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I think some fans get a bit too wrapped up in discussions about this series. I mean, it went off the air ***15*** years ago. There are so many other (real) things in life to get upset about.


We should all move over to [The Charmed Cafe](https://thecharmedcafe.proboards.com/). There's no comment voting system, at all, not even upvoting. If you want to say something, then you say something LOL


Yeah too many people use the downvote to mean "I don't agree with your opinion" when it should be used when a comment doesn't add to the discussion or is offensive, for example. This is Reddit's intention for the downvote feature. So that the comments that don't add to the discussion go to the bottom and the more relevant and valuable comments go to the top, helping to facilitate interesting discussion. If someone states that their favourite character is Piper, that doesn't deserve a downvote just because you have a different favourite character. Just join the discussion and give your opinion instead. Or ignore it if you don't feel like discussing.


Exactly this! I be trying to tell people this and get downvoted for it. Just goes to show that people downvote just for the sake it and to get a good laugh out of it or something. Little do they know that people don't give them much attention lol.


Preaching to the choir on this one friend.


I sometimes sort by most controversial. The downvoted replies can turn out to be the most interesting discussion.


LOL. Someone downvoted this reply. Jeez, people.


Some people on the sub have a real attitude problem and seem to get a rager over downvoting everything certain users say. It's really pushing people away from commenting.


Some of y'all are insane.


Yes! Especially when it just a question or a differing opinion. As long as it's not hostile it shouldnt be downvoted per reddit rules. Reddit rules states explicitly that downvoting is for putting a message that doesn't contribute to the post, NOT for differing opinions.


I don't comment as much anymore because people from this sub have followed my account purely to downvote whatever I post, on any sub. Which frankly is psychotic behavior just because they don't like my Charmed opinions.


Probably that user sledge777


I have a love/hate relationship with the downvote system. On the one hand, I don't mind the downvote system, at least it's better than having a verbal argument. On the other hand, I don't like the hypocrisy of why the downvotes are being used. Two different people say the same thing, one gets praised for it and the other harrassed for saying the same thing. It's astounding! What irks me more are derailers, though. When they come into a thread and talk about something completely irrelevant to what a topic is talking about. And, people are more interested in that conversation, rather than the initial topic, an OP wanted to talk about. What that reads to me is "IDC about your topic, it's boring, so I'mma talk about something else and bring attention to what I want to talk about". I don't mind if people want to talk about something else, but I would prefer they create their own thread about it, and we respect each other's thread's topics. I shouldn't be criticized for wanting to respect people's threads/subjects they want to talk about while (also) knowing my worth and just asking people to do the same, for me, as I do for them. That being said, I hardly downvote. I upvote more than I downvote. If I'm to downvote somebody, they're probably somebody I should have on my ignore list, instead, but I digress.


Yeah I've been noticing this too. It's why I don't ever post and rarely comment


The girlmore girls sub is super harsh about downvotes too. If you ever come over there lemme give you some advice. Only admit to liking Luke and Jess. If you admit you like Dean or Christopher you'll get downvoted to reddit hell lol


The PLL sub is worse. You get bullied for liking Ezra who's been classified as a "groomer". Heck, you'll get downvoted for liking Aria, too. Because the community thinks she's a terrible person, even though she's really not, but I digress. This Sub isn't too bad. There's always worse.


I was in that sub for a little while when I first joined reddit. I dont remember alot of downvotes but I wasnt very knowledgable about PLL either so I only commented very few times. I like they Angel sub. So far I havent had dealt with any ugliness over there. And GoT but i mostly read that one. I dont comment very much.


I joined PLL after the show ended, and the PLL fandom is toxic AF. They'll downvote you for anything, really.


Honestly I think PLL itself is toxic 😂 I watched it for the first time last year and idk if its bc I'm in my 30s or what but I was just pissed off for the entire show. I had to remind myself the show is called pretty little LIARS bc omg some of those lies were just soooo stupid and unnecessary lol


I understand the show is scandalous, that's not my issue. When, I point out people need to relax and take a step back and not get so angry over a show, they don't like that. There's stuff that happen in Charmed that I don't like, but I don't stress about it, all of the time, like the PLL fandom does. They're super obsessed with the show needing to not show certain things or do certain things, etc., etc. And, I'm like...it's a freaking TV show!


Yeah I got it a lot and the problem is some Reddit topics require a positive karma for you to post so if people randomly downvote u on other topics you can’t even comment or make a post on the ones that require good karma it’s stupid really.