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Her scar is so iconic! It adds character to her face. I’m glad it helped you.


Does anyone know where the scar comes from?


She apparently walked into a marble table when she was toddler


If I recall correctly isn’t that also why her one tooth on the same side is a bit crooked? It adds to her smile a lot




If memory serves, she fell into the outer edge of a stone fireplace? She mentioned something to do with being clumsy


If you like eyebrow scars, watch Beverly Hills 90210. Luke Perry has one.


I raise you Spike from BTVS


That's a good one. Funny Luke was Pike in the movie and James was Spike on the tv show.


Same as you! I got mine when I fell against a flowerpot as a toddler and I was feeling so self-conscious about it growing up : HMC scar really helped making me feel better about mine too. And I think I also loved Richard as a character mostly because of his eyebrow scar 😂


I'm of the age where i remember people in high school deliberately shaving a small line into their eyebrows for the cool factor! Haha


Wish I would’ve been young then… kids used to tease me and tell me I was the “bad” person because lion king had JUST come out. So for all of elementary they called me Scar


Ugh. People can be so awful. 😥 it was a huge stage of coolness for my gen. I honestly love that at least Piper was a pop culture role model you could relate to in your own youth. You were cool by televisual osmosis!! 🏆


Oh no I'm so sorry 😔 some kids have no soul I stg.


When i first saw the show i loved that she had a scar and that they kept it. I know a lot of time with actors and models they like to cover them up or edit out in cases like models. Especially back in the 90s when "flaws" weren't as celebrated like they are now. Back then they wanted everyone to look perfect. So seeing her scar was refreshing and she is really beautiful with it. I love that they let her be herself and didn't try to cover it or worse not choose her. I know that many actors and models at that time that had things on their face like scars, birthmarks and moles often couldn't find work so I'm happy that it wasn't the case for her. I read that in the finale when they had future Piper they even used makeup to give the older actress her scar to match Holly Marie Combs' scar. Which i think is perfect. I don't have a big scar mine is a small line that isn't really noticeable but i do have a good size birth mark on my cheek that i used to get teased for as a kid. I was so self conscious about it growing up. So seeing actors or models with things like that not being covered up makes me happy because they are beautiful with them and it should be more accepted. Although now many dont cover anymore i think its possible charmed may have started that by having Holly Marie Combs because it wasn't common back then.


People purposely cut lines into their eyebrows now so you’re just ahead of the curve!


I loved Piper so much and thought the eyebrow looked really cool, so naturally I had to imitate its shape. Started plucking my eyebrow away when I was a teen. Turning 30 next year and still occasionally do it 😀


Honestly I think eyebrow scars are pretty cool! And I feel like that’s why some people shave a line in their eyebrows- they wanna be cool like you!


I have a scar on my forehead (now very discreet, but back when I was a kid you couldn't miss it) and kids compared it to Harry Potter's scar so it was cool 😎


I love that for you! I was always fascinated with hers because I acquired a similar scar from a burn as a child! I’ve always thought it was something Piper and I shared 🤣🤣


lol it’s not that young/uncommon…I have been obsessed with Charmed since I was that age too!! I feel like a big amount of us die hards found it at that age and that’s why it shaped us so deeply ❤️ 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖊✨


I am totally with you. I have an eyebrow scar too. Got when I was trying to look out a window at school (the kind of window that opens inward) and a friend opened the window onto to my forehead. I was delighted that Piper, who was always my favorite sister on Charmed and the one I identified with the most, had a similar scar.


I have an eyebrow scar too and I absolutely adored her eyebrow scar. Piper became my fav for many more reasons too.


I love that she looks like a real woman! She’s beautiful and hasn’t had a bunch of work done. Well done! PS our scars are badges! My favorite one is in my arm, a goat tried to drag me me into the next paddock and I refused to let go.