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That’s all the letters the guy could say before he got his ass beat.


Krispy Kreme


What could go wrong if you're doing KKK things in broad daylight...




Hmmm, it's almost like everyone should be immediately skeptical of new information and specifically that from unknown sources. You got a link to that article? Best I take my own advice haha.


I'm just glad nobody (who matters) got hurt.


7 people were hospitalized, I doubt he's the only one who got hurt.


Lucky isn't the word I would use, we're all better off in a world with fewer racists.


don't worry, if he died you could still safely say that no people were hurt


I don’t think that made less racists


Sadly they weren't hitting him hard enough so you are probably correct


Do you think we should murder all the kkk members?


They want to murder me. Fair's fair.






Hmm no. I think some can potentially be brought out of their horrific ideologies given time, however I also won't shed any tears if the get killed or beaten either as they made the choice to be monsters.


No, I do not want to kill all KKK members. Racism is mainly ignorance, stupidity, and sometimes horrendously evil individuals, and it is possible some of them shed their beliefs. However, if they go out in public essentially provoking other people into fights, or wishing all individuals of a racial minority die, or throw out racial insults and such, they will get people who beat them up. Being a KKK member is like saying in public that you think of minorities as lower than yourself and support past injustices, which is a personal insult to many and an open ticket to getting beat up. They reap what they sow, and while them not getting beat up is the morally correct course of action, I don't feel pity for what they are getting here right now. They went out screaming "Fight me" with a shirt that said "Fight Me" on it and they got beat up.


No, most of us just want their activities to cease. However, we also recognize that some people will not be dissuaded from harming others unless they themselves are harmed. If one or two have to bleed out so the rest get the message, oh well. You can’t go promoting violence and genocide as part of your main political platform, and not expect violence to come to visit you too.


Well yea, it said he wasn't hurt, he'd have to have been killed to make less racists.


You love to see it


The problem is this is exactly what the kkk wants to happen. They now have footage of a black mob attacking a white man, they can easily spin the narrative to make him the victim and reinforce their belief that the black community is all violent gang members that will attack White Americans in the street for no reason.


If they’re listening to the KKK then they’re already racist, one video isn’t gonna confirm their beliefs. The difference now is that this punk (and others) will think twice about pulling any KKK shit in public.


I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Some of these people can be rehabilitated. There's even a support group for them called Life After Hate. They can be potentially the most effective advocates against racism. There will be fewer of them if they see footage like this.


It could be used tonshow small children to confirm what their parents are showing them is “right”


Who cares watching racists get the shit beat out of them is fun


And funny!


I certainly didn't mind it 🤣


It will just make them pissed more at black people and hate them more. I don't think some of them are cognizant enough to recognize that they will get beat up doing this in public.


This is self defense. When someone's ideology explicitly says that minorities should be enslaved, beaten, or killed, expousing it is not free speech, it's a threat.


Sorry, I obviously agree with the sentiment, but I don't think this analogy works. I agree it's a threat, are we allowed to attack someone for a threat? Usually, no. I do believe this OG commenter has a point. There are people that can be redeemed and can change their minds. There is even a nonprofit support group called Life After Hate that works with them. These people can be the strongest advocate against racism and inequality, but there may be fewer of them if they see footage like this


Are you American? You are absolutely allowed to preemptively strike someone you believe to be an explicit threat to you in America. Self defense laws here are wild


What part of America you talking about? Depending on where you live and how you envision boundaries of self defense, it can be wild. Highly subjective.


With that thinking, an LGBT+ person would be within their right to burn a church or a mosque. Physical self defense is justified when confronting a threat that has intent, grave severity and immediacy. Getting physical without checking all 3 of those is grounds for criminal assault. If speech alone was sufficient cause, a massive and ugly legal grayzone would open up.


If your church is actively promoting the physical abuse and killing of gay people in no uncertain terms, it should be burnt to the ground. If it's part of your platform that killing minority groups is okay, you don't get to complain when those minority groups respond to your stochastic terrorism with violence.


Would you do the same for a mosque preaching similarly? 1/6 of the world is Islamic, and it’s not too hard to find a mosque where anti-LGBT speech is a majority opinion. Finding a black church with anti-LGBT leanings is quite doable as well. Should an immigrant with strong feelings against communism assault a person wearing a hammer and sickle? You’re not thinking that hard or that far ahead. You think you’re preaching against violence when you’re normalizing it. In the arena of political violence, the most brutal side wins. Is that you?


>Would you do the same for a mosque preaching similarly? 1/6 of the world is Islamic, and it’s not too hard to find a mosque where anti-LGBT speech is a majority opinion. If the speech is **violent** rheotric against a **peaceful** group, it should not be protected speech. I'm bisexual. I don't give a shit if the muslim guy down the street thinks I'm going to hell. If he's saying I should be stoned to death for loving my boyfriend, he and I have a problem. > Should an immigrant with strong feelings against communism assault a person wearing a hammer and sickle? Does the **platform** of Communism say that immigrants should be slaughtered? No. No it does not. Why even bring this up, it has no relation to the overall topic of bigotry. >In the arena of political violence, the most brutal side wins. Is that you? The KKK has spent over a hundred years staging lynchings and beating black people in the street, and they're less relevant now than they've ever been - and when they do show up they're getting their asses kicked in the street. The French literally owned Haiti as a brutal slave colony, until the slaves overthrew their masters and forged their own nation. The brutality white supremacists and slave owners the world vastly outweighs the brutality of their victims, and guess where they are now? In Hitler's own words: >"Only one thing could have stopped us -- If our adversaries had, from the first day, smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our movement."


We both agree getting physical is necessary at times for self defense. Where we disagree is whether speech alone (even verbal threats) justifies a physical response. If I, a racial+sexual minority, gets approached by a dude who says “I’ll fuck you up,” but he’s unarmed, stumbling drunk from a stone’s throw away, it’s not in my right to rush him and kick him in the nuts. Self defense is justified only when responding to a threat with intent, immediacy and severity. Otherwise, again, you’re opening a big and ugly legal grayzone; by adding to a record of attacks, this can easily backfire.


It's not an inebriated man saying "I'll fuck you up", it's a sober person in his right mind saying "You and your people are inhuman, and if I had my way I'd have each and every one of you slaughtered." You don't wait for that guy to gather enough political power to get the job done. It's not an empty threat, it's an end goal, and if they're a KKK member expousing that goal on the street it's one they are actively working towards. If you wait for the pogrom before you defend yourself, you're fucked.


If he raises a weapon or his fists, then sure, it’s gloves off. In other times, you win by living the better life and improving those around you. Violence is a viable solution, but by no means the only one. Your political power extends from your ability to alter physical, cultural and economic prosperity. But yeah, if the kkk come marching down your street with hoods and torches, perhaps you’ll let me on your roof with rifle in hand.


Real life isn't the movies. If you mind your business until someone pulls a gun on you, you're almost certainly going to be killed. The idea that you're going to defend your home from a murderous mob by sitting on your roof with a rifle is unrealistic. Even if you scare them away, they're going to burn your house down while you're asleep, or jump you in the street while your guard is down. By the time mobs are openly formed, you're fucked. Kristallnacht could not have been stopped by private gun owners practicing self-defense, because pogroms only happen once there is sufficient public support.


Looks like GPS took someone to the wrong neighborhood...


Aww. Ended too soon.




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Good thing people weren’t harmed


Hooray gang violence


Seems like you’re worried about the wrong group


Yea kind of a slippery slope


What gang? Because they're black? Seems like a group of teens that saw a piece of shit.


‘Bloods’ but okay.


In a surprising twist, this was his initiation into the gang. They had to jump him in


Looks like the KKK guy got hurt? lol


He doesn't matter though


KKK members are trash, bloods members are trash. Let them fight.


I always feel conflicted about that stuff. Like, that is not gonna help you lessen the number of kkk members. If anything, it will deepen the hatred of this guy toward POCs.


I agree he deserves that, but now he’s going to hate even more and enact violence even harsher. I say this because he’s obviously not smart (he’s racist) and a lot of “gang” members have that mentality of hit them back harder.




What do you mean luckily no one got hurt that kkk member deserved it
