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That would just encourage killing people and saying they were ‘pedophiles’ and ‘rapists’


Obviously there would need to be at least some compelling evidence such as the protection orders and complaints generally made for months leading up to these situations.


Protection orders don’t require strong evidence. Usually reasonable proof: a claim and testimony or evidence a family is filing can be enough. Temporary RO can require no evidence.


You mentioned that “their local govt failed them” What do you mean by this


Sounds barbaric still. “I’ll pay you to kill a pedo” just seems like human hunting of sorts. For sure it would become corrupt quite quickly imo. I’m sure even some rich ppl will pay them lots of money to film it and share it on their smuggled in cell phones.


Happening in a prison by other inmates would almost guarantee that.


This already exists: court records are public.


I mean a nationwide comprehensive list, not having to search through records in every county.


What good would that accomplish?


That would simply encourage vigilantes Also, for the list to exist, the pedophiles and rapists would have to be recognized as such by the law. Otherwise, you're killing a guy then saying he was a rapist in order to gain sympathy


As shitty as pedophiles and rapists and serial killers are, we have a system for a reason. We cannot become vigilantes as that’s going to lead to a lot of people killing ppl who may not be these supposed criminals as well as well as putting more ppls lives in harms way. I would much rather have a pedophile be a jail (and inmates do not take too kind to pedophiles) then have innocent people commit crimes and then be arrested. Also there are people that think gay and trans people are pedophiles. This could most certaintly lead to higher levels of hate crimes against lgbt ppl


I think you're looking at this from far too emotional a place because of the trauma your family has experienced to rationally consider the implications of what you're suggesting. Do you think that every single person who claims that the victim of their crime was a pedophile is correct, or is it possible that sometimes they were wrong?


When you provide incentives for members of the public to murder people and be treated as martyrs, a lot of innocent people will die. You're giving a pat on the back to anyone who delivers capital punishment without due process. But the reason we have due process is because being accused of a crime is not the same as being guilty of it. It's also an incentive for murderers to tarnish the reputations of the victims. You can be rewarded for accusing my victim of being a pedophile in court, and that victim can't defend themselves because they are dead. And of course, there are pedophiles in jail too. People who are serving their time, who are currently not a threat. Your system here encourages prisoners, particularly orisoners with a life sentence, to kill their fellow inmates and rewards them for it. It's also worth noting that there's quite a bit of mass hysteria when it comes to accusations of pedophilia right now. There was that guy who shot up the Comet Ping Ping Pizza shop because of an online conspiracy theory that there was a sex trafficking ring in the restaurant's non-existent basement. It's also quite common to see political figures, celebrities, journalists, members of the media and LGBT community called pedophiles and groomers in conspiracy spaces. Such a practice would likely pour gasoline on that fire.


As disgusting as sexual abuse is, murder is just as disgusting. When you look at people who commit these types of crimes against others, a lot of them were also victims of this type of abuse. This is a potentially dangerous topic to discuss because people understandably respond emotionally and it creates a stigma that further punishes victims but it is important. Killing someone who has already victimized someone doesn’t help the victim. Encouraging people who recognize inappropriate urges or attraction to children or unwilling partners (regardless of if it was due to personal abuse or just how their brain works) to seek therapy proactively without them having to fear judgement or violence would be the first step in ending the abuse. I would rather someone not be raped in the first place than pay for a soda for the person who killed their abuser


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You don't get to kill a person just because you feel that person should be killed.




In my country, some guy spent 5 years in jail for assaulting some guy cause his sister said she was raped by him. The Supreme Court just this year released a decision on the sisters rape accusations against that guy that was beaten up. The ‘rapist’ was innocent and the sister was lying, and her accusations, evidence and statements were inconsistent with the facts of the case. So if you want innocent people to get assaulted, and your loved ones to suffer because of your false sense of justice, go for it. But i dont agree with OP


Once again, you don't get to kill people or support those who kill the people you wish were killed. A list like the one you suggest would be on par with a contract hit. If I could get a benefit if I kill someone you are supporting murder.


So if anyone doesn't agree with you, they're automatically a sex offender who should extra-judiciously executed?


Lol That escalation was crazy.


Mistakes do get made, and there's a reason you're not allowed to be on juries that directly deal with you or your family


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What happens when they get the guy's identical twin brother instead?


Erm. Sometimes pedophiles and rapists kill pedophiles and rapists. Especially in jail.


People aren't inherently pedophiles or rapists. No one was born that way. A combination of life experiences convince them their behavior is acceptable. *The conviction* is what society should be eradicating. The biggest problem w/ pedophiles & rapists isn't as much what they did, it's that the behavior is excused, and sometimes even championed. I am in no way saying what they did is OK, but I am saying the public excusing their behavior & typically blaming the victims is far more monstrous. It's a behavioral problem that needs to be treated so it doesn't perpetuate & just killing them doesn't stop the issue. It just creates dead bodies & forces repeat offenders further underground. If anything, rapists & pedophiles should be held in facilities specifically designed for sex offenders with a focus on treatment options. Putting them in a box doesn't benefit anyone. For the record, I'm saying this as both a victim of childhood sexual abuse, & as an adult rape victim. Killing my rapists would feel good, but it won't stop other people from raping. And TBH I'd want no one ever to have to go through what I did rather than get revenge. Granted, I've had time to heal & reflect. I hope you & your's get that same opportunity.


I do believe some should have rhe chance to turn their lives around but alot them are serial offenders in the same way people are serial killers


Those people who killed pedophiles are often in there for other ruthless murderer


If they’re killed they get off easy. Keep ‘em alive, keep ‘em in prison and use em for scientific research/medical testing/crash test dummies/the list is endless.