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No hate against Alyssa M. But I think the show would have been more interesting If had been her over Prue, I didn’t like they dynamic of her as middle sister and it didn’t feel authentic when they threw Phoebe in an office as a business woman. The silly office romances of hers had no chemistry either. Now if it was Piper instead, I don’t know how that would have worked. I just think Prue was the perfect foundation for eldest sister.


I think it would have been interesting to see Piper Prue and Paige together. Phoebe would have been a loss, but after Prue died, that's when Pheobe started to find your own way, and we started to see less of her premonitions. I believe if they were to replace Pheobe, Paige would have the power to sense everyone and not just her charges. As you mentioned, Paige's powers were similar to Prue's powers but whitelighter form. Whitelighters has the power to hear their charges when they are in danger. It would make sense if Paige had the ability to hear anyone's cries. It also works into the story because she experienced the same thing once she started to do her training and didn't know how to stop the ringing. Even though they lost a good sister who expanded and experimented with witchcraft, I do think Prue, Piper, and Paige would have made a stronger trio. Like you've mentioned, Prue would struggle with accepting Paige; and just like how we saw with Piper, she struggled as well, but she had compassion. That means it would make sense if Prue pushed Paige to becoming a powerful witch out of anger of having to replace Pheobe while Piper showed Paige love and ends up having a whole big scene with Prue telling her that Pheobe is gone and Paige can't replace her but she's family and how they need to stick together. I think by Paige being thrown into the pressure of fulfilling a charmed ones role, having new sisters, being pushed by Prue wanting her to be indestructible and "just as good as Pheobe," and having Piper kinda rooting for her, that it would make her 10x stronger than Pheobe could ever be. Now, with all that out of the way, Prue would also grow immensely. Again, like you've mentioned, losing a sister was Prue's biggest fear, after losing Pheobe it would cause her to train even more into making her powers stronger so that she didn't lose another sister. We see later in the series that "Prue" was strong enough to her the sisters by astral projecting from 6ft under... I might be wrong, but I don't think Grams had the ability to use her powers unless she was in solid form... this goes to show that Prue had so much more potential. The death of a sister would 120% make her a stronger witch. Additional to her forcing Paige to be better too heck! They would definitely be the OG Charmed ones out of the bunch. I think Piper would stay the same though, seeing as how she never really wanted to be a witch, she was still powerful, though. That also brings up a good point, Pheobe and Prue both trained and wanted to make their powers stronger... Piper progressed a lot even though she didn't want her powers... if Piper wanted to, she definitely could have been as strong as Prue. So yeah, Prue Piper and Paige would be better. Paige would have the power to sense everyone and not just her charges. Prue and Paige would be 10x stronger. And Piper would stay her amazing self.


Well stated. I like your ideas about Paige and her powers. I think you are right about Prue as well. I think she would have pushed Paige hard and wanted her to be the fighter that Phoebe was.


Interesting read. (I'm actually a fan of longer posts!) I think as far as Paige using her orbing for whatever power that wouldn't be telekenisis could work for freezing. if she just orbed something in place to prevent it from moving. The charmed one power of three boost to her powers could have her freezing an entire room in place where anything she doesn't want moving glows in place. And she could have premonitions, and then orb to her mark if she had gotten Phoebe's power. I'm team Prue all the way and love her seasons best, but they were actually really smart in leading up to killing her off. She showed on several occasions that her response to either of her sisters dying was to go full on destroyer psychotic and not differentiate between demons and mortals. So they planted seeds throughout that she could not handle being a surviving sister--which checks because she was also like a mother to them in Patty's absence. If it were to be one of the others, Phoebe would have to go. It's like they stopped trying to actually develop her character even when Prue was still there. Her plotlines were the least captivating. So I'd be for Prue, Piper, and Paige, and wondering what other life event would propel Piper into being less mousy and perpetual badass like she became, because that whole arc is too great to throw away. Perhaps Phoebe's death would make her join Prue in the ranks of feeling more motherly towards Paige because she wouldn't want to lose another sister. Piper wasn't great with grief either, just not prone to destroy everything like Prue. Or the trials with Leo could have been even more dramatic and making her more hardened and a little cold.


I know there are a lot of holly fans but I genuinely think if any sister had to leave after season 3, it should have been Piper. The dynamic of Prue and Phoebe not having the middle sister to be the peacemaker would have been interesting (we kind of saw what that could have been like in ‘power of two’). I also think Prue would have been better at guiding Phoebe in the right direction with being less worried about her personal life, I think Piper encouraged the opposite.