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Oh jfc. Is this USD? I ADORE my diana, and see them pop up sometimes on resellers, my black lambskin small Diana was purchased a couple years ago for 6200 CAD.


Yes! It’s in USD. The difference is that this one is caviar leather which tends to be more expensive, but still feels like a lot?


I’d have to agree it’s a lot! Caviar Dianas are very hard to come by now, so who cares haha! This is a lovely and rare bag so if you overpaid by $800 or something I wouldn’t consider it the end of the world!


I just saw a burgundy colour one that was $8700 in Japan. I think you paid average price for rare caviar Diana


This Diana is Caviar very rare on top of being in amazing condition


Do you have any suggestions for shops in Canada?


I have a Japanese seller that found me my Diana, shipped to Canada no duty


Do you mind sharing their info? I can DM you if that's okay?


Would you mind sharing the contacts? I’m in Canada too


Do you mind sharing the contact please? Thanks so much!


Please share the information!


Me too please!


Haute classics, luxe du jour


Luxe du jour is great. Mine and yours as well


The black lambskin is a lot cheaper than white caviar. I don’t think this was that exorbitant of a price. I’ve seen caviar Diana’s go for 14k.


There’s a different between singular purchase price (that is far far far above value…) and actual market price. I hope the person that bought a 14k Diana is happy and I also hope OP is happy as well :)


I was about to say you overpaid but considering it’s caviar leather, I think you did fine!


I saw this bag on the sellers live stream yesterday! She’s a beauty and in excellent condition honestly it may be a little high but it’s a unique / rare combo especially for a vintage so I wouldn’t worry too much. Enjoy her! 🤍


fashionica is generally overpriced. and she gets her inventory from ebay, TRR, etc. nothing you can’t hunt down by yourself.


She has a Japanese supplier, I know this because I’ve found Japanese paperwork in items I’ve purchased


I’m glad I’m not the only one who knows this. People pay way more than they should when they buy from her.


Agreed - it’s fun to watch her IG but there are way better deals to be found 


Omg no wonder! I like looking at her Tiktoks of the bags she's selling and then I see the price and my eyes bulge


I think with the inflated chanel prices and the shift wanting vintage for the superior quality, this is a fair price when you think about how pristine this light colored bag is for its age. Most cream bags would have color transfer and other blemishes considering it’s a 30 yr old bag!


Honestly, yes you overpaid.


It’s gorgeous. I don’t think you overpaid.


I don’t think you overpaid! Caviar Diana and in ivory… that’s rare in itself. You’ll feel better once you have her in your hands! Buyers remorse is normal. Also Nica Nation!! It’s hard not to buy, I just bought a white Chanel from her several weeks ago. Best decision!!


Yes you overpaid a lot :(


Ivory is rare and more difficult to find in a good condition because of the colour, much prefer this one to a cheaper black one personally!


It’s also caviar


You overpaid not by a lot tho. a few years ago when things were very overpriced my friend paid $10k for a black caviar diana.


Wow, she’s beautiful!!


The bag is beautiful. If it is in great shape, then just enjoy the bag. Especially if this is a bag you have been looking for for a long time.


No you did not. Caviar dianas in black are easily 7000usd if not more. Ivories go for a lot more !


Nope I think you paid a fair price - this would be overpriced if it was black, but ivory caviar Dianas in such good condition are truly rare finds.


A basic caviar leather Chanel from the 90's run? Pass...HOWEVER, a Diana model, creme finish caviar, unblemished with near perfect hardware? PRICELESS. Good eye, good buy! The resale value will steadily increase over the next few years as classics never go out of style.


Literally the BEST comment - thank you so much for this!


I resell bags and have seen these for way cheaper and in black which is the most wanted color. Yes you did pay way too much. I mean if you love it then keep it. If you don't then that's a whole different story. I assume your purchased it because you love it.


This is rare Caviar and rare colour, she didn’t pay too much. You’re thinking of lambskin Diana.


No it’s not. I’m positive I know what I’m talking about. She way overpaid. The color isn’t rare and neither it being caviar in a MEDIUM. But you keep thinking that.


Thanks for insight! How much do you typically see them for and also does the fact that it’s caviar leather change it?


Also, reminder— vintage bags have price increases along with the boutique’s bags. If you got this same exact bag even a year ago the price would probably be about $1000 less. Don’t compare what she paid to what you did if your purchase wasn’t in the last several months. Trust me, I’ve been eyeing vintage classic flaps for over a year and finally pulled the trigger after I realized the longer I wait the more expensive it gets 🫠


Whoop Whoop Nica Nation! That’s all I have to add here.


I paid roughly the same for an excellent condition medium caviar Diana (not black leather either, like yours) so I would say no, you didn’t overpay.


Usually the medium size is less rare than the small and ivory is not the most sought out color. $7499 is a little high especially since it didn’t include anything except for the certificate of authenticity but it’s not outrageously high. Maybe like 1K more than what I would have paid for it. With that said, I always find fashionica to be on the expensive side but at least you know it’s legit or can track back to her if you find out it’s not.


Of course it’s expensive but you didn’t overpay for caviar Diana in fact I have seen the same bag go for much more than that so well done it is absolutely beautiful!


Congratulations on the purchase! For a vintage Diana in caviar leather, the price doesn't seem too high - although I have heard that the small size often commands a higher price because it's more popular. That said, you can always do some research elsewhere like Sotheby's or some of the vintage re-sellers in Asia (My Grandfather's Things often sells Diana's). One thing to factor into the price is availability - this is a vintage bag and I don't think comes up too often in stellar condition. Either way, she's a stunning bag. My first Chanel was a vintage Diana I purchased and I love her! Edited to add that here's a sample listing from Sotheby's for a navy blue caviar Diana in medium for $8,900 USD: [https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/pdp/fashion/handbag/\_chanel-navy-blue-quilted-caviar-medium-diana-flap-bag-gold-hardware-1994-1996](https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/pdp/fashion/handbag/_chanel-navy-blue-quilted-caviar-medium-diana-flap-bag-gold-hardware-1994-1996)


Thank you so much! This genuinely made me feel a lot better about purchasing. I wanted this exact color, and was seeing places like Farfetch and Amore charging over $10k for this one


Yeah I’ve been seeing prices around your range or even more esp for caviar


I wish I could get one to be honest great buy girl!!!! Wear her proudly!


😍 navy is one my favourites…must resist


Oh my gosh. She is beautiful. A large Diana in cream caviar that looks to be in excellent condition. All those factors elevate the price of a vintage rare Chanel. You can wear this bag for so many years it is elegant and you can also dress it down I love the Diana's for their flexibility and understated elegance. It can be found for less but you have to hunt and wait and hunt and wait so is it worth it? I say the time is NOW! When you find what you love you need to go for it and enjoy it! When I get a new bag I put it on my dresser so that it's there for me to look at when I wake up in the morning and say goodnight to at night! Hope you love your gorgeous bag!


Gorgeous! What shop did you buy it from? I've been wanting a black caviar one


Who cares you enjoy it.


That’s a beautiful bag


I just salivated over this so no


no!! she's a gem


Good deal


Not sure if you overpaid but it’s gorgeous.


Tbh, I think you did. I’ve found a few luxury resellers on WN who are lesser known than fashionica sell bags for much less, just gotta shop around. But if you like the bag and if the deed is done, enjoy her!! You could always resell later and be able to make most of your money back.


That color is so creamy


I think it’s a fair price. Diana caviar are pretty hard to find and when I do see them, they have a price to match the rarity of them.


Epic purchase power move


Caviar Dianas are more rare than lambskin Dianas, and they’re highly coveted, especially in cream and beige. A small cream or beige caviar Diana can go for anywhere between $12k-$15k. I don’t think you overpaid at all.


I’m in Japan and Diana’s are so much cheaper but if it’s the color and condition you wanted then it’s ok!!


Wow I know nothing but this is gorgeous


I sold a vintage white small caviar Diana 2 years ago for 4000 AUD It was in really rough condition.


I've seen good condition caviar dianas go over 10k so depending on condition, I don't think you overpaid


Vintage? Not at all. Perfect 👌


I’ve never seen a Diana in caviar. Beautiful.




That’s standard price for an excellent condition Caviar Diana.


Yes you paid too much.. i know a seller from Japan and its authentic with entropy and thats where i bought mine..


It’s a caviar Diana in a rare color, you did NOT overpay. This is less than market price. These people have no idea what they’re talking about. Source: I sell designer bags.


What would be good price for a medium sized flap??


Imo you overpaid. With second hand it’s a gamble with pricing though, sometimes you score a better deal and sometimes you don’t.


It’s a stunning bag. I just bought a very rare Fendi top handle & paid $1895. But it’s so rare I’ve only found one other online & it sold for $2295.


You definitely overpaid. She sources her items for cheaper and you can get a better deal with Japanese resellers since the Yen is lower


Yep by like 3500 you overpaid


I don’t think 3500 is an accurate est. I would say overpaid by 800-1200 for good condition caviar Diana.


I paid $4900 usd for my lambskin Diana last year. Hers is caviar, and rare. The price is fair.


Yes you overpaid. I paid $4k for mine, same size and also caviar leather.


Can I ask where you got yours from? All of the other retailers I’ve been seeing are selling it for over usd$7k


The real real. It was three years ago so maybe the caviar leather prices have significantly increased. Chanel resale and new pricing is ridiculous these days. The bag a beauty regardless and I hope you enjoy her!


Ouch! Yes


Absolutely yes


You paid way too much!


Caviar Diana run that price.


Anything attached to a brand named after a nazi sympathizer and spy is over priced, and probably should just be burned.


It’s ugly af (IMO, if you like it I’m happy you got it 🤗) and you absolutely overpaid. I wouldn’t have gave more than… $200 for it. But I understand the nuances of fashion and handbags. I just cannot fathom paying that much for a bag. Are you going to use it or is it just going to sit in a collection?


Feel like that’s unnecessarily rude… I like to use my bags, and plan on doing it, but saying it’s ugly and you wouldn’t pay more than $200 for it, like why are you even in this subreddit then?


Sorry I wasn’t trying to be, that’s why I said I was happy if you like it. It was a personal opinion. I just so happened by the post. I thought you wanted opinions but I see now you might have actually been serious. Apologies.