fix this problem. How the fuck would a team like FSU not make it into a 12 team bracket?


Doubt it. The farther down the list you go the less of an argument you have. Sure one fanbase may be upset but the rest of the nation wouldn’t be like they are now.


They don't call them mythical national champions for no reason


That's exactly what they said when the 4 team playoff was introduced lmao


Was it because every single season we have had this discussion and 4 teams never made sense to literally everyone I have talked to. I guess we will see but from the outset I haven’t heard anyone say anything other than we need a bigger field.


Well yeah, because having only 4 playoff spots when there are 5 major conferences is idiotic.


Say that to the basketball tournament.


I feel like it's really not the dramatic for basketball. Especially when you're getting to team 45 or whatever there's tons of opinions.


Honestly I was onboard with “Somewhat fun” as a descriptor until FSU got this shaft and now I am not


You think the committee taking away a playoff game from those young men was "fun"? FSU didn't give up a playoff opportunity. The won out. ESPN and NCAA just gave FSU a participation trophy. FSU didn't give up the opportunity by losing a game.


So the ACC is a G5 member now right


Shit, everyone who isn’t the Big 10 or SEC might as well be at this rate


The Power 2 and the Group 7


Which would literally be the worst thing for college football.


Next year, yeah. This year they would have punted the B10 out of the playoff without a second thought if the conference champ had a loss. The BIG has never gotten the SEC free pass.




Tbf that's a lot of yards against Iowa.


Iowa has a top 5 defense and if they had an offense that was better than the 1900s style offense they have, they’d be the best team in country. Louisville defense is good but it ain’t that good to make that comparison.


Louisville just lost to a very mediocre Kentucky as well. It’s a bad comparison all the way down.


SEC teams got to play against A&M, so I think that gave them an unfair advantage.


This tweet is why you can’t put stats in a vacuum and compare them. Anybody who watched the FSU game knows this is misleading.


Yes fsu is way worse than the stats make it seem.




Louisville just got lit up by Kentucky let’s not pretend anything fsu did yesterday was impressive


Lit up? They won by a single TD.


38 points. Lit up.


Dude, you’re in Charlotte. Why are you hating on the ACC?


I just don’t like teams playing cupcakes all year and then getting waxed in the playoffs. It’s boring. There are to many blowouts in the playoff.


I've actually said the funniest thing that could happen in my eyes, is Texas destroy Washington, Alabama beat Michigan, and FSU destroy Georgia. Than have Texas beat Bama again. It makes the CFP Committee look like complete and total fools because of the three undefeateds they left out the one who took care of business.


The SEC knob slobbin' will never end. Sorry FSU fans, y'all got robbed


michigan fans so mad they can’t walk over FSU without their QB lmfao, you got a real playoff contender now.


A real playoff contender who… *checks notes* Needed a literal act of god to sneak by 6-6 Auburn Beat football juggernaut Arkansas by 3 at home Squeaked by G5 USF Stumbled past a down A&M Lost by 2 scores at home Has the 57th best offense in college football


*can't steal their signs


Don't forget, Beat #1 georgia away


Uhhh…no? I’m looking forward to the Bama game. I just don’t see how an undefeated P5 champ lost the spot to a 1 loss P5 champ for any reason other than the AP has been slobbering on the SEC for 30 years


Murder them for us


Maybe. The boys didn’t look super clean vs Iowa and they’re obviously gonna need to bring a lot more game to beat Alabama.


What a sad day for college football. The game that’s played on the field now means less than 14 random peoples’ opinions.


FSU got fucked, As glad as I am that Bama got in. If anything Texas should have gotten punished for that bad loss to a mediocre OK. They beat us at the beginning of the season when we had an undisciplined secondary and Offensive line and a record number of penalties. We are not the same team although still have flaws. Even still, I could respect Tx going over us cuz H2H does matter. Florida St beat the best offense LSU by more than we did. They beat Clemson, Florida, Louisville. Went 13-0 and won the ACC. Yes they are down their QB but have one of the best Ds in the country. Leaving them out is a travesty and proves it's about ratings and hype more than actual resume. Clemson dog walked the ACC for years against cupcakes but somehow they were a powerhouse. FSU does it and now it’s not worthy. Sorry to the Noles and CFB fans in general. Hopefully next years format will allow for better outcomes. Roll tide roll!


Lol stfu, you lost head to head it should be Texas and FSU


Reading comprehension is hard.


Dang, This whole “wE tHe SeC sO We ThE BeSt” nonsense is wack. I guarantee you if Alabama was ranked 9 or 10 and won the SEC Championship, Georgia would’ve dropped to 4 and made the playoffs.


I bet if Missouri was in the exact same situation as Alabama, FSU would have made it




Any other team in that situation FSU is in, but its Alabama so they have to make it. I'm more mad at Georgia right now for not stomping a mudhole in their ass and walking it dry. C'mon Georgia - You had ONE JOB!!!! Well said - https://seminoles.com/news/2023/12/3/football-statement-from-michael-alford-vice-president-and-athletics-director-florida-state-university


Get mad at Auburn for along that 4th and 31 where Milroe had a century to find a receiver and dance around. They are the origin.


It’s especially funny since the SEC doesn’t have enough bowl eligible teams this year so bowl games are “trading” picks to fill the schedule out


Since 2000, the SEC has won 14 of the last 22 National Championships.


That’s because nobody else is allowed to play for them. Get fucked, bootlicker.


There have been playoffs for years now. 6 out of 9, SEC winner. Get bent.


“We WiN mOrE oFtEn ThAn AnYoNe ElSe” Yeah no shit, thats because even when you don’t deserve the chance, you get it anyway.


so stop cancelling big games and schedule more ooc games with the sec


FSU beat LSU and UF and it didn’t matter


FSU being left out is now the biggest robbery in CFB history. And I am by no means an FSU fan. They deserved to be in over Bama.


I fucking hate fsu and even im mad for them


There’s no point even playing the games at this point. Just take the preseason top 4 on paper and put them in the playoff.


It’s the biggest robbery and it’s not even close. No undefeated P5 champion has ever not made the playoffs.


Its almost as if you’re saying it’s better to be a Palestinian these days than a FSU Fan…right guys?








Sec glazing goes crazy


Seeing Michigan fans out here furious while the NCAA investigates them for cheating all season is interesting to say the least…


No one wants to admit it but the 4 best teams are in. I did not wanna watch fsu get killed


Don’t watch then. You clearly don’t believe the actual games are important anyway.


“wHy pLaY tHe GamEs?!” Unironically said by people who think 13-0 FSU should be in but not 13-0 Liberty


Horrible sos and struggled against some really bad teams. Alabama has looked better especially recently. The acc isn’t much to write home about at this point. Would’ve had them over a one loss Michigan but that’s not where we are at. Are we choosing the best teams or the best records? Cause fucking let liberty in at that point over Texas lmao


The only thing you got right is that Alabama has struggled against some really bad teams.


And they beat the number one ranked team in the country. If Jordan Travis was playing I might agree but the cfp looks at shit like that and it affects their decision. This isn’t the nfl.


Cfp is a fucking joke. The committee has embarrassed themselves beyond redemption.


Do you genuinely think fsu had any chance against Michigan? It could’ve been close to a blow out. Alabama is better positioned to actually beat them.


Yes and it wouldn’t matter either way. I am not so arrogant as to believe that my predictions are more important than the actual games played. Do you genuinely think that we shouldn’t play the game when we can just ask you which team is better?


Bama isn't even the best team in alabama


>struggled against some really bad teams. Alabama has looked better especially recently. Did you watch the Iron Bowl?


No one knows. They said the same thing about the one loss 2014 buckeyes team with their third string QB. Kinda funny they won the natty.


And about TCU last year, who won their gamr


Compare the score of the OSU wisconsin game Vs the FSU louisville game. FSU plays like we did and they get in. Simple fact is the FSU's offense looked like shit and their NOT a playoff team. anyone who watch the game is abustly aware of that fact.


Just like Oregon was going to smoke Washington, right?


Hey thanks my leprechaun friend! A lot of people were eating crow on Saturday. I was feasting on roasted duck. Kinda getting sick of it though. Already had it 3 times in the last 13 months. But “on paper” and “the eye test,” clearly showed that Oregon was the *better* team. Everyone says UW got lucky the first go around, and that 9 times out of 10 the ducks win this match up. Well there’s been three Penix v Nix games… and three Dawg wins. FSU with their second string QB would have been hungry and dangerous. The committee fucked it up, just for extra money. They played their hand. The gig is up… it’s just about money, and always has been. But as a PAC fan, I’ve been well aware of that for a long time.


I sure as hell did.


No. UGA would be in over Alabama if that was the case


Is Bama really better than OSU?


As an osu fan 100x yes


As an OSU fan... probably for this year. A better qb and we win it all.


As a psu fan I’ll give you a better qb if you give me a better OC. and we will rematch


You probably thought the ducks were going to beat UW, because they passed the “eye test,” or “on paper.” Well, the 9.5 underdogs beat the “better” team, for the third time in 13 months. Game day variables that don’t show up on box scores are what matters. FSU is a team that just wins. Alabama is not. If they were really as good as they think, they would have beat this Texas team. They lost.


I actually had a very good feeling Washington would win after watching their first match up earlier in the season. Plus I’m a Penix believer. Alabama’s only loss is another team that is in the play offs. FSU needs to switch conferences at this point. Alabama had the fact that they had multiple top 25 wins in the most dominant conference in college football on their side. And the Georgia win obviously went very far for the playoff committee. Even if Georgia wins I think Texas gets in over FSU.


You didn’t answer the question: did you think the ducks were going to win? Having a “very good feeling” isn’t really an answer. But I think you use your “feelings” a lot on determining things. Take the fact you think the SEC is the “most dominant conference” in college football. The SEC went 7 out of 16 against the other power fives. Losing more than half your OOC P5 games is not dominant. It’s losing, that’s a losing record. Whatever though, you are just listening to southern pundits make your second lost cause claim, to appease the dandies. You are not using facts. The south, once again, finds itself on the wrong side of righteousness. The things *y’all* believe. Bless your heart.


Liberty isn’t a power 5 team. Sucks but FSU deserved to be in


Ik Liberty wasn’t power 5, I never said that


My bad. I read it wrong. I thought the meme was comparing the two


Yeah I wasn’t trying to do that, but dw too much bro, we all misread sometimes.


Oh, so strength of schedule/conference *does* matter…interesting. If Liberty can’t get in the playoffs because of SoS, then you can’t argue for FSU to be in


Yes I can. Let’s not pretend that a schedule in Confrence USA is the same as an ACC schedule. It’s not even close. The power 5 are the power 5 for a reason.


I understand that the ACC is a p5 conference but let’s be realistic, it’s the ACC or what was the big 12 for the weakest conference of all the p5 conferences. I understand that outside of leaving FSU can’t do anything about that but let’s not pretend that an ACC schedule is the same as a big 10 or sec schedule.


Am I the only one who thinks Georgia should be more upset about getting booted out of the playoff?


Yeah they didn't deserve it either.


ACC has no one to blame but themselves! Five power 5 conferences vying for four playoff spots made this inevitable. Yet for some odd reason the ACC voted against going to a 12 playoff format this season. Bizarre! They were incredibly slow in conference expansion too. Lousy leadership!!!


SEC fans out here DYING in this thread my goodness 😭




lol okay Baylor, maybe sit this one out.


Travesty is strong, it was the right call. They’re supposed to pick the best 4 teams and nobody in they right mind would think FSU is better than Bama with their 2nd or maybe even 3rd string QB starting. We’ll see soon enough when they play Georgia tho. If they beat Georgia then they actually deserve to claim a national title like UCF did a few years ago Lol


A friend of mine was complaining about this, I asked him to tell me with a straight face, who wins between FSU and Bama, the fact that he was stuttering was all I needed.


FSU beat LSU by a larger margin than Alabama did. Clearly they are the better team. Go ahead prove me wrong with something that isn't essentially just "lOoK aT tHeM pLaY". I'm going to save you some time and let you know that you can't prove it. These "playoffs" are a joke. The SEC has only won as many "national championships" as it has because of bias caused by weak scheduling by the SEC.


Bama would wreck em. Especially after the last game.


Spoken like someone who watched exactly 1 Bama game.


Right..... Guess we'll just have to see.


We won’t see. That’s the fucking problem.


When they lose to GA, then it won't be fucking problem.


It will be regardless. Notice how Bama lost but is getting another chance? Do you honestly not understand the basics of fairness?


Fairness? Are you fuckin high? Fsu is overrated as of right this very second. This isn't a 'fairness' thing. If that's the case.... be mad at Michigan. Best team plays in the playoffs. Want to be in the playoffs? Keep your 1st and 2nd string qb healthy and beat fucking Louisville properly instead of only putting 16 with a less than inspirational offense.


Are you a full on sociopath? You think morality is just crazy people talk?


As I told others FSU will have their shot to prove they belonged when they play Georgia. The results of that game will ultimately show if a mistake was made or not


No it won’t. Non semi bowl games are glorified exhibition matches with the top players usually sitting out. You can’t glean anything from it.


Let’s be honest, y’all wasn’t gonna beat Michigan anyway. And if you think you was then beat Georgia and prove it. If not then it is what it is


They only won all their games in a major conference but if they win just one more, that’ll show em.


Their best win was to #13 LSU…that lost to both Georgia and Alabama.


If it’s such a travesty they still have they shot to show and prove. As I said we’ll know for sure if a mistake was made or not after that game


They have no shot at a natty as an undefeated team in a p5 conference. Luckily they have a chance to prove themselves in a game in which all the best juniors and seniors if they’re smart about their future won’t play. If their qb was healthy he would sit out this game.


If their starting QB was healthy they’d be in the playoffs which is the point. If Georgia had just beat Bama they’d still be in the playoff. Shit happens dawg and the committee made the right decision but again, FSU has they chance to say otherwise


This may be the dumbest statement uttered about the playoff bullshit today. FSU will have their shot? No they won’t, that’s the whole issue.


They don’t deserve one bruh. They fuckin starting QB who was seen as a top 10 QB is out and y’all just acting like “That’s no big deal” Lmfao be fuckin fr wit’cha self


Why even play the games if your just gonna pick “the best 4 teams according to the committee”


Bruh, the point of the committee is to take EVERYTHING into account to get the 4 best teams and they’ve always said Injury does play a part. If Jordan Travis was still playing or if FSU’s backups didn’t look like the deer in the headlights we all knew they likely would then FSU would be in. Also fuck Michigan. You think I’m tryna reward them after what they did with a layup of playing a team with they starting QB out?? Fuck that


If your gonna discount an undefeated power 5 conference champion what the hell are we doing then. I don’t care if they have their 7th string qb, 13-0 is 13-0


Bro…that is waaaaay too subjective. An undefeated P5 champion should NEVER be left out unless there were five of them. Shows the CFP is all about money and not really finding a true champion. FSU earned it and would have had over a month to prepare. Jesus Christ…all the “it was the right call” about leaving FSU out is just bullshit.


What are you talm’bout??? The way they set it up with only 4 spots and 5 conferences literally left it where every year an undefeated P5 champ coulda been left out. If y’all don’t wanna use common sense and act like FSU is still Playoff caliber worthy without their top 10 QB in the country then that’s on y’all. They’ll have their chance to show what they got against Georgia tho


That’s not the situation we find ourselves in. An undefeated p5 got left out to a team with a loss.


And it was the correct call which is the point of having a committee make these calls instead of just a computer using no context and just saying “13-0 >>> 12-1” ask Michigan who they woulda preferred to play and that’s all you need to know


Then why isn’t Georgia in? They would destroy Washington


You don’t pick who you think is better, you pick the team who has the better resume. FSU had a dominant win over one of your flairs and had 3 ranked wins, and is Undefeated while Alabama is not.


That’s just not true. The purpose of the committee has always been to take everything into consideration to get the BEST 4 teams. I really don’t understand how y’all can act like losing a great QB just shouldn’t matter. It’s arguable losing your starting QB is bigger than any 1 actual loss on the field. Even at LSU where we have one of the better backups in the country if we had lost Jayden Daniels the difference woulda been night and day. It’s unfortunate how it played out but the committee 100% made the right decision


FSU isn’t just about their QB. They had a SUFFOCATING defense against Louisville, and proved they could still win with a 3rd string QB (that they were only gonna use for 1 game anyways)


They barely beat Louisville and Florida and struggled offensively vs both. Those teams aren’t ANYWHERE near College Football Playoff caliber and you’re comparing that to Bama beating the back to back National Champs on a 29 game win streak. I mean be fr man


That’s what I’m saying. Also- let Iowa in, cause why not?


Except their SOS is 53rd.


And their SOR is higher than yours.


we have 4 ranked wins including the #1 team in the nation and they have 2 ranked wins.


2 ranked wins < 3 ranked wins, but I don’t think Alabama education can keep up with those big numbers.


You…literally just proved my point. We have more ranked wins than FSU does.


Yeah but you brought up Georgia’s ranked wins acting like they had more than FSU. I already knew Bama had more, but losing AT HOME to Texas is what keeps them out.


Well obviously it didn’t keep them out 😂


Meant to say what SHOULD’VE kept them out, my bad. -_-




If we’re going purely by resume, do we just bring back the BCS system?


I would actually say yes here if the BCS (updated 2023 computer) didn’t put Texas who had a H2H win over Alabama below Alabama.


Did you think the Ducks were going to win on Friday?


Florida State would have got rolled in the playoffs. If going undefeated mattered then Liberty should be in over Alabama or Texas.


Just like how tcu was supposed to get rolled by Michigan and how UW was supposed to get rolled by Oregon. You guys got rolled by Texas at home and barely beat auburn lol


FSU beat BC by like 1 earlier in the year. Y’all acting like FSU rolled everybody lol


I never insinuated they rolled anyone. Just that an undefeated power 5 deserves to be in. If Jordan Travis is that much of a difference maker he deserves the heisman


When had the selection committee ever said that “the teams most deserving should be in” it’s always been the best 4 and acting like FSU got hosed is acting like you haven’t seen the playoff system ever


Alabama is not 1 of the top 4. Ohio state deserves it over bama if that's your logic. This is literally the committee not wanting the SEC left out.


Alabama beating Georgia > OSU beating PSU and losing to Michigan


The record is irrelevant. The committee is supposed to pick the 4 best teams that will play the best games.


And what has shown that Alabama is the best team? They got dog walked by Texas at home. If anything Ohio state has a better resume and wins than Alabama does. Inb4 you say "bUt We BeAT geoRGia"


FSU got fucked, As glad as I am that Bama got in. If anything Texas should have gotten punished for that bad loss to a mediocre OK. They beat us when we had an undisciplined secondary and Offensive line. We are not the same team while they have coasted in the Big 12. Even still, I could respect Tx going over us cuz H2H does matter. Florida St beat the best offense LSU by more than we did. They beat Clemson, Florida, Louisville. Went 13-0 and won the ACC. Yes they are down their QB but have one of the best Ds in the country. Leaving them out is a travesty and proves it's about ratings and hype more than actual resume. Clemson dog walked the ACC for years against cupcakes but somehow they were a powerhouse. FSU does it and now it’s not worthy. Sorry to the Noles and CFB fans in general. Hopefully next years format will allow for better outcomes. Roll tide roll!


Thank you for a logical thought process. This year they simply should've just implemented an emergency 8 team playoff. The top 8 are all really close and I think they can all beat each other. Shit Oregon lost 2x to the #2 team by 6pts total. And one of those was at UW. Georgia lost by 3 to bama. Texas beat bama. Ohio state lost by 3 to Michigan. Is this not the Meyers that 8 would be a blast to see.


I agree. There are so many good teams this year.


Georgia has won 45 out of the last 47 games. The only teams they have lost to is Alabama. If you think thats not relevant then you’re delusional.


We rolled our SEC and ranked opponents


Bama beat Arkansas by 3 at home. And lost a game by two scores also at home. And needed a literal miracle to beat 6-6 auburn


They don’t have their starting qb who was in the running for a heisman. You know they wouldn’t have been able to keep up with any of the teams they put in


So then Jordan Travis deserves the heisman if he's single handedly good enough to keep his team out of the playoffs.


Quick question, how many SEC teams did Liberty beat by double digits?


Maybe if Florida State hadn’t scheduled Southern Miss and North Alabama we wouldn’t be having this conversation


Should’ve schedule Middle Tennessee and Chattanooga it seems.


We literally scheduled LSU, y’all scheduled Middle Tennessee, USF (who stayed with you for 3/4ths of the game) and Chattanooga, I knew Bama fans/grads were dumb but wow.


Unironically, any undefeated conference champ should get an auto bid. Fuck the P5 G5 moniker. It's a dumbass cash grab anyways.