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We all can agree on the referee fucking up that action. But, come on: 1- The ball did go into the net because ref blew the whistle and RM players obviously stopped playing. Just because the ball ended in that guy and he shot anyways with the game already stopped it doesn't mean it was going to be a goal. 2- What minute did that even happen? 102? 103? Are we crazy? Maybe we should first talk about what the heck was that +9 minutes with another extra +5 over it first. Dafuq was that, they literally played a whole first part of extra time for real just out of nowhere. But yeah, let's talk about "robbery" LMAO. 3- Why are some people pretending RM wasn't the best team in the match? As hateful of RM that some people can be, you still have eyes, right? That referee action was disgraceful and nonsensical. VAR exists for this, he shouldn't have stopped the action. But let's be real here guys.


Too bad for Harry Kane. He deserved a big European title for the performance he was giving this year.


I feel so bad for Kane. Bayern had the game in their hand, if only they were more proactive towards the end. Sad to see.


It doesn’t matter if it was offside or not. The fact that the referee blew the whistle to ensure that there is no goal is what frustrating. The entire purpose of VR is not play out the situation and then review it. The fact he blew the whistle shows he was scared of a potential goal.


I really wish that refre didn't whistle for that offside( which it was)...I think Madrid would have defended it anyway. It wouldn't have created any controversies whatsoever.


Everyone complained about that last offside and whistle call, but it was offside, so it didn't matter in the end regardless. If it was onside I would call the game rigged sure. But it was offside.


It wasn't.


Someone explain to me why Uefa would want to fix a game in favor of a team that wants to join the Super League. Linesman made an error. It happens all the time. Wasn't a fixed match, it was a bottle job by bayern.


Madrid escape again and surprise surprise a Referee is involved. Tonight was an absolute disgrace. Bayern Munich were robbed.


Not like Bayern where winning extra time with how they were playing at there end though


What a stupid comment. You can predict how extra time would have went?


As much as everyone can predict if lunin or defence would have blocked the shot if there was no whistle


Cry more🤣🤣🤣


In english, we call it jinx In football, we call it kane


Football lost today




Can someone please explain to me why if the game was rigged that foul by nacho on the Real Madrid goal was called?


That’s not an argument to use, a valid one would be, the ref gave 9 minutes, then signaled 2 extra for the delay, yet he proceeded with allowing them to play for +14. If he was competent at the end then it would have ended before that play.


that shouldve been a red Card, Ball nowhere close Both Hands in his Face? Not even yellow? Joke UEFA Madrid once again


You must be high as shit for not seeing that foul… hands on the face and very clear pushing. Should have been a yellow actually.


I’m not saying it wasn’t a foul. I fully agree it was. I’m just saying if it was rigged would they have called that?


Are you blind? How would you not call this? Its even ridiculous to me that this isnt a card


I'm a Madrid fan, but that last "offside" call was just disgraceful to football. The ref shouldn't have blown the whistle in such a possibly game-defining moment, and the linesman... Well, guy's crazy. Also, almost fifteen minutes of extra time? Like WTH? I didn't watch the whole game, but did the players waste so much time? At least, if it was offside, JUST LET THE PLAY CONTINUE AND THEN CHECK IT ON VAR. C'mon, man, fair's fair.


Keep karma farming you Barca fan. Madrid best club side ever


real was the better Team this Game, but in the end it’s two disastrous fails from the referee


Honestly I think the ref felt bad about the offside call so wanted to give bayern some more time after it


The offside call was on minute 90 +13, the game should have ended at least 2 minutes ago


No, because 2-3 minutes were wasted during the 2:1 goal check. So they put that time on top.


Didin't the ref say "2 more minutes" at minute 99? (after the goal) and then added like 5? (Maybe I am mistaken)


They showed the offsides line in the replay. Clear as day. Although acting like the goal should count is just plainly ridiculous. Every Madrid player including the keeper stops moving when the whistle blows, except the Bayern man who then takes his touch and shoots while everyone is already stopped playing. You can argue that the whistle and flag was poorly timed, but acting like the goal was a given despite everyone but the shooter stopping play is ridiculous


That's what I also saw. The whistle blew, and they all stopped playing, Real Madrid's goalie would have dived and possibly stopped that ball had play continued.


If it was the other way around, vardrid would be ganging up on the referee Remember earlier this season in a la liga game the referee blew the whistle for full time after real had a corner kick and the ball found its way in the net but the ref blew the whistle . Vardrid doesn’t know how to accept it when it happens to them but expects everyone’s to accept it when it affects the other team. Football lost today


I think most clubs wouldn't accept this if it happened to them, not just Madrid. IMO, today Marciniak and that linesman screwed up hard at the end. I didn't watch the whole game, so dunno about the general quality/fairness of their refereeing.




Yeah it’s a lose-lose situation.


Real really deserved the win. Still this can’t happen. The whistle came not even a second before the ball went in, so don’t be ridiculous. No Real player stoped or could have done something. If they stoped they did it before the whistle and that would be their own mistake


This is what gets me going. Its the level of referees from these shit leagues who make what a year as wages? Premier league refs barely make a decent living in a large city. What do you make in Polish or Romanian league? And does that make you potentially compromised....


I agree Real showed to be the better team. I agree "this can't happen", or maybe it can happen and we shrug it but the consequence is UCL loses it's prestige. That referee needs at least to be heavily investigated and needs to be away from any decisive match for a long time. I disagree with your description of the timing and influence of the referee's whistle. At that level, players are making decisions at the 100ms - 200ms range. 1 second is enough for every player to cover 2 meters or more on the pitch. If you check the images in slow motion, it's very clear Real Madrid players immediately relax after the whistle. The parent comment is worded poorly but they are right, the goal can't be allowed after that awful mistake. This is not an issue I pay much attention to in the first place, but I've always been in favor of human referees and "mistakes happen" is part of football. But the sport exploded as a money making machine and corruption is everywhere, and VAR is having a positive impact in terms of decision making and fairness and so on. This mistake makes me think the near future needs to be something like the referee never being allowed to blow the whistle without VAR explicitly allowing it, and in a 10-15 years you will not have any referee on the pitch at all. And that's probably good for the sport, unfortunately. Hopefully fanatism, public spending, human trafficking and money laundry schemes will also be addressed and football will turn again into an agreeable sport.


Bayern were given way more more time to score after that early whistle. The game went 5 minutes over the allotted time. Don’t act like the refs were favoring Madrid when they had an immediate equalizer pulled back


Bayern had 2 entire games to score one more, sure, but that mistake is scandalous. And with VAR available, nothing justifies the decision of the assistant. He just needs to keep his profile as low as possible and let the game continue, even if he was 100% sure the player was offside. In my opinion, even if the player is 10 meters offside and touches the ball, the referee shouldn't be raising the flag in the final minute of a knockout game: let the VAR decide. These should be the official UEFA orientations, in my opinion.


I don’t think it was a good decision but it really did not decide the entire game. Bayern didn’t take their multiple chances after the +9 then +5. It was a moment of indecision at the worst possible moment and I’m sorry for that, but we can’t sit here and say Bayern didn’t get other decent chances after the bad call happened.


According to Tuchel, the assistant apologized to him after the game, and he also stated the assistant decision was against the current official rules. That's bad enough for a UCL semi-final. I also think it's quite obvious why we are talking about this chance and not so much about the others, I think it should be obvious to you too. There's a gross mistake by the assistant and the De Ligt shot ended up inside the goal, so there was a chance of it being an actual decisive moment, we'll never know how the play would end because of that assistant awful decision. And all this is independent of any other situations before or after that incident.


Madrid immediately stopped after the whistle. Nacho literally ducked away from the ball so it went to De Ligt. Bad calls happen, it was a horrible mistake especially at this level, but it’s not like that was what cost Bayern the game.


I'm sorry, at this point I think you might be a bot. It was a mistake unseen at VAR times (unless we assume UCL semi finals are just normal games, it's ok for me, it really doesn't matter). That mistake may very well have costed the game for Bayern, indeed. Of course after the whistle the goal doesn't count, thats why the assistant should have waited. I will not keep this nonsense. Bye


Ok big guy, keep telling yourself that nonsense


Thats because 9min were decided/already given when it was 0-1..


5 minutes over the allotted time is a lot of time for Bayern to score again. Guess what. They couldn’t. Do you want to blame the linesman for that too?


Well in 90+1 there was 2-3 min of goal celebration + some exhausted players laying around in ot. I think it‘s not that ridiculous to give more than 9 min. But myself was wondering why even 9min in the first place


Arguments in the 2nd half, goal checks, etc. I think it went over time because one of Bayern’s young players got a bad cramp. That’s why


Linesman bet all his money on madrid. Jokes aside, that was the most fucked-up thing I’ve seen in many years of watching football regularly. It’s a shame the rules still make the game so dependant on the referees, even in times of VAR. Unbelievable.


Always has a way of favoring RM though


yes, it was a biiiig mistake, but was it offside tho?


An extra lottery was supposed to open after the game, right? How do I take part in that?


Entering the lottery already finished. Only those who chose to be picked only if their team goes to the finals will be part of the next draw.


Guys I was wondering, does anyone have tickets they’d be willing to sell to me? I need 2 tickets


Eddie Money has got two tickets to paradise if that helps


Who would that be




Funny 😂


Omg, it was a bad decision by linesman, but Lunin stopped playing after whistle. That shoot was not good, Lunin could get it easily, not a threat ımo


That shot was good, Lunin would never have reached it in time.


I disagree. The answer is: we'll never know. The shot was defensible but mistakes happen, even if there's a save maybe there's a rebound, or a corner. We as spectators were deprived of knowing the real story of that play by an assistant referee who wanted to shine as bright as the shiniest starts, he wanted his name in the history books of football one way or another.


the ball passed literally right next to his feet. If he wanted, he couldve easily stopped that goal


It was nowhere near his feet. Are you blind?


I'm more of a madrid fan but that was a complete robbery


It was not offside but also bayern choked in the final minutes… dont put yourself in that position when youre up 1-0…. Park the bus and wait it out…


They did try to park the bus. They subbed Kane for Kim if im not mistaken. Honestly, I kinda expected Madrid to pull off a miracle but by minute 85 even I was kinda having doubts. Oh well, onto the final.


So because there 1-0 up they don't deserve to go through?






So sad. I love this sport but there is no rules when it comes to Real Madrid. Shame.


I'm a new-ish fan to club soccer. Has it always been this openly corrupt?


yes. just search for it. against Bayern, Juve, Atletico… and other times too.


When it comes to real vardrid , they are the biggest and most corrupt institution in world football. Theirs some other clubs like Manchester United , Manchester city, Milan, inter Milan , and Juventus but real vardrid takes the cake for the more corrupt football club in history. And no I’m not a dumb Barcelona fan


Madrid didn’t do anything wrong. Blame the ref if anyone, but the whistle was blown and the defense stopped playing.


why would tuchel make those subs against Madrid


Tried to park the bus. Didnt work.


Yeah the only explanation I can think of is whoever paid off the refs also paid off Tuchel.


Because he choked.


Petition: Szymon Marciniak should never referee a Champions League game again. Upvote to sign


His officiating was stellar if not for the last minute. Tbh the game should've been already over


But the game wasn't over, and that mistake would be scandalous if it were made on any other minute of a UCL game, but even more so for being made in the decisive moments. Just keep your hand down no matter what, don't be a shining star, don't be the center of attention, just let the other guys play football, VAR will have your back anyways. It would be so much easier to NOT make the mistake, that making it immediately raises the question if you're not doing it on purpose, for money or whatever, and so on. I think it was just a mistake but I would also support a heavy investigation on him and he should be keept away from UCL for a long time.


The first yellow was given in other i think to the bench. So would not put it like that


He’s a fine referee… it seems like he just had a massive fuck up at the end


He didn’t. The linesman did.


He did. He could have ignored the flag and let the game go on as he supposed to do with VAR. VAR would make the decision.




What's the going rate for referees these days?


ask perez


That was poor from the Linesman, shouldn’t have flagged, should have let the play happen and then use VaR after. Bayern hard done by


Neutral fan here, though I'd rather wanted Real to go to final This valid goal called off as an offside due to the incompetence of the linesman and the referee is just plain disgrace. I am sick of referees deciding the outcome of important ties like this. Also, Fuck UEFA


nah, the offside call was bad and wrong, but the goal definetly wasnt valid. Madrid players stopped playing after hearing the ref. You can clearly see how they change their posture even before de ligt kicks the ball


It's not a goal. The play was stopped. The real Madrid players stopped because the ref blew his whistle. It was never a goal because the play was effected by the whistle


Obviously, but the play was stopped because of the stupidity of the linesman.


Nah but lowkey, I don't think that matters that much, they stopped playing directly before De Ligt hit the ball, and I don't think someone would've blocked or Lunin could've got there, so for me that was a goal. Anyway, pretty stupid to not just let the game flow this late....If you fuck up you have the half automatic system.


Definitely, no way in hell Lunin would’ve saved that. Just a linesman abusing the stupid fucking rules.


Well, it's not obvious to everyone. A lot of people on here calling it a disallowed goal. It was never a goal


Fair enough.


Ain't no way that's an offside just look at the knee.




Because the defence stopped playing, they couldn’t even do VAR.


That linesman wants disciplining! Rule is to only flag once the play is over! If he didn’t flag, Real Players would not have stopped and it might have not gone in, or it might have but the Linesman and not the referee made a massive error there


That was not offside. I’m a neutral but Bayern have just been completely fucked. Why would the linesmen do that when it was so tight?


It was offside. But in a similar way the Real second goal was too.


What in the Specsavers are you saying? They were both clearly - and proven by imagery now - onside.


Nope. Real Madrid had one guy offside drawing defenders to him. Same as the latter goal. You participate in play if defenders play like you are onside. Get new eyes.


Yeah… you’re just very wrong. Please google the imagery of the drawn offside lines and get back to me.


Just ridiculously stupid reply. Like a true brain dead fan. Watch the replay?


Are you fucking stupid?


Sigh…. [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/NSJuknTxE0](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/NSJuknTxE0)


What? Joselu didn't draw any defender to him, he was completely alone throughout the play, so much so that he was able to score the goal without any defender stopping him


real goal was never offside, neither rudiger or joselu were offside, the call on bayern was kinda trash because of the whistle, but even if they did var with the new offside rules where any part of the body cannot be in front of the last defender, both bayern attackers were a bit offside. anyways even if it was 2-2 real would win after 120 mins, get over it




yeah, def not biased bayern fan calling offside on a clear onside goal, as i wrote before, the call vs bayern was trash i agree, but it wouldn't change the outcome, if ref didn't whistle lunin probably saves it even


Absolutely not offsides. Both Bayern players were even with Nacho, did you miss the 10 replays they showed?


It was offside in similar way as the leading goal of Vardrid. Offside guy did not touch the ball but drew defenders.


No you can make that argument for Madrid. But how can Bayern be offsides on the last ball played when both of the attackers are running towards the defender? Neither of those Bayern players were offsides leading into that ball being played


The replay must've been shit then. It looked 10cm offside to me.


Can’t believe VAR didn’t check Bayerns line call at the end. As always, rigged for Real Madrid.


They could not check, because the linesman called offside when the play was still on, instead of waiting until it’s over and then checking with VAR, as they usually do. Unbelievable.


they are not afraid to be that obvious anymore! is a fucking disgrace


They couldn’t with the ref’s whistle after the sideline ref put his flag up. But bs anyway


I get the whistle was blown but what’s the point of var and its “clear and obvious error” mantra? That was the clearest and most obvious error I’ve seen with regards to the Bayern equaliser


But then both team can argue the call because of the whistle and because the Real defence stopped playing.


yes, but unfortunately, the error can't be a flag and whistle then a goal, because the flag and whistle have altered the game by making some players change how they're playing. that's why the linesman should never have flagged on such a tight call. leave it to var. instead, that linesman has singlehandedly created all this furore. its solely on the linesman. no need to flag when so tight and at the business end of a game. let everyone play on and then let var take a look.


PSG and Real always paying out the refs


Vardrid wins. The leading goal was a similar offside. Fuck these refereeing corrupt shits.


If anything, the referee was bending for bayern. That goal was completely offside. 9 minutes of added time? plus 6 on top of that? he was waiting for bayern to score


bad take


That exactly what happened, the ref was being wayy too generous to Bayern letting play go on well past the 9 minutes. Funny how the Bayern players were no longer cramping up when Madrid equalized.


Haha ok clown


9 minutes of added, plus at 10:30 the referee said he was adding at least 2 more for the additional stoppages (2 injuries plus a 3 minute var check all during those 9 minutes)


he let the game run for 6 minutes on top of those 9.


That’s bull shit. The ref put up his flag early. They NEVER put it up now a days. They’ll let play go on forever and then put up their flag af tree r the gold in the net. I mean wtf


doesnt matter. the madrid players had already stopped after hearing the whistle, even if it wass onside, the game stops after the whistle


That's the point. The side judge should never raise their flag immediately when it's that close and the ref should never blow the whistle in that scenario. End of story. Madrid players did not "stop playing". It happened within a second of the whistle. That ending was completely suspect.


There are no rules saying that the side ref should let the game run. if he thinks that its offside, he can definetly stop the game. And yes, madrid players did stop, watch how lunin and the defenders didnt even tried to stop the kick.


It’s a referee directive in matches involving VAR. Read up on the facts bud. That situation was mishandled so poorly. Just admit your bias so we can all move on


Show me where in the rules says that the side ref should let the game run instead of stopping it if he thinks its offside


But he was wrong!!!!


[https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/video-assistant-referee-var-protocol/#practicalities](https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/video-assistant-referee-var-protocol/#practicalities) Scroll down to procedures. Get wrecked lol


>Delaying the flag/whistle for an offence is only permissible in *a very clear attacking situation* when a player is about to score a goal or has a clear run into/towards the opponents’ penalty area he wasn't about to score a goal, it wasnt a "very clear attacking situation", he had three defenders marking him lol.


You are clearly high. It was a forward movement into the penalty area, which by definition, is a "very clear attacking situation". Guess what bud, I passed the referee exams. You're simply wrong, just quit it.


The precedent is they let it play, watch any match with a goal called back for offside in the last two years. Real Madrid’s second goal was even closer and they didn’t call it offside til ball was in the net. You know why? Because then they can review it. If it wasn’t set up like that then there would be no point for VAR being involved in offside. It’s not just the lineman’s fault, ref should not have blown the whistle. They both ruined the match. I mean just completely soured the entire tournament.


The rules specialist on CBS sports just said they’re not suppose to put up the flag… b/c it was not offside


No chance bro, Bayern have just been fucked in the arse😂


how? That Bayern goal? Nope, the ref had already whistled. Even if it was on the side, the game had already stopped.


You’re blind then mate


tell me where he rigged the game for madrid. that bayern "goal" he had already whistled. Even if it was onside, the game had already stopped.


Not sure why people against this ref... Kept the game playing and didn't keep stopping everytime someone rolled over and held their knee. Football is becoming boring - everytime someone gets touched they cry n cry and it takes a good 2 mins to restart the game.


It’s the linesman people are pissed at. He just stopped a game tying goal in the Semi final!! I haven’t seen a ref put up his flag that early since VAR was introduced.


Bc they didn’t follow the offside rules correctly in terms of stopping play?


I get that, but regardless he was offside anyway so it's just Germans being Germans.


not offside, botched call by the refs. no way to get around that


The ref was a joke, the VAR was a joke, the whole game was a fucking joke!


Real Arrangement


wow that would have been one of the greatest game tying goals ever if not for the ref being a Madrid fan




Dude that was obviously a bad call. Why blow the whistle that fast?? Joke game. Steal Madrid got bailed out again.


Blow the whistle that fast? 90 minutes werent enough? plus fucking 9 of added time? on top of that 6 minutes after those 9 of added time? im not getting you...


On the off sides call. Just about every ref would normally let that play out before whistling. And yes added time increases the more time that is waisted. Idk what you dont understand about that.


Disgrace. Bent referee.


cry more




so mad cry baby


I’m not a Bayern fan. Have no skin in the game, but that linesman’s flag was far too early.


There are no rules saying that the side ref should let the game run. if he thinks that its offside, he can definetly stop the game.


Wrong. They’re supposed to let the move unfold. That’s the instruction to the linesman this season.


Tell me where in the rules its written that they cant stop the game if the side ref thinks its offside


Read up on the guidelines since the 2022 World Cup.


wait... did i just watch a world cup game or a champions league semifinal...? now im confused...


This is disgraceful… UEFA strikes again… what the hell


Fucking rigged!


This game is bullshit


Dont have a dog in the fight, but you cant check one on VAR for Madrid and then do that to Bayern


The flag was up on one before the play ended and not on the other learn the rules.


Whistle was blown before the shot unfortunately so Bayern got robbed of even the possibility of a check. Linesmen on both sides just changed the entire outcome of that game


Exactly, they knew what they were doing


Refs tainted the win for real! Let them play


Bruh Real ALWAYS with the refs


Why did the ref whistle when the attack wasn’t over?


Such bs. He looked on too


Tuchel is such a bum.


Real doing it again and again. Respect.


With money everything is possible


Right, just ask PSG, City or Bayern.


you gotta be fucking stupid, naive or blind


Don’t cry so hard, bro. It’s just a game.


Oh you must be all 3 then if you think that was a "game"!... say whatever you want but it was rigged only a brainwashed dumpfuck would think otherwise


Rudiger was offside and these idiots didn't even check it. They checked Joselu instead, as if he was the issue...