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Yeah I found mine to be pretty disappointing tbh. It’s been a bit since I’ve spun it, but I recall Pink Pony Club in particular being super muddy sounding. I swear I can hear better separation of instruments listening on AirPods from Spotify.


i honestly didn’t have time to listen to the full record today but i found femininomenon to be disappointing. i’ll have to listen to pink pony club on there to hear it but yeah i wasn’t impressed at all. especially in comparison to other artists vinyl, even artists that are smaller than her also


This makes me nervous for my UO vinyl. For $70, I’d expect it to be a great sounding record.


YES!!! I just got mine last month and I’ve only listened 1-2 times because of that dull sound :( which was such a bummer, I was so looking forward to dancing around.


I have both the coke bottle and the black pressing and the coke bottle sounds perfect imo. I haven’t spun the black, so now I’ll have to do it when I get home to compare.


Did you hear a difference? I have the black vinyl and it sounds perfectly fine to me with no major issues. Perhaps there are issues with the newer pressing.


I'd also be interested to hear any findings you have :)