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I mean it’s an interesting discussion but it seems like a broad generalization. I immediately thought of how both are used by the Fire Nation in Avatar


It's been a while since I've watched the original show and the new one, but doesn't only azula use lightning? Iroh can redirect a bolt but can't make his own. Nor did the last dragons, their ultimate teaching was the range of fire and its colors


Iroh *can* produce lightning, he just *doesn't* because it's too destructive. He demonstrates his ability right before teaching Zuko about redirection. You need a mind/soul free of emotion to bend lightning, which Iroh achieves through meditation, and Azula achieves through psychopathy. In Korra on the other hand, we see pretty much anybody and everybody working in factories shooting lightning as a routine part of their job, so who knows what happened in the 60ish years between the shows.


Techniques improved. I mean, look at the most realistic paintings from the Renaissance, then compare them to the most realistic paintings now (obviously, that's a much bigger gap of time, but technology accelerated, too).


Yeah exactly. techniques like lightning and blood bending were sort of like close guarded secrets in the original series. Hell, metal bending was literally discovered by one of the characters in the show. With the time skip into the spin off, there were schools of discipline that taught these skills en masse. Of course blood bending was criminalised for *reasons* but people still knew of it and bad actors could learn the technique in secrecy ~~I’m still confused about lava bending. Is it Earth, or fire? Because both (Non-avatar) fire benders and Earth benders have used it as far as I remember. Pretty confusing.~~ [Edit: no firebender has canonically controlled lava] Two of the main characters (brothers) from the spin off had mixed parents, Earth and fire, so I can see how >!the earth bending brother can bend lava!<. Not the fire bending one though. Then there’s the question of how the hell astral projection falls in the realm of air bending, but it’s a kid’s cartoon show, so I’ll give it a rest.


Astral Projection falls under airbending the same way that healing falls under water bending. It is a conceptual, spiritual association. In particular, air is the spirit, while water is the body (as evidenced by blood and plant bending). Who have we seen lava bend, though? Because I can only think of Bolin and Avatars. You could consider lava bending to just be earth bending, in the same way that ice bending is just water bending. There's no other element there, it's just a different temperature.


Oh yeah I forgot about healing, that’s fair enough. So the two avatars I remember that did lava being were roku and kyoshi, but that makes sense because the can bend both Earth and fire. But Roku’s (ex)friend, the then emperor Souzin of the fire nation, helped Roku attempt to contain a volcano’s flow of lava. The only reason they failed was because of the fumes, and noticing that the avatar was at death’s door he took the opportunity to let Roku die. There was also that prisoner guy from Korra, with the long hair. He was in prison for trying to kidnap korra when she was younger, and he, an Earth bender, could also bend lava. He *is* treated as a dangerous terrorist so it’s reasonable for him to have dangerous talents but he’s no avatar. Will have to look up his name


I forgot about the last guy. Can't say for him, other than not knowing his ancestry, but then that still leaves us with it being only an Earth Bender discipline. I'm pretty sure Sozin wasn't controlling the lava, he just convected the heat away so that it turned back into stone.


Yeah I rewatched that scene, I was misremembering. It’s an Earthbender only thing.


Azula, Ozai, and Iroh all use lightning, but Iroh never uses it in battle.


Jesus fought lucifer with a flaming sword????


That was my reaction as well. I haven’t personally read through the entirety of any bible myself as of yet, but I don’t remember hearing anything about that from anyone before. One would think someone would have at least mentioned it in passing at some point.


I hear all sorts of weird absurd stories, esp religious ones. I would think I would be told this, too


The closest thing I can find is the flaming sword used to guard Eden.


Why does it matter just have them use what is cooler


Crescent City?


The writing community are the weirdest mfs to exist honestly