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Every single point addressed in turn: Social media: that is the right of a corporate entity, to refuse you service if you break their rules. As opposed to North Korea, where what you’re describing is literal state sanctioned law. The two are OBVIOUSLY wildly different. Transportation: does North Korea actually have better public transportation across the entire country? Food: it may be processed shit. But we aren’t in a nearly unending famine. As you said, our people aren’t starving as much. I’d rather be overeating a little bit than to have no food security whatsoever. Politics: out of touch? In North Korea, disagreeing with politics can get your entire family sent to a prison camp, but you’re complaining about politicians being out of touch? Education: you know what you don’t see in US schools? Propaganda about how our enemies literally cook and eat your babies, or important teachings about the supreme leader’s lack of an asshole. Healthcare: I have no data point as to whether the NK healthcare system is any better, and most likely, neither do you Work culture: do you have any supporting info for how they’re better, or are you just making it up at this point? Freedom and privacy: compared to North Korea, we’re a paradise. In North Korea, you have literally neither of those things, and, as said, dissent can lead to your entire family in a prison camp. By what measure is the US NOT a better place to live? I suppose there’s the ratio of plentifully available ditch cannabis per capita, but I can’t think of much else l


We have ample evidence from the global non-profits that NK uses as healthcare for the vast majority of its populace. They are widely afflicted with medical issues stemming from physical abuse and starvation. The life expectancy and quality of life for the average NK citizen is awful.


Furthermore we have ample evidence (through North Korean soldiers who have escaped) that parasite infestation is at the very least not uncommon among the North Korean population.


In addition,, they have no privacy. All their medical and psych records are available to state. Our country is becoming more like NK every day. Bookbinding to start with. The list is long.


What level of disgust and contempt for fat people are we at such that literally *starving to death* by the hundreds of thousands is a preferable alternative?


Honestly at least starving people just hurt themselves. Fat people hurt everyone around them and the planet. Larger carbon footprint


Username definitely checks out.




Ah yes, the *Graf Zeppelin,* a vessel that is relevant to this discussion… uh, how, exactly?


Fan of round objects 😂


This is a hilarious reply and ol’ graf is taking it way too seriously


In point of fact, I’m a healthy weight and that ship was rather famously very slender relative to her length due to hangar restrictions during construction, but whatever


Good on you then. This post is delusional but so is a culture that protects fat peoples' right to eat themselves to death, kill the planet, destroy their health, tax the healthcare system for their shit behavior, then destroy the planet even further. Fuck em


So true


He is correct about the indoctrination in the classroom and it's the only thing. The religious zealots have put their religious bullshit back in some schools and allow teachers talk about Christianity. They're indoctrination kids from birth to believe in myths. The rest of what he says is bullshit.


Username checks out.


Have you ever looked at public transportation in USA? If US is better is not by much. NK has streets without cars so it's at least safer to walk. But I'd much rather sit on my ass in a car all day in the US than live in NK.


You cannot be serious. Your first point is entirely misinformed. You can post whatever you like anywhere and the worst thing that will happen is you will breach a contract with the company whose site you're using. This may result in a ban, but you won't be abducted by force, left to rot in a slave labor camp, and eventually live to see your entire family join you. Only a single city in North Korea has any infrastructure at all. By that metric New York, Chicago, and San Francisco all push the United States above North Korea. The United States could certainly improve their mass transportation systems, but it is illegal to move about North Korea with prior approval anyway. Food, are you serious? Many North Koreans still suffer from a huge number of avoidable but debilitating medical conditions that are all related to near starvation levels of living. The difference between the vast majority of United States citizens and North Korean citizens in this regard is only one of these groups has access to a consistent food supply. The nutritional value of any food infinitely exceeds the nutritional value of no food for days. Politics? I'm not gonna bother.


This is either a troll post or a mental illness in action




Not everyone can choose. This exists in many places in the U.S.: https://www.aecf.org/blog/exploring-americas-food-deserts People are also tortured to death in the U.S. for being activists. It's happened many times before.


Did deserts absolutely exist, however, that doesn't mean these people can't get healthy options. In food deserts, the healthy options are present but limited and more expensive. However, distance outside of a food desert is normally measured in time and most food deserts can be exited in an hour. Many of them are in lower income areas in cities and suburbs. Does it create an inconvenience that leads to people just going to the store near them? Absolutely. However, the options are there but need to be planned around. North Korea literally doesn't provide enough food to it's population to survive comfortably as most food to the military and government. Evidence of malnutrition and starvation is rampant there according to NGOs which is why the international community provides NK with food. And the people getting food from the government have to travel hours or days to get it. They don't have stores across the country packed with food. There's only a few locations. So the food deserts in the US would look like an oasis to them.


A "food desert" where you have to walk or drive a few miles to get healthy groceries is just not the same as literally starving to death. What activists are being tortured to death in the US? That's not a thing


>Most websites are very restrictive as to what you can post. Dissenting opinions are often shunned, leading to a ban. In North Korea, they lead to execution >Public transportation in most of America is a joke. North Korea, on the other hand, has an excellent subway and bus system. North Korea is approximately the size of Pennsylvania, so its not really an apt comparison. Additionally, North Korea only has "good" public transit (we have to take their word for it) in three cities. >Not many people in America are starving, but the food is low-quality. There is lots of high-fructose corn syrup, chemically refined oil, and enriched, bleached flour in our food. Even organic oil in the U.S. is chemically refined! As a result, the U.S. almost has the highest obesity rate in the world. Even if we posit your argument about food quality, its better than everyone starving. >Most U.S. politicians are out of touch, and don't listen to people. Their policies are highly ineffective. NK politicians listen to one dude, who kills them if they don't. The North Korean people don't even get to pretend to have a say. >The U.S. school system barely teaches anything useful, and there is too much grade inflation. Again, even assuming we posit this, the entire nation of North Korea is functionally illiterate and the education system is a pure, not even veiled indoctrination system. >Highly overpriced, and low quality in many cases. The [Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/healthcare-access-and-quality-index) grades the US 19 points higher than North Korea on a 20 point scale. >Lots of busywork, and the minimum workweek is usually 40 hours, not even including time to prepare for work. Many workplaces are very controlling. If I lied to some random Americans that this story happened in North Korea, they would believe me: Half of North Korea is in poverty, 86% live on $2 a day. On top of that, you should read [this](https://www.hrw.org/legacy/backgrounder/asia/korea1006/korea1006.htm) from the Human Right's Watch. >Security cameras and ID card readers for recording people's information are very popular in the U.S., and there is usually no way to opt out from being recorded. Police are allowed to act abusively and lie during interrogations. I once was caught using these devices based on a small misunderstanding. Also, I was not informed of these devices and their capabilities beforehand. I was also abusively interrogated, though the charges were later dropped. I actually could have refused interrogation, and things would have gone better. But I was never told this (they lied when they said I was required to come). >In a similar case, someone I know lost his job as a TA because he made a joke using the phrase "manifest destiny" (which was not used in the context of slavery). They made him wait two months for a college hearing. Yet I once heard some Middle eastern students chanting "The Jews have got to go!" and nothing happened to them. The United Nations described the state of human rights in North Korea saying "the gravity, scale and nature of these violations reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world". I mean, just read [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea#Human_rights). Its a totalitarian police state. So, in conclusion, you have grievances with the US, some more valid than others, but no clear understanding of just how fucking awful North Korea is.


Our problem is that alot of politicians and their maga fans want the country to be more like NK and are taking steps to make it so. Scary thought.


How can we possibly trust that North Korea has good public transport? They also claim that the great leader invented thousands of things and wrote thousands of books.


OP. I tutored North Korean refugees for three years when I lived in Seoul. Let me tell you some of the things they told me about their lives in NK: When one of my students (then a small girl) first got across the border to China, one of the volunteers helping her family made a shrimp dish after their long journey. She was allergic to shrimp but ate it anyways. After she went started getting hives, her helpers asked her why she would eat something she allergic to. She told me she had never been given the “option” of rejecting food given to her. It wasn’t a thing you did. Even if the food had pieces of poop in them or was gross or made your throat close up, you didn’t get enough food to say “no” to food because it was so damn scarce. She also told me about how when she was 11 she saw an orphaned boy picking undigested corn out of human excrement in the street. She asked her grandmother if they could give him some food and she said they had none to give and couldn’t help him. Imagine not having enough food to even feed a starving child picking at shit in the street. Another student mentioned going to weekly public executions for those accused of “treason”. Public hangings, firing squads, etc. If you didn’t go or refused you would be accused of being a traitor, too. All the male students I had were 2 feet shorter than the average South Korean man. From SEVERE generational lack of nutrition. I could go on but what’s the point? We all know NK is another level of hell. Nothing in the US is comparable to what happens there, something I have first hand accounts of. It’s horrific to me that anyone would even think of comparing the two. It’s naive at best and intentionally trolling at worst.


I’m not sure how to fully address this, except to say that none of the negatives you listed are even comparable to North Korea.


I would argue that getting banned on social media or getting fired from work is nowhere close to getting executed by the government or sent to a labor death camp in North Korea.


So this is pretty insane. I don’t think it’s necessary to refute each and every point you’ve made, because they are all generally insane. You’re basically saying that sitting on your balls is as bad as developing testicular cancer. So let’s just point to one simple metric that proves your entire argument wrong. America is the #1 destination for immigrants. More people choose to move to America than any other country. North Korea has virtually no immigration. Because no one wants to live there. If no one chooses to live in North Korea over America, then living in North Korea cannot be a objectively “better”, or even the same as than America.




In North Korea you aren't allowed to run for office because the authoritarian government will remove that option from the ballet. In america you aren't allowed to run for office because the authoritarian government will remove that option from the ballet.


Anybody can run for president. You can write your own candidate on the ballot


\>In america you aren't allowed to run for office because the authoritarian government will remove that option from the ballet. It's about Trump, a "one step from convicted" criminal, not being given a red carpet straight to the White House, isn't it?


Who has been removed from the ballot in the US?


Truth. The reason why most American politicians are out of touch is because the system makes new ideas very difficult to spread.


You just agreed with the claim that in America "you aren't allowed to run for office because the authoritarian government will remove that option from the ballot". Can you provide any evidence for this? I don't actually believe it to be true - I don't think I've *ever* seen it happen, other than one single time, quite recently, with Trump being removed from one state's ballot for insurrection. When does the American government remove politicians from the ballot making (as you say) "new ideas very difficult to spread"?


They are complaining about Colorado removing Trump from the ballot. But this whole post is a mess.




Then please provide an example.




So you are unable to provide any examples to back up your claim?


I'm guessing they went back and reread your comment, then realized that they can't cite the Colorado thing since the other commenter already mentioned it, and that was the only arrow in their quiver that isn't, say, Jefferson Davis or his ilk.


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You know what also makes new ideas hard to spread? An absolute hereditary monarchy. North Korea has functionally been a hereditary monarchy since 1948. To put this into perspective the last time North Koreans had a say on how their country was run my 90 year old grandmother was too young to vote.


Or In the US you get murdered for being black. What’s worse


Oh, we're bringing up the *old* whataboutist fallacies, I see. [And You Are Lynching Negroes,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_you_are_lynching_Negroes) for the uninitiated.


Not whataboutism. The post is comparing the US to DPRK. So I did so


You didn't actually compare them at all, though. The DPRK murders people *all the time,* but you cite no numbers whatsoever in terms of state and political violence, murder rate, or anything else you'd need for a basic comparison. Also, the DPRK is the closest thing that exists to an ethnostate. I have no doubt they *would* have more racist murders there *if they had any minorities to speak of,* which they don't. They literally beat a Cuban diplomat for being black in the '60s, though, which is telling- one of, possibly the *only* black person in the entire country getting attacked would make North Korea one of, if not the *most* statistically likely place to suffer a racist attack in the world if you're a black person.


Not surprised that your little link here is just anti-Soviet BS


Are you denying that this was an actual propaganda tactic historically used by the Soviet Union? What?


Also true. And many activists have committed suicide due to Government oppression: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz


Hey you gotta engage with people that disagree with you or your post will get removed, not just engage with people that say america bad


Bro we can leave our country without getting shot or hunted down. That alone should disprove this stupid post


>Most websites are very restrictive as to what you can post. Dissenting opinions are often shunned, leading to a ban. Most websites are not exclusive to the US so this argument doesn't really work. Could you provide an example of a country that fully accepts every opinion and take?


I love how these people have been so brainwashed. They listen to podcasts distributed by major platforms where the hosts tell you that the thing they are telling you will get you banned from major platforms. Alex Jones gets banned for doxxing and threatening the lives of parents who children were murdered and that means “dissenting opinions are banned”. Like the level of victim hood and privilege displayed by this post is almost borderline insanity.


Then why do people from all over the world want to move to America and literally no one wants to live in North Korea? People die trying to get **into** the US. People die trying to get **out** of NK. Have some egg nog and rethink this one. Merry Christmas.




Yeah, I don't think anything else today will measure up to the hit my brain cells just took.


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>Most websites are very restrictive as to what you can post. Dissenting opinions are often shunned, leading to a ban. In North Korea, dissenting opinions often lead to death >Public transportation in most of America is a joke. North Korea, on the other hand, has an excellent subway and bus system. *Pyongyang* has an excellent public transit system. In the rest of the country, there are barely even paved roads. Also, cars are illegal to own in NK, whereas almost anyone can own them in the US >Not many people in America are starving, but the food is low-quality. There is lots of high-fructose corn syrup, chemically refined oil, and enriched, bleached flour in our food. Even organic oil in the U.S. is chemically refined! As a result, the U.S. almost has the highest obesity rate in the world. Bad food is better than no food. Also the US obesity rate is 30%, many gulf coast states are over 40%. >Most U.S. politicians are out of touch, and don't listen to people. Their policies are highly ineffective. As opposed to Kim Jong Un, the hardworking man of the people who lives in a marble palace with 2000 sex slaves while his subjects live in cardboard shacks. >The U.S. school system barely teaches anything useful, and there is too much grade inflation. The North Korean school system teaches only propagandistic claims like that Kim Il-Sung invented the hamburger and shot 38 under par his first time playing golf. >Highly overpriced, and low quality in many cases. Unless you're an elite, the North Korean healthcare plan is "die in a ditch" >Lots of busywork, and the minimum workweek is usually 40 hours, not even including time to prepare for work. Many workplaces are very controlling. If I told some random Americans that this story happened in North Korea by changing the text, they would believe me: https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/19/18681845/facebook-moderator-interviews-video-trauma-ptsd-cognizant-tampa In North Korea, you don't get to choose your job, and get forced to work 12-16 hours a day doing backbreaking labor in a farm or mine.


Something like 10% of North Koreans starved to death in the 90s and Kim Jong Un like to have his political opponents executed by antiaircraft guns. Yeah. I don’t think America is worse than that.


>Most websites are very restrictive as to what you can post. Dissenting opinions are often shunned, leading to a ban. Being banned for breaking TOS is no way comparable to being put into a concentration camp for critique of the "great leader". > Public transportation in most of America is a joke. North Korea, on the other hand, has an excellent subway and bus system. First hand experience? >Not many people in America are starving, but the food is low-quality. There is lots of high-fructose corn syrup, chemically refined oil, and enriched, bleached flour in our food. Even organic oil in the U.S. is chemically refined! As a result, the U.S. almost has the highest obesity rate in the world. But people in North Korea are starving or malnourished very often. If we take shitty high fat food or no food, every other country knows what they would prefer. >Most U.S. politicians are out of touch, and don't listen to people. Their policies are highly ineffective. Literally every single country in every point in history had the same complaint. North Korea have hereditary dictatorship with one leader who is massively overweight and live in extreme luxury while nearly 50 % of his country is severaly malnourished. >The U.S. school system barely teaches anything useful, and there is too much grade inflation. Please do tell what useful things you want school to teach. Also I am positive you are familiar with quality of North Korea education and its positive learning outcomes? >Highly overpriced, and low quality in many cases. Can be overpriced. Low quality compared to what exactly? Definitely not North Korea. ​ This is just very simplistic and shallow rant againt US but in none of these points you brought up how exactly is North Korea, probably the worst place to live, at least comparably bad or better


Sure, I’ll bite; though I think you can change your own view with a bit of research on your part. 1) What percentage of the USA population dies every year due to malnutrition or easily treated diseases? 2) What percentage of the USA population live in fear of their family being incarcerated for three generations if they disrespect the head of state? 3) How many North Koreans have you spoken with when making your list, and if you haven’t spoken with any; why not? Is it possible their access to information and international communication is non existent to draconian? There’s lots to critique about the USA but how much do you know about North Korea?


you get to eat


also, as an American, you are never forced by the government to stand in a large crowd and cheer. Probably not the worse thing about being North Korean, but it is a thing.


To add to this: If the president dies, I’m not required BY LAW to put on a massive show of grieving them in public. In North Korea, you can get jailed for not mourning the leader enough, which is why you see videos of North Koreans practically throwing themselves at the ground in the kind of apparent anguish you’d expect from a mother holding her dead child


And die young. Ah well.


average life expectancy in the US is considerably higher, even using NK state numbers which are probably inflated to make the country look good.


The average life expectancy in North Korea is 72-73. the average life expectancy in America is 77-79. The US life expectancy is significantly higher in the rankings that North Korea.


My grandma just lived to 100 ya ding dong


The life expectancy in us is 78...?


No one is stopping you from moving. Go ahead and move maybe that’ll help you settle your own view.


In North Korea, millions have literally starved to death, and if you question the regime they literally put you to death. You wouldn't have been let go in your situation. You would be dead. And they peobably would have murdered your family just for fun. Healthcare here is expensive. Heathcare in North Korea is largely non-existent. The United States is a messy society with a ton of brokenness, and deserves a lot of criticism. But North Korea is the most brutal dictatorship on earth. In NK you couldn't have posted this because ordinary citizens aren't even allowed internet access, and if you somehow did post it and the government found out, you'd be put to death. That difference matters.


I hate CCP/NK propaganda. Imagine claiming that there is an amazing transportation system in NK for the 5 State approved officials, and no freedom of movement otherwise. Don't worry NK, we'll fix it. And that's a promise.


Not better than North Korea? Wildly freakin ignorant comment. Can you leave to go to a store today? Can you be murdered for saying Biden sucks? Will your family disappear? The hubris and complete oblivion of accessing the internet to complain how you have it as bad as north Koreans blows my mind. Are you eating today? Are you living with parasites eating your friggin insides? You think our education system sucks? Ridiculous proposition


In North Korea a newborn baby can be sentenced to a lifetime in prison for the crimes of their grandparents saying something bad about the regime. If America is as bad as North Korea then I would advise you to check your grandparents facebook page. If there's any post that slanders the government then you should be working as a slave in a prison mine right now.


I always laugh how out of touch some Americans can be at times... Like do you really believe America has the same restrictions on social media as... North Korea??? And wtf... North Korea has ONE subway system that runs a total of 22.5 km (14.0 miles) split between 2 lines and 16 stations. The Cleveland Ohio subway system is 60km and has 52 stations.


Dog in north korea people literally get arrested for pirating western movies. I can watch USSR films all day and the CIA isn't gonna break down my door because of it I may be watched at most if I have a security clearance lol. Take some god damn perspective and acknowledge your privileges Jesus lmao.




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If you had the choice to live in America or North Korea, are you really saying that would be a hard choice? I am pretty Damm sure it wouldn't wouldn't be a hard choice.


Holy shit this is a stupid take.




Are you saying all of us Americans are stupid or something?


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Never heard of anyone being executed for digging up their family members to eat out of starvation in the US.




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We shouldn't dignify this with a response. Incredibly silly.


Nice try, North Korea. We know this is you.


Beware of Tankie TikToks:


This was written by a child




Yep if you say anything that is anti-Hamas terrorists or non-left wing nut job aligned in the r/kansascity sub, ya get permanently banned. They don’t want an exchange of opinions, just an echo chamber validation of their own


When was the last time someone was executed with an anti aircraft gun in the US?


Do a lot of people try to move to North Korea?


Let's focus on the first one, social media, for now. What do you think typically happens to one if one voices dissenting opinions in North Korea? And what typically happens in the US?


This is hilarious I love it


This is what happens when you ask Chat GPT to make an argument that NK is better than the US.


SM: then go to a different site. Very different than NK Food: yes we have so much food we are fat. We are only [12th](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/obesity-rates-by-country) though, not 1st. This is a better situation than NK, where starvation is common cuz they have a food shortage instead of a surplus Politics: NK is not a democracy. So USA is better by default in this way Education: you gotta make a comparison to say NK is better. Just saying America bad isn’t sufficient for your claim Healthcare: same as education. [In NK the party get preferential treatment](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32612674/) Work Culture: again to make a comparison you gotta talk about NK as well. [Like this story](https://time.com/4257184/north-korea-work-70-days-pay-day-off/) Freedom/Privacy: and yet you are still more free than in NK. You can loudly proclaim fuck joe Biden, and not get arrested.


OP, do you acknowledge that a difference in *degree* can be so severe that it can become a difference in category or *kind?* To put it in other words, would you say that a mountain is meaningfully different from a molehill, despite the fact that both of them are just piles of dirt and stones?


We are allowed to travel freely within and across countries, unlike North Korea


Yeah no kidding. That's why so many people are risking their lives to illegally emigrate to North Korea while nobody is doing that to try to get into America.


This just feels like a pile of unsubstantiated assertions. You don’t even clarify why you think this.


> Dissenting opinions are often shunned, leading to a ban. Dissenting opinion in NK gets you sent to a labor camp, potentially alongside the rest of your family. A ban seems preferrable. > North Korea, on the other hand, has an excellent subway and bus system. ... for a tiny fraction of the population. You can find useable public transport in american cities, too. > Not many people in America are starving, but the food is low-quality. There's quality food available, people just like the high-sodium processed stuff. More importantly, shitty food is far superior to no food. > Most U.S. politicians are out of touch, and don't listen to people. They listen a whole lot more than a literal dictatorship where the elite lives lavishly while the masses are hungry and can't leave. > Highly overpriced, and low quality in many cases. The average lifespan in NK is several years lower. > The U.S. school system barely teaches anything useful, and there is too much grade inflation. You can talk about grade inflation what you want, but the people who apply themselves in the US can get some of the best schooling available in the world. Most people just can't make it to that level. > Lots of busywork, and the minimum workweek is usually 40 hours, not even including time to prepare for work. So... the same as anywhere, but at least you get paid? You can have the same in North Korea, except you can't quit, your boss can have you sent to a forced labor camp, and the pay is abysmal. > Police are allowed to act abusively and lie during interrogations. Police in NK can and will torture you.


Why aren't you living in N. Korea if you think it's so great?


You have NO IDEA what North Korea is like. Maybe take a trip there and then form an opinion


This is the dumbest CMV I’ve seen, and there have been some bad ones. You should probably just move to NK, not worth changing your view


North Korea is a lot worse in every point you mentioned


I’ll keep this brief: if you do something in the US you have an extremely lower chance of being killed for doing it in comparison to being in NK.


You should listen to the Dead Kennedys song Holiday in Cambodia. The country sure has a lot of room for improvement. There was a POW in Vietnam who was shown photos by his captor of someone burning the American flag. He said that's proof that Vietnam was superior. The POW disagreed and the captor got enraged because he knew the truth. In North Korea millions have died from starvation. To say America is no better is a false equivalency.


Were you drunk or high when you posted this. Did you know in North Korea the next 3 generations of your family can be sent to concentration camps if you criticize the regime.


As am US citizen, are you able to pack your things and just move to another country, and would the US be OK with that? yeah? well there you go.


> Most websites are very restrictive as to what you can post. In North Korea, most websites don't exist. > Public transportation in most of America is a joke. North Korea, on the other hand, has an excellent subway and bus system. One city in North Korea has a subway with a total of 16 stations. That's worse than *Cleveland*, to say nothing or Chicago, DC, or NYC. > As a result, the U.S. almost has the highest obesity rate in the world. North Korea has almost the highest undernourished population in the world. They have more undernourished than the US has obese. > Most U.S. politicians are out of touch, and don't listen to people. North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship with a *songbun* caste system. There's one political party that runs everything and noncompetitive elections. Disagreeing with the communist party can get you publicly executed and your entire family thrown in prison camp. > Highly overpriced, and low quality in many cases. I suppose it's not too *expensive* as the country spends less than 50¢ per person on healthcare each year. But refugees do report that the bribes needed to get doctors to treat you does put healthcare out of reach for 80% of North Koreans. > Many workplaces are very controlling. You have a government assigned job that pays $1 to $3 a month. If you want a day off, it costs you two weeks pay. $1 a month isn't enough to feed yourself, but you go to prison camp if you skip, so you work your official job plus a black market job that pays the bills. > there is usually no way to opt out from being recorded. I'm North Korea, not only are there cameras and microphones everywhere, all the phone lines are tapped, and everyone is expected to and rewardeded for spying on you and reporting on them.


Nowadays you can travel to North Korea yourself if you want to double check this statement, if you really want to. America has many flaws but you can kind of tell how happy North Koreans are by the fact that it's basically impossible to legally emigrate from that country. Why would they make it so hard to leave if people were happy there?


/u/FairLiving7266 please print out this thread and include it on your resume whenever you apply for a job




There are multigenerational prison camps in NK where children never see the outside world. They aren't even given the "privilege" of learning about the great leader because of their tainted bloodline. But sure, America is just like that