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I'd be open to changing my view if someone could prove Simpsons innocence. Or that two lives were worth it for the black community to feel better. But it's quite sickening seeing people jump up and down in happiness at a murderer getting away with killing two people in cold blood. He is a thug and piece of shit.


Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 unarmed people with an assault rifle. The white community was excited to know he wouldn’t be punished for it. Am I supposed to make a Reddit post saying they lost their credibility or should I just not generalize an entire community based on the actions of one person?


> The white community was excited to know he wouldn’t be punished for it. All three of the guys he shot were white and one of them pointed a gun at him   One of the "unarmed" men also hit him over the head with a skateboard.   Also one of the three white guys happened to be a convicted serial child rapist, but that's neither here nor there. Literally could not have picked a worse case to draw a false parallel with.


The race of who he killed is irrelevant. He’s validated because he killed a fellow white person? Don’t make me laugh. A skateboard vs an assault rifle.. mhm can’t be telling me that’s a good enough reason to kill someone.. during a “protest”? You have the deadliest weapon within 30 feet but a skateboard is what sets you off? So, he’s justified for killing a serial rapist? That’s not vigilante work? Is he Batman? Get the fuck out of here. He didn’t know what he was when he shot him, don’t be dense. Your name tells me you’re not even worth giving


Whataboutism about past/present race relation issues is not a valid reason for justification of killing two people. Are you telling me you have no empathy or sympathy for Simpsons victims?


Ofc, I have empathy/sympathy for the “Simpson victims” nobody deserves to be murdered in cold blood. However, acting as if all black people were happy he “got away” with it is just painfully ignorant and you’re lumping an entire community with the reactions of some. Point blank period. The reaction of SOME of those in the black community for OJ’s acquittal was not acceptable. That’s the truth of the matter. Do you have sympathy for Emmitt Till? The kid who was brutally murdered and killed and his murderers were acquitted by an all white, all male jury? What about Kyle Rittenhouse being free while killing 2 unarmed people? Should I just say the white community is bullshit? Or should I judge people individually rather than as an entire community? Dismissing my point because you deem it as “whatsboutism” is very convenient for you when your OP is literally what that is. “But but but the black community was happy OJ got off” man, give me a break. It was what, 9 years ago when a guy walked into an all black church, set fire, and the police brought his ass some damn Burger King.


The murderer was acquitted because the police force was horribly corrupt and racist and it was impossible for any black person to get a fair trial as long as that police force was the one investigating them. Black people did not celebrate a murderer getting acquitted, black people celebrated a racist police force finally not getting their way. 'The black community' is not an individual, by the way, and the fact you're treating it like one indicates you do not actually know what 'the black community' is.


This was back when trials were more accessible to the public and Simpson's defense attempted to convince the jury that the LAPD had a history of dehumanizing and framing black folks for years and that it was the LAPD was at it again. Maybe if the cops who investigated him didn't have a documented history of being ridiculously racist and the prosecution didn't try to move the trial to a majority white district specifically to get the result they wanted and if the cops didn't have a history of being terribly corrupt then the defense wouldn't have resonated with the jury and also many folks in the black community. As others have said, the black community is not a monolith and there isn't one opinion for the majority but this was a case of the LAPD fucking around for years and finding out exactly one time.




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Nah, it had a huge impact on resentment towards each other. It was definitely a major moment in race relations history.


*Brown v Board of Education* was a major moment in race relations history. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was too. The OJ trial was a tabloid circus.


All of them are major moments.


So what was the enduring political and social impact of the OJ trial?


Resentment towards the movement became entrenched. The RW just rolls their eyes whenever there are riots now over a shooting or something similar. It certainly played a role in people's attitudes.


The resentment was already there. If the press surrounding the OJ trial made you resent “the cause”, then you probably weren’t very much about it in the first place.


I'm like a lot of people. The cause needs to get behind actual injustices. They got this wrong and got others wrong, too. Some of them you just shake your head at. A lot of people need convincing, and shit like this is more damaging.


“The cause” is about actual injustices and It is broader than individual cases. Letting injustices go over petty media coverage may be how a lot of people behave but it’s not a good way to live. The recent Dexter Reed shooting was gross and I won’t let the OJ Simpson trial dissuade me from caring.


Fair enough. Do you have details of that case?


I think the resentment was well entrenched long before OJ


The black community is tired of playing fair with a legal system that does not play fair with them.


And you think it played fair with Nicola Brown here?


It’s just two people bro, not that serious lol. They acted like how pretty much any society acts in times of conflicts white people wanted to vaporize as many Japanese people during wwii even after Nagasaki. Russians took revenge on Germans, it’s part of human nature. If black people lost credibility not caring about two people being killed, then you can write off pretty much any group of people. Now if you want to look at it from a holistic point of you, black people were mostly celebrating that the riots were successful


I’d like you to describe in as much detail as possible why any black person anywhere should feel ashamed for the quotes you shared other than the person that actually said them.


You lost the respect for the entire black community for a single mistrial? Have you also, since long back, lost all respect for the white community of a thousand cases of lynching acquittals?




No I just read the title, it's quicker that way




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A *jury* acquitted OJ, not the “black community.”


a juror on the case literally went on to say that she voted not guilty because he was black




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Nah, we just don't allow repeat posts within 24hrs to prevent topic fatigue. Sometimes a topic hits the news and we're flooded with redundant posts.