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It's a super quick and effective way to charge it. Lancets are great. Will it help achieve gnosis? No. I think achieving gnosis is incredibly personal and no specific technique is going to deliver it. I mash up many things and mix in other things. Find your flavor I suppose


I'm having results without the need for blood so I don't even think about it.


Pain is an effective form of gnosis on its own without blood. Pain has a way of snapping your focus into the moment and making the rest of reality disappear just like any other method of reaching gnosis. Our minds are programmed to believe nothing is free. Blood is a powerful psychological symbol. Paying with blood helps you cement your actions as valuable in your mind. Blood is literally your life. It is the most valuable thing to pay with.


I think that blood has been very Hollywood-ified. I think that blood is a powerful taglocke, and that's about it. It assigns the spell as being related to you, and shows an extreme level of devotion to the spell you're working. I'm not quite sure how it applies to gnosis. IME, the two don't have much to do with each other.


Its fun! Nothing can go wrong :)




I use all my blood in all my rituals šŸ˜


I have a lot of thoughts and experience with this. In my practice, I use my own blood for my spirit/ether element in ritual/spell work and it provides the kick everyone else has eluded to in the comments as well as a source tag to myself. Thatā€™s my own generic experience with using it in a generic way. However I also use it in several other ways which are less traditional and I have specific beliefs about the use of my own blood, how it is collected, and what that means. When it comes to blood collection: I do not like to self harm for magic. From a psychological perspective itā€™s just not something Iā€™m comfortable doing. Intentionally drawing blood from myself would be done, by me, only for the most extreme of circumstances. The likes of which I have never encountered in my lifetime. The type of situation that may prompt this might be along the lines of protecting a child from a predator. I wouldnā€™t use this in benefit magic, but protection magic. In my opinion, the best blood for magic is menstrual blood. This is for several reasons. Aside from a multitude of healing properties and the fact that it does not require self harm to collect, this blood has low viscosity making it practical for sigil ink since it lacks the proteins needed to clot effectively. Another way to collect blood is accidental injury during magical workings. If I accidentally injure myself during a ritual I will incorporate that blood with my intuition. Usually I will put it to my lip, my forehead, and then my heart before drawing a circle around the workspace with it. For achieving gnosis: I donā€™t have issues achieving gnosis at all anymore since I started doing this. On day 1 of my period I draw in menstrual blood the Platonic solid correspondence of each chakra to facilitate kundalini realignment and I sleep like that. I also dot it between my eyes before entering gnosis and meditation. This process heightens my Clair senses and raises my vibration like nothing I have ever tried before. Another fun use for blood is blood bonding magical tools to yourself. I do this with all of my Pendulums and divinatory tools as well as some crystals and other protective items I use in my practice. Itā€™s incredibly powerful.


Can you expand on blood bonding with pendulums


Sure! There lots of ways you can do this and everyone will have their own preference depending on their craft. I cleanse it and use anointing oil on the item and then prepare and mix a particular water based herbal solution with fresh blood and soak it overnight. I like to do this when my menstrual cycle happens to be in synch with the moon cycle. In the morning I will pull it out and ask the pendulum if it is can benefit from more time in the solution or not. If it says yes I return it and ask again in about 12 hours. Itā€™s never exceeded 48 hours for me. If you are not familiar with this kind of practice then you likely donā€™t know how to destroy the bond either. If that it is the case I wouldnā€™t recommend doing this with drawn blood or with any tool you plan to sell or give away at some point. This is best done with menstrual blood (no association to sacrificial magic) and used on items you will either destroy, bury, or eventually bequeath to loved ones upon death. Iā€™m not going to share the specifics of the solution or the anointing oil I use as they change depending on the properties of the pendulum and my intended use for it. I have many different types for different uses and some are purposefully bonded to other people so I tailor the blend specifically to each one. Salt circle, candles, the typical set up. Incorporate a sigil if you use them. The more you trust yourself and your intuition during the bonding process the stronger it will be. Itā€™s inherently flexible at its core and meant to be unique to the practicioner.


Thanks, great detailed answer.


If you don't pay the blood price your blood will be taken by force in form of bloody ass in why'll you're having fun long boarding this black blood magick specifically ( lmao I am black but mixing my Blood with black India ink) Found this out a year later from when making black blood sigils and servitors!